Honestly the definition of psychopath and sociopath seems to describe your average confident Chad more than it does an incel or alt-righter. So why do normies call us psychos?
Honestly the definition of psychopath and sociopath seems to describe your average confident Chad more than it does an...
go to /adv/
the only thing you will recieve here is porn
They know we can think for ourselves, and that scares them. Morality is nothing more than a human construct or an illusion to fool the masses into obeying authority
nice digits
From what I’ve learned, psychopathy and sociopathy are basically the same thing, except that psychopaths are born with the disorder while sociopaths develop the disorder during early childhood. I also believe that psychopaths have worse symptoms than a sociopath because it is genetic in psychopaths, but only somewhat learned/conditioned in sociopaths
Is it just me or is the sociopath a certain doctor?
"Nothing means anything and everything means nothing."
"Characterized by carelessness, selfishness, narcissism, impulsive behavior, superficial charm, criminal and aggressive behavior"
>They don't go together though user. A total disconnect.
Becauae you are a creepy psycho who doesn't know the difference to himself and a normal person. For you everyone is unnormal. That's why it's you. Go masturbate in your mom's cellar.
>i can be your angle or your devil
better sick than sheep
That's not Atheism, you're describing Nihilism (which is infinitely more retarded than simple atheism)
>hurr durr you stop being who you are and become a normalfag
>everyone should be a normie
pleddit showed up pretty quick
Sheep to what? Religion? At least with Christianity, I refrain from doing more evil than I would did I not believe in God.
If it weren't for my belief in God, I will openly say that I'd be a worse person. I'd be truly evil and I ask "Why not?" You can tell me that "It's wrong!" all day and all you want. If there is no God, there is no sense in me going out of my way to be positive and good. In my own exact words, I have said "If there is no God, then you, your family and all your friends can swiftly go fuck yourselves." That is exactly how I'd feel.
I'd be an incredibly selfish person. I'd lie, cheat, steal, whatever I wanted because at that point? Life is what I make it. And I'll make it heaven for myself, even if it means making it hell for others. If there is no God, then everything means nothing and nothing means anything. I'd be the guy you didn't want around. I mean, if there is no God, how inconvenient a thing to go around and try to be your neighbor and your brother. This world is full of assholes. Why should I take anyone's shit at any time if there is no God? I wouldn't.
So I think atheists shouldn't be so quick to remove God from me. It is my God that makes THEIR world a safer and better place for THEM and THEIR families. It is my God that makes me want to try and be a better person to people who otherwise wouldn't deserve it. You take my God from me, and you're taking more than you know. You might even be stealing from yourself in the long run.
>needing a sadistic deity to justify one's own lack of empathy.
Tf 2 Medic
Nice trips, but you leave the medic from TF2 out of this.
Both of these diagnoses were dropped in the DSM V. Fuck off newfag
They also switched from Roman numerals to Arabic for the "5," but I don't see you sticking to that
Even that description isn't entirely accurate on its own, it still leaves out that there are different forms of each illness and different degrees of each form. This infographic can be true for some cases, or just the opposite for others.
I don't want to be a better person because God told me to be. I want to be better because I actually agree with Him. I can see what you might call "His vision" of the world. And if it means making me NOT do something when I otherwise want to, I wouldn't call that a bad thing. Actually, I think if you took faith away from everyone that believed overnight, something awful would have taken place. Would you really think that taking some people's only reason to live away from them and that NOTHING bad will come of it? The only reason they try at all and now it's gone? I think it's safe to say the world would head in an awful direction.
nice leddit tier response, phoneposter
They aren't gone, though. They've been combined under the umbrella of "antisocial" personality disorders. The words themselves are still used and still have a very clear unchanged definition.
Also, people with ASPD aren't supervillains. 99.99999% of the time they're just junkies and thieves who end up in prison because they don't think ahead and plan how to get away with shit. Also a lot of child molesters have antisocial traits. People need to quit watching dexter and hannibal and use the internet for something besides googling "why is my penis below average" or "when is my dad coming back from getting cigarettes"
if you need religion to be a good person then you aren't a good person you're just pretending to be for Jesus or whoever you choose. Being religious doesn't make you a good person.
weren't they just renamed?
