ITT: We post things Europoors cant have
ITT: We post things Europoors cant have
School shootios
Trump as president.
Donald Trump as president
I'd be hard pressed to find a not overregulated heavily-taxed shithole where free speech only applies to progressivism
Healthcare and gun control
Large groups of people without muslims or pajeets.
Why cant they have a/c?
White people.
They can. Just bad bait
you're mom
Actually, we europoors can have eagles, while americans cant.
i gave ur mom a ur mom when she sucked my cock
o snap
but you'll never be free to shoot a gun or say what you want and criticize your government.
arent y'all's leaders cucking y'all out to the muslims?
>what are bald eagles
thats what your mom said
Yes, exactly. In US individual can't own one, while in Europe - just get a proper loicense and you can have one as individual.
Amerifats can't have nice ACs
The land of the free and the home of the brave
Umh... Yeah, we fucking can.... Think you have to check up on your facts about West-Europe my guy, I can buy, and have guns, it just takes a bit longer, I can say whatever the hell I want and the government gets criticized all the time.
"Land of the free" Only dumb Americans think this shit, the country with the most amount of incarcerated people when put next to population
Nobody can has freedom.
If muslims would suddenly support anarchy, I would fight for Allah.
Shit the fuck up mudslim fag, you fight for your self, not some made-up raghead that.
>amerishits can't even form a working sentence
Americans fucking suck
May the queen slip in her own feces, break a hip and die alone & unloved on the floor.
The queen is regent over 1/6 of the land on earth, so suck it faggot
Nigga, I'm not a muslim. But I might become one if your fucking government will ban something else. I promise, your fighter jets would be slower than stolen Boeing 737 MAX.
Land of the free
home of the brave
Filthy unamerican unpatriotic liberal commie scum
Land of non-free.
I don't see a fucking difference
what episode of Epic Meal Time was this?
>Filthy unamerican unpatriotic liberal commie scum
I'm patriotic. I would fuck bald eagle.
No you suck it, you lost india and hong kong and south africa. Subject!
power pork patty
what did he mean by this?
US can't have freedom.
Europe can't have freedom.
Asia can't have freedom.
Africa can. Welcome. Again.
So glad I get to go overseas to shoot your shitty muslim friends, hoorah
Geez, I didn't realize that EMT was still going. nowhere near as big as the used to be.
Is this really news over there?
That’s is so randomly made up by some “reporter”.
>let’s not actually quote anything, just go with “Europeans say”...
And no, no they don’t....
What are you talking about? I have tons of pride in america. I have pride that they rather give illegals healthcare instead of their own citizens. The people wanted that. God bless democracy.
Hongkong** and no, human rights and some wars made that shit happen boi, now get back to picking cotton
Opioid epedemics
Not true, user. Europeans also have heart attacks sometimes
Good thing I dont live in either of those places then
Going bankrupt after a life saving surgery
This is very clearly an ethnic woman, so I care not
This is beyond Ameritard. You lack basic education and should just an hero
International hatred by literally every other country
i think they went on hiatus and then came back to less viewers
look how full those fucking shelves are though...
also vegans RIP great kek
>Young adult males who love to gorge on meat, are apathetic towards global issues like environmental pollution and the unnecessary suffering of innocent sentient beings.
You democratic socialist pig
You capitalist commie
Eat shit In your third world Mexico, Pedro
Nigga you're Hitler.
what is this bloated american pig on about?
The need for money to pay for descent healthcare
You are still a subject with no actual rights. The Queen will have a stroke and only be able to to say "Hello Joe" for the rest of her life and I am gonna laugh because she is a senile old bitch. I have the freedom to criticize the Queen, you don't. you mad bro?
You seem to think thats exclusive to america. Fact is that as long as you dont live in a third world country your shelves are just as full, shit you probably have more options outside of the U.S. than inside. Just think about all the Kit-kat and pepsi flavors your missing out on
You have to be the dumbest MF in here.... Right? Why the fuck don't you think the other guy cant criticize the queen?
Toyota Tank is faster than your whatever inferior military thing, gringo
Fucking immigrant
Looks like it's from Paddy Longs in Chicago. No EUROFAG gets this.
Dude, you legit think they can't talk shit about the queen?
Fucking пeндoc. Allah will fuck you in the ass, like Soviets fucked Hitler.
all USA citizens have the right to privacy
i always laugh my ass off when retarded amerishits turn this joke into some imposing figure
he's a crazy 70 year old, not the fucking god emperor
It´s a human right dipshit.
