I used to work at Pizza Hut, Subway, and Wendy's, and I would fuck with people's food that deserved it

I used to work at Pizza Hut, Subway, and Wendy's, and I would fuck with people's food that deserved it.

My logic was, 90% of our customers were Republicans who voted against raising the minimum wage. Thus, they are my enemies since they voted to keep me in poverty. Therefore they deserve to have their food fucked with. Literally, fuck these uneducated boomers.

Never even got caught

Anyone else do shit like this? Lol

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>90% of our customers were Republicans
you am smart

I worked at a couple of fast food places when I was a teen. My co-workers and I would fuck with peoples food when we were bored or when we were stoned.

You figured it out, OP. Someone finally did it... I can't believe it. Republicans! That's why you made minimum wage. It explains EVERYTHING. We were such sheep to think that minimum wage was never intended to be a living wage and that those jobs were aimed at students. Wow!

>is retarded
>is paid wages that are fitting for a retard
>doesn't possess the skill or mental fortitude to earn more money
>blames republicans

You probably just strengthened their immunity system.

Your logic is that of someone that works at a fast food place

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>My logic was,

Someone that works entry level jobs isn't capable of logic, thats why it's an entry level job. Nice LARP though, I'm sure it makes you feel empowered.

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>voluntarily work for a low wage

This is why nobody votes to increase minimum wage. Please go to community college at least.

>lease go to community college at least.
Yeah where it's 25k for a degree that doesn't compete. great idea. Oh, and loans aren't available for community colleges.

tell us the one about how the boomers sucked up all the housing now

>Yeah where it's 25k for a degree that doesn't compete.

This is what you dead end faggots always fail to realise. It's not the degree that competes, but the person taking it. Does that make sense to you? YOU HAVE TO COMPETE.

Sitting on your ass and waiting for the job to come to you isn't how you utilise your degree. You have to network in college and outside of it and build contact. No, you don't need rich parents to do this, you need ambition and drive. But you just keep 'fucking with peoples' food to feel better about a wasted life experience.

>It's not the degree that competes
u must be fucking retarded or trolling.
obviously its up to the person to succeed, but an associates doesn't mean jack shit anymore. research degree inflation

Awesome. fuck them! lol

Seems legit.fuck republicans

>research degree inflation

I have. It's also called market saturation. So tell me Mr wise ass, why did you go for a degree that was over saturated? Did you think they would give you a job because your mom tells you that your awesome? You still have to compete you total fucking failure. Lifes a competition and your fucking failing hard. You keep doing you though, keep doing your basic bitch entry level work.

Where in the HELL is a community college 25k?! I got an A.S in nursing for next to nothing and a BSN for less than 10k. The whole college is a scam is horseshit. Pick a viable field and you don't have to worry.

>, why did you go for a degree that was over saturated?
I didn't. I learned a trade and spend the time/money I would on studying for a degree, getting experience and contacts.

how long ago?
It's 18-22k here in Tx

Lace them with ratpoison

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fast food worker logic fail. people with good jobs dont eat that shit. just foodstampers like yourself. but good on you fighting the fight against rich people. nice and safe there.

-try protesting venezuela, china or north korea when you grow a pair.

I once worked at a 24hr mcdonalds that at night time served all the young drunk university kids. These punks were giving me a hard time one night, bringing back food and stuff. I told him id refill their drinks as well, the manager and i pissed in their cups and gave them back.
Also on back shift, if you were a fuck head to me. Id usually pick your food out of the compost bin and heat it up

I remember working fast food and if a customer was really shitty I’d think they were just having a bad day , I’d give them the best version I could of what I was working with . Like the best Pizza Hut you could eat made proper hoping it’ll just make their day . I’d make them enjoy the fuck out of my food if they were being shitty .

How did you feel about centrists, though? I just ordered pizza hut last Friday and now I'm kinda nervous that I might've just eaten an entire spit pizza.

