This confuses and angers the cutfag

>this confuses and angers the cutfag

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Other urls found in this thread:

they need a coping mechanism though imagine being destined to be less of a man for your entire life

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chopped cocks make me cringe so fucking hard, it looks so painful

hahahahha kiked

i haven't heard a single good argument to mutilate your dick.

some people say it's hygienic because you won't rack up cum under the foreskin, but if showering is so fucking hard for you that you'd rather cut your foreskin off, i don't think you'll ever end up in a point you'll get to show a woman your dick

women who ride on it won't give a shit about differences. stop being so insecure you incel.

>implying right side looks better than the left side

Are you stupid or disabled?

Attached: rjm2xb.jpg (512x388, 39K)


Yeah, it sucks a bit to not be all natural, but it's not like circumcision affects the function that much (speaking from experience).

It does. Penis on the left side is ok, but penis on the right looks more fertile, soft, sensetive, seductive.

penis on the right looks like it's from a feminine male that hasnt used his cock and keeps it caged.

The penis on the left looks like that of an alpha male who fucks women regularly.

>tfw mutilated

Attached: werwrwer.png (411x411, 303K)

>Implying uncut guys never fuck
>Implying American girls don't like cut cocks
You're a special kind of retard aren't you

Imagine being this gay

Cope harder uncut fag

This thread's existence is literal proof of how confused and angry uncut fags are. You literally can't stop thinking about dicks that you need to make this thread.

it must suck having your dick’s g-spot cut off and having the rest of your most sensitive body part covered in scar tissue

jews and muslims are crazy

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coping and seething

American female here, I will never stop advocating for a full, natural penis.
Infant circumcision takes away human rights.

He never said anything like that.

>ignore whatever one posts
>immediately reply with seething

See what you can leak?

Attached: 2x.jpg (355x721, 27K)

I can leak pre-cum if that's what you're asking.


Why does OP even care? It’s not your dick. It’s someone else’s dick.
>cutfag detected
I was cut at birth. I don’t really care about my foreskin. The only real reason I would care is some sort of think that makes cut fats more likely to die or something. Can you just shut up. It’s not your dick and it’s not your problem.

>yuro jew cock

Attached: 1539868909910.jpg (852x872, 166K)

Why are you posting child penis

And here is a picture from you

Attached: 1549063843388.jpg (400x592, 174K)

It does anger me. im restoring

I'm just mad people respond to bait threads like these, if you're cut you can't change it, if you made it to adulthood uncut you probably won't change it, so what's the purpose of this thread but to sew discourse into the hearts of our users? We must rise above our petty squabbles and retake the world, not argue about our cocks or which race impregnates more of another race. Divisive tactics like these are why Yea Forums is no longer the online powerhouse it used to be. OP is the very jew he pretends to fight against.

Stay red-pilled, brothers.

hands off infant dicks, shlomo. Just leave babies’ genitals alone and mind your own business, it’s not hard

>posts downie
>says this is you
>doesn’t even respond with an actual argument

The baiters are really going all out today

This is bigger than your dick faggot. Stop normalizing the importation of barbaric foreign cultural practices and show some disdain

Your disdain is misguided my friend, you must go after the source of cut cocks, American hospitals and Jews, not your brethren who can't change what has happened to them, you're simply alienating those who would otherwise stand behind you.

Put down the blue pill, brother.

The left, fellow user, the left.
>slow. clap.

I’m 26 and currently undergoing foreskin restoration AMA

Not OP, not after cutfags either. Only here to watch the countless burgers who always chime in like clockwork in these threads to defend jewish tricks cause they were unfortunate enough to be mutilated at birth. Burgers need a public outrage, but instead they feel the need to defend their dicks and thus contribute to the continuation of this retarded practice

Thank god for foreskin restoration. Fuck the kykes

I wish I was cut. Had so many girls tell me uncut dicks were gross and won't suck on them

it's true, they usually rate the tip of the dick a little lower cus they are very unfamiliar with foreskin.

kinda sad tbh

then maybe you should wash your foreskin so it doesn't accumulate cheese. That's probably why they won't go anywhere near it.

