Fluffy HUGBOX thread, let's love some fluffs

Fluffy HUGBOX thread, let's love some fluffs.

Attached: Hugbox version.png (900x900, 356K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Hugbox 1.png (1500x1314, 664K)

Attached: Hugbox 2.jpg (1000x2000, 1.93M)

Attached: hugbox 3.jpg (1200x2000, 408K)

Attached: 66 (Abandoned comic story).png (1024x768, 330K)


Not for long

Attached: 49726%20-%20artist_fiddwe%20bean%20foal-abuse%20foal-suffering%20look_forward_and_milk%20safe%20sexy (800x800, 324K)

Attached: hugbox 4.jpg (800x800, 591K)

Attached: 52685%20-%20Azuki%20abuse%20artist_sexygoatgod%20explicit%20grape.jpg.png (775x759, 224K)

Attached: 54294%20-%20abuse%20alicorn%20dragging%20safe%20safe-for-now%20safe-ish%20soon-mammah.jpg.png (1024x768, 333K)

Attached: 37004%20-%20abuse%20artist_rq%20blood%20castration%20comic_keller_by_RQ%20crying%20cuts%20explicit%2 (1094x974, 1.32M)

Attached: 49478 - 4-koma abuse artist_backstubb burns cigarette_burn explicit false_hope flick flicked_nose fo (600x2379, 734K)

I actually can't stay for very long so Good luck with the thread

Attached: 1562477068916.gif (1000x750, 1002K)

"Am onwy widdwe babbeh" is such a murder boner enraging phrase.

Attached: 53363 - accidental_abuse artist_foxhoarder information informative quantum_physics water water_coole (945x1376, 124K)

May someone explain to me what these fluff threads are for? I'm kinda curious

Attached: 1500438639374.png (1248x3085, 1.16M)


It's like Viagra given to a sex addict. It just makes you want more more more

Attached: 49145%20-%20abuse%20artist_skoon%20cruelty%20explicit%20foal%20foal_abuse%20piss%20see_place%20shave (1500x1500, 644K)

no prob

Attached: E27Q4AJ9.jpg.png (675x1200, 1.32M)

Attached: 12017%20-%20abuse%20explicit%20fluffies_abusing_other_fluffies%20foal%20rapehouse.jpg (480x1152, 114K)

Attached: 1563633083372.png (1837x5259, 1000K)

This one still makes me fucking laugh

Attached: 1563695052050.jpg (600x800, 204K)

Ciao friends, I hope you can keep it afloat without me

Attached: 1563516207787.png (901x692, 777K)

Attached: 15562_-_abortion_abuse_artist_artist-kun_dam_explicit_feral_mammah_no_more_miscarriage_mummah_soon_t (1420x528, 145K)

Attached: 16641 - abuse artist_artist-kun earthie fluffy_facts foals foals_on_a_back kick mare questionable un (3392x1228, 238K)

Attached: 21770_-_artist-carpdime_can_chirpeh_babbeh_foal_foal_in_a_can_little_avocado_miwkies_safe.png (880x821, 156K)

Attached: 44773 - artist_cyrilsneer bad-poopie foal_in_a_can safe.png (1401x800, 234K)

Attached: Party Foals 1.png (3528x2288, 311K)

Attached: Party Foals 2.png (5720x3952, 590K)

Attached: Party Foals 3.png (5720x3958, 459K)

Attached: Party Foals 4.png (1960x4676, 264K)

Attached: Rockys Herd 1.jpg (1275x1650, 775K)

Attached: Rockys Herd 2.jpg (1275x1650, 1.77M)

Attached: Rockys Herd 3.jpg (1275x1650, 1.71M)

The best part of this image is is that pink fluffy is an alicorn, so not only does the litterpal have to endure a lifetime of agony and despair, it also has to watch a "munstah fwuffy" have all the love and joy it so desperately wants.

Just that one small detail makes this image so much bettter by tenfold.

Attached: 52971 - alicorn artist_backstubb ball grooming hugbox kid litter-pal litter_box mental_abuse questio (800x851, 511K)

Beating a sandwich, only makes it tastier.

Personally I don't mind. I enjoy all kinds of content as long as it's well made.

Was meant for


The way this guy draws kicks cracks me up for some reason.

The best part of this image is that the girl seems to be dying of some terrible condition.

