How do you get prescriptions for xanax? I literally have anxiety issues and need it to live pretty much. What do i do?

How do you get prescriptions for xanax? I literally have anxiety issues and need it to live pretty much. What do i do?

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Go to a doctor? Tell them about your anxiety problems? Doctors fix medical issues?

What doctors prescribe it? Is it commonly prescribed?

go to a perscriptionist for it.

Ask you regular doctor, but he may be reluctant. If he doesnt want to, see a psychiatrist. Thats what they are for, prescribing psych meds.

It's not. You can tell the doc that you already tried Ativan, Valium, and Klonopin, and that none of them helped. Xanax is a fast acting anxiolytyc. Ask for 0.25 MG tablets.

If you're not a housewife or an old man they probably won't give it to you. You'll have to fight through a dozen shitty alternatives that don't work. Save your time. Buy it on the street.

I was prescribed it and on it for 4 years but i moved and the state i live in now, its like none of them will help me with it out here.

How?? And why the fuck not?

Because it's Amarica and only 'adults' deserve drugs.

What do you mean? I'm 23 so why the fuck not especially since i been on this for 4 years. I just think it's bullshit. I've never needed a medication so much in my life.

What have you been on for four years fuck head?

Notice your prescription is an adiction and gain more mental control without crutches. If you dont listen then cry and bitch somwhere else. Why people like you think life isnt constant challenges ill never get. Just kill yourself or grow into a adult. Pick one, times running out.

You're being a retard. I was addicted to xanax for a year. What hell that year was. Maybe try being a fucking adult and find a way to deal with your issues instead of just bandaiding them up. Have fun when the withdrawal seizures kill your ass.

I bet this makes your mouth water Hahahaha suck a dick i just got these right now
Maybe if you went outside you'd be able to get them off the street.

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Fuck off then fags.
Where the fuck do you live to get that much? You probably don't even need it nigger.

>implying I'll "grow" out of mental illness like it's puberty.
You're a fucking idiot.

Phenibut, you can buy it legally online

Or check out benzo research chemicals if you got big boy dollas

It's not pharmaceutical grade. It's not pure.

john mulaney has a skit abt this ez

Thanks I'll look into it. I'd actually buy it for everyday if it works.

>You probably don't even need it nigger

Nobody needs a benzo you fucking retard

it works, I wouldn't take it everyday tho, id say the withdrawl is worse than traditional benzos because you're dosing upwards of a 1 to 1.5 grams once you develop a tolerance and you definitely will notice it's neuro-toxicity at above 1500 mg

They don't give you the good stuff right away. They'll most likely give you Sertraline first before they give you any of the hard stuff.

Well i probably need it more. You take benzos because you're an edgy fucking faggot that brags about it like an attention whore on my thread kek. Eat all the xans at once and die gay boi.

Good to know

Damn is it kind of like a natural anxiety cure, maybe? I'm actually willing to try it. Mainly because I just want to feel normal. I feel like I'm out of my mind and just fucked up all day without xanax. I hope that would work. Do you got anymore info? Maybe personal recovery story?

If you grew up and fixed your life you wouldnt have fake problems with mental health, dumb fuck.

It's far from natural, it highly acidic, I'm still a heavy drug using degenerate I just have enough money to support my addiction and I also have a benzo prescription which I normally blow through the first weekend I have it lmao but that's okay because my drug of choice is adderall

>fake problems
You're the dumb fuck. Fucking retard. You should definitely kys right away.

Well shit at least you're telling me the best info so far. I don't even care if it's unhealthy really, as long as I feel good enough to live and actually get a job. I have good money though.

Good one, but im not burdened with incorporeal diseases. So im content. Maybe when the drugs stop feeling good you will turn to suicide first?

I generally take the fallout approach to drug abuse, as long as you know where you wanna go, feel free to abuse all the drugs you want to get there but be mindful of real world consequences

Lol whatever fat boy.i found a good pic of you, fat boi!

Attached: Everyone+should+cosplay+as+the+fat+nerd+from+south+park+_50b840c420cc17431c733513f20391db.jpg (1440x900, 151K)

Yeah i don't even give a fuck if i die from it eventually. I'm willing to keep taking whatever it takes.

you can use 5-10mg of melatonin to help with anxiety sometimes. talk to a doctor, tell them the truth. it’s not a big deal. pot works for some people as well

>ITT weak minded socially retarded faggots who blame their problems on not having enough drugs

Not being a sperg isn't hard dude. You should be able to do it without xanax.

