Oh shit, the police are coming. Quick, put on your cool face

Oh shit, the police are coming. Quick, put on your cool face

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How shitty a libcuck life you must lead to have that man on your mind 24/7 365

There's only one cure for Trump derangement syndrome it's suicide

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Not the guy you replied to but

>There's only one cure for Trump derangement syndrome, it's him receiving a well-deserved prison sentence

Fixed that for you, stormfaggot

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i completely forgot that the troll face was originally the cool face lmao

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sees image of trump, immediately launches into reeeee mode.
Yes everyone else is the problem user.

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>I'm behind Freddie

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>I gotcha back

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I'm right behind you

You take front i will take the rear

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I'm bummed if I know whats going on

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Shit stinks, I'm out.

>half the anons here probably don’t even remember this

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All hail boat lord

Is the bottom to

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Jesus has fucked us all

hypocrite that you are for sperging over the first sight of trump in this thread. you must be the mustard faggot bending over in that picture.

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"Gay called. It's for you"
"That how it is on this bitch of an Earth"

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is his penis tiny, or does it just look tiny because he's so shredded?

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Oh god no...

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I don't think the gay porn has anything to do with "cool face".

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I'm the original bear poster and I approve of these posts...

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another one bites the dust

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"Alex Jones"? That looks an awful lot like Bill Hicks.

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>file name

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