Say what you really want out of life

Say what you really want out of life

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Just to be able to pay off my debts.
I don't want to be rich.
I want to live very modestly, but not have to constantly stress over bills.

good luck buddy

this is not bad goal to have.

>find soulmate
>go live somewhere mildly isolated
>ascend spiritually
>write all the amazing bits about existence that went through my mind in some book
>live and die free of all frustration
alternatively :
>stop caring about what anyone else thinks and does
>have fun for a few years and die in a fit of rage

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man butt

Go on a pilgrimage/crusade. Literally, that's all I want.

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a bunch of money so i can travel, stay in expensive hotels, eat fine foods and fuck high end prostitutes

I like ya and I want ya

with or without condoms?

to have a safe place to sleep at night and be able to afford food at least once a week.

Fuck my wife's best friend

Pussy, food, sleep

I just want to feel loved.

just want her.
everything else is just to forget

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I want it to have a meaning

A reason

cute and loyal wife, good kids, strong family, property/farm, friends and just to feel like i belong somewhere

a foam of money supply that wouldn't run out
also to be content with life and be rich and famous but some something respectful and great like a great books or some kind of theory

also end world wars suffering and hunger and end the suffering of the people in palestine and stop jewish tricks and assimilate all jews so much so they are not zionist any more

you are loved user believe it
wanna discuss your problems? i'll sit and hear you out
i' will hear you guys too


I really just want my kids to have happy fulfilling lives.

I want to retire with my wife and not die as soon as I retire, and want to be able to travel and see every national park in the US and in Canada

why not assimilate all the pallies

Pretty similar to my thoughts. Just to make enough money (at a job that’s even remotely fulfilling and not toxic) to be a modest property owner and take a decent trip on an annual basis.

I just want to not feel miserable all the time. That would be nice.

I actually haven't been posting Yea Forums for years, but this night the feels hit hard. And I had nowhere else to turn.
It's been over 5 years since we dated and I still miss her just as much as back then. Have been with a bunch or women in between and been living with a now ex girlfriend.
But nothing feels right.

cos the jews are world over the palestines are just in that one place. If jews assimilated there would be no reason for hate. No one screems death to catholics or death to muslims. Judism is seen as a race when ever a jewish person fucks up

nobody to talk to irl?
user what makes you miserable all the time?

literally everything in this post is not accurate

I honestly just want to be that FBI guy that just post shitty bait

other people have those feelings man it's know that to start with

Crush my enemy
See him driven before me,
And to hear the lamentation of the women.

Lack of connection, lack of intimacy, and the feeling that life is passing me by. I'm 33 and every year it looks more and more likely that I'll die without ever even going on a date.

You pussy.

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I want to be able to forget the past and focus on nothing but the future. Having chronic pain is awful, it really starts to weigh heavily on your mind, not being able to escape it is torture. I’m bipolar 1 and have had several full psychotic episodes, one lasting 37 days in an asylum. They had to use ECT because nothing was working.

I don’t really care about money, or having nice things, I just wish I wasn’t so alone/lonely. I fall asleep every night listening to the same creepypasta female narrator, gives me a false since of someone being here with me.

If I could change one thing about my life, just one wish, it would be to speak to my dead girlfriend one last time. It’s been almost 14 years since she died and my heart still aches. I didn’t get the chance to tell her I loved her, to say goodbye, she meant the world to me. Now my existence is hollow, I secretly wish to pass away in my sleep so I could get my wish.

My dick between Ana's tits

well being on Yea Forums is not gonna be good for that particular issue i am afraid. this site teaches you to be miserable, bitter, anti-social, and sexually messed up.
try something radical like no masturbating until you manage to successfully flirt with a girl irl and get her phone digits

I need a break. Like as money break, in the form of a lottery or a job I actually enjoy.. I am mentally tired.. maybe Kek can give me some numbers to show me support..

No one I could justify call at 2am on a weekday.
Im just tired of everything. Even though I enjoy what I do on daily basis. The knowledge of never to be with the women I love hurts insanely. And the understanding that I probably never will fall in love with a women again does not help.

just to get my dick sucked every day, is that so much to ask?

