New celeb thread

New celeb thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


Did you ever wish you were somebody else?

Attached: dua11.jpg (1224x1632, 1.31M)


Attached: UkWE4hk.jpg (1080x1080, 175K)

She looks like shes about to dj with those knockers

Attached: 65556390_864048790648598_355540144182566600_n.jpg (640x427, 70K)

Who you wish you be?

Attached: 3.jpg (1175x1600, 74K)


Attached: turningacornerfu.jpg (1677x1791, 267K)


Attached: 535full-mary-elizabeth-winstead.jpg (535x803, 27K)

You should see a doc

>implying that's a bad thing

Attached: 2019-04-06_02.44.59_2015711011612715327_256404863.jpg (1080x1350, 131K)

I'm happy for you anons

Me but a different me I guess?

Accomplishments are transient

Attached: dua12.jpg (600x800, 41K)

I wish I was a really hot girl for a day so I could feel what its like to be desired as much

Attached: emma5678.jpg (500x700, 69K)

So I've been told.

Attached: 66351308_673006553113266_316799758599120440_n.jpg (640x640, 36K)

wheres that billie eilish vid?

I get it

Attached: 10.jpg (1152x1728, 219K)

I wish I could be you

What vid?

Attached: hottttty.jpg (865x1080, 265K)

Yes, all the time. I wish I was dua's foot slave

Attached: dua and charli.jpg (1024x1471, 275K)


I shouldn't be in this thread.

I wish that i had a time machine and could go back and change things.

Attached: nina_allhearts.webm (640x1136, 1.96M)

Attached: 70b13dd2-0039-4706-a096-8def081d373d.jpg (706x478, 68K)

or you could be a good looking guy and go to a John Mayer concert. you will be desired like you never thought possible. so much pussy you can literally smell it in the air. and they're all tipsy/drunk. tipsy puss is good puss. I see what you're saying tho

Attached: sheleggme.jpg (1200x1801, 242K)

There is no you to be anyone.

>I wish I was dua's foot slave
This is at least reasonable
You should

Attached: Ryan-Newman(2)-Feet-4265739.jpg (1080x1349, 744K)

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I don't want to fuck a girl. They're annoying and overrated. I would much rather get desired and fucked by a hot guy.

A cute


Attached: emma55334.png (500x650, 451K)

Literally fucking who?

Okay, leaving the thread.

Attached: dove_brushing.webm (640x800, 409K)

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Insta whore

That's Dadfu's daughter, have some respect.

Attached: Dovey_inarobe.jpg (1080x790, 92K)

Sarah Ellen?

My friend’s daughter

maisie williams lookalike camgirl online now:

I desire you

Thank you qt

That's one of the nicest things anyone has said to me

It feels much better to know, that you won't feel a thing

Attached: dua13.png (500x694, 482K)

You should stay

Attached: ac7e71c.jpg (1027x1284, 190K)


Taylor Swift's pussy stinks


What's up Duanon? I read the thread a bit before it went kaboom. I've been there, last time I went missing in action and didn't post for a week was the same reason as you.

Let me know if you wanna talk about it.

Attached: nina_flylikeabird.jpg (867x1080, 162K)

Nina in a ryry thread, I tell the corpse in the box!

Why? You going to stop posting RyRy?

Attached: neener_slooty.jpg (1118x1550, 277K)

Those eyes look like Sarah Ellen.

Attached: 327b5ef8d372404c4b54808ecc49cb23.jpg (1080x1349, 167K)

JJ you gay

Snitches get stitches user!

Plus I'm not looking at the pictures, just the thumbnails.

Attached: Neeners_dontlikeyou.webm (246x320, 62K)

damn bro that's pretty gay but to each their own

Attached: 944c3e1217836404.jpg (1600x2178, 683K)

You are not going to do shit

Attached: Ryan-Newman(2)-Feet-3649552.jpg (2517x3915, 925K)


this is finally the pic where I get it

buenas noches a todos

Attached: 2019-07-22 17.00.08 2093873624202369403_16754881.jpg (1080x736, 127K)

night cutie

Whew, lad

WTF does that even mean? So many fucking retards on here.

you good bruv?

