Just did five years in prison. Released last week. Ask me fucking anything!

Just did five years in prison. Released last week. Ask me fucking anything!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why you did be arrested?

Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

>deadly weapon

your cock?

Lol no, a Kabar.

Did you get raped in the showers

Did you u study or learn anything / have some college/class?

I did not, that's not nearly as common as you might think. It does happen though, not gonna lie.

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Not really, I had already graduated college by the time I was sentenced. I did learn a lot about the law though, you have a fuck load of time to read.

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are you still in your pussy monster phase, fucking anything or has it calmed down

Hahaha, this is literally the first question all my friends asked. I'm still pretty pent up. I'd probably fuck any fat chick that even winked at me at this point.

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Would you fuck my wife?

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Do your farts make noise or is it just a dry desert wind?

I just might assuming she's not a fucking tranny.

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My farts are as snappy as the day I went in.

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Prison in USA?
> What you gonna do now?
> Any regrets? and does jail-time (in some way) work.
> How old are you?
> Any fascinating stories which never makes the headline / papers?

Did you ever put in work?

Why are you gae?

What disease would I catch if I did it with her?

What was the reason behind your aggravated assault?

She's not.

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What was your sexual relieve in prison?

Did you jerk off? How?, to what? at what time?

Starting a job next week. Despite being a felon, I do have a college degree in a desirable field.

I absolutely regret it. Prison is fucked. FUCKED.

I'm 36

I have five years worth of stories, you'll have to be more specific.

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I did not. You aren't bound to join a gang, but you are going to roll with your race and get involved it if is expected of you.

Can you post some of your prison recipes?

A nigger tried to steal my car. When I caught him, I smashed his face and teeth in with the butt of my Kabar.

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What prompted the assault? Someone fuck with you in some way? Also, what’s the best prison food you had there?

So which set did you rep?

Then yes, yes I would fuck your wife lol.

is it true that ur gay?

There's always time to jerkoff in prison. Nothing but time my dude. I have a vivid imagination, but there are also fuckbooks that get passed around. They'll cost you though.

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Did you get jailed back when KatesPlayground was still a website?

That's actually reasonable. Bet that nigger learned a lesson

I'm white so I rolled with the white boys, naturally. There is no other option, truly.

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Bet they had fun with you in the showers!!
Hey you pick up the soap darlin

I have no idea what that is. I'm guessing some chomo shit.

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> Corruption, like a crime somebody didnt commit but was (really) framed because he know "things" , something like that?

where are you finding all these weird goblina chicks

Got any tats while you were in prison?

Is that the real story. Seems to me you were defending property and also, you didn't stab him.

Soups, burritos, rolls, etc. Our food wasn't bad, but someone is always doing a spread.

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I like this thread. Considering letting tax payers take care of me at this very moment. Should I go all in with rape and murder, or use back up plan of sell drugs and murder?? Serious replies only....

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I'm sure you've heard...everyone in prison is innocent lol.

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did you have sex in prison? with your dick or ass?

I did not. I can't think of a better way to get Hep or the bug. No thanks.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. He was properly smashed, I promise. Enough to get me more than two years.

Don't be a fucking degenerate. Prison isn't glorious. You don't want to go there.

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Trade a pencil for something of just a little more of value... in 1 year your a millionair

Yep, would still smash.

Your girl's ass when she came to visit me.

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Did you get a competent lawyer? Or were you relying on some shitty public defender?

I had a young Jew lawyer. Big mistake. He was competent enough, or else I'd have been looking at 8+.

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I was told later I likely could have plead down to 3 years, which pissed me off, but whatever. Prosecutor was a black woman, so...

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Should of beaten her teeth in aswell. Did the nigger get off free?

The nigger got 14 months in fucking county. Jail, not prison. He only got county time because it was "attempted" theft due to me stopping him.

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how are those anal fissures healing up?

Come take a look.

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Guessing you were in gen pop? Did you have any bad cellies? Also, any corrupt CO's?

What state were you arrested in? I want to look up the laws.

What happens to rapists in the joint OP?

Yes, medium security GP at Philips State.

First celly I had was a fucking drug addict, but that was as bad as it got. Once they moved him out, a cool Italian dude moved in and got top bunk. We were pretty solid, and he was a no nonsense dude.

