I hate to admit it but leftists were right all along

i hate to admit it but leftists were right all along

race doesn't exist

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Race does exist. Just not for humans. We're the most interbred species on the fucking planet. Siberian Tiger and Bengal Tigers are 2 separate races not because of social-economic income but because of GEOGRAPHY.

The left is the most racist group in America at the moment.
You can pinpoint where the person was born from a dna test alone.

Say things that aren't true with no basis in reality. Act shocked call the person who calls you out on it a racial slur or a cuck. Repeat forever. Please do explain in detail how leftists are more racist than white supremacists. Those are both groups in America right?

>you can pinpoint where a person was born from a dna test alone

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Bigotry of low expectations.

Well I meant political group blah they don't care about blah no they are blah just forever

anti white hatred

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1) Races exist
2) No race is better than another
3) Races have differences
4) Individual variability is higher than variations between races
5) Race is not a political ideology

Can you please explain how having purported low expectations (not actually true) is worse than wanting to kill and or eliminate an entire race lol

this is stoopid

Wow you found a racist congrats. So did I. I'm replying to one right now. How is he worse than you?

Race is a cultural construct like religion or manlethood.

There's very few outright white nationalist. Meanwhile this racism is mainstream.

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You're really confused huh

Libertarian oldfag atheist here.

You're right OP: Race is a construct. It "exists" as much as the notion of god "exists." It doesn't exist if you are rational.

Thought exercise: If it does exist, I suggest that we'd do well to behave as if it didn't. Like god/religion/politics/other tribalistic conceits, we'd likely be better off if we developed a philosophy against it.

History as proven that god and race are ideas we monkeys don't work well with.

he is worst because his tweet causes death.

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Can you explain how they're more racist than people who want to eliminate anyone who isn't white though? Cause I mean that's what you said right? No argument there.

there are less anti white racists than there are white nationalists hth

Donald Trump is a racist and also a pedophile. He assaulted a 13 year old girl with his close friend Jeffrey Epstein.

I can speak English well enough to be a racist on Yea Forums and no better. I SAID NO BETTER!

>Can you explain how they're more racist than people who want to eliminate anyone who isn't white though?
Because those people WANT to eliminate non-whites. Meanwhile the leftist ARE suppressing black and latino communites, and have been for decades. It's the difference between wanting and doing.
That's another story entirely. And there are more black nationalists than white nationalists.

How stupid are you people?

What left, what right? You are just a bunch of morons who feel the need to belong somewhere.

Be it left or be it right.

I feel sorry for you all.


Pic related
It's u

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Read this reply
Pretty fucking stupid holy shit!

>You can pinpoint where the person was born from a dna test alone.

But the democrats are white supremacists. Did you miss your civil war history lessons?

>using an argument that took place 150 years ago

do latinx get this treatment too ?


We gotta smart guy over here. Races are different. Races are equal. Pick one

Rock, paper, scissors, which is better?

Bulbasour, charmander, squirtle. Pick one.
Nice shitty comparison that doesn't prove anything at all. Atleast mine squirtle is master race

All are different, neither is the best. "Races are equal" is your strawman, leave it to yourself.

I find it strange that people deny reality in such a way these days. Modern leftists seem to be just like the anti vax crowd, ignoring science at their own peril. Its so strange to me that we have this in our modern times.

There is no such thing as species, we are all primates