What would you do if you found a gold bar Yea Forums?

what would you do if you found a gold bar Yea Forums?

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Cram it up my ass

put it up my butt

suck my own dick

See if I can fit it in my rectum.

suck my own ass and shove it up my dick

It's going Straight up my Dick hole

Cum on it

Deepthroat with it

melt it to use it as anal lubricant

>too weak to carry

Cut myself open and insert it into my large intestine, then sew myself back up.

poop on it and post the photos on instagram

Become a nigger and then stick it up my ass

Fine sum one to melt it down. Then go from there

Give it to a negro as payment for a bbc in my ass

do a whole bunch of gay shit

probably eat it

I wouldnt even bother, id be chiseling off small chunks at a time and just hammer them into smoother shapes to conceal any cut marks.

Divorce my wife

Sell it for as much money as i can and pay off debts. Use remaining to have fun and accumulate new debts

melt it and make a golden sword

Wrap with bacon to repel the Jew.

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order a drink

Melt it down into a lot of smaller chunks, then sell the chunks to various gold buyers in various cities as not to draw attention. Selling it in individual smaller pieces will bring a much higher net gain.

Finally build my new dream pc

If you don't put it in your body or someone elses, you're wasting it.

Put it in my safe.

So I'm a faggot for NOT putting it into my ass? Right... You're a fucking moron.

I'd melt it down and make a buttplug, then shove it up my ass.

Find another one

give it to a black man for reparations