Lies! My pos heatimg/cooling guy tried to sell me that piece of Mitsubishi shit. I told him gtfo.
what is NSA
what is Snowden
Well, good thing I don't believe in fairytales my nigga
USA citizens are humans, you dipshit
>what is cheap labour
I meant any mini-split.
It was a fucking comedy, when HVAC nigger got confused by it. I ended up doing all the job, and he was basically providing gas and tools.
they collected what was broadcast. if you don't want your dirty laundry air out, don't expose it.
It is not a fairy tail when you have ЭПCH-65 in your rectum.
USA citizens... U.S citizens* and no shit faggot, just gotta kill your argument with the fact that everyone in a first world country has rights to privacy
Junk yards are 10/10
Heard about iron dome? And its fairytale* dumbfuck
that's a gook cheap labour plastic unit that skyrockets the power bill. in china all it could do is suck hydrocarbon smog into your home.
sure thing buddy
TF is a shootio
Why do all Russian/Soviet things look so much like shit?
Correct. Government officials? Not so much bucko
we can protests our leaders, can you londoners take over streets and shit talk the queen?
As a Dutchfag. Gotta admit, Motorvehicle restrictions in Europe are fucked up. Pretty much only thing you win at
uh... yeah we can, but we don´t have any reason to do so... So fuck ya self
USA citizens have a 'reasonable right to privacy'
you're powerful stupid, ain't ya.
Terror attacks are "part and parcel of living in a big city"
Reasonable right to privacy, hahaha, the fuck, dumbest argument ever, who not just have privacy?
i see you haven't taken high school gub'ment/civics
Voice input shitposting doesn't always work.
Because we're not afraid for shit nigga
if i only had a brian....
No, can´t "take" high school, I can go* to high school, and yes I went to high school.
>yes I went to high school.
you're evidence that 'no child left behind' doesn't work
Is that so? This methhead-american thinks otherwise
No, just a steady economic system, that's all,
Pasadena High my guy, ain´t my fault
Sopa de macacao
pasadena, tx, or pasadena ca?
It's in the 70's (Fahrenheit for the Eurofags that need everything to be divided by 100 to be able to understand) all summer long, that's why they don't need air conditioning. They may get a week of 80 degree weather.
Ca my guy
you spelt it wrong...
The USA is tough enough to throw the Royal Fags out of our country.
fuck me. that's worse than pasadena, tx.
Crystal Meth
I don't care.
Sopa de macaca macaque same shit
why do amerifats have to cover everything in layers of bacon? gross as fuck
Checkmate, europoor
Why you think I said, "it ain't my fault" was supposed to go to Glendale High, CA, but got changed last minute, like a week before we started.
Talk shit correctly, dumbfuck.
bacon is fucking amazing, is that too manly for you?
Uma delicia, sopa de brasilero
Does Google translate helping you out here my guy?
Fucking kek
Wer can, but why the fuck spend several hundred dollars on that. a decent fan is only 20
You spelt it wrong again... brasileiro*
many things are tasty, but you usually don't wrap things in tons of them because there is such a thing as overdoing it
your can't get more degenerate than americucks
Well, then get a dictionary
It's racist
Lol too manly? Have fun with your cardiovascular diseases Mr. Tough Guy
this is what i was taught about reasonable expectation of privacy
>be me
>be in town square open to the public
>talking to a buddy
>confess to him that i raped a little girl and burried the body at 123 fake street
>cop overhears
>goes to 123 fake street
>finds dead body of little girl
>get arrested
>charged with murder
the other scenario is
>be me
>be at home
>doors and windows closed
>confess to my buddy that i killed and raped a little girl
>give address where little girl is buried
>police have my house wire tapped without cause
>my confession can't be used against me because of illegal wire tap
see how that works?
Europoor windows don't allow window AC, plus europoors are afraid of GAS
Girl fined for posting music lyrics, guy wanted criminal for teaching a pug to salute on the work seig heil, arrested for carrying potato peeler, arrested for insulting someone online, arrested for exposing rape gang, imprisoned for wanting to leave the country. Love Western europoor and all your rights
>give illegals healthcare
This is what Republicans actually believe.
Especially to the Muslim race.
Fucking idiot, cops overhears you raped and murdered a little girl, and you think they would arrest you after they find her? No dumbfuck, they can arrest you for probable cause, and then investigate that cause. If your buddy doesn´t testify then he is equally fuckd.
Gotta get some sources on this my guy.
If you got a hand cart with you, why not use it.
This just shows Americans are more resourceful than eurofags.
i didn't say i wouldn't be arrested. i said my confession couldn't be used against me in the latter scenario. i suggest you go back to high school
Our teeth are so good we have to do meth to ruin them.