So what's your point? I won't make any assumptions about this thread until you explain yourself.

isn't it odd how this is practiced ritually in the US, and not even a peak from anyone? it should be as high profile as the abortion debate, you don't see females being circumcised.

so strange. you hear no argument for it, it's just tradition at this point.

Superior cut race here.

Everyone thinks my cock is uncut, literally the perfect 8" and thick cock. I can say whatever I want to appeal to anyone.

Yea and i still get my dicked sucked by women daily. And im a cutfag while you uncutfags here tryna cope because you're disgusting virgins that care way too much about how other dudes dicks look. Its like pathetic. How insecure could you be? Yall fucking gay. This tyread is fucking gay. Go hang yoursepf you dumb nigger.

and yet you are missing part of your dick and don't care (I restore)

Male genital mutilation is no joke mate

Nice post. It's amazing to see the mental gymnastics Amerimutts go through to defend their mutilation.
>muh dick cheese
>muh women like it better
>muh less prone to std's

It's all so tiresome and just shows how brainwashed the society is. If mutilated cocks were actually superior, intact fags would be having it done in droves when they are able to give consent to it

Trying to defend their mutilation... I feel bad for them

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It's not my fault the fucking Jews stole my foreskin

Same man, look up foreskin restoration... Helps a lot!

Attached: restore.jpg (300x227, 15K)

Restoring my micro-penis would be like putting a nice hat on a -shotgun blast to the head- victim...

The sentiment is nice though

Oh, so like most uncut fags? Smegma so thick you could spread it on toast.

Not gonna defend it but ain't much different as you fags claim

>i haven't heard a single good argument to mutilate your dick.
Except nearly all medical agencies across the world agreeing that it reduces the risk of both transmission of disease and hygienic issues. But, hey.. I've never heard anything either.

Only medical agencies in 3rd world backward countries support that , which shit hole country are you from?

but then you cant pretend its a little hermitcrab

>Except nearly all medical agencies across the world agreeing that it reduces the risk of both transmission of disease and hygienic issues
Weird, since almost every European country advocates against the practice and those (((studies))) were substantiated by practices done in Africa. Any credited doctor knows better than to reference those biased as fuck (((studies)))...but hey, I guess you need some justification to mutilate newborns

So does showering... and avoiding to fuck infected whores.

I know one guy that said he wished he was cut so he wouldn't prejac. It fucks with him big time. I feel sorry for those anons. If desensitizing helps thats a pretty good reason.

>it reduces the risk of both transmission of disease and hygienic issues
The opposite has actually been proven, but I guess you didn't bother to do any research or bother to read anything that would shatter your worldviews on the barbaric practice. It's okay goyim, just do as the doctor tells you, he clearly knows best and has no personal gain in convincing you to chop up your sons

Then let him get cut. He has the decision to do so, newborn boys do not.

Lots of would-be prejackers that were lucky enough to get snipped.

There are plenty of ways to control premature ejaculation that doesn't require genital mutilation

>caring about what another mans dick looks like

peak homosexual activity

Tits or GTFO

>completely missing the point and falling back on unrelated insults to defend the barbaric practice
Wew lad

wow, you sure like talking about other mens dicks.

Attached: Dickhead Pepe.jpg (500x842, 70K)

>trying to one up someone on 4chin by calling them a summer fag
turbo fag

Cut-legend here. At least are dicks look cool. And chicks won't turn down sucking us off cause we have a ugly anteater dicks hahaha. You non-cut fags make this an issue. We don't even give a fuck. Deal with it!!!