Most COs there were corrupt. There was a massive FBI sting in 2016, because a lot of them were bringing in drugs lol.

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The beautiful state of Georgia.

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Depends on the race. There weren't a whole lot of Hispanics, but I've heard they KOS any rapist, no matter who he raped. Niggers don't give a fuck, they're usually the most degenerate on the block. Whites though can be selective. It pains me to say that, but it's the reality. If they raped a kid, they're dead, period. If they raped an adult, it depends how much juice they have.

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Do they use napalm in Yank prisons?
See any attacks?


It's funny you mention Napalm. There was an Irish dude on the block and he told us all about that. I've never seen anyone get "Naped" though lol. I've seen dozens of attacks in 5 years though. I've heard about even more. It's almost a daily occurrence.

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Friend of mine was on a Nonce wing, Cat A for killing a woman (they put him there for his own security).
He tried using it once when he heard he was gonna get rushed, all the skin of his forearm is fucked.
I never got the sugar thing until after I saw his arm.

Who's the girl?

I can imagine it's pretty bad shit. Irish's name was Brian. Green Brian because we had four fucking Brians. He claimed he Naped a CO back home and fucked his face up, but nobody really believed him lol.

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What’s the recipe for napalm

Some whore I'd like to smash into the ground. With my dick. No idea, sorry.

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What is KOS?

As I understood it, it was just boiling water with a fuckload of sugar.

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KOS is kill on sight. Chomos, some rapists, kid killers, snitches, etc.

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what state are you in?

How can you get water boiling in your cell? We’re you allowed to have a hit plate?

Read the thread he said GA


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Been in prison for 5 years? Don't go on /pol/

Well I hope they kill the mother fucker that did it to my step daughter. They only gave him 6 years on a plea bargain

You can use a stinger. Google it, I'm not about to explain that one lol. Napalm is a Limey thing, we don't do that shit over here.

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I've met whites harder than any faggot /pol/ can produce lol.

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Boiling water runs off the skin.
Boiling sugary water STICKS to the skin.

How long were you in prison?

Rape or murder? Ain't no murderer getting 6 years. How old was she? Young enough, they'll handle him inside, believe that.

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Kate from Kate's playground.

She has a deformed foot that looks like a hoof.

yeah this whole system is fucked and no one cares. fucking ruin someones life they have to suffer forever get fucking 3-6 years in prison.

I cant smoke weed but its okay for everyone do everything fucking degenerate in the book as long as its not a drug or natural plant.

I bet if they raped a judges step daughter they'd get life

Seems like you made it through unscathed despite seeing a lot of fights and attacks. What did you do to avoid making enemies? Keep your head low?

Five years, 9 days, 11 hours, and 32 minutes.

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Kate's Playground. Don't look her up she has a hoof foot and it's disgusting.

Did you get any pussy from the prison employees?

In the UK, cells have kettles.

So what field is your degree in?

Of course, tea drinking faggots

You mind your own business and don't act like a fucking nigger. You don't join a gang, you don't do drugs (even though I did lmao), and stay out of the everyday drama.

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Was there anything about prison you did enjoy? Anything you'll miss?

Holy fuck really? I've been posting a lot of her hahaha. I did not know that.

The relentless sex, obviously.

Can take away a Limey's freedom, but can't take his tea.


You make any good friends? Anyone you'd like to have in your life outside?

Have your guts gotten wrecked from all the normal food you've been eating now after the 5 years of the chow hall and commissary food?

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I did not, though that is definitely a possiblity at Phillips.

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Are you familiar with "The Fappening?"

Fuck Georgia. I got to spend some very unfortunate time in Clayton county. Arrested by crooked cops that were literally stung by the state and prosecuted. Seems Clayton county is a place that does not like outsides. One year gone like that for nothing more than a verbal fuck you to a mouthy cop.

I won't miss a goddamn thing about that smelly, barbarian, warzone. Maybe the friendships I made, but even that's stretching it.

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What age/race? that'll likely get handled. Quickly.

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So what will you be doing for work?

She was 14 when it happened but she just turned 15 and yeah it fucked her up bad. Fucking guy was so sick he told her he wanted to fuck his own daughters

On probation?


