Trap thread. I saw this pic and I absolutely fell in love. I love his tummy and dick and how cute he looks...

Trap thread. I saw this pic and I absolutely fell in love. I love his tummy and dick and how cute he looks. Most importantly how young he looks. I want more

Attached: 5EA53430-3059-49D4-AED4-C7DAF481F091.jpg (749x685, 126K)

same but with this one.

Attached: 143213654685465.jpg (1280x960, 313K)

>Most importantly how young he looks

Attached: VERY fast policeman coming to arrest anon at incredible hihg speed.jpg (700x394, 56K)

I’m young too so shhhhhbhhh

Moar? Cute burrito

Anyone wanna talk on kik with me? ^.^ pic related. Kik: a_d3990

Attached: Snapchat-17224943831_3080.webm (960x496, 1.66M)

Looking to buy a pair of breast forms. Found the brand I want but cant decide in the cup size. Debating between the E and G sizes. Both are the same cost. Any opinions anons. E cup for reference

Attached: HTB1Erg9cEGF3KVjSZFmq6zqPXXaK.jpg_640x640q90.jpg (527x640, 112K)

G cup here

Attached: HTB1h7HcX.vrK1RjSspcq6zzSXXax.jpg_640x640q90.jpg (640x626, 108K)

E would probably be easier to wear about and about. G looks like a pain

I'm beginning to think that the people who frequent these threads (aside from the traps themselves) are into boys.

That's... kinda gay.

Attached: 1562806101595.jpg (1080x1920, 460K)

My frame for reference

Attached: Snapshot_20121222_47.jpg (640x480, 48K)

not until I get a timestamp

Tbh u have like middle aged woman body. Idk maybe g would be ok for like milf vibe

any traps in the western US?

Daddy is trying to meet and fuck.

k i k

I don;t know how you came to that conclusion, show me the math nerd

Hmmm show ass for proportional comparison


Your loss I guess?

Attached: Snapchat-359574193.webm (496x960, 1.4M)

At most it's 50% gay

Yes! I want more too. So cute!

Gasp! Is it really you Allana? Been off for a bit. Im into cute chicks like you.
How've you been? If this is even you.

No you retard, look at the filename

>no timestamp

no, you lost out on 9 inches

op thats just a dude. you're a gay

Euro fag here
Searched here, even installed grindr.
Fucking none, and if I find a shemale on grindr he just doesn't respond or is 98 percent sure a fake.
Any tips on where to find them?
Life is too cruel to not give me qt3,14 traps here.

Attached: Luffy_cries.jpg (704x396, 55K)

I couldn't care less

Attached: Snapchat-943561579.jpg (990x1920, 388K)

to be fair his tum and hips are incredibly feminine for a male

Hips where?

Sexy af legs got any more pics?

Right here, my boy

Attached: 20190722_153749.jpg (748x684, 213K)

There are tons of cute guys in Europe but traps are rarer because that particular form of degeneracy hasn't caught on yet here in the mainstream. You could always get a cute boy to dress as a girl, which is basically a trap. If you are only after completely passing ones then that shit is rare everywhere, even America