Why are only white women into non monogamous relationships?

Why are only white women into non monogamous relationships?

Anytime I see these thots on tinder etc, they're always white.

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they want to abolish their own race, POWER TO THE COLOR

Because white men put them on a pedestal that no other race put their women on. They let bitches do everything even infantry in the united states.

Because the people that are the most conservative are non-whites.

because white don't care about female orgasms

White women have been losing for a very long time. This is coming from a white man i can confirm all chicks in my family are batshit or retarded sometimes a combo of the 2. Get a Latina like i did problem solved.


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> I get all my knowledge from a small subset, from a place people go to look for one night stands
> why are all people one night standers

I believe it's either one of two things:

1: The white race is on some collective suicide mission.

2: The white race has been manipulated to virtue signal hating themselves by inundation of constant negative media against them buy a hidden faction. In short: Zionism.

Yeah, as a brown dude, I always wondered why majority of sluts are white women. Why are white women so slutty? Its cancer and affects our women.

Because that’s not true and you’re stupid. Go to south LA and every other Mexican girl is a total slut.

Non monogamous guy here. Spanish and black chicks are non monogamous by default. Theres no need to post it. Interestingly I've noticed almost all non monogamous women are in social services.

Because white women aren't oppressed like the people in your brown society. They are their true selves. Nothing wrong with being a slut. Most men are sluts but no one says anything to them. I wouldn't be with a woman who isn't a slut, they're too boring. I'm a slut and I need a slut for a wife.

They arent oppressed? that is news to me because that's all they ever fucking scream about lol!!

It's relative. They aren't as oppressed as brown women, but they're definitely more oppressed than white men. Why should white people lower their bar to shit-stain society level? Our bar is high here so we can judge from there.

None of them are oppressed lol. Dont think I agree with your bs because I happen to be a brown dude. None of them are oppressed.

Only whites are intelligent enough to use dating apps and are presentable enough to use dating apps.

because you live in an area and are dating an age group where being a thot is the norm. also, tinder? go on proper dates or shut the fuck up with your stupid ass

Okay whatever you say. My wife was harassed on a daily basis at her job by her boss (always commenting about her clothes and asked her out several times) and eventually he fired her because she didn't give in to him. She tried to sue him but he just created some fake performance documents and didn't have the money to take it further.

How many times were you harassed at work, random Internet stranger?

silence, nigger

>"user's wife, your clothes do not fit the dress code"

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Anecdotes arent evidence and the fact you use it to prove women are oppressed is hilarious. Try harder, user. Women arent oppressed. Friend of mine lost his job because coworker got mad he turned her down, so she reported him to his boss with harrassment as revenge. See what I did there? I too can play anecdotes as well. Great job on failing, user. Isolated incidents happen all the time and does not prove what you say.

Women are not oppressed in this day and age.

Silence, sand nigger.

Because Hitler.

I agree anectodes aren't fact but if I showed you statistics of harassment of men vs women showing the prevalence higher for women, you would just reject that too. So really there's no point in arguing with a dumbass who rejects reality. Believe what you want, user.

I too can take stories out of context and create fake realities to make myself happy about the current state of our world. Doesn't change the fact that the story didn't happen the way you imagine it did. Keep lying to yourself.

Yes and I can show you statistics women have over men in court/prison sentencing/single childless women making more than single childless men in metropolitan cities, etc., which would take us back to square one in this argument. Women arent oppressed user.

>more oppressed than white men
In America, generations of white men fought tooth and nail for national sovereignty, their land, their families, their livelihood, their beliefs, their culture, and their values.
Women simply repeatedly bitched for rights and were handed them, then proceeded to ruin the country with their estrogen fueled rhetoric reflected on their ballots, and still do. In the past you'd have been correct, but that was decades ago. Most women, even the highly educated, are like children when it comes to logical discourse and viewing their actions as small events that shape greater society, and it's because we've enabled it for decades by coddling them and allowing for feminist and Marxist infiltrators to poison our national image through the youth.
If she's not a virgin that wants to be a homemaker, she's not worth it.

All you're proving is that men and women are both oppressed in different ways, which is completely true. You can't even take your own argument to it's logical conclusion. That's how much of a dumbass you are. You have such a preconceived notion that women aren't oppressed, that even when you give me those facts, you create some alternate reality where these facts aren't considered oppression.

Identify things for what they are and stop trying to sugar-coat everything. Men are definitely oppressed in sentencing, and women are oppressed in harassment. There are many other categories as well where men are oppressed more or women are oppressed more.

>only white women
nigresses fuck anything that casts a shadow and spics are basically public holes

Again, like the other user, you're just proving that both men and women are oppressed by pointing out the difficulties men face and those that women face. Thanks for proving my point.