My Italian celly, and a few southern boys I keep in touch with. Nobody I can't live without though.

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how do you feel about the penal system (in america?)

do you think it would be better for all if you got to live on some island with lots to do like in denmark, or is "hard time" important?

The first year was the worst, then you get pretty used to it. They serve some fucking RANCID shit lol.


I do not know what that is.

What's been your family's response to your release?

Who was the most intelligent, educated, and/or accomplished prisoner you met?

Brother, Clayton County is Nigger County. That's nowhere a white man should be. Georgia is beautiful if you stay out of Nigger Counties.

oh yes that guy needs 6 years. that guy needs to be free soon. wtf. wtf dude. I fucking hate mentally ill people.

its so fucked because in America if you go do a robbery and your FRIEND kills someone you get life in prison and a murder charge without even agreeing to it or doing anything besides a robbery.

but no. a rapist should only 6 years. I heard something that all the old white people are rapists and pedophiles and thats why every rapist and pedophile gets off easy.

some dude near me raped a 14 year old and got 10 years on probation

Business ;)


Well, has the Internet for news for you! Happy day, brother. Happy day.

He's likely already dead inside if he went to a hard enough facility. Chomos get killed unless they PC up.

felt the same way when I found out. lost a lot of semen fapping to that broad

No probation/parole, I am a free felon lol. Served every single second of my fucking time.

short version;
Celebrities got hacked. some hackers then leaked nude pics.
>pic related.

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no good time? why?

The penal system (and I know this is a very unpopular opinion among convicts) works largely as it should. The worst people in the fucking world are in prison and their freedoms are largely stripped away. As it should be.

He is white and I posted age of when it happened

My momma loves it. My dad is still apprehensive, but deep down, he knows I did what I had to do. There's respect there. My little sister likes to show me off to all her friends so I can scare the fuck out of them lol.

Fuck now they tell me this. I was just passing thru.. let me tell you about being 300 black men to 25 white men in a prison complex and me being 1 of those white men. They didn’t give us any breaks let me tell ya. Also they kind of just left us alone for the most part. The methed up tweaker white guys were more obnoxious than most of the niggers. The niggers however were overwhelming with their nigger shit at first.

Ironically, an old black dude. OG as fuck and had been down for longer than I've been alive. He knew a bit about everything.

What the fuck is it?

Yeah he wanted probation but we said hell no. Even if they did give him that we would have put in some dirty work. It’s still going to happen when he gets released

Oh ok. I'm gonna have to check that out later, thanks.

Is it true you make connects setting up way bigger heists once inside? Ever meet people who got away with robbing banks?

>rapists and pedophiles get a few years or probation
>people growing weed get years or life or decades

yeah you're a fucking moron

Whites will kill a chomo on the spot when they see his papers. Obviously depends on what facility he is in.

Is your post-release job a white collar job or a blue collar job?


If you want to go around doing dirt like that after you serve your time, you're a fucking nigger most likely. I was ready to be an angel after a goddamn year.

I don’t think he caught chains yet. I think he is still in county. Had a couple of my buddies that were in the check up on him. But apparently he asked the guards if he could stay in a suicide cell. So my buddies couldn’t get to him

yeah rape is some fucked up shit the fact they were even considering probation I fucking hate this system so much.

I hope you fucking drop him and get away with it

Somewhere in between. My degree is in business administration.

So he went PC then. If whites know what time it is, they won't forget him.

average bank robbery is like 4-6k fucking dumb as hell. i make more than that doing a dumb grey area scam on my phone and dont have to worry about getting arrested

It's this, my dude: Leaked celebrities.

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Would you be willing to post your mugshot?
Just curious, seeing as it’s public domain anyway

Did you catch the gay?

Link to the media accounts or it didn't happen. The internet lasts forever nigger.

88 wills it

What if Im mixed if I was sent to prison which race would I roll with or would I just be screwed?

My wife is the one pissed the fuck off and I am too. She told me she will do it . But I’m not sure how far she would go with it. I’m just planning to take a bat to his dick and balls so he can never use them again


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Hahaha 14/88 rules inside my dude. No I won't, my buddy advised me against giving out any personal shit on here.

