where does Yea Forums pee?
you better get this one right
Where does Yea Forums pee?
1 for home, 2 for anywhere else
Method 2. Less splash.
I pee on the floor.
1 on the day 2 in the night
2 obviously. I hate my fucking neighbors for pissing right in the water in the middle of the night and waking up the whole house.
Method 2 because if you pee directly to the water, it might splash piss on your pants.
I hate the sound of pissing straight into water.
I sit like a girl.
always 2
I'm a tall dude, the splashback is horrendous otherwise
Method 2 is stealthier.
To the left of the water.
1 splashes
2 creates a fine mist of piss
3. Sit down like a girl cause I poop a lot anyways.
1. As loud as I can. I want you to hear, and I want you to know my dick has a higher volume flow.
I pee in the shower.
I secretly peed on my wife in the shower a few times.
Last time I did it, she caught me.
All over the seat
Method 1 - safe zone
Method 2 - stealth mode
Method #2 but Method #1 when someone is walking in
Sometimes bro, sometimes
Correct answer
I pee in the sink because I'm genuinely smart unlike you monkeys
I pee in the sink too!!!
exactly between the two is the right answer, actually, I asked the developer
I pee in the sink.
I have some bad news for you boys...
1 for daytime pissing.
2 for stealth pissing.
I do the 3 beams method where you aim at the middle but the beam splits into 3 beams all going in different directions.
Seat down for bonus points.
I don’t pee.
do you have a fucking bionicle leg stuck in your urine canal or what
Neither --I use the sink.
Method three, the incline in the front just before the water. No splash. Get good.
Me and my fiance piss on each other in the shower, its like a funny couple thing we do, kinda weird that im thinking of it now, but pretty sure i started it, and she ran with it.
I pee sitting down at home. New house and I dont want piss stains
It's what happens when you try to maintain that perfect laminar flow but then you accidentally pee too hard and end up with a turbulent flow.
What kind of attention whore pisses directly in the water?
Wherever there's shit spots in the toilet.
Method 2, because I'm not a fucking monster.
are you some kind of jarate scientist?
I'm Danish. We don't really pee in toilets anymore. We just strap a tube on our dicks and then pee whereever when at home. I don't know the English term, but it's the Eco Waste System. The pee then helps power our apartment building, which is why the electricity is free.
I pee in water bottles and store it.
Stealth pissers represent!
i sit, it's just easier
I'm method 2
neat comment is neat
Method 2.
Or better method 3. Just sit, man. Whether you hit the water or the bowl you're splashing urine everywhere.
i pee in your mom's pussy
Blast it with piss
>not pissing in 2L waterbottles
I piss in the bathroom
in the sink
method 1 all the way
Y'all niggas best stop posting sinks
No, sink is literally designed to piss in it.
Pee flows smoothly without splattering all over place.
Fuck yes. This had me rolling.
>not submerging your foot in the water and pissing along the inner thigh so it runs down your leg
>not curling up into a ball and pissing into your own mouth
In the shower while I'm having a shower. Sometimes forget about this in swimming pool shower rooms.