Does anyone on Yea Forums believe in reincarnation?

Does anyone on Yea Forums believe in reincarnation?

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No. Souls aren't real.

Do you have any evidence to support that claim?


Kind of. I believe consciousness is an illusion, and just like how cells are building blocks of your body, you are just a building block of the Earth

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Heard a theory one time that I always thought myself before I heard it. You re-live your life over and over and that's why we have dejavu.....

yes for i iam a yes man#

(smiling guy in suit wid hand facing u.jpg)

Do you have any evidence that "souls" exist? No. Try again.

I consider it possible, at least as much as the "you die you dead" theory

Consciousness isn't an illusion because it's a real thing that requires a ton of energy and work on the part of the brain to construct. Calling it an illusion is misleading because our minds do more to tell us about what there is in the world than they do to remove such information from our awareness.
Consciousnesses isn't perfect and is prone to error, but that in itself does not make it an illusion. Literally the entire brain is built to construct it, there'd be no reason for brains if consciousness were not its result.
I don't believe in souls, there's no evidence, but there is evidence for the mind. You could argue that it's entirely due to physical factors, but that doesn't mean that it itself is an illusion, but rather a physical process... digestion isn't an illusion, is it?

He probably hasn't. But he's not the one claiming to know what the truth you retard

Yeah. I havent seen it. Not tisible thermally nor it has weight. If it's a thing without any weight and temperature, do you have some prove that it exist? Like some particle? If yes, then show me your study, because it wourd be the biggest scientific discovery of a particle since Higgs Boson. Oh, you don't even have some fact that says it probably exist(like boson had to exist cuz electrons heavy uga huga). Besides some, IT HAS TO EXIST CUZ THEN I AINT NO BRAIN THINK DUH.

Holy fuck, please let this be bait

I did not assert that souls exist. You asserted that they do not exist.

Braindead skeptarding at its finest. Predictable juvenile knee jerk tantrum at anything they can't explain. An the irony is they don't know enough about science or philosophy to understand that they are treating science as a religion. Fuckwits.

The idea of reincarnation isn't meant to mean between lives, reincarnation takes place within a life. For example if you're the same person that gets on a plane in Denmark and gets off in Hawaii you have reincarnated. A Buddha or one who has transcended the wheel of birth and death (reincarnation) lives forever in the present moment and feel brand new and original in each moment. They would not feel the same as the one that got on the plane as the one that got off, therefore they haven't reincarnated. In regards to between lives, no such thing is possible it's make believe. When you die you rot in the ground.

That's how the government wants you to think. Keep thinking you're a meaningless flesh robot..

I do, but I don't believe in souls, lol.

>Consciousness isn't an illusion because it's a real thing

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you made this same thread in your past life retard...i remember

>Literally the entire brain is built to construct it
The feeling that you've got a brain, is a product of your consciousness.

Wow. You went full retard. Your mind isn't your spirit, it's your body talking to your spirit. Your mind is a collection of neurons that are plugging your soul into your body.


Not enough souls. 7.6 billion people alive today, over seven times the global population in 1800. Twenty-five times the global population of 0AD.

way too good to be true

i dont beleive it

yes because dmt

also the higgs boson doesn't exist, that was just a fleck of the gluon field

Yup. Over and over and over until you've learnt every lesson to fulfil your soul's higher purpose.

I'm a pretty damn strong atheist, but there are times I think about the vastness of space. I think about how many billions of galaxies there are each with millions of stars and an almost unlimited amount of planets like our own. Then I think about the simple folk on this planet just sort of living these super tiny lives, having simple small talk or driving down the street. It hits me hard like what the fuck are we doing here? With all this nothingness why us? Why now? Especially given that all this is for nothing. It makes me fantasize that this is a simulation, and when all is said and done our consciousness is recycled into other lives. We keep living further and further complex existences, as more and more advanced beings and one day we will be born into "god bodies" and be the peak of evolution and reincarnation. But then I start to question if we are even alive to begin with, whether we are just fancy wind up toys with no real unique thoughts. I suspect that we are just chemical fires that burn for a time and are used up. If I had to pick a side, my logical brain would choose the second, as much as I lust for the first to be true.

most people are NPCs though.... you have to look far and wide inbtween to find the real genuine souls

Kind of, I mean, I don't really believe in death in an existential way.
You are reality in a sense, and when you "physically die" ...your mind will wake up from this dream into another dream in this infinite existence.

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That's mind control propaganda to make you feel like you are worthless on the scale of the universe. You get one life, live it to the fullest. You are the universe experiencing itself, not just a being experiencing the universe. Don't get lost in science's latest research, it's propaganda. Science is constantly wrong. We have not been on the moon it's rubbish

You were doing really well until that last sentence.

I would recommend reading "Our Mathematical Universe" by Max Tegmark.
It's a really good segway into understanding our universe beyond what we can see and reason about using conventional physics.
That's kind of what sparked my interest in understanding reality in a much deeper sense.
I was a hardcore atheist before, but now consider myself something of a mix between spiritual and an atheist.
It is something you need to realise and experience on your own, explaining it doesn't make it justice.

Here you go.

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Nice try young man

The moon landing was propaganda hoax. I mean, just go outside and look at the moon when the sun is still above the horizon. Note the shadow. The curvature of the shadow. Sometimes the moon is super bright, and sometimes it's dull as shit. Sometimes it's smaller in size, sometimes it's huge. It's not a rock floating in space it's a luminescent like the sun, which is why it's the same size as the sun and has the ability to perfectly eclipse it. it doesn't reflect the sun's rays that's such bullshit

Not sure if bait or just retarded.
>got my kid a telescope
>looked at the moon
>holy crap it's got mountains an' shit

Thanks I'll check it out

Look at it during the daytime when half the moon is gone and get back to me.

That's the clincher, it's bait. Nobody's that retarded.

It's as easy as grabbing your telescope and walking outside. Why can't you see half the moon when the sun is above the horizon and there's no Earth in the middle casting a shadow upon the moon?

Listen, O.P. and the Anons.
If we are alive and present in the moment then that is all the evidence we need for reincarnation.

if i did i wouldve killed myself by now. im certain theres nothing after death, thats why in the past i was twitchy about off-ing myself due to circumstances out my control. things are better now.

The Laura of wet blankets enters the thread.

Instead of participating in thread discussion, this Laura just wants to point out that you're currently at the edge of the board and about to die. =^_^=

Attached: Laura.png (191x274, 61K)