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I'm not defending kikery, I'm just saying you're a faggot if you care about other mens dicks

homo here, I have had both types of dicks, but why are some uncut guys unable to pull the foreskin all the way down? some have told me it actually hurts them if they try

>still missing the point

No one cares what your mutilated dick looks like. People are just trying to expose how kiked this practice is and how brainwashed burgers are for defending it. It's usually cutfags that care about the appearance of dick, like

Because burgers don't educate their youth properly. If intact guys have issues pulling their skin back, it's because they didn't play with it enough growing up.

>People are just trying to expose how kiked this practice is

No, you're the one missing the point. Why does it matter if someone gets circumcised? It doesn't. So, once again; you're a faggot.

It doesn't confuse me at all. It simply makes me angry. FUCK being circumcised, and fuck the kikes who cut me.

I don't really understand the point of these threads. I would never argue that getting circumcised is a good thing. However, it wasn't my choice, my parents made it for me. I can't change that. I would much prefer my fore-skin but I can't get it back. I stand against male genital mutilation. It's fucking wrong and immoral. Be lucky non-cut fags, you're parents weren't brain washed by the fucking jews.

You should be angry enough to go out and protest the mutilation that was done to you. Watch my videos on circumcision, I've dedicated an entire channel to it. I'm cut. I'm angry.


>Why does it matter if someone gets circumcised?

Because it's fucked up that a newborn child has no say in a permanently alternating barbaric procedure, you fucking dipshit. Do I need to spell it out even more for you?

No one cares about your dick; it sucks that your parents were kiked by doctors, but how about you learn from their mistakes and not continue the pointless procedure or act like its no big deal? Great job on being completely incapable of exercising any form of critical thinking, maybe getting mutilated at birth fucked that up for you.

>never really angry about it
>just don't understand
>have son
>wife asks if we'll cut
>tell her no
>why cut something off a brand new human
>she agrees
>her mother loses her shit
>insults me directly for it
>proclaims at Thanksgiving dinner that if we don't cut she'll never change a diaper
>son is pushing 3 now
>mother in law bitches that she never gets to see him
>he spends the night at my parents' all the time
>tell her point blank
>you said you'd never change his diaper, why would I let him spend the night in piss and shit
>she nearly has a stroke
>choke on it bitch

>his only explanation for why it matters if someone is circumcised is "hurr durr I think it's wrong durrrrr!"

you really convinced me with your foolproof logic retard


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you can't say that unles you literally got circumcised way later in life than a normal person
you are just living in ignorant bliss you will never know true pleasure

wrong jojo my guy

The point is to wake up the brainwashed burgers. Just reading through the replies in this thread should show you how bad it is. Most don't think it's a big deal and other's go as far to defend it. If this was female circumcision, there'd be an uproar of how unethical it is, but for some reason when it comes to males, not even the guy's care enough to speak out against it. Just shows how brainwashed people are on this subject


totally happened

I'll settle this, have you ever seen an uncut dildo?

>he still doesn't understand why circumcision is bad

Enjoy your brainwashing burger. There's nothing wrong with your dick, and ladies would be lucky to have it.


Not going to send you a picture, bro. She still won't speak to me, though. Great stuff.

Y'all niggers are gay talking about cock all the time

Thanks cheesedick


>These 2 dicks are the only 2 dicks in the entire world
Why do people choose to make a conversation like this?

Thanks for proving my point. Try educating yourself before trying to have a conversation you clearly know nothing about

>muh cheesedick
Amerimutts everyone

Maybe, but that only means they last longer than you fags.

Attached: Foot-XRay.jpg (1499x993, 199K)

My post has nothing to do with science or studies, only cultural observations:
I have literally never met a white american woman that prefers an uncut cock, I even know majority of women that wont even touch one unless its cut. In the US, only poor people, recent immigrants, children of immigrants, and nigs are uncut. Call it racism or whatever but I'm in the US and I want my dick touched, therefore I'm content with being cut.
Perhaps I'd feel different if I was a poor fag from Mexico where girls dont give a shit, but I'm somewhere where it does matter.
>mfw I've never had a girl come running out of a room bc she was face to face with a dick cheese ant eater.