Attached: 2.jpg (1500x1720, 1.46M)

Mess with the meow meow and you get the pow pow

Attached: YPCG5Hk.jpg (1080x1349, 188K)


Traitor gets .. b8tor...... didn't think that through.

me encanta

Attached: Charli-XCX-3626416.jpg (1080x1080, 1.48M)

lmao dam bro ya lit i'm a fag lmao

How are you neener?

I'm a bit sore about you stuffing ems in a box to die, so im lewding all your bendy Neeners in revenge.

Attached: 715full-mary-elizabeth-winstead.jpg (715x498, 40K)


are you the good looking guy at the Mayer concert by any chance?

Dance with me for I'll be leaving soon

How does a kindness such as yours exist?

Attached: dua14.png (460x374, 265K)

ily lots duabro

Fucking moron

you forget about that Disc again brudda?

Sometimes I wish I was bd so then I could kill myself and remove a pestilence from the world

Attached: 2019-07-11 16.34.01 2085887945245795527_16754881.jpg (1080x1350, 130K)

Don't do it bro...

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Ily more Duabro

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Night you meanies

Attached: dadfu and ryry.jpg (1080x1080, 419K)

Attached: Lilly mo.webm (640x640, 1.05M)

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Don't mess with Dadfu, he has a lot of very hormonal daughters who will kill you.

I'm good, alive, kicking, unlike ems...

He'll be back, user's really never die.

I've been there and at that time people helped me out and talked to me. Just looking to return the favor and help someone else out.

*pic is for duanon*

Attached: nina_iloveyousomuch.webm (1280x720, 1.94M)

who shit in your Wheaties faggot

Attached: vJg4palMa.jpg (1237x1920, 388K)

I still would.

Attached: 4rCAohj.jpg (1918x800, 83K)

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Attached: 0BTnR8o.jpg (1024x1820, 248K)

ily too kind user

aw man i suck at disc, sorry friend :(

not while i got more drink

we don't deserve you

Attached: dua15.png (460x374, 287K)


sure, yeah I have been. why do you ask anony?

Attached: cookie~17.jpg (736x1024, 168K)

Chicago was incorporated as a city in 1837

Attached: F56D1113-C3DC-48F3-A9E3-4CD7010709C3.png (720x1280, 654K)

Night Dadfu, night Dadfu's daughter.

Attached: neeners_withweirdosstaringatherass.jpg (1118x1677, 268K)

kek I know

Attached: D87E4B39-AE3D-41D1-ACDA-992793127531.jpg (1920x1280, 595K)

Those are fucking massive. I mean how?

Fuck yes, redhead with great tits my favourite

Attached: 4A8AB942-F8F8-489F-9D5A-1B669F309A60.jpg (280x435, 60K)

knew they called you chad for a reason

Attached: BA231616-F4D3-4B9F-BF7E-1CB514C76FEB.jpg (1200x1170, 100K)

Still tho. Gib flexy bendy Neeners plz.

Both Neeners and Nessafren have my disc if you need someone to chat with, dua fren. You seem very nice.

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Chicago’s 58 million visitors in 2018 made it the second most visited city in the nation, behind New York City

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This has been tittyfacts

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Attached: 581FE220-150C-4DDE-9282-8A8965061017.jpg (876x1000, 90K)

yeah fuck you too buddy

name and more please

imagine hating on pedos when your favourite user is one

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Becky G

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Attached: AA913D2E-D6BC-4EDB-BA58-95C61EFE04DB.jpg (616x1143, 82K)

Bendy Neener? I don't remember that filename.

This one?

Attached: neener_workoutbooty.webm (640x1136, 1.88M)

Thanks thought she looked familiar!

explain this

Damn Kathy Lee got big tiddies

Attached: 5E3ED4D9-2343-4225-80C7-28D5A4A922B4.jpg (751x418, 49K)

I'm called that because it's my name. my actual name lol
I'd fuck the shit out of Kathy Lee
meet me in the street and let's settle this like men

Attached: bxwuPpab.jpg (792x1275, 252K)

Did you also pick up the ones that where deleted quickly?