This thread has a rollercoaster of wholesomeness to gorey. And why tf is there art of these things being tortured

Time for shit to get weird

Attached: 31659%20-%20artist_mutagen%20birthday%20mutagen%20safe.jpg.png (800x3000, 1.13M)

Attached: 10927%20-%20ball%20imminent_rape%20questionable%20silliness.jpg (576x1728, 263K)

Attached: 10434%20-%20artist_mutagen%20derpy%20fbwend%20questionable%20the_ringmaster.jpg.png (800x600, 91K)

Attached: 11736%20-%20abuse%20artist_mutagen%20commission%20explicit%20fan_martini%20fluffy_foal_and_mother%20 (1024x768, 493K)

Attached: 6985%20-%20abuse%20adventures_of_sherman%20dicks_everywhere.jpg (1123x1587, 275K)

Attached: 7193%20-%20_telephone%20adventures_of%20adventures_of_sherman.jpg (816x1056, 228K)

"nuu!! nu take babbeh from mummah! babbeh nu fo bad upsies! babbeh too widdwe!"
lmao as if there is a certain age where they find it acceptable to torture their species

God how I love seeing them cry

Attached: 1563174133733.png (800x1500, 546K)

Attached: 1563630589174.jpg (1192x1000, 621K)

Attached: 43359%20-%20abuse%20artist_goatfluffy%20blood%20blood_eagle%20decapitation%20explicit%20foal%20foals (803x618, 492K)

I was wondering why she looked odd. Man, but at least she has a cute alicorn fluffy pet...

Attached: 29151%20-%20abuse%20acid%20amputation%20artist_wolfram_sparks%20author_don_ronald%20based_on_story%2 (700x500, 116K)

Attached: 7X4N1HOK.jpg.png (1600x900, 1.12M)

Attached: 47250 - ball blocks broken_leg cage fluffies foals kibble litterbox questionable special-friend surg (900x7466, 1.73M)

Yea Forums as a fluffy

No if that was /b as a fluffy then the faggot would've started jerking off upon realizing he'd been cucked

Lol true

Attached: 40458 - artist_foxhoarder feral huggies leash pet sad-fluffy safe tears walk walkies.jpg (1266x768, 115K)

very sad

Attached: 48357 - abuse anthro ball boxmen chocobo death derpy hugbox ivan mlp neutral ringmaster sadbox safe (2400x600, 352K)

kek, love the faces on this one

Shitty stupid useless baby

Attached: 49443%20-%20abuse%20amputation%20artist_FierceDeityLynx%20blood%20crying_foal%20explicit%20teary.jpg (1137x1037, 289K)

Dump both in the trash

Attached: 1563736642461.png (2400x3000, 1.68M)

Attached: 1527034820087.png (1000x1000, 318K)

i thought this would be interesting at first, when he said he was interested on mothers, foals and their priorities. thought he would put them to some saw-style shit in wich they had to make choices

Attached: 1534645555065.jpg (842x484, 52K)

Every time I see this it makes me smile

This might put another smile to your face

Attached: 9090%20-%20abuse%20explicit%20fluffyshy%20mane_six%20passion_of_the_fluffyshy%20rape.jpg (1587x1123, 438K)

Attached: 54001%20-%20artist_Papa_Nurgle%20drowning%20mud%20safe%20smarty-babbeh.jpg.png (1600x1200, 928K)

That other user here that was talking with me about the trans-human aspects of the fluffyverse and the ethical dilemmas therein?

We left off at all the dystopian possibilities with fluffies that were possible, like fluffy fighting rings (which is explored some in the community already), Alicorn genetic breeding cabals, fluffies as drug mules, fluffies as bioweapons, fluffies as disease vectors and tons of other fun ideas.

Disease vectors you say?

Attached: 17085%20-%20abuse%20artillery%20biological%20dambusters%20instructions%20pregnant%20questionable%20w (1750x1050, 1.15M)

Even more fine tuned - because fluffies share genetic makeup across multiple pet genomes, they could cause disease mutations across them so that say, Feline specific things like FIV, Feline Leukemia, whatever, could mutate to also affect their near peers.

Ever read a book called The Stand? Cause I think I know where this line of thought is going to lead

what the literal fuck is going on here?

Attached: 1555978895564.jpg (1080x1065, 109K)

Does this answer your question?

