how do we fix the next generation? between the parkland kids and this little cunt,it just seems hopeless.i dont want a bunch of liberals ruining the world
How do we fix the next generation? between the parkland kids and this little cunt,it just seems hopeless...
Shut down public schools, they're not worth a shit.
Just have kids, how fertile do you think these commie fags are?
We should just get hit with an asteroid and start over. Everyone fucking sucks.
>just have kids
no,because i dont want to contribute to the future generation of liberal retards.we need to fix the next generation,not contribute to it
Stop posting that ugly cunts face here I'm sick to death of looking at it.
u mad?
hurry up and die so that we can turn this planet into something decent
don't worry, by the time you hit puberty there won't be a world to ruin
You should try reading a book or something. Get a hobby, something. Anything other than jerking off and getting fat. That is obviously making you angry.
>I don't want to contribute to the next generation of liberal retards
The generation of high schoolers now is getting more conservative. Also, just raise your kids the right way and they won't turn out like that.
Make conservatives not embarrass themselves so much.
>more conservative
nope,you mean liberal.besides,nobody cares about a bunch of dumb kids who have never voted in their life anyway
but people like op arent conservative,besides.donald trump has did a fine job of ruining conservatism
But they WILL be voting in a few years. In fact, many already have.
nah,there to busy parading around school shooting victims to vote
Abortion or kill socialism and communism for good. Also end all immigration from MENA-countries.
For rich white/Jewish liberals and "woke" corporations
She’s the climate mong
an issue that only liberals care about
I'm from Los Angeles so I guess I am an automatic victim of liberalism but I couldn't define it for shit
Doesn't help that I'm a spic that comes from a family of naturalized illegals so you most definitely know that we're on the liberal side
I don't believe in left v right I wouldn't like to be a bleeding heart faggot
Being gay is wrong
Fucked a tranny 3 days ago
Shit is wrong man
This little shit has her life set. In the future shell have a 9-5 job, earning 15k a month just to reciprocate some bullshit politic agenda. Fuck her and look at yourselves. she is set for life.
Cull and start over.
>9-5 job
you realize the country she lives in is a socialist dump right,she'll be on welfare for the rest of her life just like the rest of the people in her 3rd world shit hole
Don’t worry too much about it, you’ll be dead one day and then we won’t have to hear your little whiny bitching. You’re probably content being nothing but some slave to consumerism and a government you probably claim to hate, but be damned if you did anything about it. Also probably one of those lazy fucks who believe you should only work for a reward, you might as well be a show dog, trained to do one thing and make your owner happy. But ultimately my advice is blow your fucking brains out in the woods and be useful for once in your life, give the plants some nourishment.
>so you most definetly know that we're on the liberal side
the only people in california are people on the liberal side.everybody else left and is enjoying freedom in the normal part of america
as much as i dislike donald trump,i cant really say i "hate"the goverment.because the goverment is more then just donald trump.although,i am disapointed at the amount of liberal crap republicans put up with that trump does
That's I want to join the army of the United States of mother fucking America
Fight for my god damn freedom
I'm serious man
I can't tell if LA is that bad because I might be a frog born into boiling water thinking it's normal but the army
I'll be listening to some Toby Keith "courtesy of the red white and blue"
fuckin lol,good luck fighting for a draft dodger.maybe he'll have another military parade you can participate in,anyone who joins the military under trump is a fucking retard.go figure your from california
Then join, ya faggot. Have fun with peacetime military.
See what you can leak?
How exactly does that make me retarded you unamerican bitxh?
I don't love Trump because a I don't know him personally and b I don't know about his politics but I'll have to fight
No military avoidance for me you unpatriotic commie
fuckin lol,a fag from a liberal state calling someone else unamerican
why dont you join antifa instead.that would be more towards what you retards believe in anyway
We don't. Get yourself land and a home, stockpile, become self sufficient, and watch the fun through binoculars. Better yet, help them push bullshit though and accelerate the downfall so we can start rebuilding sooner.
oh right,somebody living in a fantasy world that doesnt realize these dipshits effect his life also
Where you from you homo?
