New Zealand has a gun massacre with 50 people dead

>New Zealand has a gun massacre with 50 people dead
>Semi auto rifle used with high capacity mags
>It has been 22 years since the last gun massacaare in NZ
>NZ bans semi auto rifles and high capacity mags a week later
>For the US, in just 5 years there have been 1900 deaths in mass shootings
It's so fucking dumb the US allows people to have semi auto rifles and high capacity mags. The "don't take muh guns" is such a retarded tier mentality.

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it's because the united states has a lower than average penis size, and don't want to add regulations to a coping mechanism

how about you go fuck yourself faggot nigger

shut up bitch boi lol go suck a cock u cumguzzling no gun having ass faggot

hahaa fuck u bitch

it's normal sized and fully functional!

>Still being obsessed with the United States
Like calling someone a hacker because he shot you in a FPS game.

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>USA has guns
>Guns kill fags
>USA bad
Classic OP

So go move to new Zealand.

Please give guns. We promise nothing bad will happen. Please!!!

>kneejerk liberals operating on feelings surrender their civil rights at the drop of a hat
>bawww why don't americans share our irrational behavior?!!!!

If you don't trust either the police or your government, but you still only want them to be the ones to have guns while the rest does not, you might be a liberal.


And the small brain nra rednecks

When the Nazis take over, how will you fight them. Plenty of Nazis already identified.

Nobody cares

>muh civil rights

Sorry, didn't know we were still living in 1776 where the guns were fucking muskets

Not true, faggot. You are adding in any instance of a homicide in which more than 2 people were killed, which happens a lot in drug deals and domestic disputes. Those aren’t mass shootings. They are usually isolated incidents based on emotions, not premeditation.

"Gun" is now hate speech. Please turn yourself in to be re-educated.

Seems to me that allowing potential danger is more an exception than a rule in the US, given that you guys basically ban anything that can cause harm.
Off the top of my head: pot, peanuts in schools and fucking kinder eggs

Popcorn, get your popcorn right here folks!!

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Has nothing to do with the type of gun, soyboy. I don’t trust your gay ass to protect me or my family. In fact, guns are needed to protect against leftist fags.

Musket vs automtic rifle.
Printing press vs internet.

Recognize your stupidity and silence yourself.

Changing human nature now constitutes as domestic terrorism. Please turn yourself in to be rehabilitated.

Point out where it says in the 2A that it only applies to muskets. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Point he is making is that your assault rifles won't protect you from drones

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Banning of anything is only used as a political tool to advance someones career.
You know nothing about;

When you're part of a continent spanning country theres going to be blood. Theres simply that many of us, more chances for crazy among the populace.
Just treat your peers with respect and they won't come back and..

Get You.

NZ has no NRA.

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You saying the government would use drones in its own..... oh yeah, thanks obama.

History is written by the victors.

We already control the printing press.

In a few generations, the resistance to repealing the second amendment will be gone.

the literal reason fot the NZ shooting was to ban guns and spark a civil war

>"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
- Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776

So in otherwords, New Zealand just opened themselves up to another attack if someone who lived under the radar was deranged and insane enough to go on a killing spree because he finally snapped or other reasons we are unaware of about. Then again, New Zealand is an entirely different book in comparison to the United States. Who the fuck knows.

The nra guy would have shot back?
I forgot are lobbies good or bad? It's almost like a group of like minded folks banned together to have a chance at fighting those who would wish to disarm us.

Your ignorance of contemporary battle notwithstanding, who exactly is going to do what with drones?

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No. Shotguns are much better for those little ones.

ok hans.
>it's the j00s!

>We already control the printing press.
My textbooks growing up were filled with white guilt and liberal translations of the bill of rights and constitution, for easier reading and comprehension, cause we're too dumb to understand the founding fathers right?
They've since changed books multiple times since then, only getting worse.
Someday kids won't even get the chance to learn the bill of rights how it was written.

NZ here.
Our prime minister is an uncollected bureaucrat who got in under a technicality.

She's also an open communist.

It's all online if your dumb ass could figure out google.

*un elected

fkn auto correct

Cold dead hands, motherfucker. Uncle Sam's Misguided Children taught me how to use an M16, and I'm quite fond of my AR-15.
Look up the Girandoni Rifle and Puckle Gun.

