My pocketknife clip is yeeting itself upwards. How do I stop this from happening

My pocketknife clip is yeeting itself upwards. How do I stop this from happening

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Stop carrying a knife u grade school faggot

...bend it back?

you absolute dolt

Get a better knife

Bend it back dipshit! Use a ton of rubber bands because you don't even know where to buy a ziptie. Just get a fixed blade cmon.

Wash your fucking shirt

Take the screw off, remove the clip, then bend it back into shape with pliers.

It’s my work apron cunt

I didn’t ask how to fix it I asked how to stop it from happening again cunt

Carry it for work soyboi

Get knife with a better clip. Get a fucking paramilitary or something

This is a spyderco though

What kinda work do u do with that shitty blade?

It’s an endurance 4, blade works great, I work at Home Depot in receiving. Mostly use it to cut banding

Endura 4, fuck autocorrect

Once you bend it back to shape flatten the front of the clip slightly works on some clip shapes

stop carrying a knife with a clip?

It's a thin piece of metal, on a stress point. It will bend over time. You can prevent this by leaving it at home, or falling on it repeatedly.

Thanks my dude

I fixed this by making a clip out of thicker steel. it's worked fine ever since.

Or get an after market clip

Lol home depot.... u guys basically just get yelled at by trademen like me


You can bend it back but it'll never be as strong and it'll bend upwards again. Just order a replacement clip.

It’s just a summer job for me. I’d kill myself if this was my “career”

It’s spring steel. Pretty difficult to reform without an anealing oven. Try to heat it with a torch, bend it back, and quench it in water.

Apprentice detected...

Electricityfag here. I carry a knoive...and I don't need a loicense.

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That’s a lineworker, not an electrician.

>coming to a thread to shit on someone else and make yourself feel manlier
>okay light beer drinker

Email Spyderco and see about getting a new one.

I've also taken clips off when this has happened and kinda rolled it on a screwdriver and tried to bend it back into shape.

>>mfw burgers call springy wingy pocket thingies "clips"
Allahu ackbar

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Contact Spyderco they will send you a new one

you need a new one

It's called a clip because it clips the knife to your pocket, egor

find the inferior nigg