Strong. Resilient.
Something that Europe is not.
I have a samsung version of that and I'm south african
I talked about your first scenario faggot, and illegal wiretaps is a breach in privacy, yes, but not relevant to the cause of privacy
I'm an American
A total country boy
Literally everywhere people get that ducts are retarded, but no, US keeps making central air.
you don't communicate very well. i'm glad i was able to make you understand my point.
Mark Meechan/count dankula
Chelsea Russell
Tommy Robinson
Find your own sources lazy cuck
What about France and China?
Things Americans can't have. Because they can't be trusted with real electricity.
actually i know a guy who had 6 birds of prey including 2 eagles
so you wrong
no idea what that means but mine works pretty well. And my country gets pretty fucking hot
>every country in the world doesnt have homeless black people
europoors actually believe this
Fucking webp
My stove, air conditioner, dryer, and extra plug for my welding machine are all 240v
What are you on about? I got a 240 for my washing machine and oven.
God bless America
its to help our economy
illegal immigrants drain money and dont contribute
dont get it twisted
this is literally the ONLY reason theyre building a wall
WTF kind of washing machine you own that uses 240? a dryer and oven i can understand...but a washing machine???
I've heard Americans don't use electric kettles because their electricity is too weak, so they use stove tops on gas stoves to boil water. Is this true?
Lol, we run our cookers on 3 phase.
Your "dumbass"
>the "man" who forgets a quotation mark in his own meme
110v of pure American power.
Even illegal immigrants pay tax if they earn enough to be taxed - what they don't get is social security
not true. we have to cut wood, build a fire, then bring our water to a boil. what's a kettle?
Is that true that people drink unboiled water in US, EU, etc.?
your people are so naturally ugly and untamed that out absolute worst drug addicts resemble a regular joe and jane in your country? thats your defense?
British word for teapot
It's the big roundy thing your mother uses to make moonshine for your dadbro
i love how eurofaggots number one defense is that as americans we are fat
as a skinnny and fit american i appreciate you calling me flawless
DNA tests have confirmed my bro is not my dad
I hate how Americans think we take these threads seriously. We love the banter and don't give 2 shits what America has or hasn't got.
my condolences. That sucks
Except that in order to pay taxes, you have to have a ssn or identification number, if you do not have one, you can not be identified by the federal government and therefore unable to pay taxes.
>thinking any European would be seen driving an American car of that price when
>etc etc etc
>any Japanese 2.0ltr turbo charged family saloon that outhandles and out paces that pig iron lump if ladder chassis nonsense with leaf sprung suspension carrying two tonnes of metal.
Good boy
pat pat pat
oi UH REckd uh lorrie un shpoonur shtreet bi da lancashtier pup'
Sorry,can’t hear you over the 50hz hum from the 3 faces of 230v electrical outlets in my garages....
you needed a DNA test?
Its probably only the EcoBoost anyway.
to appease stupid fucks like you? yes.
And then you end up working at Mar-a-Lago. Got it.
Communism is more in line with modern day left-wing libshit politics and you're a retard if you can't see that.
i would lube my body in bacon grease and wear a pig meat suit and chase your inferior ass around
I'll need to see the long form certificate. Until then who knows?
liberals are in no way comparable to communists retard
You're right, liberals are more retarded
Genuinely curious guys, what's all this about ACs? I'm in America but my AC doesn't look like any of the ones posted here.
No it isn't. Jesus Christ man, your country invented Google. Use it.
The words of a truly salty European peasant, downtrodden beneath the oppressive feet of tyrants that we gave the finger to long ago.
If HR wants to hire an illegal, they will and they are the only people that will know. Can't assume every person that speaks with a dialect or doesn't speak the same language as you is an immigrant, legal or not.
agree comrade
You do know it's not the 1920s, right?
go big or go home
It's illegal to hire an illegal resident. But nobody's arresting any HR department - or their bosses
Amen. Picked up a new trans for 1k over the weekend
>Leafspring on mustang
Trying to hard
you shitheads are just fine with gov't sponsored Muhamed and his southern nigger friends having their way with your home
you fucking eurocucks aren't even going to have a genepool in just a few decades.
WW2 was a waste of time. you shitheads just let it all happen again.
He's trying to prove a point but he's only reinforcing mine kek.
>no!!! use this search engine that's run by a bunch of far-left liberals and you'll see that you're wrong!!