Attached: 53249%20-%20abuse%20explicit%20foal%20foal_abuse%20genital_abuse%20hooks%20needle%20torture.jpg.png (1166x1306, 579K)

The story idea so far was an exploration of the early days of fluffy release. Following one of the hasbio corporate security guys trying to track down a late stage prototype fluffy that carries the dominant genetic markers for higher level intelligence and prevent it from breeding with a certain colour alicorn they use as an experimental index. The questions playing out therein could touch on fluffy sentience, value of sentience, and pretty much everything Asimov had to say while also involving gritty near futurist stuff like using fluffies as incubators for artificially grown compatible organs.

Mommy feeds babies!




Attached: 54226%20-%20abuse%20clorox%20daddeh-no-more%20dead%20foal%20infanticide%20intentional%20poisoned%20q (630x739, 145K)

Noooooooo it only raises more questions.


Yeah the cyberpunk idea

I've heard it before, but what are we going to do with it? It's a fascinating thought but who's going to write it out?


Attached: 1563096437349.png (1000x1700, 1.26M)

Well, I was the one who came up with it, so at some point I'm going to be bullshitting enough of it to have a fairly competent outline of what the plot could be if I just keep showing up to these threads. After that it'll just need actual prose to string it all together.

Alright, sounds good.

In the meantime, I guess relax and enjoy the shows.

But… it's true though. It is only a little baby, and torturing foals is neither big nor clever.

Actually, if it's gonna go through some sketchy ass places, could also tie it into the (in my opinion) prime abuse timeline with The Loft/Red Baron universe. The main human in that story worked in big pharma too, so it wouldn't be a hard sell to meet him in the course of the story.

Reminds me of this story which got abandoned by the author just when it got interesting.

Attached: 36316 - abuse artist_mranon2u begging comic dnd dungeons_and_dragons extreme_make_believe featured_i (1024x2880, 932K)

Attached: 36317 - abuse artist_mranon2u blood comic dnd dungeons_and_dragons extreme_make_believe fluffy foal (1024x2880, 860K)

Attached: 36372 - abuse comic dnd dungeons_and_dragons extreme_make_believe fluffy fluffy_sized_town foal foal (1024x2880, 830K)

Maybe. I guess I didn't really consider it before

>rollercoaster of wholesomeness to gorey
why tf is there art of these things being tortured
That's fluffy ponies for you.

How about a little fire, scarecrow?

Attached: 49011%20-%20tagme.jpg (1200x753, 690K)

Attached: 45445%20-%20blood%20blue_face%20dying%20explicit%20tears%20wire.jpg.png (1000x2000, 732K)

But I like that color! It matches my Razerâ„¢ gear!

This is basically "sociopath fucks about with helpless animals". It's like reading a more complex version of some kid frying ants with a magnifying glass, only the kid is an adult.

Why does this stuff make me want to cry? I'm sitting here seriously crying my eyes out right now.

take a break

Attached: 1481076843558.jpg (604x493, 33K)

stick a fork in it, I think your done man

Attached: 1502 - fork gore.png (642x524, 44K)

Attached: 10691 - artist_chaoticlaughter loverofscifi questionable requested_art.jpg (2032x2438, 1.94M)

Idk what's wrong with her face and her body but it's definitely something
Like an AI tried to recreate a human

See a shitrat....

Attached: 54438 - abuse artist_sexygoatgod explicit pegasus.png (2700x3306, 1.5M)

......Kill a shitrat

Attached: 54442 - abuse artist_sexygoatgod explicit pegasus.png (2700x4606, 1.87M)

let the good enf's roll?

Attached: 54405 - enf enfie-bebbeh explicit rape reject.png (938x515, 20K)

Now that you mention it, something feels off...

Thread dead?

Attached: 26946 - abuse artist_artist-kun blood foal lie lying mutilation pegasus_foal punishment request_2chr (900x1700, 1.1M)

I swear to God if that image is haunted

Attached: Twump.png (1280x960, 365K)

I hope not

English grammar/Russian = 3.2

That's fuckin weird, I tried to post the picture with a fluffy in a cup. Lemmie see if it works this time.

Attached: 1534645555066.jpg (834x480, 64K)

Uh oh. More Grimm. Guaranteed this doesn't end well.

Does anyone know what this comic is called?

This shit is painfully autistic.