Do you fags really have to peel your foreskin back just to piss? Kek

Do you really think circumcision is okay? The absolute state of burgers.

>Amerimutts durrrr hurrr

When did Eurabians become such butthurt pussies? When the Arabs and niggers started fucking their women?

Lmaooo seething

This thread is remincent of manlet threads, so much cope

Speaking as an uncut American, you're full of shit. I've only experienced one roastie say she'd never sleep with someone who wasn't cut, and I avoided her, which ironically made her want me more. Most girls have never experienced an uncut cock here, and none of them have cared after messing around with mine. Girls care less about what your dick looks like than you cutfags seem to believe

Great rebuttals. You've really convinced me there's nothing wrong with mutilating your children

European female here, uncut cocks are gross and are usually cheesy, I prefer guys who are cut tbh

Tits or gtfo

This guy sounds like hes poor

Speaking as a cut American, I agree. Women seriously don't care about such a trivial bit of biology.

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southern california girl here
i agree with every single part of this comment
but you forgot to mention the gross pimple bumps


Proof is in the pudding

Proof is in the samefagging

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Medfag here. While people on both sides tend to fight very aggressively about this ‘issue,’ both routes have merits. Men with circumcised penises have resistance to certain glad diseases, less discomfort due to tight foreskin, a dryer, more manageable penis, and also a sense of security if it ties them to their religion. On the other side of the argument, it is true that un-circumcised penises have more easily achievable orgasms, but at the risk of infection, and they must set aside more time to wash their foreskin, or it can become ‘corroded.’ Hope this helps.

Other European female here. Most of us think cut cocks are gross. Dried out head and permanent scarring. Only Jews or 3rd world immigrants are cut. Weird to see cut guys here

You sound like a shitty doctor if that's all you know about this topic tbh

Did you have a stroke?

The difference is: cut fags attack intact fags, while intact fags attack the practice.

A man is a fag because he has a more aesthetic penis?

A man is a fag because he unironically uses "aesthetic penis" in a sentence

youre being seduced by a soft penis

Imagine being cut unironically.

Bye bye sexual pleasure, bye bye natural functioning penis.

my dick works fine idgaf about my lost foreskin you ppl are arguing over something that cannot be changed, just dont do it to your kid and let them decide, also the jews didnt cut your dick LOL

>Men with circumcised penises have resistance to certain glad diseases
Citation needed. Very vague in which diseases you're referring to
>Less discomfort due to tight foreskin
How common is a "tight foreskin" that you can justify circumcision without question
>a dryer, more manageable penis
A dryer penis is preferable? How hard is it to manage your penis that you'd have to cut it to make if "more manageable"?
>also a sense of security if it ties them to their religion
So if you're a kike or mudslime. Definitely wanted to be affiliated with these groups

>It is true that un-circumcised penises have more easily achievable orgasms
Citation neefed
>but at the risk of infection
Which infections are we talking about?
>They must set aside more time to wash their foreskin, or it can become ‘corroded.’
Ah, the 1 second it takes to pull the skin back in the shower is so much "extra time" what an inconvenience. Might as well chop the skin off

>Hope this helps.
Hope you don't have a license to practice medicine

>just dont do it to your kid and let them decide
>also the jews didnt cut your dick LOL
Oh, you sweet summer child

Why the fuck should I care what the woman feels. It's about my pleasure you idiot


Oh look it's THIS thread again.
Yea Forums, a corpse since 2011.

