Pokemon go thread
>find people in your area to play with
>post your best pokemon
My trainer code is 0107 9506 8378
Message me on snapchat @drdank.exe
Pokemon go thread
Self bumb forgot to add where I'm from which is Kent
How's the weather in Kent OP?
Clear and dark
add me on snap
I really enjoy playing pokemon go, here are my guys. Also hold on to that groudon op thats the best ground type out of all generations
Will do thx I need people to add me since I could do with the gifts lol
So...pokebox thread instead of this gay shit anyone?
KingWhiscash here
0743 1411 3999
With my new favorite shiny
Enjoy my gift got anything i can add you on
Nope, Pogo and Yea Forums are the closest things to social media I use
Not even kik or discord
yo, dis dude sooper tight fellaas. he gave me some real good dope pokeman if you know what i mean, ye
Yeah baby read it and weep
This game pleases my aspergers
Poo lover
Name them better
Nigga lives in Pittsfield Massachusetts
Nah, I'm a misanthrope
And it is the pits
damn this game changed a lot. I stopped playing last summer, I have some pretty decent pokes. Unfortunately I never got a EX raid pass REE FUCKKKKKK FAGGOT NIANTIC
yeeeeaaa baybeee!
oh shit we got sherlock here damn
Too bad bitch
I also collect xsxs and xlxl pokemon
Every once in awhile I go on the Pokemon board and piss them all off by posting a bunch
Pretty cool tbh
Got a shit load of matching sets now
How many
Add me too guys if you wanna
3550 3623 6114
Nice bro
Just counted, 95
Damn nice
You called?
My mobile data ran out on the mudkip day
And a couple more
I herd u liek mudkipz
Only one shiny, damn, I got 5
I'll trade you buddy, you live in Ohio by chance?
Buddy of mine got a perfect armored mewtwo, wanted to punch I'm in the face
I got none the whole f*** day
Not him, but I do lol
There should be more pokemon go threads
That's OK, my brother and I were trading them for lucky and I missed hydro pump by 20 seconds
I'm in Akron where you
Yeah I only got one good one and the other 3 or 4 were super low cp. Oh well had fun
Mine isn’t perfect, but it’s pretty close. Armored Mewtwo is kinda useless though
True that
Damn thats bad Luck
I was just in Kent last night. But I live up by Bedford Heights
Still, I like the pink ribbon they have for perfects in the new apraisel
Are you a fucking child?
Yeah would be good for arena only but its anyway a cool dude
100% Alolan Muk lol
Woah we have a real men here watch out everyone!
Checked. Add my snap npal14
How do you know what % they are
Fuck off newfag
Pokegenie app
Talk about useless. Still neat though
There are apps for it and websites and with the new update its pretty easy to see, without sites and apps
Ive got two perfect whiscash, a feebas, rainy castform, voltorb, trapnich, and mismagus
Had one seriously lucky day today, my luck may have turned.
Also post your shinies people
Whys the gym logo gold
Wew lad
cause its for the greatest team out there of course
yiff in hell furfag
Shit, mine are blue, derp
Fuck perfects, let's see them zeros
Another one I’m proud of. 95% IVs
God tier
about the same, minus 300 CP for 6 first
add me 2728 4765 0345
hmm. adding all you random anons might be a good idea just for the exp huh
This shit heap
Is this Pokémon rare?
Are you that worried someone will know what town of 300000 people you live in
It won’t let me do a scrolling screenshot so I’ll post a few, apologies
add me:
8139 3434 2827
will send gifts
Fuck you
Im outta gifts for everyone who sent a request, I'll hit you all up tomorrow
And that’s it, sorry for the spam
i just wanna find something that ill feel comfortable investing all the rare candy i saved in.
Kyogre & Groudon currently. Just 100% IV one and have a fucking blast.
Still don't see a spinda amongst all of them chummmmmmp
I know, was so sick of the bastard, couldn't help but keep checking them. The most disappointing shine of all time.
im the same, have been doing it a bit more as of late. but still have not far off 2 mil to use
Why didn't they keep it purple throughout
so daft
Just wanted a grape ape, they seem like they've just phoned in a couple of the recent shiny