Attached: 1w7nfc.jpg (700x781, 197K)

Attached: 11441%20-%20abuse%20bad_poopies%20explicit%20foal%20foal_death.jpg (1123x794, 190K)

Your father would probably disown you if he knew this is what you're into.

no fucks given

Attached: 53350%20-%20chained%20crying%20dark%20implied_abuse%20neglect%20poopie-babbeh%20questionable%20sadbo (913x544, 44K)

Attached: 54410 - abuse artist_IntoxicGecko blood crying explicit gore piss shit tears.png (1500x1000, 678K)

yeah because you're clearly a fundamentally broken human being. enjoy your sad lonely life

Attached: lmao.png (500x730, 170K)


Attached: 49476%20-%20Destroyed_head%20agony%20amputation%20blood%20blood_effusion%20brutal%20explicit%20gore% (1469x1959, 1.35M)

Attached: 44621 - artist_spoon comic_alleway_enfie-babbeh_by_sPoon cum enf enfie-babbeh enfie_babbeh erection (2039x1380, 399K)

lurking til done eating, then ill contribute. a few images. they arent very good, but they are oc of mine from like two years ago.

Attached: ownersdiedneglect.png (2500x8000, 1.17M)

Not him, but my parents died in front of me. Likely one of the reasons I'm into this shit. Don't worry, if it ever comes to actually acting on anything, i have a loaded gun for myself.

Attached: 51619%20-%20abuse%20artist_fiddwe%20crying-foals%20foals%20pillow%20safe%20torture.jpg.png (800x800, 368K)

Attached: 54131%20-%20Jump_for_sketti%20gullible%20mumma-dies%20pegasus_fluffies_can't_fly%20safe%20trap. (1000x1200, 461K)

Attached: 1507 - fork gore joey.png (450x344, 31K)

You think a fluffy can get HPV like deer do? Just covered in all kinds of warts and growths.

I think I read a story about them getting cancer so why not

Attached: 43091%20-%20abuse%20angst%20artist_thrash%20fluffy_love_isnt_real.jpg (1700x2338, 286K)

I imagine they would be all kinds of susceptible to disease. Hell I remember some sort of fluff (excuse the pun) in various cannon stating that a lot of fluffy food has broad spectrum antibiotics and antivirals built right into it. Also why my litter pals and poopie babbehs last so long.

Attached: 27845 - abuse artist_carpdime blood coins crying explicit foal hammer money piggybank saving smashed (949x623, 131K)

i dont fucking know

so, yes it is a fetish. like the kitten crush videos or the dog torture.

well if your trips say so

they're a poor-man's yukkuri

Attached: iu.jpg (1400x1050, 301K)

Truth. I haven't seen a yukkuri anything in forever. Are they on /jp/ now?

Attached: 1494020916318.png (1248x3085, 984K)

on occasion


Attached: 54062%20-%20explicit%20foal-abuse%20stabing%20violence.jpg.png (800x600, 48K)

Attached: 50726 - anthro artist_Agnostic burned burned-alive death fluffy fluffy-abuse furries furry-abuse que (1021x1743, 1.94M)


Attached: 1527134234846.png (1280x1024, 1.11M)

no yiff for you

Attached: snip.jpg (2021x1397, 703K)

Attached: 52244%20-%20abuse%20artist_sexygoatgod%20grape%20questionable.jpg.png (537x377, 114K)

Attached: newpen.jpg (7300x2200, 1.85M)

Attached: 45111%20-%20artist_mcgonagall%20balloon%20foal%20fun_with_foals%20pacifier%20ribbon%20safe.jpg.png (944x2910, 723K)

what is happening to this one?

It's being dipped in hydrochloric acid. The bottle in the background of 18% HCl.

He appears to have been put through the wringer, so to speak. He's been slashed repeatedly, had his back legs cut off, had an eye gouged out, and appears to have been placed in an acid bath

Attached: Smarties 101.jpg (911x611, 222K)

i haven't seen than one on a long while

The one connected to that in tags is great too where the woman makes an impudent fluffy baby live in a fake little city staffed by stuffed toys and work a meaningless job to pay meaningless rent after he claims to be an adult is hilarious to me

yes, thats a part of it

There's something oddly scatalogical about how much of the artwork in the community is dedicated to force feeding poop between them.

thanks, i wanted to know the acid thing

that one was great, i never saw the ending tho'

There wasn't one - all the booru comments say the artist hightailed it out of there like all the others.