Why would you even need to ask? Whip those triangles out bitch

you ever thought about how people do not actually care but get mocked anyway because its the internet? the tradition is dumb and everyone knows it besides muslims and jews

>>Men with circumcised penises have resistance to certain glad diseases
>Citation needed. Very vague in which diseases you're referring to
This is well documented across multiple scientific backgrounds. Do your own research instead of using the lack of source as a point of argument.
>>Less discomfort due to tight foreskin
>How common is a "tight foreskin" that you can justify circumcision without question
Good question, look it up
>>a dryer, more manageable penis
>A dryer penis is preferable? How hard is it to manage your penis that you'd have to cut it to make if "more manageable"?
Dryness aka lack of moisture is the reasons why circumcised penises dont form smegma, pretty self explanatory.
>>also a sense of security if it ties them to their religion
>So if you're a kike or mudslime. Definitely wanted to be affiliated with these groups
>>It is true that un-circumcised penises have more easily achievable orgasms
>Citation neefed
Why are you acting like this refutes the statement?
Again, do your own research
>>but at the risk of infection
>Which infections are we talking about?
>>They must set aside more time to wash their foreskin, or it can become ‘corroded.’
>Ah, the 1 second it takes to pull the skin back in the shower is so much "extra time" what an inconvenience. Might as well chop the skin off
Do you know how many people do not wash once a day? Or do you want sources?
>>Hope this helps.
>Hope you don't have a license to practice medicine

i lied dont hurt me :((


Attached: D-e2dSHXkAAWatK.jpg large.jpg (1097x1097, 257K)

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Phimosis look it up idiot

The burden of proof is on you if you're making the accusation, how new are you? I have done my research, that's why I'm calling out your bullshit "medfag" because you clearly haven't done your own. If your response is "look it up" then you clearly don't know what you're talking about.

I love how they act like they would know

More people die from circumcision than those who experience phimosis. Look it up idiot

All the American bluepills in this thread really need to watch this video.

or a rubber

Fucking seething cutfags in this thread holy kek

>implying most Americans have the attention span to watch anything that's longer than 5 minutes

Well I'm not the user saying hes a medfag
But you are poorly mistaken. The burden of proof is on the person who disagrees.
Do you know how science works?
Someone makes a claim
That claim is then peer reviewed.
Peers give counter arguments with backup.
A new hypothesis is formed.
The process repeats.
All you did was question it. Now it is your responsibility to state your hypothesis and back up.
You're not even looking up if the claim is true, you're blindly claiming falseness by lack of sources. Your logic is flawed and so is your point of view.

american stoopid heueheueh

I suck my cousin's dick since we are 13 yo! He used to be uncut like me! But then when he was about 23 I guess he had his cock cut, and I sucked it for the first time, he never gave me that much cum! He said it was the best experience, as if he never felt his cock 100%! After that I thought many times about circuncizion, but not sure!

literally this

>This is well documented across multiple scientific backgrounds. Do your own research instead of using the lack of source as a point of argument.
Then it should be easy for you to provide a credited source
>Good question, look it up
Burden of proof is on you
>Dryness aka lack of moisture is the reasons why circumcised penises dont form smegma, pretty self explanatory.
Vaginas also have smegma, so we should make sure all women have a dried out cunt to prevent this? Your lack of knowledge on this subject is showing
You implied being tied to your religion by circumcision provides a sense of security. The only groups who do this are Jews and Muslims. I'd rather not be affiliated with either
>Why are you acting like this refutes the statement?
Again, do your own research
Again, burden of proof is on you
Literally what
>Do you know how many people do not wash once a day? Or do you want sources?
Do you honestly think you need to wash your foreskin daily to prevent smegma? Again your lack of knowledge is showing and has me concerned that you're a "medfag"

So you don't think its fucked up that parents can have their childrens genitals mutilated based on "scientific arguments" that have been debunked?

girls don't like uncircumcised penis at all.

Sad face :(

is this true or just biased? honestly wondering

It's like saying a girl doesn't like hairy balls. It all has to do with different preferences and current trends and cultural views. Most women just dont give a fuck though, to them a dick is a dick.

Then watch the video

you must have sucked many cocks to be able to tell kek

It is only partially true. In countries where circumcision is practiced women prefer it because intact ones are rare, that makes them "alien" and "foreign".
In countries where circumcision is not practiced no one gives a shit.

