Oh shit, the police are coming. Quick, put on your cool face
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How shitty a libcuck life you must lead to have that man on your mind 24/7 365
There's only one cure for Trump derangement syndrome it's suicide
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Not the guy you replied to but
>There's only one cure for Trump derangement syndrome, it's him receiving a well-deserved prison sentence
Fixed that for you, stormfaggot
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i completely forgot that the troll face was originally the cool face lmao
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sees image of trump, immediately launches into reeeee mode.
Yes everyone else is the problem user.
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You take front i will take the rear
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I'm bummed if I know whats going on
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>half the anons here probably don’t even remember this
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hypocrite that you are for sperging over the first sight of trump in this thread. you must be the mustard faggot bending over in that picture.
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"Gay called. It's for you"
"That how it is on this bitch of an Earth"
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is his penis tiny, or does it just look tiny because he's so shredded?
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I don't think the gay porn has anything to do with "cool face".
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I'm the original bear poster and I approve of these posts...
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another one bites the dust
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"Alex Jones"? That looks an awful lot like Bill Hicks.
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>file name
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