I been thinking about suicide and I'm close to committing, but i just need that extra push...

I been thinking about suicide and I'm close to committing, but i just need that extra push. someone convince me to kill myself.

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your mum doesn't love you
your penis is small
you will never accomplish anything in your life
trump is your president

You'll never kys. You're too much of a coward, you're too weak to ever do it and instead you'll wallow in your addiction to depression and beg for attention all the while.

Go out in a blaze of glory
Take revenge on anyone or group who wronged you
Solve an issue like migration, Jews, the sexually promiscuous, gays, trannies, or even neo-nazis or antifa and leftist extremists
Do something with your death

I have genital warts
Been thinking about suicide too
They aren't as noticeable as most cases
Been thinking about going on a rape spree
Then killl myself if cops catch me

y almos kill miself yesterday but the pills dont kill me

sounds like a great plan to me

We're you trying to die?
Or just get high af?

Kill your self before the rape spree beta male troglodyte. If you weren't a sad sack of a human you wouldn't rape people you would just kill your self.

Thanks user
As the days go by
The less I value human life
Is there a god?
Will I be punished for living this shitty life?
Why should I be afraid of the law?
I just want to rape bitches and get high
I'll never have kids or wife
Die alone lol #Foreveralone

I'd rape you too

>trump is your president
god damn it, now he'll never do it.

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You are OP

Hunter S. Thomson said that in the end, when the going gets rough, suicide is always an option. And sure it may be, but why would you? We have been gifted with consciousness beyond any known living thing. We can see the world in such a way that nothing else can. Wouldn’t it be better to just ride it out and see what happens? Think of it. What’s the worst that could happen? Of course you’re gonna run into tough shit along the way, but there is so much more to everything. I’ve tried to kill myself many time over the span of my life all to no avail as you could probably tell. But that started to change when I started looking at what I had, and realizing how ungrateful I’ve been. If your mom hates you then guess what, that’s her problem, she’s missing out on something that could be great. So what if you have warts, the right people, the people who genuinely care about you, wouldn’t mind. And why is Trump even a factor in this? He’s gonna go away eventually and some other guy will come in and it’ll be as though nothing happened. And then you can look back and laugh about how weird it was for that dumb TV star to become president of the United States. Try to make connections with people, good people who could lead you in a good direction. Yeah it’s hard to put yourself out there, believe me, I have a lot of social anxiety but I found, for me at least, a lot of that came from my judgment of others, and how if I could judge them, they could judge me too. Then I came across someone who I just couldn’t stand. They were obnoxious, they weren’t very funny and he was overall a really weird guy. One year laters he’s one of my best friends. And once I realized I could love someone in spite of their flaws, they could love me too. And today I’ve never been happier with the fact that I am. I was able to come to terms with shit about myself, mainly my sexuality (gay faggot over here).

Take some time too look the the mirror everyday and simply say “I love you”. Even if you don’t feel like you mean it. Because it gets a little easier every day. Do good, and good will come. Karma essentially. Nothing about what I’m saying is easy to do. But do it anyway. Go out! Make friends, and enjoy yourself. Live life like it’s a movie and you’re the star! Death will come to all of us eventually, so why not take some time to appreciate the fact that you have a gift that billions, if not trillions of living things on this planetdont have the privilege to enjoy. Be spiritual! I didn’t believe in something outside the material world until I tried and now I can’t believe in an existence without higher forces beyond our own comprehension because I’ve seen it for myself. So again, take time to appreciate what you do have, even if it isn’t much. And for the love of god smoke WEED!! And if you get the chance, DMT too! What we all have is too good to throw away. So work on being appreciative and the rest will come. In the meantime, I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Also, listen to “Could you be loved” by Bob Marley. Reggae is awesome. Especially when you’ve got a little reefer in your system! Good luck my friend!

And for everyone telling this man to kill himself, Shut up you Gay niggers!!

How old are you?

your death wouldn't mean a thing, planet of niggers for decades to come.why the fuck would you even fucking bother you mentally ill defective slug of shit.just don't bother killing yourself and step into the peaceful darkness of your gay closet.

himmler fucking a mongoose.jpog

old Yea Forums would never have told him to khs


>The girl I like doesn't like me back

Yeah your not going to do anything. Stop being a bitch and man up.

just don't bother

lol ok

Don't do it, but if you are, take out the biggest loan you can, outfit yourself, and fuck up some meth dealers, or take a plane to columbia and go for the big dogs.

You get lucky, you take some actual bad people down in the process. If you fuck up, you get your death wish. I wouldn't though, I'd just get cut and fuck bitches.

Lol what do people even mean "old Yea Forums" nowadays I've been here since 2013 and people have been telling each other to an hero since before even that.

the fact that 'an hero' is so old should tell you how most of Yea Forums, in any year, feels about any random poster here.

Don’t do it homie
I love you

OP still here?

Hey guys, just checking this thread to see if you’ve seen my iPod!

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do something rad and illegal and right before you get caught, kys

Love and be loved!

Gay nigger

Gay nigger

How old are you user?

>bad people
just bang literally any politican in the western world...
You would do a lot better taking "bad people" with you...

niggas about to kill himself. No need to get complicated with labels. Meth dealers and drug lords are indeed 'bad people'


diaper gtfo

dude how high are you

I'm not saying to do it. In fact, I advise against it. That said, if you do, consider making the next US Chamber of Commerce meeting an interesting one.

Not as high as I would like to be my friend

i would love to suck your cock and smoke some weed with you

That’s the spirit old chap!

Gay nigger detected

Why are you going to do it? Whats the reason? Im sure you will get over it. it just takes time.

not wanting to die
wanting to die (as a half-joke)
wanting to die (but you know you won't)

If you suicide everyone will think it's because Trump is president.


Everything you ever do will ultimately have no point. You'll be forgotten. All your girlfriends have boned before and after you came along. Marriage will never fulfill the deep seated depression inside of you, neither will having kids. You aren't a failure, this is just reality for everyone. The only reason everyone hasn't killed themselves yet is because the masses are dumb, blind and ignorant. The only certain thing that you can rely on making you happy is drugs and even that glory wears off after a while. All religion is fake. You will die with regrets no matter what. Your friends will always dissipate from your life even if they're really solid people. Nothing will ever last forever. No amount of antidepressants will fix you.
Here's your challenge, live long enough to prove me wrong on any number of these things. Or don't. Life goes on.

Ob-La-De Ob-La-Da life goes on, mon! (Listen to the Beatles too!)

Beautifully said my guy

Ehhh. Sure man. Whatever keeps you going.