Well i guess we're on the complete oposite end of the spectrum

>the manager and i pissed in their cups and gave them back

>Things that never happened

See this right here. This is doing your job and being a true professional. No matter the job do it well. Work ethic, this user will go far.

I worked at an Arby's back in highschool, wh had these Gyro's there and the greek meat was lamb blended with Roast Beef(yuck) we had this Indian dude come in and was a royal fucking asshole and demanded food without cow in it, so I tell him about the gyro with lamb meat, he get's 4 of em for him and his wife, tricked them both into eating cow

Less than 5 years. I did have the Pell grant though

Hey you did the same thing I did! To be fair we both know that the BSN degree is bullshit when you went the ADN route. Total cash grab.

Not sure if it’s really the same in most other fields.

>90% of our customers were Republicans
How did you come to that conclusion? I mean I've been to all those places and I'm anything but

We did a lot of that at Taco Bell, too.

No that actually happened. Back shift downtown mcdonalds drive through. His idea, i told him he was doing it too. If i get caught i was taking him down with me

Reported and downvoted for offensive name taking offensive names and language. when your in school do you teacher ask "nazi come to the front your seat" when you sit down?? no. no does not.. when your teacher calls you by name she clals you by name. whehe you chose your name it refelects your name. thats why whenever my som.som goes online xbox i has him abide by the rules of the xbox online there name. because when you name????? banned. banned from xbox online. just like in real life in reddet you get banned from the sub. hange your name or else i am als repoaritng in attition to downvoting. i hope you learned that it to be as is in the law of ways.... cringe....

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Lmao. I remember when I used to hand out samples at costco. I did this for a couple years and the pay was quite decent for a student.
I'd get a lot of the "Is this halal? Is this kosher? Is this beef?" etc

I literally had people ask if it contained pork for shit like Yakisoba or Chicken soup.
One time I had a family get upset at me for offering them to try this bacon. They didn't ask or say anything. Just swarmed the tray. They started reading the package and they found out it contained pork. They then asked if it was pork, I said "Yeah, indeed!" proceeded to psit it all out in the trash next to me
Tried to get me fired for serving them pork. my boss just laughed.
Literally fuck these 3rd world savages thinking pork is dangerous or something.


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>it's an entry level job
No, it isn't. Entry-level jobs lead to mid-level jobs which lead to executive-level jobs.
Fast-food joints offer only dead-end jobs. The best you can hope for there is area management for the particular franchise, one in ten thousand chance at that brass ring, and "management" in fast-food is nothing more than HR and front-line production.

yeah well your pic says it all.


more like tipical denmark worker and tipical usa worker, i am ritgh felas?

>a-a-a valid p-point?! W-WAIT DAS A BLACK MAN! I- I know! n-niggers!

I don't know why they don't pay people like you more money. It's a damn shame really. It sounds like you really deserve it.

you have any idea how much it cost to support them in a country? that's were that extra $11 an hour and the benefits goes.

Before Cletus began bleating about how the Messicans wuz steelin ther jerbs Cletus was bleating about how the darkies wuz steelin ther jerbs. Difficult habit for Cletus to break.

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you're a fucking moron

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>this level of projection and cope

pic related, it's you

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-I'll always be Republican and vote to punish your fuckeduppery
-I'll always go to shawarma joints where food is made before me, and I'd rather gladly give money to hard-working Arabs than to a lazy millennial unperson like you. BTW they're self-employed and earn more than minimum by a long shot

says they user that immediately resorted to name calling.

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what the fuck are you even saying

Imagine not having rich parents to pay for your entire college

Sounds like all you're capable of is shit jobs. There's no money in them, but you keep taking them and bitching about low pay. You're probably doomed to a life in the fast food industry, so accept what you get and shut up. Personally, I'd like to break your face.

I dont fuck around with food much at McDonalds but we have whipped cream that has nitrous in it, so I would just fuck around and huff it all day

Yeah and I'm sure those happy meals cost the same in Denmark.

This is why I go to places that hire almost exclusively cute girls.
If I see one nigger, I’m out.