And I prefer an intelligent woman that works for the household and earns money. Not a stupid homemaker who doesn't even know how to discuss the current state of affairs or doesn't even the difference between an atom and a subatomic particle. Go ahead and marry the bimbos of the world and I'll stick to the intelligent women who aren't dumbasses like you.

You're the one living in a fantasy. In the real world, white women have no boundaries and no shame. White women didn't even have to work or fight in wars for centuries, if ever. Then they saw that men who did these things well received rewards, so they screamed and begged and told us they hated us until we gave in. Now they're wageslaves and meatshields like the rest of us and having to deal with the added danger of the guy who might be ok at his job but can't deal with women or take a hint when she turns him down. You used to be able to challenge a man to a duel if he impugned upon your wife's honor, but that lead to too many big dicks getting killed so women didn't like that either and it was done away with. You just don't understand, the white woman complex is one of entitlement that has to wrapped around itself into becoming "oppressed". tl;dr she's sucking major dong whether you know it or not dude. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Also, I do acknowledge the reality of women facing harrassment. The problem I have with it is women lying about how much they actually get harrassed. Especially when false accusations coming from women can go as high as 40%, but we should ignore that right user? *wink face*

No user, you are now changing the goalposts. You are arguing that women are oppressed in general, while men arent oppressed. now you want to change it that they are only oppressed in certain areas? You really cant be this dumb, user. At least keep your arguments consistent, user.

Women arent oppressed user. They have an advantage over men in society. I dont see companies exclusively try to hire men like stem/tech jobs did for women. Women didnt have to go through the draft. Men arent allowed to criticize toxic ideologies that are created for women, yet they can shit on us with barely any consequence(not that there should as I support free speech, just pointing out hypocrisies). You have gaming companies attacking men because we dont agree with their virtue signaling for brownie points with women.

A study has shown white women prefer white men for most of the month. This changes only for 12-24 hours in a month when women begin ovulating and sexual preferences shift towards black men.


>findings suggest that ovulating women have evolved to prefer mates who display sexy traits – such as a masculine body type and facial features, dominant behavior and certain scents – but not traits typically desired in long-term mates. So, desires for those masculine characteristics, which are thought to have been markers of high genetic quality in our male ancestors, don’t last all month – just a day in a woman’s cycle when she is most likely to pass on genes that, eons ago, might have increased the odds of her offspring surviving and reproducing.


>In the few scent studies conducted so far, researchers asked women to smell T-shirts that had been worn by men with varying degrees of body, race and facial symmetry. Women preferred the odors of more symmetrical and darker men when in the fertile portions of their cycles. The UCLA meta-analysis likewise showed a large shift in women’s preference for the body odor of men of 'African' descent.

>"If women understand the logic behind these shifts, it might better inform their sexual decision-making so that if they notice suddenly that they're attracted to the dark guy in the next cubicle at work, it doesn't necessarily mean that they don't have a great long-term partner," Haselton said. "They're just experiencing a fleeting echo from the past."

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For women to be oppressed, they would need to have less rights than men. They would be discriminated in work places, laws that discriminate. Everything that women have put out to prove they have been oppressed has been debunked

lol almost all of the women i know are white women and none of them are like this

keep having fun with your straw man though

All you're talking is gibberish. Literally you didn't even have a single point that's worthy of any rebuttal.

Women in the past didn't have a choice to go to war. Society was structured in a way that women were forced to be at home while the men went out and fought. You can't blame either sex for the state of society in the past. Women were oppressed at home, and men were oppressed in war. Again, you are just proving the oppression is true in our society. Thanks again.

We no longer live in such a world. There are plenty of women who go to war today. Stop living in the past. Live in the present and identify the issues that happen today. Today, women are oppressed at work, and men are oppressed in jail. There are many other categories and you're welcome to look up statistics to see the oppression rates for different categories by sex. It's not so black and white like your peabrain makes it out to be.

as a femanon I can tell you that for every girl that is public about having a fling with a black guy, there's 10 others that have done it in secret. There's 1) shame put on women for sleeping around and 2) we know how it's perceived among white guys when a white girl sleeps with a black guy. We still want to get married eventually so it just makes sense not to tell anyone about previous times with black guys

I never said men aren't oppressed, so perhaps you should practice your reading comprehension?

You can deny women or men aren't oppressed in our society all you want. Doesn't make it true. It's a fact everyone is oppressed in a different way, and that includes gender, skin color, ethnicity, and even name. Even white men are oppressed because they never get the benefit of the doubt when they say something that's borderline racist but they didn't mean it in a racist way, but other races do get that benefit of the doubt.

That's not how oppression works. Oppression isn't a single thing. There are multiple facets to our society and in different parts, different categories of people are oppressed in different ways. Your black and white view of oppression is extremely naive. Even white men are oppressed in certain facets of society.