Attached: fluff.png (1000x1000, 113K)

Attached: 10207%20-%20abuse%20artist_peanutbutter%20blood%20bruises%20crying%20foal%20hurt%20piss%20questionab (1490x1084, 123K)

Attached: byewingies3.png (2700x3222, 1.38M)

Might want to burn it and piss on the ashes for good measure

Thought of a good weirdbox/abuse idea, and I hope someone can put it into art form.
>Fluffies bred to have long, luxurious coats.
>But only in "poopie" and "pee" colors.
>AKA browns, blondes, and other human hair colors.
>Fluffies are bathed and combed daily, as well as fed good foods that help with shiny coats.
>They aren't harmed or mistreated to prevent stress related coat problems.
>Fluffies live the good life until they reach full size, happy as can be.
>Then they get skinned, and their hides are turned into the highest quality wigs and toupees you can buy.
>Natural, beautiful hair for the rich and bald.
>Get yours today!

Abuse logic would be that they probably wouldn't use any anesthetic, skinning them while they are wide awake because they've already spent enough raising them and need to cut costs, but still, it's probably a better life than most fluffies lead.
Like, lets say it takes a year- year and a half for a fluff to be full grown. Well, your average fluff, thanks to mass mortality of ferals, probably only makes it that long or a little longer anyway, so if they're going to die young out on the streets, it's better if they live happy, albeit short lives in the wig factory.
All that being said, removing abuse logic, and they'd probably use one of those cattle killer things and just nonchalantly execute the fluffies without them even seeing it coming.
Just a quick "thwip" of the metal rod going through their skull, and there's minimal bleeding to ruin those perfect coats of hair.
Single-file line of fluffs where they can't see what's happening to those ahead, and they all die blissfully unaware.
Maybe they even get the little guys to cooperate by telling them the line leads to Sketti Land. They'll be eager to rush to their execution.
Plus, as a bonus for the company, they can advertise their products as cruelty-free, like when you buy steaks from cows that lived happy lives right up to their visit to the slaughterhouse.

Hey yo, ponyfags. There's a thread going on about an user typing shit like...
>be me
>recently get into a thing called fluffies
>cute lil animals that get abused
>just reading the comics gets me an adrenaline rush
>start to get addicted to seeing the suffering of fluffies and other animals
>watched multiple mice and rats drown or get their dick chopped off
>start watching other animals get raped and burned
>I even got a boner watching peluchin entertainment beat his cat
Fags like that will give you unwanted attention.

I fucking hate these threads

You're shilling your own thread aren't you.
Nobody cares.

Quite ironic. I've seen your ponyshit on rekt, ylyl, drawthread and HG threads.
I just wanted to give a fair warning, cuz you may remember what happened to your board on 4+Yea Forums.

>Quite ironic. I've seen your ponyshit on rekt, ylyl, drawthread and HG threads.
Not my fault we've got anons who are bad actors.

And it also doesn't excuse your own suspected attention whoring

I ran with the idea of treating them like livestock once in a thread and we came up with macro_fluffies. Wish more had been done with the idea.

Attached: 47549 - macro macro_fluffies safe.jpg (3000x1570, 907K)

Yeah but this isn't /mlp/ stuff. It literally started as anti mlp. Cancerous, yes, but don't lump this autism with the mlp autism. It doesn't mix.

Looking for an image. I think it is a three panel descending. Shows a foal cheep n peepin in the dark, then the next panel scales back and shows more of its surroundings. Then the final panel shows it in the garbage.

Real sublime. I don't remember the artist or what tag to find it under if anyone can help please.

I have this, which is pretty close to what you're asking for

Attached: 1562996607861.png (757x2395, 306K)

This is good stuff. Mild, but oh so devastating to the fluffy.

This is EXACTLY it. Thank you.

Attached: 31421 - abandoned alleyway artist paint crying death_is_imminent explicit foal foals hunger mspaint (912x1130, 208K)

Attached: 47211 - artist marasovec drowned drowned_in_shit foal foal-dies mummah outhouse questionable shit.pn (2000x2000, 321K)

Well this is a thing that exists

Best of Deep Nude (2019)

Attached: DesireeTITS.jpg (512x512, 436K)

Attached: 33639 - artist thehatredisreal bench impending_abuse mouthy safe shit shit-talking smarty unicorn vi (900x865, 161K)

Attached: 33640 - abuse artist thehatredisreal begging bench crying cuts explicit horn-removal shitting smarty (900x865, 264K)

Attached: 33774 - abuse artist thehatredisreal begging bench bloody crying cuts ear_removal explicit gore peei (1000x861, 214K)

it's a little weird how people eat this shit up, and then turn around at call loli lovers degenerates.