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Was the anal as good as you expected it to be, or better?

It's driving me crazy. What's this pornstar's name?

Come find me.

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How did you find out about Yea Forums?

Who did you roll with on the streets?

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Did you meet anyone that you knew belonged to stay in there for the rest of their life, but we’re going to soon be released into society again?

If so, what were they like?

I dont wanna be one of those dudes thats like bro dont do that and end up in jail let the legal system do its job but god damn

cant you just post it all over social media and shit that he's a rapist and spread his mugshot? and make it so if anyone googles his name they see it? and he cant get jobs without them seeing it and shit? and make his crime go viral?

Well don't be a fucking nigger about it. You don't want what he got, believe me.

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You wanna give this dumb faggot some advice?

you mean someone who was doing life and got an appeal? probably super rare and op didn't see any

did you know wes watson or BIG HERC?

Does that mean it's another thread? Not really lol.

What happens to the older population in prisons? How old to people typically make it to when serving life sentences? Do they get special treatment? Medications? Etc?

What happens when they are too old to reasonably take care of themselves?

Is it true some guys will “gun” aka masturbate in front of any female they see in prison?

We already did

Yeah some idiot about to do prison time for fraud and is shitting his pants about it

Yeah I understand that. Our kike overlords DO NOT like people fucking with their money. Did you familiarize yourself with our monetary system, the Federal Reserve system and the rothschilds involvement in global banking while you were inside? Those things are what make me think robbing a bank is one of the most victimless crimes, if pulled off without people getting hurt.

I only met two official lifers. However, there were a lot that were unofficial lifers. What I mean by that is that their sentences were so severe, and their age so advanced that they're going to die in prison. All of them deserve it too. Heinous motherfuckers.

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You roll with who you most look/sound like. I’m Mexican/white, but I don’t speak enough Spanish, so when I’m in I’m with white boys... I’ve only been to county, and for the most part it’s all ‘politics’ at that level... everyone gets along with other races (generally, i.e sharing books, playing chess, etc) but it also depends how long you are in and what you did...

kates playground or something, I remember i used to fap hard in 2005 watching her

I don't know who they are.

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no I mean keep doing it and make it go super viral

How blown out is your asshole? Do you jailfart now?

im the grey area scam guy and im not op

How does one naturally die in prison? Do people care? Anyway say a few words or is it just business as usual?

He was already missing out on most of his life. Why would he waste what he had on conspiracy bullshit?

Who the fuck dictates you roll with the whites. Youre a loser in the system. How are people still race locked in prison when society is socially acceptable for all races

I'm about to do five years in prison. Any advice?

Well too fucking late hahaha you started talking about robbing banks too. YOU'RE IN THIS

some dude outta prison with a youtube channel now

They grow old and either get released or die. You do get medications that are prescribed to you (usually). No special treatment though. If they are too old to take care of themselves, I 've heard they're sent to special facilities.

You're getting busted the fuck up if you get caught doing that. COs (male) are very protective of their females and will fuck you up hastily.

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How arrogant the uneducated are with their ignorance, throwing it about wherever they may...

Oh yes . We made it public. My mother in law started it and we spread it like wild fire. It was someone I knew for a long time. I got a shit loads of call after that because we all knew him. Mother fuckers used his daughters to get to mine

Can't say, it didn't happen while I was there. I would imagine they'd do something semi nice if he wasn't a chomo or a snitch.

wtf? lol someone brought up robbing banks and I said that's stupid as fuck and it is. you get like 4 or 5k from robbing a bank. you could make that working part time for a few months and robbing a bank is fed time for like 5 years or some shit.

fuck that i'd rather work a job for 6 months

Sorry I missed this, it's hard to keep up haha. There are straight up Bill Cooper motherfuckers in the joint. Earlier I said everyone inside is innocent. Most of them like to blame some sort of retarded conspiracy shit.

god damn it dude the system is FUCKED. that guy is a sick fuck I hate having to deal with that shit.

that rape shit is so bad its deterred me from dating or anything and makes me want to move to a more peaceful country.

god damn it dude a 6 year sentence is bull shit that means you get out in like 4 years with parole or good behavior or some shit.