That seems like a downgrade you faggot
I'd rather fight for COUNTRY you bitch
Listening to some Aaron Lewis right now you bitch
Trump only does what the government wants him to. Are you too stupid to understand the president holds almost no actual power, did you not pay attention in school? Sure he can veto shit, but that’s essentially it. Just a face for you to point and blame while the rest of the government gets off scot free and laughs while they keep shitting on the country they’re supposed to running. Let’s talk taxes, Republicans and liberals, when it comes to the government are literally the same, both aren’t actually going to get rid of taxes, both want you to be unarmed and obedient, both could care less about what the rest of the country needs as long as they make their money and the rest of us stay compliant and keep accepting that is the orange man fault or Obama ruined everything.
Try dying. We don’t want you morons around anymore.
fun fact
nazis were a SOCIALIST regime
Hopefully I join so I can fight for faggots like you
Don’t worry user, I work in a highschool and most kids are right of center, with a lot full on right. You only see the liberal kids cause they’re the whiners.
Thank you user, that gives me SOME hope for the future
You deserve to die in vein, what’s sadder than fighting for a government or country that could care less about you and essentially just wants you to keep fighting wars they started for fun. Probably one of those try hards who’ll cower and shit yourself as soon as some real shit happens.
You think the government would let you, you’re fucking dreaming my guy. Taxes on all of it and if you try then either jail or death.
Life isn't some fucking movie and you sound like an even bigger faggot than me
You sound like a Humungous faggot
I'll be getting paid, I'll be serving country, and fighting for faggots like you
Seems like you're mad, maybe you should just kill yourself
Ethnically conscious eco-fascism... gooks and niggers are breeding way too much and European descendants should be the ones to increase a population to carry the future onward.
Damn didn’t know Jesus was a nazi, since you know he was super socialist with his views. Not like it wasn’t propaganda to make people believe they weren’t as bad as they actually were. Like humans fall for shit as simple as just labeling yourself part of an ideology, but not following it at all to establish your own views. Yeah keep being ignorant to word manipulation and you’ll probably never amount to anything more than a slave who obeys what their told and dies only ever being someone’s property
I’ve never heard more whining than from a far right faggot sooo different experiences I guess
Let me guess, you are one of the righttards.
Do an hero. Problem solved.
Why the tense? It's already happened. It's already done. Just pick a category and we're already fucked-- that's IF China doesn't rape the environment to death first, fucking God-forsaken chinks.
Awh, did I make the little sheep mad? You probably haven’t seen any real duty, just some boot camp loser who acts hard cause he gets free pancakes at denny’s one day a year for being a “hero” when in reality you haven’t done shit and will never actually do anything of importance. Life’s not a fucking movie, but you’re living in a dream. Can’t wait until you’re another homeless vet and I can give you my spare change to show you how much your service actually meant. Fucking tryhard
Have you served?
What do you work as?
How American are you cause you sound really unamerican?
You sound like a no going back
You sound like you epitomize California scum even more than I do you faggot
Get rekt
It’s funny cause it’s seems like the whole LGBT acceptance campaign they’re doing in our schools seems to be having a opposite reaction. Seems to be pissing kids off. I’ve never heard more gay jokes from a group of kids than after the retarded, mandatory LGBT seminar we had.
Did two tours of Iraq, work as a mechanic and much like our founding fathers who didn’t stand for a tyrannical government, I don’t stand with ours. I’ll fight for my people and this land, but not for some suit wearing shill who could care less about the lives of my fellow brothers and sisters when we fight for them. Can’t wait to see what you’re reply to this is, probably more sad attempts trolling to try and make yourself feel better about not doing a good job being American.
Have you served? No? Then shut the fuck up before you try to "flex," on civvies.
I haven't served yet bitch but hopefully I do
This shit sounds cash
Fuck you
>t. neverserved
You’ll fit perfectly homie. Infantry’s full off fuck ups just like you and me.