Just kidding. I make my own food because I’m not fucking disgusting. Kill yourself and do the world a favor nigger.

isn’t this how the burger king foot lettuce guy basically got caught and fired

I work at Domino's. We know who consistently doesn't tip and keep track of that shit, and all I'm gonna say is don't piss off people who handle your food

Dane here,living in US for uni.

A full mcdonalds meal in Denmark is like 65 kroner so its not bad. Thats like 8 or 9 US. That may be a little pricey but its not bad. We are not burgers or jews so we don't pinch pennies. If i'm too lazy to cook for myself i'm not too concerned of a slightly high price on a complete luxury.

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That’s fucked up dude , what if their wages are just as bad as yours ; you’re just going to assume they’re being assholes and fuck with their food ?

Don't buy a pizza if your wages are bad.

My god you are all niggers.
This is why we can’t have nice shit. I hope you all Experience the most painful loss humanly imaginable and have to live a long life in absolute misery.

fuck republicans

what do danes use to clean their asses?

You are a terrible person.


and you're the problem with america today

I remember back in my day when we contaminated food for wholesome reasons like race or sexuality

>eat scrambled eggs with bread for months until you find a good job

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Do they pay the same amount of taxes?

>I would fuck with people's food
Now when you say; "I would fuck with the food", can you elaborate?

>be employed at bottom tier job
>refuse to apply yourself to do better
>refuse to accept that your life is your responsibility
>refuse to see that things could be worse, you could be homeless, or a NEET forever masturbating to Yea Forums
>blame the customers who are the very reason your job exists
>believe yourself to be secret avenger of the fast food worker
You are not the picture of mental health. Seek help.

That's a pretty bleak but accurate picture of that guy's life.
Time to go back to where you came from OP.

You filty cunts really like talking down a white man because hes not a yankee faggot that helped ruin the country kys stay out of florida and the south pos we dont want your insightful opinions and bad driving

where are you form where CC isn't affordable?

Here in California financial aid is available to all students. The sate will give you up 5 grand if your a full time student and all my class fees get waived based on income as well. Most books required for a most associates degrees are less than 150. bucks.

faggot i bet you still work in fast food get a real job cunt

>voted to keep yu in poverty?

Dude your not a slave your free to fuck off and get an education and get a better job

>they are my enemies since they voted to keep me in poverty
and which of the customers was stopping you from getting a real job?

I'm a liberal, "on your side", and I think you're a giant fucking faggot pussy for doing that to anyone. I hope you watch someone you love die in a car fire some day you

Grow up, and be a man.

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I got high bp and switched to sushi as fastfod a long time ago.

Add soem wasabi green hot goe and some soy and i am good, sushi bar is within walking distance :D

I just love salmon sushu but will try tuna the next time :D

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>voted to keep me in poverty

You did that. You work a nigger job and act like a nigger because you choose to live like a nigger. Therefore, you're your own worst nigger.

raw fish *puke*

>Thus, they are my enemies since they voted to keep me in poverty.
No user, you have nobody to blame but yourself for that.

>I used to work at Pizza Hut, Subway, and Wendy's...
>voted against raising the minimum wage...
>Literally, fuck these uneducated boomers...
I hope you're trolling because this is the dumbest thing I've read today.
Raising the minimum wage is the equivalent of printing more money because there's poor people. It devalues the dollar, which is already pretty worthless.
The issue is the value of time. Your time, is worth very little. If you are paid more, the goods you intend to purchase will also increase in price because somewhere else, someone else with equally low value is also making more money.
The cost of living remains within the same margins, you've only made the numbers bigger.
Find a job with more valuable time, you worthless society leach.

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>wage cuck is angry at society

>the cost of living remains within the same margins

Don't get your business advice from reddit and /pol/. Take classes. The real world is far different than what you have been told.
You're going to get your ass handed to you when you move out, man. You'll realize how pants-on-head retarded you once sounded. Every teenager worth a damn learns that, and I hope you do as well. Don't stay stupid forever, user.