Time to browse Yea Forums!
Hmm, let's see...
Nigger bait
Time to browse Yea Forums!
Yea Forums has fallen from grace, it used be funny shit with some porn. Now it's porn with niggers sprinkled here and there.
Don't forget about whining 13 year olds that bitch about a Yea Forums they never knew because they were getting a fucking diaper changed.
Go fall down the stairs.
Been this way for years where da fuck you been??
Newfag detected
based OP
>redditors mad that Yea Forums isnt filled with memes, greentexts, and raids
Fuck off to wherever you came from
But that's what b was made for you retard
>All the other bullshit has it's own board
>Admits he likes niggerbait and cuckporn
Echo chamber slave detected!! Redditreddit newfagnewfag
Maybe you guys should spam yellow threads and fail miserably again.
>thinks Yea Forums sucks now
it varies but its always sucked. suck is the constant state. occasionally something cool pops up but suck is the baseline
>why cant Yea Forums like le golden days XP
raids get you b& and no Yea Forums wasn't made for greentexts and memes it is a containment board for all the retards
Kys subhuman
niggers and pee pee
It was never as bad as it is now. If you honestly think Yea Forums was always like this then you don't remember old Yea Forums.
tell us how the real Yea Forums was redditor
People posted more interesting information. Lifehack threads were common. There was a lot of OC like the catacomb skullfucker. EFG threads were amusing. CP was somewhat common and wasn't removed instantly like it is now. You could get copies of the anarchist cookbook from jpegs. It was just more interesting overall and not just porn porn porn and Andy Sixx's logs.
Does porn trigger you or something? Facebook is pretty SFW if so.
>it wasn't as bad as it is now
> cp, efg, and shitty life hack threads are somehow better
take off your nostalgia glasses user
You probably just got here in the last 3 years