Brother, I'd say get locked up and see how much choice you have. As soon as you check in, two big white boys are gonna corner you and check your papers (and your heart) and they're going to tell you whats what. If you wanna go sit with niggers after that, you're harder than I am.

Yes, read this thread then ask.

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>How arrogant the uneducated are with their ignorance, throwing it about wherever they may...

On a scale of 1-faggot, how euphoric are you, my paeudo-intellectual friend?

Did you get to have a pet?

What are your views on letting murders have pets in prison? As it’s apparently I thing in some places I’ve heard.

He has to do the whole 6 flat but that’s still not enough. We wished we could have went to court but the fucker took the deal. He would have got any where from 30 to 40 if we went to court

Well if you ever have some time, nothing about what I am talking about is conspiracy, just straight up fact. Look up "the Creature From Jekyl Island" A book about the founding of the Federal Reserve. You can look up the public records on corporation ownership[ and which umbrella groups own almost EVERYTHING we take as variety here. All owned by Vanguard Group, Bildeberg Group, Carlyle Group. Like I said man, all this on PUBLIC RECORD and FACTS. Nothing conspiracy about it. Look up the battle of Waterloo and how the Rothschilds took over the British currency then. Be warned through, once you take the red pill there is no going back.

We didn't have a pet program, but I'd be ok with it. Just don't give niggers or spics a pitbull lol.

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yeah ive heard stories of rape and shit where they just drop the case because of lack of evidence. that shit is fucked tho if I was a judge I just dont see that being fair. someone scarred for life compared to someone sitting in prison for 6 years.

Epic post bro! I am so roasted. I guess I should stop talking about thing you do not want me to talk about now eh?

You know, that whole thing was kinda less exciting than you'd have thought. I blew a few loads to JLaw but that's about it. Probably mind blowing for someone just back out in public though.

I was only in for five years lol. I know about the Fed and all sort of kikery. It's fucked, but I can do fuck all about it. I'm sure smarter men than myself have a better plan.

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Did they not have right click reverse image search in 2014?

I agree with you 100% user

Yes. That's right.

It got leaked that she has a really gross lobster claw foot. Welcome to the outside.

They did, but I just downloaded these. My dude said go on Yea Forums and make an AMA thread and have lots of porn and bitches to post. So I just grabbed up some fine sluts. I'll try harder next time.

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>but I can do fuck all about it. I'm sure smarter men than myself have a better plan.
I know that feel bro. Still, I think the more people who even KNOW the truth will make a difference in the long run. Our history is FULL of the people rising up against the corrupt powers that be, and history ALWAYS repeats itself. Fun thread man, im going home. God bless!

Yea some faggot already ruined her for me. Fucking niggers.

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Thank you brother.

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Which number you had?

None of your fucking business lol.

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Knowing is half the battle, guy.

did anyone suicide while u were in ?

Do people share/sell medications? How easy is it to get drugs? And what kinda can you get?

I would still be able to jerkoff to her if I didn't know that.

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Sugar water is junior napalm. The really horrific homebrew stuff is gasoline with Styrofoam dissolved in it (not possible in prison, usually).

There actually was one suicide. I was fucking asleep, thank god. Black dude's girl cheated on him, and she rubbed it in on a call he made out to her and he fucking dumped himself off the second tier. Landed teeth first.

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Anything that is genuinely surprising or way different than before? When I think about life five years back it just seems like the same shit as now.

I did 3 years in new brunswick canada, that was rough

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The fact that you care reveals that you're a footfag.

Neat! I have one of those. Did it do the job?

Honestly, the first thing that struck me as odd was the way sluts wear their pants now. When I went in, they wore them around their hips, really low. Now these fucking dumpsters wear mom jeans up to their fucking belly buttons. I don't know why that stuck out to me, but it's fucking weird.

I don't like it.

I also thought tech would get better. Same bullshit really as when I went in.

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I don't mind a clean foot on a pretty lady. That fucking cunt has a goddamn mongoloid retard club foot though.

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This shit is real... there is an old saying “if you see evil, act against it, if you can’t, speak against it, and if you can’t do that, disagree with it in your heart” get enough people knowing what’s right... and in theory you will reach critical mass and handle the situation... and that way when a smarter man than I comes along with a plan... we can support it

Absolutely lol. Broke a few bones in his face (orbital, jaw, nose) and knocked out most of his nigger front teef.