What I want to create in my life is..............

Enough money that I can say whatever I want and do what I want (without hurting others) without fear that I'll lose my way of life. Fuck girlfriends, I already get enough attention from women and have high sexual market value (unlike these incels) . But I still have to work a dayjob and that upsets me a bit - I can't wait to work for myself someday and make even more money doing the same thing.

was ana your number 2 or 3?

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Masturbation is the only way I stay sane though. Without some form of sexual release, I'd just go completely crazy. And I've never successfully flirted with a girl in my life, so that would just mean giving up masturbation indefinitely.

got a certain woman in mind to do it?

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I want someone I can grow old with, buy a house, travel with. Someone that can out play me in the stupid autistic games I play. Also wish I made enough money to put all my bills on auto pay and never have to worry about it.

a severe solution for a severe issue right? got to think about what you really want in your life, barely being satisfied or being happy (which means risk taking of sorts)

What happend user?
Did your girlfriends death tick your bipolar to come forward?

>what i really want out of life is to be able to automatically pay lots of money to my corporate overlords
What the fuck is wrong with humanity?

so are you only upset by these memories during the night is that what you're meaning?

capitalism in a nutshell


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A fucking hot woman like that, but submissive and caring.
>because you can get anything you need for free, no charge
What the fuck is wrong with you?

During the day, when theres stuff to do, its easier to forget in the moment. But I think about her at least 10-20 times a day. First thing I think of when I get up. And last when I fall asleep. And sometimes like today when I cant fall asleep.

Wanting to not have to worry about paying bills is what's wrong with humanity?

Go back to your mom's basement you fuckin tard.

Any adult that lives in a modern nation has bills. There's no way that will ever change. Quit fantasizing.

Do you think not masturbating would actually help in any specific way, or is it just a punishment for not reaching a goal?

For it to fucking get it over with.

a woman? not many?

Cash, grass and ass

I just want my chronic diareha to stop

Just to have a fulfilling sex life with my wife. Sometimes I feel like I am the only one who tries or cares.

Just wear a butt plug until you explode and die. Problem solved.

also if jews assimilate there would be no antisemitism as jew's would not stick out or would be seen as different but part of the society.

If you want fulfilling sex, you'll have to get it from someone other than your wife.

You can join antifa and roll play with those fags and act like you are fighting a war.

ideally give you a little motivation and make you hornier and wanting women more. think about how you can do the act again once the target is met

Germany's Jews werre the most assimilated on the earth study some books man

I'll try thanks for the advice fag.

Catholic priests try that shit and then end up raping young boys. I don't want to get so horny that I do something I regret.

yes and the other jews hated it so killed most of them

ther jews that didn't like isreal wanted to go back and they were bombed zionists kill jews

catholics were being killed in the past as well but they assimilated and now they are not seen as different

I want to kill the Jews

well of course celibacy forever will make you weird in the head, i'm not saying you should do that route.
you would probably masturbate before you rape somebody right? if you were gonna give up and fail (don't do that)
this idea is to get a sex outlet for you
better than masturbating

Harm noone. Live well.

dont listen to that fag, keep jerking off but push yourself to flirt and reward yourself by jerking off twice as much after some success
its best to pump yourself up and talk about how awesome you were. even if it doesnt feel true, youll start to focus more on your positive traits

sounds like you just suck in bed

Celibacy forever does make you weird in the head, be it voluntary or involuntary. I'm obviously in the involuntary category. I'd love a sex outlet other than masturbation, but that's not up to me. Someone has to decide she wants to have sex with me, which has never come close to happening.

Graduate from university, have a stable job with benefits, live comfortably, get married.

To be happy.

I want enough money that I don't have to work again. If I I feel like volunteering for a good cause then I could.
I want a good woman to be by my side that isn't fucking crazy.
I want to die happy

to be fucked by big dick trannies and eat the ass of every woman I meet

a quick death

> "Secret XXX" Chan Updated>