Old cunts give the young advice pt 2
Pic unrelated
Old cunts give the young advice pt 2
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off libcuck
Nice trips
stay in drugs
eat your school
dont do vegetables
pol is kinda gay, there's nothing wrong with being right wing but they're just anime loving faggots complaining about jews all the time
Nah. Just because people are sick of /pol/ brigading this board and pushing an agenda doesn't necessarily mean we're liberal.
Yea Forums used to be anarchy. Now we have these shit political threads...
do you really expect pol tards to realize this?
Fpbp, also checked
Bumping for the old cunts to give advice
Based trips
Join the US military and just get through basic training then report symptoms of mental illness (schizophrenia for example.)
You can receive up to $4000 per month after your medical discharge for this illness that you acquired while in service
Most life insurance companies pay off for suicide if you've had the policy for at least 2 years.
but if you're going to stay alive, brush your teeth with a soft tooth brush to not scrape off all the enamel exposing the yellow under-layer. teeth become a major status symbol once you're late 20s and everyone doesnt have white teeth anymore
If it weren't for pol this website would be an extension of reddit. It's the only thing offensive enough to keep the bulk of the normalfags away. Yea Forums and reddit are basically the same thing at this point.
Mfw I fucked up my teeth already and suffer everytime I want a smoothie
>bait pic
>shocked fags get baited
actual brainlet pic unrelated
Also on the subject of reddit, there are subreddits for taking out cash loans and subs for getting (and giving) free pizza in exchange for a sob story
im pissed nobody ever told me to use a soft brush until it was too late too.
I cri cause I didn't use a toothbrush at all
If I might make an avuncular suggestion, young man:
Hostility and terminology such as "libcuck" brand you as someone most people would avoid on principle. When Hunter S. Thompson wrote "give anything weird a wide berth" he was thinking of people who express themselves the way you just did.
Those who follow the teachings of Christ know that a kind word turneth away wrath.
Never browse b
Leave Yea Forums as soon as you can and never come back
move to ukraine. they're really poor there and things are very inexpensive
fake news, faggot
Jesus was a filthy kike faggot you nigger lover
Avoid pregnancies at all costs
get a credit card or 2 and pay off what you spend every month. build up your credit doing this one easy thing.
things will be cheaper from cars to access to more money later
Use a condom
Never get married
Be a man