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Shit taste.

Idk... it’s kinda hot >.>


You're still a faggot though. It did the job nigger.

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That’s kind of lame! They gave you five years for protecting your property!? Fuck that dude. I’d cheer you on if I was on scene.

I hear they like to lock patriots up now. I'm out of that game, sorry. I need to get my ship right before I go trying to save America.

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I agree. The state, however, did not.

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god fuck prison fuck life

whats canada prison like? i woud think its more chill. and they let you get your marijuana perscription and shit in there by pill

There is a podcast you should check out that covers current tech and politics. Listen to the segment in the latest episode that goes in to the fuckery google has been caught doing behind the scenes. Tech has advanced like crazy but it's much more insidious and harder to notice than before.


Yep, not somewhere you want to be.

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Thank you, I actually really like podcasts.

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just the fact you can end up there and not do shit. like you just stopped your car from getting jacked. no one even knows how illegal shit is until they get caught doing it.

if people knew how bad punishments were for shit no one would do crimes its like they just surprise you after you get arrested.

It would have been one thing if I was unarmed, but I was not, I had a Kabar strapped to my belt. At least I had enough sense not go gut his nigger ass on my driveway. I wanted to, believe me, but then I wouldn't be posting here answering questions lol.

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Are you worried the nigger is going to get back at you

He's welcome to try, truly. If that were to happen, and he did live in my zip code, he'd get fucked this time, not me. It'd be considered retaliatory and premeditated and whatever else the state faggots like to compound sentences with.

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yeah that shit is bull shit. wtf are you supposed to do

could be worse. theres a rapper I know thats been in jail for 5 years for a crime and its because he hasn't even gone to trial yet. they just keep saying oh trials pushed back again and hes been in there for 5 years waiting. lost his whole rap career got fat as shit. I keep looking at it because my life is similar in a way

Did you lose a girlfriend/wife when you got sent to prison?

HAAAA my dude. thats the first thing I thought to when I seen her. its been awhile.

You are forgetting that niggers have zero sense of continuity. To them, themself 15 mins in the future is some totally different guy. A nigger could have every law ever written memorized, and he'd still commit the crime because the consequences are future nigger's problem. Not current nigger's.

I mean. He probably could’ve just scared the nigger off/tackle him and call the cops

Knowing my temper id probably do as OP tho

Did you raped someone?

How much in debt are you from your trial/prison commisory, etc?

I did, but I told her to move on after six months. She's a good girl and wanted to wait, but I didn't want to go through with what was inevitable. We started talking when I got out, but she's married and has a damn kid lol.

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Was it California? We have some very stupid laws like that.

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I raped your dad while I was inside.

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Is this chicks name Marcy? Lol it looks like my cousin.

Just a cunt hair over 10k.


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No apparently some whore with a retard foot. Thanks again you niggers. I'm still fucked up over that.

he could of ended up shot if he did that shit he doesn't know if he has a gun and I always hear about black people killing people in a botched robbery. wouldn't risk it like that. LET ME JUST SIT ON YOU UNTIL THE COPS COME MY KIND SIR

Is there anything positive about prison?

wait you went in jail going to prison? how? cant you just buy cupcakes and toothpaste and shit for a few bucks.


If you’re able to jam your knife into someone’s teeth chances are you could’ve just pinned them to the ground.

Not one single thing. I've been asked this a few times and I always draw a blank. I'd have let that dumb nigger steal my car if I knew I'd throw five years of my life away in that fucking hell hole.

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I don't understand your question. Jail comes before prison. You go to prison when you're sentenced.

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Have you found you've become more or less racist due to prison?

Rape is the only solution.

Haha I speared that nigger like Goldberg and dented the fuck out of my F150's door.

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I was there years ago. There was no weed prescriptions in jail. Doorchester is a really rough old prison. Not chill

Do you jack off like 3 times a day now that you have access to good porn again?

Did you friends abandon you while you were in prison? Are you basically starting over fresh?

I'm a southern boy, I've always hated niggers, but I definitely hate them more. Everything is race inside. Everything. Someone tells you different, they're a fucking liar or a democrat.

