I'm starting to feel too old here. I'm 28. I've been browsing Yea Forums for about 11 years. I've seen a lot...

I'm starting to feel too old here. I'm 28. I've been browsing Yea Forums for about 11 years. I've seen a lot. Taken breaks periodically, but lately i've really started to feel like i'm not who should be on here. Is there any one else feeling this? Have I aged out? Where should i Yea Forums?

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Get off my board

I’m 42. Been here for 13 years. I’ve lost my taste for a lot of what I once came here for, which is fine because the culture has changed so much. I still mostly browse from time to time because sometimes there is really good stuff, though I’d be hard pressed to name the last truly good thing I saw on Yea Forums

Exactly. Just seems like the majority of the people are the underage bans that I once was

I think it’s more than that. user used to do stuff, anything from raiding random stickam rooms to Yea Forumsingo. It was more engaging.

same bro. 28 here, been coming here since I was about 17. deep down I've always been an immature edgelord so I still very much enjoy coming here, but I've felt that way about other sites and other things, for sure. getting older fucking sucks so bad. they don't prepare you to deal with these feels

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I don't think it's the raids I miss. I'm definitely not feeling the connection of the threads. I know it's always been shit, but remember when Yea Forums died? Seems the cancer has completely taken over

I was looking at a thread, and I just don't wanna fap to underage our barely legal girls. What happened here

you grew up, bro. you've probably either had a kid or two yourself, or you're an uncle or some shit now. even if you aren't, that shit can change on a dime because maybe subconsciously you are starting to want kids of your own? I've been (admittedly) a hebe (14-18yo girls) for as long as I can remember. but my stepsister's daughter is like 12 or 13 now and that's changed my view on everything. makes me mad to think there are creeps (aka me) that ogle her and fap to thoughts of her and shit. hopefully this made at least a bit of sense. that's my take on it breh

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nice blog retard. no one here cares about (((you))). get a friend if you want to talk about your feelings

You'll know the same feeling in 10 years.

Oh definitely. I can’t remember the last time I had a thread go on for hours just shooting shit with user. Maybe a punk rock thread from four or five years ago that got a couple hundred posts, never got derailed, and had it one single porn bot image in it.

Yeah. I had a kid at 20. But even so, the site used to be something i'd check on and find entertaining. I don't hardly even enjoy /fit/ anymore. I think the internet just sucks now

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I remember this image

Probably been browsing around the same time

Life has only got shitter though, this website shines some light on true human nature

and now i cant stop fapping to trannies

35, 10 years. Place used to at least be funny. Now these new dumb niggers can't come up with anything new. Sad shit. Taken over by youngbloods only to watch it rot from the cancer.

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Alright, you get it. But, I think it's past saving this time. Think it'll be another year before I even bother checking. And honestly, if it weren't for the phones, I doubt i'd even type the address

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Yes, you two get it as well

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Y’know, if I didn’t browse on my phone via an app I probably wouldn’t even check in.

Yea Forums was never good, but it used to be better.

That's what i'm saying. Think maybe technology has just changed it? Where did things go wrong?

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>trying to fit in this shithole
That was your first mistake, little bitch


Yeah man that’s probably a big part of it. It’s easier to invest in threads when you’re on a computer. On your phone it’s far too easy to forget about it and come back to a 404

zoomers have taken over

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Even though I’m in my 40’s I mostly fuck and chill with girls who are 19-23 and even the chicks who are 22-23 don’t understand the zoomer culture.

The cancer has won. Log posts. Black posts. Social media. And it's all just reposts. Stale pasta, man. Game over

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the term really only applies to young people on the internet. while we had shoop da whoop and image macros, these kids have been exposed to memes their entire life. they're so deep in this "post ironic" stage of memes and meme culture that it's literally all the know. I did the meme thing for lulz about 4 or so years ago. had a few really big pages (200k+ likes on 2 of them), and the whole culture around this shit is unlike anything I've ever seen. it sounds almost absurd, but if a kid is a good memer and posts nothing but spicy memes, it's guaranteed that they will be getting pussy. had so many memeslut groupies that were down to succ me on a moments notice. what I'm trying to say is that the way of life and culture has changed more in the last ten years than probably ever before. everything is backwards.

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We live in truly amazing times.

i think the log posts and black posts must be bots or paid shills. i just cant imagine an army of 12 year olds so dedicated... maybe the israeli internet defense force is trying to manipulate american minds? Yea Forums used to be the genesis of a lot of memes that dissipated into normal culture, so maybe it's a good target for them. idk how to logically explain it otherwise

It has to be bots. I refuse to believe that there are hundreds of thousands of dedicated faggots making that shit happen.

kek we really do bro. Donald Trump is the leader of the free world. fucking kekkkk. best timeline, truly.

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For the sake of humanity, I hope you are right. Because they're ruining this place

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And yet none of you will post OC
Like none of you do ANYthing but bitch, piss and moan

Go back to posting yellow shit, at least you were pretending to do something then. If you don't like it, do something about it. Or, as 28 year old men, just sit in a fucking circle and complain about it I guess, the real patented 'teenage girl' way of solving shit.

Y'all are a God damn disgrace.

28 here, can confirm you guys are just beta bitchboys who would rather complain than do literally anything significant
if all you want is a blog, fuck off to Facebook you fucking social reject. Nobody gives a shit about anything but content here, and your fucking slice of fag isn't 'content' as much as 'just you kinda bitching to bitch'

40 here been on for like 12 years. This place has always been shit and the only thing that changes is meme themes. But every once in awhile a golden thread comes along and hits the spot like no other place on the internet. Gotta lurk moar faggots.

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Been browsing on and off for 10+ years also
Tbh it’s mostly the same although it does actually feel like the attitudes/morality of most anons is slightly better oddly enough

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All you old fags are mega gay

46. Here since '07. You're here forever.

I came to Yea Forums because I heard it's the worst place on the internet but it's just porn

Dude, I'm 44, and I've been here since crackychan.
There's still a place for old timers. Now instead of trolling and raids (how I miss the actual raids) it's just porn, ylyl, and topical bs. But, fuck it. I still find myself coming back

You're 28 years old and you've been on here for 11 years?
You haven't seen shit.
Go outside.

I think I was 9 or 10 when my family first got the internet and I pretty much grew up online because I was a loser with no irl friends.

I think that the internet back then was kind of like the old west. In those days it was inhabited by outcasts and weirdos like me. Few people knew about it and so there was no money to be made. Normal people and commercial interests stayed far away. As a result it was lawless and developed a distinct culture totally separate from anything offline (l337, early memes, etc...).

But like the old west, eventually normal folk flooded in, the law took over, the culture was destroyed. If the internet of the early 2000s was like an old west town with diseased prostitutes and drunken gunfights and hangings in the town square, the internet of today is like that same town 170 years later. There's a walmart and a starbucks and people rolling around in SUVs looking for parking spots and broadband coverage.

So I guess that makes us the aging cowboys and outlaws, nostalgic for a sort of shared chaos that is never coming back, watching the last of the prairie be stripped to make room for another high rise apartment building and waiting to die.

Almost 29 here. Been here since 07'. I dont think I'm too old for the site. There are a lot of boards that are still relevant for people in their late 20's-early 30's. But in general I do feel older than I am because I feel so out of touch with technology and I don't understand the dumb liberal shit kids get into these days and my sister has a kid on the way so I'm gonna be an uncle at that. Its all dumb and confusing. I sort of went from a losery fat nerd who plays games all day to a pot head to a dumb red neck who bucks hay half the year, fishes and shakes his fist at kids for listening to fortnite so damn loud.

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