>When a Mustang is the best you can do
American cars are worse in every possible way, compared to European cars. prove me wrong
We have a genepool. It;s called humans
And love the pic. Reminds me of Vic Morrow in the Twilight Zone movie. That ended well for him
You don't arrest a whole department of a company or the head for breaking the law committed by others, you fine them and make them deal with the issue. There is no way to prove that the company knowingly hired them without testimony and why would someone throw themself under the bus?
Do you even know how to internet?
>Edgy summerfags...
Googling another search engine is always an option
They call this play on words a pun.
If a company hires an illegal resident and doesn't ask for the correct documentation the onus is on them for the hiring, and the onus is on the employee for being there
Next you'll tell me to read some Wikipedia article on it because those are totally objective too.
That image you responded to is more a projection into the future.
Few more decades of that race mixing and thats you, homeslice
they're clearly not american anyways you retard. if they say something negative about america that isn't being "unpatriotic"
>Commented on a picture of a S550 and complains about leafspring
In America, Euro cars are trash and expensive in everyway. Part prices, MSRP, services, and on top of that, they all age poorly. Most American cars are either slightly below or even while being cheaper that the European counterparts. In Europe, you cant speak about American cars besides the shit fwd ecoboxes but any truck, mid tier cars, or utility vehicle wins everytime. Especially with the displacement tax, you cant enjoy any of Americans top of the line vehicles. I couldn't imagine drive a base line skoda with it's 150 hp i3 while still getting charged more on the displacement in road taxes than 90% of people in America gets tax for renewing registration
ooh sorry not for you ameritard
Go pay 4000 for a cast retard
A search engine isn't a content provider. It's just a tool. You sound like you think if you leave a hammer and a nail in a room alone together for 5 mins you'll come back to discover the nail bent, the hammer running away with your sister and you're suddenly a communist.
If a search engine can change your mind you're doing life wrong
What is forged documentation? If the stolen an identity or have the license and SSN of a legal relative while looking identical, it's not the employers fault. Not every company is at fault. Some do it on purpose, some on accident. No arguing that
theism isnt compatible with anarchism
Rather wait 4000 then wait 3 years for my request form to be denied.
Your first few arguments are reversed when American cars get sold in Europe.
boomers be boomin
As Americans we have the same goals just different way of achieving them. Life moves on.
I don't believe Euros have ever cared for that privilege and as a result most of Euros don't even vote come elections.
Very easy for politicians to establish an artificial hierarchy when the people don't care.
You have no idea what you're actually talking about do you?
dubs of Truth. if you don't have central air/heat in 2019 you're living in cardboard boxes
yeah bacuse your neanthertal brain cannot wait 2 hours for a free service
Forged documentation can be EASILY checked. In a real registered company with a computer, That shouldn't be an excuse. It is, but it shouldn't be
That's why you can't speak about them, they are to expensive due to your cuck country not allowing something so great and amazing.
Europoors can't go broke because school tuition and they can't go broke for having to pay medical bill/cancer hahahahhahahaha
If we are going to exaggerate then 4000 and 3 years is fair, both of you don't understand what private health insurance is, under my current private health plan, I wouldn't pay a penny for that cast
>unironically using Fahrenheit and imperials in 2019
No HR experience means no opinion, it's easy as long as you have the right documentation
Im on you side faggot
You're a child. I can tell, I bet you're not even old enough to drive legally by septic standards.
Wish I could agree on the first thing you said again but I don't believe in that anymore.
Some Euro comes on here and thinks they're better than US? I don't like arguing but I won't sit by either.
And yes it reminds me of the John Landis Twilightzone too, cracks me up everytime
You're paying in advance, retard.
thats what i tell ur mom before we have wild monkey buttsex
Even a junior on their first day should have no problem verifying the validity of documents. It doesn't even take very long
That only has one reason, and that's your import taxes. Leave economic factors out of the equation because they will differ per country. Purely based on the actual vehicle, there will be a better European alternative for every possible car except oversized pick-up trucks because we don't compensate our self esteem issues en masse by driving ridiculously big cars.
Pity insults over your shitty country performance in the car markets, once one of you miserable cancer growths set on American soil and spend a year in the car relaxed states, you will never want to go back paying a quarter of your salary on to your government so they can buy a bigger dildo to peck your pathetic ass
Wrong. There are literally people who’s job is to go to elementary schools and such and show animals to kids. They always have an eagle of some sort. “Jungle Joey” “Safari Sam.” Generally how the names of the act go. Bald eagles are a protected speacies yes, and therefore come with consequences if taken from their environment or killed. However you just said eagle.
I don't blame Euros for thinking they're better than you. Have you seen your president?