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This is 100% true. Male correctional officer here. Any inmate gets caught gunning a female, it will normally be the last time(unless they are stupid) cause they will get sent to the hospital. Any inmate assaults a female will prob end up dead or close to it from COs or some gang members that are huge on respect to women.

god damn it my brain is so fucked I meant went in debt*

Would you fuck a nigger women though? If she is hot of course

> "Secret XXX" Chan Updated


I'm jacking off right now tbh. Kidding. Yea I've been on a goddamn tear. My friends did not abandon me, no more than would over the course of five years. Got throw a huge fucking party when I got out.

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This guy'll tell ya. They bird dog their female COs. You're fucked, IMMEDIATELY. lol.

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I would not. That'll get you smashed inside, btw.

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Just ask your question again then, in fucking english lol.

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How loose is your buttthole now?

>wait you went in debt going to prison? how? cant you just buy cupcakes and toothpaste and shit for a few bucks.

Anyone able to get an mp3 music player into prison? Are those allowed?

you went into prison and got in a shit load of debt just buying shit there?

how do you not want to kill yourself. 5 years of hell plus 10k in debt

i want to die so fucking bad

Have you noticed dating is way more fucked than five years ago? Especially dating apps. It used to be totally easy to get pussy off okcupid, plentyoffish etc. Now it's damn near impossible because all the bitches have a stick up their ass. Tinder is useless.

If you fucked up a black guy did you have any problem with the blacks? Or any problems with anyone for that matter?

not him but i went to jail and they have tablets there that stream pandora radio and streams tv shows. they had two and a half men big bang theory and two broke girls on there and i like sitcoms so that worked good.

i heard in prison you only get tape players.

Your former girlfriend probably fantasizes about cucking her husband with you, her ex-con boyfriend.

Lay some breadcrumbs. You never know.

I work in one of our mental health dorms and they stated letting female COs work in there to fill up spots. Gunning happens all the time. Also about 75% of the inmates are in our dorm cause they are hiding out (either a chomo or owe money) and they will cut them selves to stay. I could care less but if they act stupid in the dorm (like gunning) they want to discharge real quick

Fines my dude.

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Really!? I thought those southern states would allow it. That sucks dude. What ended with the nigger?

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Not where I was. That's contraband.

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I've only been out a week or so lol. Give me time to find out.

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I had a problem with black because I was white. But yea they did a lot of shit talking when word got around.

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I wouldn't fuck her now that she shit out another man's kid. That's just fucked.

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Are you in county or a prison? I've never been arrested, but know a lot of people who have. Some are fucking degenerates. Others just did stupid shit (usually alcohol related) and were quickly released. Many of them have talked about the officers going out of their way to be complete assholes. This includes officers who had no reason to interact with them. Coming in to talk shit, pushing people without provocation, that kind of stuff. It all seems like power plays and authority going to their heads.

Of course, my local jails have a bad reputation. A couple asshole jailers I had previously heard of were convicted of murder after they put a hood over an inmate's head, sprayed pepper spray into the hood, kicked, slapped, beat him, and picked him up to throw him on the floor multiple times. He was in handcuffs. He was arrested on misdemeanors.

Honestly, how widespread is it for COs to go overboard? I understand the need to demonstrate control. But it also seems like a bad idea to provoke a volatile mass of criminals. Besides that, power tripping isn't in the job description. How do you handle the pressure of the job? How are those who abuse power treated by other COs?

How did you handle it?

I didn't have to, no one made a move. Niggers don't care about some street nigger getting fucked up for being a thief. He wasn't affiliated. BGF has a big presence in Phillips, but so do Woods.

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Don't listen to that faggot. He's just bitter he strikes out. You seem intelligent, have a good sense of humor, and can hold a conversation. You'll be fine whether you try online dating or go the old fashioned route.

This is actually pretty common, at least in my experience. If they can't get PC, they'll get medical or try to go to BMU.

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Not OP and haven't been to jail, but it wouldn't surprise me for all COs to be complete assholes. They're all basically failed police officers too dumb or lazy to get into police academy, and they are even more on a power trip because they're insecure about themselves.

