Gonna be retouching some girls you send my way for like an hour...

Gonna be retouching some girls you send my way for like an hour. I'm not gonna fake nude anyone or work with pictures with no pixels.

Show me the hottest almost-but-not-quite-perfect-amateur-girls you've got.

Attached: 1563740681219 comparison.jpg (1000x715, 160K)

Attached: Mistress T Shop.jpg (1280x1440, 233K)

So basicly youre not doing anything much...

Fuck off niggercunt

Thats..... pretty pathetic....

I like to be subtle to keep them realistic, yet sexier. You're pretty much the first to complain in my threads, so congrats on being the top faggot.

Attached: leather 1563418843496.jpg (1280x800, 278K)

I also do like 50 of these in a night for you guys, so I'm not aiming to win any photoshop competitions with these, but since people usually look at a sexy pic for only a few seconds, it should be fine.

Attached: weird 1563731933941.jpg (430x512, 38K)

why the fuck would anyone spend hours working on a fake nude for random Yea Forumstards?

You do matures too?

Could u make this pussy drip cum

Attached: Screenshot_20190605-112436_Snapchat.jpg (1080x2280, 714K)

do her please?

Attached: 1541784465728.jpg (486x765, 208K)

Attached: 19283802_n.jpg (448x604, 54K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190722-144355_Instagram.jpg (1080x2280, 864K)

I'm good with either version. This girl is such a babe. Name?

Could u fix this make it look more real

Attached: 1563718410491.png (512x512, 437K)

>> Could u fix this make it look more real
Just ask your mom for another pic.


Attached: rl (98).jpg (1080x1080, 236K)

her op?

Attached: 59428806_676974196074864_6402885131181112963_n.jpg (1080x1350, 223K)

Attached: 61474497_390384405219787_2153352995955296539_n.jpg (705x834, 117K)

Attached: 4EEF570F-EEBB-4444-B242-FE9D0FEBCBC1.jpg (1536x2048, 809K)

I liked the first one better


can you make this chick like, not fat

Attached: 10859900_740678032689382_583575901_n.jpg (720x960, 63K)

good work op

op gone?

Bigger boobs pls and thanks!

Attached: sukiluser_65116321_358799448159304_9149402194884234311_n.jpg (1080x1349, 151K)

did OP even do anything

you know women usually have belly buttons right? OP is a faggot

OP collecting soft fap material

please do this one its pretty decent already

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 333K)

bigger bobs?

Attached: jhbkn.png (557x736, 515K)

Attached: 559260_10151127851189049_781887051_n.jpg (960x562, 133K)

Attached: 42355.jpg (600x800, 154K)

Honestly they are right. Your just using liquify and very badly to boot. Seeing the distortions around what you are Manipulating is off putting.

You’re blind

Attached: IMGP1531.jpg (450x600, 39K)

Attached: sexy 068.jpg (2448x3264, 1.32M)