Is that your go to..southpark...calling someone fat you cant even see.. what the fuck, pathetic people who have no control of there lives shouldn't be policing others. Maybe this is a cry for help and subconsciously these are problems you have. Drug addiction, self deprecation, weight problems. If that is your life i truly feel sad but there is no way that you just confidently typed that thinking your report is anywhere near damaging, creditable or above any standard of human cohesion. Im baffled. Truly i know the youth is stupid. But idk thats just a level of sheer negligence on any forms of challenging intelligence. Wonderful.

Do not say this. The doctor will immediately suspect drug seeking behavior. Don't admit to taking any illegal drugs or drinking heavily or taking prescriptions that arent yours.

Also you don't need it to live. If you say this to the doctor he will first put you on anti-depressants, tell you to exercise, give you other medications.They will try to get you to fix the root cause of the anxiety instead of giving you a fix it pill. Thats a sure fire way to get you addicted. Unless the doctor is crooked of course, then maybe you have a chance, unlikely though since his livelyhood is at stake and benzos are becoming more scrutinized.

Explain what you're going through with the doctor, he may prescribe something else, and at the end of the appointment you can ask him for something to calm you down if you are having a panic attack. Go from there. You may need multiple appointments before he prescribes you any.

>ITT I smoke pot so I am an expert on drugs now

Shut the fuck up bro, this dude could be in med school or something and has a purpose much higher than you

Also the easiest way to get a couple xanax pills with little to no questions asked is to say you're going on vacation and have a moderate fear of flying. Ask for medication for the flight there and way home. Most of the time you will get xanax, usually only a few pills, but a friend of mine got 30 one time. That was 10 years ago though so im sure times have changed.

Thank you for being reasonable. Its sad that its hard to find people with an understanding like yours. Seriously thank you.

You don't need x you need some cbt

If the guy was in med school he wouldnt need to ask Yea Forums how to get xanax.

go to a psychiatrist, NOT a family practitioner/general doctor, for benzo prescriptions. it may take a few weeks or even months to get an appointment, but they're far more likely to prescribe you medication that actually works instead of just some shitty prozac or zoloft.

>"durrr he could be the next jesus christ!"
Blow me, mad queer. He's another worthless loser like you. Kill yourselves so that the global IQ goes up a few points okay?

Start taking a high dose mixture of cbd with a little bit of thc

I just told my doctor about my anxiety and they prescribed it to me. Unfortunately I have state insurance and they won't pay for them because of the potential for abuse and I can't afford them out of pocket. Sucks that druggies ruin it for people who actually need them

There are other medications for anxiety and depression

Okay buddy take out your insecurities on me, my portfolio is worth your entire life

Why would a doctor give you xanax right away? Here in canada you'll get like a .5 clonazepam prescription. Or atavan. I took xanax before recreationally. Those are heavy

The only time/people that need benzos are those who have seizures and people getting anesthesia for surgeries. They shouldn’t be given to 23 year old children who can’t cope with BASIC human daily functions. I laugh kids like you right out of my office when you come in and look for this shit. Consider suicide, for everyone’s sake.

>zero proof
Ok 12 year old. Having to lie about it on Yea Forums proves you're an underage sperg lol

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sup virgin

I have other medical conditions which limit what I can take and insurce won't cover any of them. My state just says I should try acupuncture or homeotherapy.

You want a subscription to drugs. How are you not a druggie?

"Oh, i get drunk on wine not wiskey. I'm not a alcoholic" nice hypocrocy.

>A subscription to drugs
>Being this retarded
>Clearly a Xanax user
>OP is a gigantic faggot

You must not live in Florida.... I tell my doc what’s bothering me and what I believe will fix me, and I get it. I’ve had multiple docs like this. I’ve never had to doc shop or lie about anything. That’s terrible if you’re saying you don’t feel like you can be honest with your doc and get reasonable treatment. I feel sorry for you, bruh.

Bribe retard

The two scripts I got before insurance stopped covering them allowed me to go out in public without having crippling anxiety attacks. I didn't use them daily only when I knew I'd be spending the majority of my day around crowds.

I agree completely

Well do you have a story? Tell me how you recovered.

Wat..? Do you know who your talking to. I dont use xanax im on the other side of the fence. Please think before you type. Or atleast read before you slam your keyboard.

