Does anyone have the video of this dude shooting up a mosque?

Does anyone have the video of this dude shooting up a mosque?

Attached: NZmosqueshooting_AP__190.jpg (900x450, 183K)

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Attached: tumblr_m90yrc3Ias1qh59n0o2_250.gif (245x188, 262K)

it's illegal share the video

Attached: NZlivestream.jpg (315x209, 78K)

It's not.

go on best gore

Clearly it is.. but they can pretend that it isn’t in jail...

only in NZ

Share you beautiful person

you got a torrent program?

would take too long to dig through saved porn to find it

Of course

It's on

I no longer have the torrent but user is right, it's on bestgore

Yes you will notice some suspicious occurrences

and dont forget, subscribe to pewdiepie

Thanks buddy

no worries. See if you can spot the guy bagged and cuffed in the corner.

It's also on documenting reality. Just google it.

what's a mosque? You mean a mosquito ? Little piss ant blood sucking pest who can kill you. I say shoot the...what did you call it...mosque?

what do you mean? I saw the video and don't recall that. It was a little grainy but I don't remember a cuffed guy...huh

watch again.


Attached: bagged2.png (817x517, 331K)

hands behind his back
face abd hair not visible
clearly a sack on his head
then he is shot and slumps over

Attached: bagged3.png (817x525, 360K)

on top of that there's like 50 people there, nobody running, nobody screaming, nothing. There's doors they could easily exit out of but don't move at all. Even when he runs all the way down the hall and outside before coming back.


Execution between Drug Lords in Greece.

M8 there's a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory thread with your name written all over it on the first or second page. Go there.

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