Cops in the south are fucking awful at power trips. They get paid shit compared to cops in the northeast. I was amazed when I moved to NYC and cops were actually polite and professional and not trying to go out of their way to be an asshole to you.

Women are women. The years don't change that, they all want one thing (money), but I've already bumped into a few who's eyes went glassy when I told them I just got out lol. Kinda surprised me, but I get it. I'm by no means a casanova, but I'm not a fucking troll either.

I'm out of fucking porn too, so no more images. I didn't think this thread would last that long lol.

no hes right everything is fucked now. used to get girls in high school and had a gf in college. been a few years nothing. every single girl ghosts me. they're all texting 30 dudes at once. they just go for whichever one they coincidentally fuck first and then cut their texting down to like 3 or 4 or 6 guys they're fucking all at once until they land on one and then pretend their in love while she fucks other dudes

What was your favorite thing to do to fuck with people on the chain?
I used to yell, "HEY THERES THAT MOTHERFUCKING SNITCH RIGHT THERE!" and watch the real snitches cower in fear.

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This isn't entirely true. In my experience it's about 60 good, 40 bad. These motherfuckers are just doing their job, but being around barbarians and niggers all day will make anyone turn into a fucking asshole.

Do you owe any favors to anyone in prison now and have to send them money and shit now that you're out?

Southern girls, at least the kind I like, are a little more civilized. At least they were.

What was the worst/most uncomfortable situation you have been in in prison?

That's a good way to get fucking knifed. I would advise against that.

I do, I plan on sending some commissary money to my second celly. He was good to me and helped me when I had fuckall.

haha you'd be suprised user.

Did you use public defender or private defense? 5 years sounds like wayyyy too much time for this. Hell, cops just shoot em dead now, fuck it, i thought the guy had a gun

When I first got into the block. Two fucking Woods got in my face and started yelling at me and threatening me wanting to see my papers (charges). Basically they want to see if you're a fucking chomo or a snitch. After they see you're not, it's all good.

State Prison. Most COs they go out of there way to be assholes don’t last long. There does need to be the few that have to bring out that (intimidation) look cause we are dealing with the worst pieces of shit in the state. If you are an inmate and mind your own business, and follow the rules, you normally don’t get fucked with. There are always ass holes that try to challenge us, call our bluffs, and be real ass holes, so we just return the favor, only 10 fold. 9 times out of 10 they won’t fuck with us again. All the COs kind of have to have a huge look out for each other cause there are a lot of gangs in the prison.

Young Jew lawyer right out of law school. I later heard I could have pleaded down to three, but he kept me out the eight the state was asking for.

I think part of it depends on what income level you live in

So close to quints

24 years, never got knifed.

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Or (more likely) they just hide it better.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm Deep South and the cops fucking suck. I'm not just bitching. They really do fucking suck. I have never given a cop any reason to fuck with me, but have been fucked with many times. I have also met a few really awesome cops. But they were awesome because they were professional and respectful, which is the baseline of what a cool should be anyway. I ended up going to law school and practiced a few years. I have only had a few interactions since then, mostly good. But I feel prepared to not take their bullshit now, should that time come. Fortunately, I know how to do it in a professional manner that still protects my rights. That doesn't mean they won't be assholes about it, though. My city's department has a long history of sucking balls. And everyone knows it, from the top of society to the bottom. Southern cops are the worst.

I don't want to make blanket statements about COs. I dont know any not enough about them. Like I said, there are even some good cops. As far as I know, most COs are cool. No idea.

Again, I can corroborate this. However I will say if you're white, and you're carrying a piece, no matter how fucking goody two shoes you are with that CO, and CO finds said piece on you, you are expected to fucking use it, no matter what. Period. Or you're getting smashed for being a bitch.

The “failed cop” thing isn’t entirely true. It’s not that much harder to be on the road. COs and Deputy’s go through very similar training. Most people that start out as COs end up making great cops cause they know how to talk to people with out bringing out weapons or using force immediately. And also the ass hole thing just comes out, cause you deal with the worst kind of people.

How did you find that out later? Seems odd for a d.a. to brag about that

Upper middle class for the most part. More niggers now that I'm out, unfortunately. I'm sure that'll bring down the property value.