Shit thank fuck someone gave me a good answer. Thanks, user. I'll keep that in mind. That sounds about right.

How do you switch to CBD for anxiety? I've heard everyone tell me weed will help my anxiety but I just want a better explanation or experience.

This. Seriously i need it.

>Please think before you type
>Trying to insult someone when you don’t even know the difference between PRESCRIPTION and SUBSCRIPTION

lol those are 100% pressed fakes youre a dumbass or you know it and just dont care

Well fuck thanks for telling me. I guess I'll just fucking move to florida i mean hell why not. I've heard this before.

I dropped benzos with it. I buy a bottle of cbd oil from a local dispensary. i put it in gel caps and swollow a couple a day.

Well, Florida is known as the pill mill state. They have a huge problem overprescribing addictive medication.

You should be honest with your doctor, but if you go bragging to him that you get wasted every weekend and have tried all sorts of illegal drugs, more likely than not hes not going to prescribe you an addictive prescription.

Imagine having a doctor that listens to a patient telling him what he thinks he needs. Lol that is fucking retarded. This doctor spent 8+ years in school and 4+ years busting his ass in residency to have some retard come in and tell him what medication the patient thinks will fix him. Obviously your doctor doesn't give a fuck about your well being and just writes you prescriptions to get you out the door as fast as possible so he can make more money.

BTW, getting a long term xanax prescription "to live" like OP is talking about is not common and isn't good healthcare. It wont fix you, it will turn you into a drug addict, and then you will have all the health problems that come with being dependent on a drug like xanax.

Okay I apologize thats not a horrible use. I bet with some time and working on your life and shit you could prolly come off em and be just fine in a crowd. For me learning just how little people actually care about others made it easier for me to come out and be myself then i gained confidence and learned people skills such as communication and all that..shit i should have learned way earlier but eh. Im here now so atleast i got here. There are a lot of people struggling with that type of stuff.

How well does it work? Does it really have that much if an effect to anxiety? I'd stop taking benzos for CBD if that was the case.

Not op, but cbd and weed are two different yet related things. Weed has many compounds and it increases my anxiety. Cbd is just one compound that won't get you "high" but helps with a host of medical conditions.

Alright well i guess it's my psychiatrist fault for giving it to me right away. That fucking sucks.

Dude. Really, all the flavors of the rainbow and you decide grammar nazi. Whatever man. I ment and still mean subscription. You pay for an item monthly. How is that not the same..? Are you just so stupid you try to bring me down with semantics? Please stop im trying to talk to smarter people. Not try hards.

I know that's what I have to do but being raised by a family, and still keeping in contact with them, who constantly judge strangers in public hasn't helped.

Ah.. i see.. its hard man but i believe in you :/ sometimes it just takes time dont be hard on yourself if you fail. Cause you sound like a cool guy/girl whatever xD but i gotta go back to work. See ya.

What if I were to just get off benzos and while I'm tapering off, take CBD all day everyday. Do you think that'd work? I just want to be able to go out and work or feel normal. My anxiety is really high always.

Also anyone serious about stopping their anxiety issues for real wont mind trying other methods to stop anxiety and then trying xanax as a last resort. If you want xanax NOW as a simple fix to cover up your anxiety ridden life then you arent serious about fixing your problems you just want drugs.

Taking xanax literally works on the same receptors as alcohol, so basically its like drinking a couple beers to get rid of your anxiety. Taking it every day will fuck you up just like being an alcoholic will, except less strain on your liver and lower calorie intake.

I have no idea but talk to a doc about getting off benzos. The withdrawals can kill you.

Okay makes sense but how the fuck do you legitimately deal with anxiety to get rid of it then? I'd really like to know because I tried everything and it's still not working.

You’re so right: since they spent a few years in school learning about every medical condition, my doctor knows more about my personal situation than I do. We should all just submit to the medicine man and take whatever they give us. We should never be truthful and suggestive with medical professionals since they know best, regardless of our ideas. Btw, I’m a doctor, and you should have been aborted. Don’t have offspring or they will be cursed with your retarded beliefs.

Well if you read between the lines of that user, he’s suggesting daily drinking as opposed to prescription medication. The only real fix involves a multifaceted approach involving therapy, medications, lifestyle changes, and conditioning to adapt and cope with social... “triggers”. Feel gay as hell saying that. But good luck user. There’s always a path forward.


What a dumb nigger OP is.

get a dealer pussy

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