Attached: 3F454009-37A5-4BDB-B2FC-22312A776CA2.jpg (547x900, 103K)

Either Chad, ems or dadfu

Dont be coy. I know you have a stash of fit and flexible Neeners! Cough em up!

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wasn't her

*We* don’t deserve you

Do keep going please

Attached: 68BAE354-5B71-41CD-A387-D3746CB2C85D.jpg (640x854, 87K)

Chicago is located on a continental divide

Attached: 90E59C39-F51B-45B9-B22A-2409E2A7A3CE.jpg (960x1280, 400K)

No I missed them sorry

Attached: francescacapaldi___BfJFGZ_Hk7U___.jpg (1080x1080, 199K)

who hates pedos but likes them

Attached: francescacapaldi___BwNV3WRnsTM___.jpg (1080x1080, 141K)

funny meme
go lop your head off, I'll be satisfied.

This one?

Attached: nina_thrusting2.webm (640x1136, 1.7M)

I really appreciate that, I will ask them qt

Each one is louder than the one before, people you care for

Attached: dua16.png (460x374, 378K)

Attached: 11.png (1440x1080, 735K)

Monkeys on a banana

Attached: francescacapaldi_1___BdayU7xHdcT___.jpg (1080x1080, 108K)

Still love my girl Kreayshawn tbh

Attached: kreayshawn-featured.png (700x355, 391K)

Attached: cap_2019-07-22 17.01.46 2093874455118785619_16754881_00:00:02_01.png (720x1280, 1.25M)

Any ass pics

The great Chicago fire of 1871 left nearly 100,000 people homeless.
Many of them are still homeless to this day

Attached: FEBCF696-C7CB-459E-BCF4-B690C804528F.jpg (960x1280, 420K)

Absolutely stunning


At well over 100 years old they are still homeless?

no faget

Attached: sadfu wicker park 2.jpg (1498x1000, 136K)

>to this day

Attached: babs CHECK EM.jpg (1280x1920, 201K)

She's a very attractive young woman with ugly legs, but I really want to see her tits. Nudes when?

to each their own

Attached: 740full-francesca-capaldi.jpg (740x925, 105K)

Tfw no chicago user to milk out your 3 day nutt

Attached: 72ed2bf11ce0ac2a369ce62c1cd2042e.jpg (720x1080, 193K)

Attached: fffttt444.jpg (483x700, 239K)

>great Chicago Fire created the undying

Attached: 75E397C2-E407-42BE-9144-AE958528F122.jpg (276x276, 41K)

Hello playmates

Attached: Ri Red Intense.jpg (730x1024, 77K)

Her back must hurt all the time.

Feet game on fucking point

Attached: Kreayshawn-Feet-4064000.jpg (1080x1080, 203K)

Attached: 46603134_19933331_112979416005450_8082868154579025920_n-jpg.jpg (1080x1350, 109K)

Chicago was ranked as the second gayest city in the United States, as well as the third gayest in the world.
Mostly because of one sissy faggot who sucks off straight guys while they look at celebs

Attached: BDE75DE7-3895-4B34-AF07-637DDE8BE595.jpg (480x480, 29K)

You’re the sweetest of hearts

What the fuck is wrong with you?
She's only 14! How can you say that abouta literal child?! You're a sick fucking pedophile, and you need to be castrated then executed!!!!

Attached: 9D440344-CE0C-4029-A698-8CDB8FAFD8AB.png (325x358, 244K)


Her butt is nice, but her tits are better.

Attached: 1559968654630.webm (720x720, 1.08M)

I know right?

Attached: ba42e212c4c50817042f517498b5da5f.jpg (736x1104, 119K)


Holy shit that body tho

Attached: FF43CD99-6128-4C61-82E6-1162D0B4CF08.jpg (450x450, 36K)

Bullshit! I love nowhere near Chicago.

Attached: francescacapaldi___BfAAAXYHYF5___.jpg (1080x1080, 125K)

Shat is past tense for shit.


Her hair right user?

Attached: francescacapaldi_2___BdayU7xHdcT___.jpg (1080x1080, 124K)

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Attached: KZohmyy.jpg (720x889, 109K)

Yes... the hair...