Because you have the image of a Hollywood psyco. Many criminal incels are arrogant, impulsive, cocky, liars, aggressive, irresponsible, and social outcast. Using your image as a reference. The hollywood psyco is a smooch, cold, and evil bastard.
That's right. Being religious doesn't make you a good person. Realistically, nobody is a good person. We may make good decisions and do good deeds, but in our heart of hearts we are selfish deceitful bastards. I just say "good" for the sake of argument you might say. And to pretend would make you a hypocrite. Don't get me wrong. I think about killing people, I drink too much, I have told more lies than I could count, I've had a 3-way with a married woman and her husband (no we didn't touch each other), etc. I've done things and have certainly fit the bill for a sinner. All things I regret and wish I could take back. Why? Because of God. And again, not because he told me to. But because I myself want to. He is just the only reason I want to try and the only reason I even consider "another way". Were it not for Him, I'd indulge in whatever I wanted even if it were at the expense of others. Because if there is no God, you and I and everyone else is meaningless and purposeless. And to give me that "You gotta find meaning and purpose" fortune cookie shit is the same as me telling you to read the Bible. I found purpose. I just have to go out there and live it for what I believe to be the right cause.
I admire your seal, but maybe b isn't the best place for your evangelical work.
The sociopath in your pic looks well put together. According to the best research, sociopaths are less likely than average to have a college degree, more likely to have been incarcerated, etc.
They are more akin to a typical "street thug" than you average office worker.
The kids would of grown up with an idiot of a mother.
Its part of culture and values. It helps that the base rules are things like "Don't kill and steal" instead of "Pay the vendor to adjust your Theten level"
>needing an enforcer deity to remedy one's own lack of empathy.
On some level, this is what St. Paul's whole thrust really amounts to. Some people need it, and some don't. So whether it's for good or ill is a matter of judgment that really is more forensic than theological.
Edit: “If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.” - James 1:26
“And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.” - Matthew 6:5
“Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.” - Matthew 6:16
So as you can see here: Yes. A religious man's religion accounts for nothing if he does not learn self control and temperance. And we are told repeatedly to refrain from hypocrisy. This is all part of the change and transformation that is supposed to occur when becoming a Christian. And as for Yea Forums being a bad place to preach? If I were to ask Christ, I can imagine he might say that this is an excellent place to be.
“And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples. And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners? But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick." - Matthew 9:10-12
The difference between a sociopath and a psychopath is a psychopath is born that way, and a sociopath is made that way. Usually trauma, god awful upbringing, neglect, exposure to violence...
Sociopath though sharing in the symptoms with a psychopath was baptized in a troubled life style.
This was made by some Tumblr kids. That isn't at all accurate and many professionals use these traits to identify both psychopaths and sociopaths. Please go back to Tumblr
because you are an obnoxious twat that isn't illiterate
Is the "sociopath" pic related? Or am I imagining things?
you are mistaken, people with ASPD tend to be anti-social not extremely popular, hence why it's called anti social personality disorder
legitimate sociopaths (the term isn't used medically anymore) are strong examples of ASPD and often have difficulty being able to empathize with people they have to learn to try to fake social behavior and most often are unsuccessful socially but by others they might be considered ''charming''
psychopaths are similar as it is the same traits that a ''sociopath'' posses (an extreme case ASPD) except not only do they not have empathy but they also get enjoyment and seek out harming others intentionally
Most ''chads'' or men with high status are actually both physically attractive and socially popular, social acuity and popularity don't tend to go hand in hand with ASPD, in fact you are more likely to be isolated and or involved in crime if you suffer from ASPD
ideas' values can be obnoxious, above being anything that they inherently are and all of those definitions are things that are known and then taken out of context