Exactly. I'm engaged but never told him some of my previous partners were black guys

"i have authority over this because i claim to be one woman in billions who knows the secret inner lives of everyone else"

sounds more like you have either a superiority or an inferiority complex, and you're taking it out on those you are jealous of

if the man you are engaged to isn't cool with that, why are you engaged to him? serious question, why lie by omission at all? why not just find a better man?

sounds like someones mad he just realized his girl took black cock before settling down with him

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not at all, I'm just talking about my experiences talking to women about this kind of topic. Call it women's locker room talk if you will. A lot of women will sleep with a black guy just to try it out but they won't let any guys know. I know most of my friends have slept with a black guy at some point and their boyfriends/husbands don't know

>Women in the past didn't have a choice to go to war.
Because of the very real physical difference between men and women. If it was enshrined in law that women can't be in the military it was to protect them from some asshole king that didn't give a fuck.
>Society was structured in a way that women were forced to be at home while the men went out and fought.
Laughing my ass off, spelled out for emphasis. "Forced" to stay at home instead of getting shipped to god knows where to fight and die for god knows what. What oppression. Give me a break.
>blah blah blah forget about the past maaaannnn live for today!!!
>Today, women are oppressed at work
wageslaving is oppression in and of itself, dummy

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doesnt matter what dick my wife took before we met if we're together now. that shit doesn't bother me because i'm not an insecure little fuckboi lol but keep dreaming.

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so youre totally cool with her doing a train downtown in college when she was 'exploring herself' then

wageslaving at a lower rate for the same job done by a man is another layer of oppression then, dummy

>doesnt matter what dick my wife took before we met if we're together now.
The ultimate cuckold cope trope.

No-no you're right. No body is oppressed. Not men nor women, nor blacks nor whites. Men today aren't oppressed by the countless of women that steal their kids and judges rule in their favor. Women today aren't oppressed by the countless men in positions of power that have abused them for their own desires. The Japanese American citizens that were rounded up into camps during WWII weren't oppressed either. The Jews also weren't oppressed when they were genocided. Black people also aren't oppressed when they're given tougher jail sentences than white people. And white people aren't oppressed when they're forced to not say certain words because other people find it offensive.

Nope. None of this oppression happens nor has ever happened in our society. That's your reality.

Keep on living like a naive idiot. I can't help you there.

>What do I care if this corn I found in the toilet bowl has already passed through someone else's digestive system? It's my corn now!

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Who is this?

I'm totally cool with my wife doing that. Wish she would do it now so I can watch her.


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>brings up a lot of random stuff that bears no relevance to the topic at hand in an effort to shame and confuse me
Not gonna happen, maybe you should change tack. Here's an idea, how about arguing honestly for a change.

can you explain to me why i would care? do you really think i never did anything with anyone before i met her? you talk like women should be these thoughtless porcelain china dolls that should only ever look or speak to you and anything ever done before she even knew who you were would make her unworthy and unclean, instead of being living breathing human beings like everyone is. which is honestly a pretty beta position to take my man lol you gotta go get laid and stop obsessing over retarded shit like the color of someone's skin somehow providing an inherent worth to a living person. this is a problem with you, not with women.

I'm sorry it's confusing to you to bring up examples of oppression in society when talking about whether oppression exists in society. What a difficult conversation.

i think the reason you're a kissless virgin is because you view women as shit corn

get over that and your life will get a lot better

It's not confusing, it's irrelevant. Here's a wikipedia article about Kim Peek, it's relevant to this specific argument because I'm arguing with a retarded person.

when you look like this your insults have no bite

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What exactly are you arguing now?

That everyone in society is oppressed except women?

Or that only white men in society are oppressed?

Or that no one is oppressed in our society?

Feigning ignorance, are we?

No I'm being serious. We're arguing about whether oppression exists in our society for all groups, and you're giving me an example of a mentally disabled person that was oppressed. You're just making my argument stronger with each piece of evidence you provide. So I'm not sure why you even provided that example.

So can you tell me which one is your position? That no one is oppressed, only white men are oppressed, or everyone but women are opressed?

good thing i dont look anything like that then

>We're arguing about whether oppression exists in our society for all groups
No, that's what you abruptly changed the subject to in order to save face after I left you speechless. You had nothing to add so you dropped spaghetti about internment camps and shit. What do Japanese internment camps have to do with your wife sucking dicks?

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Are you going to answer what your position is of the three or are you scared to tell us?

Spoiled rich leftist cunts, that's why.

literally nothing about race in the article

if you want to make monogamy a race then lets do it

Browns are too afraid to because their brothers and fathers will throw acid on them or stone them to do

blacks are already tied down with x amount of kids and an abusive husband

latinas are too busy with raising their cousins kids because her husband got beheaded for running drugs

asians are too conservative and will only like asian men fuck them

whites are the only free race, liberated from religions, where they can choose what to do with their own lives, unlike Jews, Christians, Muslims ect ect

you're fucking retarded bro hang yourself faggot