Attached: 1550739164834.gif (480x270, 885K)

No need to be jelly. There's plenty of degeneration to go around.

My anus is itching of orgasmic pleasure with all this shit.

Attached: 1562735466988.gif (800x800, 380K)

Attached: 1557888154118.png (1000x638, 165K)


That seems like it ends in it being eaten.
Never understood that, though. Maybe in China, but not in any European nation.

Attached: 3918%20-%20artist%3Aphantomfluffy%20bunny_and_foals%20fluffy_family%20fluffy_foals%20fluffy_mama%20h (900x580, 183K)

Attached: 51669%20-%20adopt%20love%20safe.jpg (700x700, 137K)

Attached: 4837%20-%20artist%3Amarcusmaximus%20bunny_and_foals%20fluffy_mama%20fluffy_momma%20foal%20foals.png (680x495, 185K)

Attached: 3800%20-%20bunny_and_foals%20crying%20foals%20hugbox%20love%20miwkies%20mummah%20nursing%20safe%20su (900x689, 224K)

>everyone here should kill them selves

Attached: 1557458675637.png (723x534, 149K)

Attached: 14494%20-%20cock%20don%27t_be_a_faggot_warlord%20mating%20questionable%20shit_edit.jpg (900x900, 175K)

Attached: 54034%20-%20artist%3Apawn%20fluffy%20hugbox%20mummah%20safe.png (983x578, 343K)

Attached: 54273%20-%20artist%3Alabcoat%20foals%20forest%20herd%20nummie_wand%20safe%20soon_mammah.png (2421x765, 138K)

Attached: 54376%20-%20artist%3Alabcoat%20blocks%20how-fluffies-think%20hugsies%20huwties%20nurse%20safe%20sunl (2545x1689, 256K)

Attached: 49121%20-%20alleyway%20artist%3Askoon%20dancie_babbeh%20family%20foals%20hugsies%20poopie_babbeh%20q (1200x1140, 572K)

Attached: 53130%20-%20animation%20artist%3ADisintegral%20eiffel%20foal%20gif%20safe%20style_experiment.gif (900x600, 168K)

Oddly enough I don't want to hurt it any more or less than a regular shitrat

Attached: 51924%20-%20Brutus%20artist%3Ababbehteef%20author%3Ahugboxing_faggot%20dearie%20neutralbox%20pinky%2 (1080x1080, 766K)

Attached: 52408%20-%2031days%20artist%3Ababbehteef%20castration%20enfies%20explicit%20gud_feels%20naughty_and_ (1080x1080, 791K)

Attached: 10052 - deerfluff safe.png (974x896, 487K)

Attached: 52585%20-%20artist%3ADisintegral%20artist%3Aherdking%20character-info%20daycare%20daycare_form%20how (1696x3076, 833K)

Attached: 51754%20-%20artist%3ADisintegral%20artist%3Aherdking%20blatant_lies%20daycare%20impending_enfies%20i (848x1538, 619K)

Attached: 50106%20-%20How_to_Draw_Fluffies%20artist%3ADisintegral%20guide%20resource%20safe%20stallion%20tutor (1600x1640, 1.22M)

Attached: 50113%20-%20How_to_Draw_Fluffies%20artist%3ADisintegral%20guide%20resource%20safe%20stallion%20tutor (1523x1391, 624K)

Attached: 51277%20-%20How_to_Draw_Fluffies%20artist%3Atitanfluff%20guide%20headcannon%20informative%20safe%20t (1923x5000, 1.75M)

Attached: 51278%20-%20How_to_Draw_Fluffies%20artist%3Atitanfluff%20guide%20headcannon%20informative%20safe%20t (1923x5000, 1.73M)

Attached: 8295%20-%20How_to_Draw_Fluffies%20artist%3Ablack-dragon-blood%20guide%20resource%20safe%20tutorial.p (1280x1053, 460K)

Anyone got comics?

Attached: images.jpg (355x142, 20K)