I speak of mine own self

Attached: 12A1371D-1928-474A-A25C-F255B7D82E84.jpg (875x1350, 261K)

Feet pics please god I'm about to cum

Attached: 37091517-1947-4964-8133-6E66ED19E14C.jpg (664x506, 75K)

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Attached: 43A7FDEF-05B8-4E5E-9038-62DC666CCCCF.jpg (182x268, 13K)

Attached: neeners_buttoutthepool.webm (404x604, 1.8M)

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Attached: 71C7C331-0DB1-4B15-993E-30584E4E1005.jpg (468x473, 71K)

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Attached: 9F91723C-0BBB-49CF-987E-5782C9B55980.png (357x241, 231K)

Oh. In that case, got a discord?


Attached: 9BFEFDF4-0EDF-4B50-AA2F-288F1A0445C4.png (500x466, 77K)

Attached: 65351819_instasave.jpg (1080x720, 645K)

Attached: francesca-capaldi-2018-race-to-erase-ms-gala-in-beverly-hills-6.jpg (1280x1920, 353K)

Attached: 1A1DF583-2BD2-4A69-B743-D9CBB8AE5146.jpg (800x601, 100K)

just ran the numbers

aubr still cute
me still straight

Attached: 1552615853684.jpg (2000x3000, 1.21M)

Attached: CF379BD5-5702-4A2A-B30E-EFF6564DA310.jpg (250x187, 3K)

owns my cock still

Attached: neener_hiviz.jpg (1080x1350, 230K)

I'm gonna need to double check your working

Attached: 13.jpg (1000x1500, 246K)

Is that laura bailey?!? Great mommy knockers

leak new nudes please.

Attached: 1550469871699.jpg (800x635, 88K)


Attached: KScatchinmyseed.jpg (1280x580, 84K)

Attached: 1864280753837995272.jpg (1080x2076, 177K)

she trusted me with those nudes, I'm not about to give them to a stranger

Attached: 12.jpg (2400x3211, 560K)

Attached: francescacapaldi___BzN7JSAnbXN___.jpg (1007x1007, 153K)

i checked the equipment's calibration 3 times

Attached: 1552616025537.jpg (1000x563, 52K)

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Attached: 627839.jpg (3000x2572, 806K)

Ay dios

Would you give them to a friend?

Attached: 1471081064539.jpg (2100x3150, 910K)


Attached: shake.webm (568x696, 1.96M)


Attached: nina_pumpingaway.webm (640x1136, 371K)

for some cookies, maybe.
>totally the person you were talking to

Attached: JOHN JACOB JINGLEHEIMERSHMIT.jpg (480x360, 11K)

> "Secret XXX" Chan Updated-

kmn, incinerate my body, then kill it again

Becky getting the nutt

Attached: emmaqtkeks.webm (900x684, 1.99M)

Attached: 6.webm (640x520, 428K)

Attached: 1552614409148.jpg (438x1000, 86K)

Attached: nina_gownbigtease.webm (480x852, 1.35M)

Just look at the size of those things.


Give me all your lewd Neeners i desire their power
Whew dem tanlines

Attached: 1563735794271.jpg (2000x2598, 1.18M)

ah so we've found a new 14-year-old to obsess over, brilliant news

Attached: t1.webm (640x360, 827K)

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Attached: D_8vx9YWkAAB0EZ.jpg (1200x1200, 180K)

I cannot, will not, you can have this one though. It was for ems, but he's ded now! RIB ems.

Attached: neener_haskissesforjj.webm (720x1280, 693K)

Attached: a58d06d2b08cf9ebd772432fd543e670.jpg (657x1309, 119K)

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Attached: tumblr_ppd02tCrAM1ts9pye_1280.jpg (750x1125, 154K)

Eat a dick dingus.

Attached: neeers_leave.jpg (960x960, 88K)

bored of mbb?

Attached: 1477873993867.jpg (2000x1273, 196K)


I'm actually paid to post her she's gotta new YouTube show out you should check it out it's fresh!

Attached: 1563827076231.jpg (1080x1080, 161K)

no, but I wish I could have told myself to buy fistfuls of bitcoins

Attached: o (2).jpg (1080x1349, 223K)

Never you blasphemer


who dis



YouTube stars are now bigger than most tv stars user. Sad isn't it?