Probably will never serve. Just another loser in their moms house trying to be funny or whatever. At least you can make yourself laugh, even retards laugh at their own jokes, but comparing you to a disabled person is just offensive to the disabled.
Fuck yeah
I got a quick question though
How do I reap the most out of the army?
you can start with killing yourself. not only will you help the current generation, but the new as well! 2 birds one stone
You're a fucking retard, so you'll spend your first paycheck on a Mustang, marry and divorce within a year, and then drink yourself into a telephone pole.
Why don't you pass MEPS and get your ASVAB before role playing next time, champ.
>hur mom look im being retarded on the internet again!
You monkey nigger I'm still at the recruiting stage you faggot
I already did the picet test (they pronounced it p-eye-ket)
No I don't want kids/marriage for now
Hell no!
No drinking for me
Humble question, you served?
No name throwing I actually want to listen
Please tell me
The best thing for this country would be for you to put yourself in the ground. Sound like the stupidest human, trolling or not. Country and the gene pool will be better off
She is right about the small things, like plastic pollution and such. But she is dead wrong about the carbondioxide! There is not more carbondioxide now than there was 200, 2 million or even 2 billion years ago! Only thing is there is more f-r-e-e carbondioxide now. We didn't invent that shit, it has been here since earth's was created.
Nope, just have a lot of vet friends. Looking back on it, enlisting during the surge would've been a ticket of a lifetime. Would probably leave me as fucked up as them, though.
You can think whatever you want to think
Why? Because I DON'T want marriage or kids or to drink myself into Oblivion?
I think you're talking about yourself
I personally think you're a commie and I actually don't want to have kids at all so it's not like the gene pool would matter
The problem is that there is more carbon in the atmosphere, because of human behavior. Less ways of reverting that carbon to oxygen, especially with the rate we’re releasing it. Good job dancing around the subject, she may be wrong about us creating carbon, but not that it’s a problem and there’s more carbon in our atmosphere, whether it’s freed or created. Acting as if breathing in oxygen and exhaling carbon isn’t creating carbon.
Then bring your ass down to the recruitment office instead of roleplaying online, kiddo.
See what you can leak?
Says the diluted infant who has yet to serve a day in his life and probably never will. Hell bet if a draft happned you'd Take your Cali ass to Mexico like the pussy you are. Keep mouthing off to people who’ve actually served or know what they’re talking about. Kids like you get raped in the barracks so come on in and join. Let the military prove how much of a little bitch you are. Probably one of those Hicks who rant of about how they’d punch a sergeant in the face if he ever got yelled at, but cowers like an infant when it actually happens
I wouldn't punch a seargant and I'm not mouthing off
I don't want to get raped
Why haven't you joined?
Because the joining process isn't bada Bing, bada boom
Yeah I get nervous from time to time because I still gotta work on myself but infantry seems like the way to go
I'm still at the recruiting stage
One toe in but not exactly the foot in
It seems cool though
No, nazis were a fascist regime. Huge fucking difference. Go read a fucking book, kiddo.
More like you’re just a pissy and if you were serious you would be in already. Nah you’re just a loser who wants a reason to feel better about himself, so why not pretend like you’re all hard and into the military, when in reality you’re just some nobody working a retail job, trying to come off either as funny or hard and ultimately coming off as a faggot who’d definitely get sodomized for being a little shit.
Lmao in europe the liberals are the right and not the left as they are considered to be in america
No sodomy for me
Shut up bitch
Whatever you say princess, pussy like you would never make it past training, especially since the little bitch can’t make it past recruitment, which isn’t a stage you idiot
You homo
You only say gay shit like that and wish for that cause you got raped yourself you fucking homo
I'm going to die before this little bitch can vote so I don't give a fuck.
With that response you probably get rejecting for being disabled, didn’t realize I was bullying a special needs kid.
In soviet Russia, next generation fixes U!
You probably enjoyed getting raped too you homo