Not in every country, but most.
There all over Northern and Central Italy.
They don't even exist.
Is it true Americans cut their cheese with a knife instead of using a cheese cutter?
University debt
It's funny how lots of yanks slag off European cars for shit reliability but don't realise some euro companies build American spec cars in America, so only have themselves to blame if their BMW falls apart.
Name checks out, birth dates checks out, SSN matches driver license number registered by the state, picture on license matches the person, height weight seems right, eye and hair is okay. Well I guess your hired. 2 years later finds out it was a person that looked similar enough or a relative information was turned in as the employees own. I can see how easy it is when the requirements doesn't need finger prints or blood samples to prove identify
Lol, I could wind you up all day. You don't even know what I drive.
Because we have a life and don't have to bin that knife. Subject!
So is europoor, taxes are going towards health care retard
Next to that, we have Germany... Only argument we need for reliability
im german and i never once have seen such a device
I anticipated this and looked up what the average American spends on healthcare insurance. I can assure you, no European spends the equivalent of $9k a year on taxes for healthcare.
If your country didn't have shit economic policies then you could actually comeback with some bite. You don't understand why trucks are driven more than sedans in America either, so ignorant.
Can you formulate a coherent argument and try again?
Still will never experience life to its fullest in your prision you called your country
I spend 1000 a year on health coverage, I could spend less for a higher deductable and less benefits. What can you fags over there say?
Are you even American by birth? Your piss poor spelling and grammar screams Mexican immigrant. Pedro.
Fuck your stupid royalty. Any man who would bow to another human simply because they are "royalty" is a total idiot. Do you fucking Brits realize how stupid that is? The queen is nothing more than a human. She descends from a long line of "royalty" going back several hundred years but in the end the first king of England was only the king of England because he proclaimed himself such. It is completely a man made farce.
Then explain. And next to that you're avoiding the statement I made.
All countries have worthless niggers
As American as you are retarded.
>What can you fags over there say?
Thank God I'm not a retarded American?
I like the way you started using a full stop, good work pedro.
There is more need for pickup trucks due to having the requirement of potentially moving objects that require a trailer, that paired with it's cheaper to insure a truck, cheaper to repair, holds up to more abuse, less government regulation concerns and can support a family worth of space and keep them safe in case of a wreck. For cars, I already said that American cars that are worth a damn will be in Europe for the common people. Government doesn't allow something so "harmful" to the environment to be their but they will happily cheat when it comes to EPA in the US though
Kek. Incoming cope.
Sadly though R-22 is going to be banned here in the US too next year. The prices are going to go through the roof on it because they will only be able to use existing and recovered stock. Fucking tree huggers
You sure got him Reyansh. Keep up the work.
or you could enlist and pay almost nothing for healthcare.
oh, wait. only seven out of 100 americans bother to serve their country. this is in contrast with most developed countries that have MANDATORY service. never mind, civilian. keep buying your health insurance. it keeps an entire industry afloat. thanks, i guess...
Just buy a fucking transit van.
we can have whatever voltage we want cuck. we are even allowed 3 phase and split phase if we feel like it
These are great, unfortunately most of them have been cancelled for anyone who can't afford a damn good lawyer.
(see previous picture for details)
No you can't. Stick 110v up your arse and singe slightly.
Lower ground clearance, less utility, and less gross trailer weight. Not to mention suspension, packing, gearing, power, EPA regulation, and all of the other shit that makes it worse as a family vehicle and daily vehicle all together.
I've been to Houston, San Antonio, Santa Fe, Denver. They all had SUV's within the city centres which means the use of them is higher then the necessity. There is some weird obsession with owning SUVs/pickups.
Still. Next to pickups, there is no single type of car in which there's a better American then European version.
>The US has the second-highest rate of poverty
So move there.
You keep recycling the same buzzwords in every post.
At least he does something about the niggers and chinks.
EU? Import millions of niggers (incl. the sand variety) and sell whole states to China (Italy, Greece) AND punishes those for resisting (Hungary, Poland)
So one more time about Trump??
Get the fuck off this forum
That's why the UK is trying to leave. I honestly can't understand why some are trying to keep us in.
U mad bro?
actually good looking pine trees
EPA standards, taxes, safety, and utility is why they are popular, we don't have the luxury to walk next door to another country. European cars are argreeded to be one of the worst purchases and depreciate horribly compared to their USA counterparts. I can pick up a 2015 base line euro luxary car for the same price I can pick up a 2010 American base car. Depreciation reflects something and more times its how shitty a car is since many Americans want something that works right and dependable.
Ok you win