>Doesn't use gunpowder
>Doesn't use brass cartridges
>Uses high pressure compressed air
Checkmate, anti-gun grabbers

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what part of "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" do you mentally ill scum sucking commies not understand?
just because some hippies in New Zealand decided to ban semi autos doesn't mean we Americans have to

Drone laughs in binary.

I own guns you fuck but I just own small caliber hunting shit. And let's be honest, anybody calling somebody a soyboy is a fat keyboard warrior.

shit bait, but I'll still feed

handguns account for an astronomically higher number of gun-related fatalities than rifles (full-auto or semi-auto)

shut the fuck up, OP
>gif related, it's you

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>being this fanatically retarded thinking the gubment would destroy their own infrastructure and kill their own civilians, the same things needed to remain high on their horses.

No thanks, i'll be hanging on to mine. Go cuck someone else.

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The criteria for mass and school shootings has been set up to make it seem that any incident involving guns was a mass or school shooting to hyperinflate stats they came up with themselves. Which in turn makes gun-control hungry faggots run with lines saying that your little son Timmy's biology class got interrupted for the fourth time this week by the kid drawing Minecraft redstone diagrams in the back of the classroom

No offense britbongs, but how about you go back to cutting your Salisbury steaks with kni--Oh, I forgot--spoons, and worry about which tweet from the Duchess you're going to chimp out over?

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Why do you care?
I mean that sincerely. Not insulting you. I'm genuinely interested in why you care.
We are a nation of 330M people so even if your stats are correct, so what?
I have two kids and I'm not the least bit concerned about their wellbeing when it comes to firearms. There are far more pressing things to think about.
But back to you...why do you care? Are you afraid of someone shooting you? Do you have here? If so, why? Why not live in New Zealand. And if you live there, why are you still thinking about the US?

There were repeating weapons and cannon in 1776. The second amendment was penned anyway. Try again.

IMO, OP has been influenced by the media used by democrats to further their own careers.

Probably watched too many bad youtubers or something. And now they're a walking misery factory.
I have this Eurotrash friend that spews the exact same shit to me so thats my source.

Tech companies have already identified the trouble makers. Kill the top and the rest will be silent and compliant.

We can come import more labor to replace the reduction.

This guy proved the that "I needz muh gunz to oppose tyranny" is a
The goberment out guns you on every level.
ffs police are in reality a para-military force.

You are already fucked and you are too stupid that don't know it yet.

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Imagine cucking to the goberment because they have more guns, virgin

It is incredibly east to manufacture full auto weapons with parts you can buy online without an FFL. Complaining about gun control is stupid. You're dumber now.


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You forgot the rest of the story

>rational New Zealanders realize it wasn't because of the guns used, but because of the maniac who used them
>Hardly any firearms have been surrendered to the government at this point
>The government is preparing to go door-to-door to disarm the populace

So tell me again that it isn't about control and confiscation.

Fuck authoritarianism. Fuck statism. An armed populace is much better equipped to secure their liberty from Tyranny.

Yeah dude let’s live in anarchy nothing bad will happen.

You’re retarded


5.56 is a small calibre. .308 is what i usually hunt with and that round is almost unheard of in mass shootings though it is larger. Plus id watch the fuck out of a .338 implode someones skull. Most deaths are from pistol rounds. You dont know shit about weapons so stop larping

So civil war or home grown insurgents wont be a huge fucking problem? Believe it or not cleetus may be dumb as rocks but years of him fucking around being white trash taught him to shoot and make bombs and he is completely fine with living off squirrel meat. The amount of weapons in north america have already secured the potential to make that stand and banning weapons would just take them out of the responsible owners hands while hurting a big economy within the countries. Its a infrastructural and logistical nightmare to assure that weapons be cleaned from the states. No cop would want to do it and no leader truly wants to put it into action because criminals believe it or not stockpile weapons too and they wont hand them over if they are suddenly illegal

>civil governing by representation of the population's best interests and goals
When did he mention anything about abolition of the state, user?

There are leaders and sheep. It's easy to take the leaders, they'll just disappear. The civil war will be silent.

Your grandchildren will hand in your guns, and be proud they did. We control the printing press, your story will never be found.

You can't win. Your reality is meaningless versus the one we're replacing it with.

If only you knew how bad things would be if you were in your favourite videogame, Timmy.

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