Foreskin is a great bimbo repellant, and if a woman refuses you for having a fully intact body as nature designed it, you are better off without such a woman.

Completely wrong. If you make a claim, the burden of proof is on you. That's like me saying, "the sky is green, trust me, I there's countless sources that support. Disagree? Look up the sources yourself "

Africa and USA are the only one supporting it, get fucked you 3rd world countrycuck.

You are an embarrassment to our profession.

Cutfags will literally never know the feeling of a completely satisfying orgasm in their entire lives, be mad at your parents for being retarded, not us for showing you the light

Attached: 1405210773153.gif (1000x2450, 226K)

>when even south africa is more evolved on the subject than the US

Cut dudes still have premature ejaculation, and our cocks are way better looking.


>Foreskin is a great bimbo repellant, and if a woman refuses you for having a fully intact body as nature designed it, you are better off without such a woman
This. I've avoided serious bullets because of this. Best way to avoid brainwashed vapid roasties.


Just imagine anything you feel but enhanced, it's something you will never understand because it's not physically impossible anymore

it's to spread awareness and protect the next generation dumbass

Are you high user?

>i'm so educated i can't use water and soap together
get a shower,nigger

>Always rushing to wash smegma off
>Litterally can't even go to school
>Starting to starve, only thing I do is wash dick
>Dying, decide smegma for one day will do
>Prepare for smegma dinner
>Die 3 days later from lack of smegma
>Yea Forums lied 2 me


You're completely wrong. I questioned his "claims" it is now in his court to defend them.

one redpill is worth a thousand alienations


The fact that there are non-shills who actually defend the idea of cutting off a newborn penis because a some dirty middle eastern with an IQ of 50 decided little boys must not masturbate so they can have a better "connection" with god, makes me lose all hope for humanity.

Knowing that the average person is really THAT stupid allows you to understand why the (((mainstream media))) has so much power on controlling the masses.

Attached: 1ds5f4v.png (683x797, 509K)


I'm not circumcised, I've never had a single girl refuse to suck me off because I wasn't circumcised. I don't have premature ejaculation issues. I don't have smegma issues. My dick is clean, and every girl I've slept with has said I have a beautiful dick the second they see it. Keep hatin' but I'm loving it and I've never had a single issue when it comes to hygiene or sex.

no one thinks you're uncut drydick

are you a retarded indian? Cause when I read you I just had that retrarded indian voice in my head. Maybe cause you sound really dumb and trying too hard to troll.. don't know. Anyway, the only thing missing was a "your mama" joke/insult and I would have been 100% sure you were a retarded indian cuck.

I cant pay attention that long, i have to argue about my dick

>looks better because its being used too much

A gaping hole is better than a tight vigina

>being this out of arguments you resort to trashtalking
Way to go.

BuT GurlS lUv 2 suC my CuT DiK.
U hAv DiK cHeesE and I aM nOT a ClOseT JeW or SanD NiGgEr

Attached: 2muu2j.jpg (682x900, 115K)

If uncut is more sensitive does that mean cutfags last longer?

How can it be more pleasure and yet you last longer? Pick one.

you still have to wear condoms and wash your dick

>Knowing that the average
>A M E R I C A N
>person is really THAT stupid
fixed it for you

Why are you posting pictures of a babies penis on the Right? Damn pedophiles are all over Yea Forums these days

Its not so much that they're stupid user, it's more that they're unwilling to admit something is wrong with them. Its easier for them to defend a pointless practice and say intact guys are wrong then it is for them to admit something was taken from them without their consent and not because it was for their best interest. You're asking cut guys to take a look at themselves and question if what was done to them was justified. It's hard for any person to admit there's something wrong with them, now you're asking men to reflect on the most sensitive part of their body and admit something is wrong with it. Easier to eat up the propaganda than admit you were kiked for no justifiable reason

Shhhh, you're not allowed to go against what cutfags have told themselves to justify their mutilation user. Girls obviously hate intact cock, so we need to cut all of them to appease them

Peoples who enjoy their meal usually make it last longer if they are not fat fucks.

