REAL IQ TEST. Only 5% of Harvard students got this problem right. KEK. I got it right, Harvard let me in!
2 + 3 = 8
3 + 7 = 27
4 + 5 = 32
5 + 8 = 60
6 + 7 = 72
7 + 8 = ???
REAL IQ TEST. Only 5% of Harvard students got this problem right. KEK. I got it right, Harvard let me in!
2 + 3 = 8
3 + 7 = 27
4 + 5 = 32
5 + 8 = 60
6 + 7 = 72
7 + 8 = ???
be honest, did you use google? Or are you good at maths?
so on
this is ez bro
I hate when retarded people make this kind of stupidity using shit logic to then call it math
I'm dumb why isn't this 12
um, this is math?! Basic math.
x + y = x[y + (x-1)}
x = 2 y = 3
2[3 + (2-1)] = 8
this shit ain't 8. it's like (1x4) + (2x3) = 4 + 6 = 10
fucking brainlets
meant to put 1x2+2×3
You gotta be a jew to get in, not smart, faggot.
got it right.
I'm doing my PhD in physics. Not surprised if only 5% of harvard students could get it because most harvard students study liberal arts.
2 + 3 Turns into 2 x (3+1) = 8
3 + 7 Turns into 3 x (7+2) = 27
4 + 5 Turns into 4 x (5+3) = 32
5 + 8 Turns into 5 x (8+4) = 60
6 + 7 Turns into 6 x (7+5) = 72
7 + 8 Turns into 7 x (8+6) = 98
What do i win OP? 5 whole IQ points?
that's how i pictured it too
x + y actually = x * (y+r) where r is row number
answer is 98
this isn't math it's just pattern recognition
or if you assign alt numbers such as
2 = 1
3 = 7
4 = 2
5 = 30
6 = 52
7 = 20
8 = 30
1 + 7 = 8
7 + 20 = 27
2 + 30 = 32
30 + 30 = 60
52 + 20 = 72
20 + 30 = 50
Another answer can be 50
quads mutha fucks
Who needs Harvard when you can get quad 8's at will
Yo multiply them and then multiply the first digit by 1 for the first second for the second so on and than add
Was to buisy explaining forgot to say awnser was 98
This type of puzzle is literally retarded.
Mathematical symbols have well defined meanings. This puzzle only works if you redefine the symbols to mean something different. The puzzle author meant to redefine "+" to mean something other than addition. Great. Alternatively we can just redefine "=" to mean "not equal", and then the solution "???" is any number other than 15.
Or we can just redefine the "+" operation to equal whatever is on the right hand side of the equation.
The only winning move is not to play.
its a ruse
7 + 8 = 15
Nice, this is a much better solution than most in this thread. The first equations are all wrong, but we can still do elementary arithmetic.
Thanks. This thread is cursed to die a slow death of aids, it cant really go in any other direction since its not that interesting. ive been taking a shot of whiskey, then shotgunning a beer directly after the past few days. feels okay man. Also have been watching ghost in the shell stand alone complex, its fucking amazing, I dont know why it took me so long to get around to. havent been on Yea Forums forever, what are you fags up to?
Just wasting our life away because we have nothing better to do. Same old, same old.
x + y = x * (y + index)