How to kill myself painlessly?
My life was painful enough, I want at least my death to be nice.
How to kill myself painlessly?
My life was painful enough, I want at least my death to be nice.
Leave whatever shit hole you live in and leave all the baggage too. You don't have kill yourself because of your past.
suueyslide is not anser
45. will make your head explode
eat pizza until you have a heart attack
homer sim son
First of all dont give up, whatever it is people have been through worse and prevailed, find a new hobby, work out, most importantly work on yourself, but if you are really so lost as to go down that path: its called an exit bag, get a helium tank and an oxygen mask and attatch the hose to the tank, your body cant tell the difference and it wont feel like you are suffocating, you will pass painlessly.
Why would Donald Trump make his head explode?
Take atleast 10 sleeping pills at once, make sure youre in your bed while doing it, you'll get insanely tired then you fall asleep then you die in your sleep, you won't even notice it
dont be a pussy, im planning a sunset cliffhanger
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Man up, if you kys then the commies win
do not do it
but i can tell from exp
When i was a teen there was this thing going around where we would get high by inhaling butane gas
And i overdosed on it and nearly died
And it was absolutely painless
You can also see stuff that does not exist, hear stuff, etc
But in general
Your body goes numb, you just lie there, and drift away
But i would rather use helium than butane gas
>find a new hobby, work out, most importantly work on yourself
>Join /fit user
how can you do any of this when you just dont have the will/discipline or whatever you wanna call it. ive tried so many times and i want to but i just cant.. i rather just walk in circles in my room all night instead of doing anything... sometimes i do a few pushups or something like that but on the next morning its back to the beginning
From what I know, drug od. Might even feel good before you blink out of existence.
I used to be like this, pre workout really helps, just take it and go. The hardest part is getting to the gym. I hit a low point with my drinking and when i had to stop this really helped me out.
Save up a fuck ton of money and buy a one way ticket to thailand and go out like the king you want to be. You can get drugs and sluts cheap as fuck.
Just take a shit load of sleeping pills and go to sleep chances are you won’t wake up
Lmao dont do this, my girls cousin tried this and just got crazy sick and had to get his stomach pumped.