I'm uncut, and last between 3 and 40 minutes, depends of many M A N Y things really (drink, girl, mood, etc.)

>Getting this upset over a joke

Attached: Noway.jpg (317x559, 21K)

I see, so you only sucked cut cocks until now?

you speak like a vegan, but you're right

It also means worse orgasms for you.

I'm circumcised at birth. To be honest. I don't care about foreskin because I never had foreskin. My honest opinion

based if true. don't let her see him until she signs an affidavit she won't retract

>7 dick cheese comments

Lame AF mutilated fag trying to justify his crack whore mother and alcoholic fathers retarded decision

Attached: (1080x2340, 998K)

>uh duh I was just joking guys I'm not a retard
damage control much?

Europeans are just as idiotic when it comes to following idiotic drivel from illiterate sand niggers, but at least they don't mutilate the genitals of their new-borns in the name of a muslim god, they instead choose to mass-import these animals into their country under the guise of cultural "enrichment".

I wonder if normies have some sort of perverted fetish for violent sub-humans with a low IQ, or something. It's amazing how backwards everyone is willing to bend for a bunch of religious fanatics who do nothing but spread violence and destruction.

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> justify his crack whore mother and alcoholic fathers retarded decision
Or worst : jew

Ho shit is that millenial humor?

This implies that the average person is capable of critical thinking.

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I got the same problem, but luckily ejaculation doesn't kill my boner, just my desire, but a little persistence and it's back to pleasure town.

I could see doing it at as an adult if I didn't have the flipside (the staying hard) that i'd be afraid to lose one for the other.

Also to faggots who say "just do kegels" i end up with never ejaculating, which is weird, because it goes from fun to numb and then I have to lie about finishing with a raging boner that feels like nothing.

Long story short, i could see getting cut to control ejaculation, but i'm afraid of losing the ability to go again right away.

Would you circumcise your sons?

so the world is africa, USA and europe ? Never heard about the 200+ country all around? kek

go the fuck back to retardit and never come back please

>so the world is africa, USA and europe ?
No, just USA and Europe. The rest literally don't matter

Stop getting baited newfag.

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something is wrong with this cat

The thing is you don't have an option. As an uncut adult I don't even consider the option of cutting a bit of my penis off. WTH is wrong with people.

Also means better orgasms for uncut.

I really don't know.

Some cant pull foreskin all the way down becose a strip of skin is holding it back. It can easily be fixed if it bothers. If you cant pull it down at all, then it is big problem, cant wash correctly and can get infected, really have to see doctor.

Why do you speak as if any of them were at all relevant?

Attached: 1476185223949.jpg (450x450, 40K)

> "Secret XXX" Chan Updated...

>Implying American girls don't like cut cocks
> Implying americucks are jews

India will take over the world with its population
China with its technology and their emotionless people
Japan withh their souless people
Russia is a nice play to fuck pretty girls for money

No it doesn't. Just have sex regularly. Way to out yourself as a virgin.

>See greentext story
>Man died from dik cheese
>Lack of dick cheese
>He didn't get da cheese
>touched a nerve
>get offended

Attached: YallRetardz.png (680x780, 449K)

who cares about american girls ? They are trash compared to europeans

Then we have a problem. There's nothing we can do to save you, but we can at least save your sons from the barbaric practice. Just watch a newborn get cut, and if you still don't know if you'd subject your son to that pain, then you have less empathy than a nigger-chinese mutt. Nothing justifies subjecting newborns to that and taking away their right's in deciding what's done to their bodies. Sucks you didn't get that choice user, but at least let your sons have it

even your reactions pics scream "I AM A REDIT FAG" please kys

fuck you

also checked

Attached: 1563830363221.gif (268x268, 1.19M)

I don't have an option of what?

