I get angry when i hear someone in public say allah. does that make me a bad guy?

i get angry when i hear someone in public say allah. does that make me a bad guy?

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no,it makes you a racist trump supporter

but im canadian and dont give 2 fucks about american politics


your a bad guy regardless

No, it just means you've been brainwashed by the billionaire owned media

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op said he was canadian,not some buzzword using leftist american faggot

Yes but who cares?

Why do people here pretend to not be American?

If you hit a dog with a stick and it becomes angry and fearful of the stick is it a bad dog?

No, it's a survival instinct to hate muslims.

> (OP)
>If you hit a dog with a stick and it becomes angry and fearful of the stick is it a bad dog?

So humans = dogs?

It just means you're brainwashed.
Some other nigger monkey like you on the other side of the imaginary fence chimps the fuck out when they hear, "Bless you". Or, "Christ be with you".

Don't be a fragile little guy. Be a man. Dont give a fuck. It's just people going about their day.

In my experience this just means you grew up with muslims in your school and witnessed how violent they really are. I'm Canadian too

People like most animals can be conditioned mummy put you on a potty for a reason as a kid

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so OP is toddler?

no, it makes you the hero we need

It means you're a normal, healthy, mentally sound westerner.

But not the one we deserve

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I live in Ottawa, Canada. I grew up with more and more immigrants coming into my school each year, and we were all told to just treat them like anybody else. So we did. And yet some shitskin yells out one day "there's too many white people at this school", another kid consistently talked about how garbage canada is and how great saudia arabia is, and we just have to sit there and listen. If we start an argument it's hate speech and a suspension. A kid was beat unconscious by a group of muslims because he chose glasses over contacts or some shit, another kid was beat unconscious by some muslims in a coffee shop over weed, but nobody is penalized and it's never in the news because putting the shitskins in a bad light would be raaaaciiiist.

I grew up around christians and witnessed how violent they are.

See how that works? Doesn't mean decent muslims are shitty. It just means OP grew up around shitty muslims. I grew up around shitty christians.
Fuck the both of them if they're shitty people using religion to be shitty.

Go back to San Francisco you stupid fucking cuck.

Hurr Durr why libruls call me racist

This was painful to read, I didn't think it was that bad up there

This has happened again and again over time to every group of people. Every group has been a fucking thorn in humanities side at one point or another.
Human beings are just dumb as fuck and the cycle continues.
Watch...in 20 years the group to hate will be...fuck, I dont know...Mormons if they start some shit...maybe satanists...or those scientology kids. Then we'll forget about muslims and they'll just go back to being rag heads you see around town.

I'd rather not...place is a radical liberal shitstorm. But you can, since you act like a glorious winged faggot you'll fit right in.

No, it makes you normal.
In what fucking world should I experience (in Europe) a McDonalds, a KFC and other fastfood joints that are the epitome of US influence on the world and have some Halal motherfucker tell me they dont serve bacon because its a halal KFC?
It's fucking nuts.
My fucking vitamins have "halal approved" on them shits.
It's one thing to be alright with having people shelter and what not its another when your culture is taken over by these nutters.
Fuck them.


Collect proof and bring to a right wing news channel?

Not the guy you're replying to but in Canada our main news outlet is funded by taxes and all the other main ones are also extremely leftist. I'm from the west and I still don't know of any right-wing news sources, I can't imagine how hard it would be to find one in Ottawa.

Bring in more Sikhs.
They're fucking bro tier, and hate the fuck out of muslims, but comtemporary white knight media can't say shit about them because they're brown and also have similar clothing.

It's like having an invasive species get BTFO by a natural predator that befriends you.