Rent is due in a week

Rent is due in a week.
I'm fucking poor, live in a small town where there's currently no jobs I can fill, and online jobs are seizing up on me.
It was a nice ride Yea Forumsros

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poopoo peepee?

hmm don't kill yourself user. your patriotic hero trump will be bringing back those coal mining and manufacturing jobs any day now. just hang in there a couple more days.

Sharpie in pooper?

Checked and is that your dog?

yeah he posted his dog barking at cabbage on 4gifs then reposted it here. pretty cool huh fellow redditor?

sadly not in the us, so no orange savior for me haha, not planning to kill myself, but the stress is fucking killing me
kek no

thats all i got

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dont be a pussy ive been homeless for 4 months now living in a car

op can't afford a car dumbass. he doesn't even have enough money for one of those aluminum space blankets.

not bad not bad, I mean it's not something I'd look up to though. Trying to avoid going homeless, not become a hobo that thinks it's cool to be homeless

inddeeeed im actually 0 dollans poor

sleeping on park benches is free

this learn to live within your means food shelters and homeless shelters exist

Rob some black guy and sell his stuff to pay rent. He probably stole it anyways so no harm done and you get to live for one more month

Start sucking dick.

Don't be a pussy I was homeless for 3 arts living on Park benches in bushes under car parks and occasionally sofas when I was lucky

how did those arts turn out did u manage to sell them for rent money

I was homeless. I'm about to get my masters and I make enough to live comfortably (with some medical bills) in a town. Mental health, economy, medical issues, layoffs, and shit luck can fuck over anyone. Don't throw in the towel. I've had some shit jobs and some decent ones

No just for cocaine. An average art is worth about three coke nights

sell your tv and all but one pair of shoes (if you have multiple)