Don't have the option to get uncut

there's ways to last longer without mutilating a baby's genitals.

women also cum quicker and more often with foreskin

keep chewing on your brother's foreskin it's the only thing you'll get to eat this month Pajeet


ok i guess you can save my non existent sons

Dn't b mad @ me 4 avin ya dik cut, e mad @ who dealt it smelt it

That's all I'm trying to accomplish

do you have a time machine?

I'm uncut. Go poo in the loo and never come back.

uncut dicks look so nice i wanna rub the tip of my nose on it! so smooth and so friendly. just caress the tip a little with my tounge! maybe taste it a little!

I knew b was gay, but was it THAT gay?

I hope this is a joke btw and you ain't actually upset

>gtfo back to le reddit summerfag

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T-tits or gtfo?

>checks trips
>being told to go back to le reddit
I think you are the newfag friend

I got but only because of medical reasons. Be 9 years old and wake one day unable to pee, had to get surgery on urethra to fix that and they weren't going to stitch the skin back together for me.
> my penis not looks like the last air bender on thebase.

who could be upset on this site seriously? It's all anonymous and retarded statments

This thread is the uncut cult or something. So oppressive like.

Goes both ways, a person who is uncut can't know the difference either

wow upon seeing that smoothe thing i want it in my mouth

>100% speak like a redditor

What's with this Yea Forums uncut cult? huh?

>if you still have two hands you can't know the difference it would make to have only one hand
are you that retarded user?

Uncutfags coping ITT

Speaking as a faggot - an aesthetic dick is an aesthetic dick, cut or not. I've seen some attractive dicks that were uncut and some that were. Cutting boys because "it looks better" is laughable to me. You're either born with a good looking cock or not, cutting it will do very little for its aesthetics

Where? I only see cutfags coping everywhere in this trade :c

>uncut fags apparently can't get cut later in life if they wanted to
user, I...

To all you insecure dudes in this thread: If she don't wanna fuck you, your dick skin situation isn't the issue.

Honestly this. Ugly dicks can be ugly for a variety of reasons.
Having foreskin could be that reason if the foreskin is like, weird on its own or something.
But it its an ugly dick, then cutting off the foreskin will only make it an ugly cut dick

unless you were gonna make love, then she saw your cock and fled, then it could be the issue (or your cock is too small / too dark)

>too dark user?
Yes, too dark. I have a white friend, how have some blacks in is family (like grand parents), he is white like me (maybe even more) but his dick is dark brown. Told me once about a girl who refused to do anything with it cause she was grossed out by the color haha. apparently only happend to him once tho, and he fucked like every damn weeks. But still, color anons, color.

you dont want that

dubs of truth

>argue against mutilation of a baby's genitals

My addendum to what I said though - there have been more times where I've thought "this dick would look better uncut" than "this dick would look better cut" both have crossed my mind in different situations, but I've seen more botched circumcisions than I've seen weird foreskin. Like you say though, variety of things can make a dick ugly, 90% of the time, the foreskin has nothing to do with it

are you in the uncut cult tooo? damn son.

I'm uncut and more than 10 seconds with the skin pulled back makes it look like the first one

it confuses most people why you're into dicks so much

How much of a retard can you be jesus fuck

you're a fucking retard

Some retards are just retarded

Say it confidently, newfag, jesus fuck. Also it's a guy, but who gives a shit.

It's okay Jew, it isn't your fault they ate your foreskin

what do you think was the purpose of OP's thread? Do you think he created it with the best intentions? Or was it to offend circumised men?


so with most men having problems with premature ejaculation and this is supposed to cut down on feeling...maybe you could last longer than a pump if you got it cut.Are you gay? worried about other guys cocks.

my penis isn't one color is it

Attached: shiet.jpg (908x1210, 246K)

double truth!

I'm uncut and it's pretty dry, it has to do with genetics

98% of the country is imported faggot, and almost a quarter of that 2% of natives is actually Alaskan native.

>caring this much about another man’s dick
>didn’t even say “no homo”