>imagine still being a climate change denying ExxonMobil shilling brainlet
Northern Europe BTW
Imagine still being a climate change denying ExxonMobil shilling brainlet
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>Imagine being stupid enough to believe that one summer heat wave proves or disproves climate change
You’re as dumb as the mouthbreathers who tout a blizzard as evidence of no climate change
We've had like 3 already in 2 months retard
Not a denier but I do think the impact humanity has had on climate change is over-exaggerated. The earth has always gone through stages of warming and cooling and although I wont' deny we are increasing the temperature, it's definitely not entirely down to us and won't stop just because we stop polluting.
I'm also not about to go back to the stone ages just to slim my carbon footprint
Jesus dude those are some low temperatures.
Right on! Going to leave the car running overnight with a brick on the throttle to lock in this kind of weather!
Fuck winter!
>Doubling down on the anecdotal stupidity
Congratulations. You completely missed the point.
Winter is for pale hairy pussies.
>>Pic too large to post
Ah you're right; surprising given that it happened after a period of slightly decreasing temperatures. I may be wrong after all; thank you for the source of information
Don't care. We can shoot the climate refugees at the border and enjoy the nice weather!
Climate change is good! We need +3ºC in Northern Europe for optimal economic activity.
Since the industrial revolution began (and since this this type of weather has been documented) 100+ year ago, the earth's average temperature has fluctuated approx 2 degrees. I say "fluctuated" because it has NOT risen 2 degrees, but has been up and down season to season 1 degree above to 1 degree BELOW average.
If carbon dioxide in the atmosphere tripled, plants would fucking love it. There are greenhouses across the US and Canada that pump in CO2 into the built to levels double or more found anywhere, and the plant life grows 90% (or more) than they naturally do.
The CO2 in our atmosphere would need to be 10x-12x higher for people to start showing symptoms of CO2 poisoning, and 15x-20x higher to be possibly lethal. ...it is physically impossible with the combination of all humanity, technology, etc to produce enough CO2 to get even close.
"Global Warming", "Climate Change", or whatever the next made up crisis term rhetoric spewers have been claiming the ice caps would melt, the heat would kill us, and the world would end more than 10 times in the last 40 years ...they've been proven wrong every time for 40 years now.
"Climate Changing" is pure and simple shit that makes a lot of people money off of naive simpletons.
>The earth has always gone through stages of warming and cooling
And this is where you fall for the denier line. What you need to look at is the rate of change of temperature - the rate has been climbing well above anything seen in pre-history pretty much since the industrial revolution.
If you have +3ºC globally then most of the major cities in N Europe (along with southern Europe and the USA seaboards) will be under water
>they've been proven wrong every time for 40 years now
So? It will be like beautiful Venice. Camt wait, please accelerate the process
lol this dumb shit pops up every summer
Fuck off kid, we've been fed this diet of bullshit since the late 70's, lost count of how many times we've been told there's an 'imminent global crisis' right round the corner.
>So? It will be like beautiful Venice.
You're an idiot.
I have an american made air con so whatever you subhuman
Ever heard of the Medieval Warming period? This was between the years 950-1250 (about). Freakish heat in the North Atlantic region. Researchers found that there was evidence of vineyards in areas of Greenland where today are covered in ice and snow and would be impossible for any plant life to grow. Earth's cycles, man. I don't think knights were emitting copious amounts of fossil fuels to cause that...
32, thats fucking frreezinfg
Dont worry about the future my american brothers. It will affect only the poor non american subhumans.
10 years ago they said we have ten years left, 20 years ago they said we have 10 years left, 30 years ago they said we have ten years left, see a trend there.
Climate change is nothing but another lefty pushed agenda. It is not even remotely as bad as you make it out to be and also start by taking out the country's like china and india which are alone responsible for over 70% of dirt in the Atmosphere instead of rubbing your fake narrative down our throats that are responsible for 1%
>lost count of how many times we've been told there's an 'imminent global crisis' right round the corner.
Really?Since the 70's? Well, as I was in college in the 70's, why don't you list all of the global crises you've lost count of. I'll wait.
>Ever heard of the Medieval Warming period?
Have you seen the rate of change of temperature that led to it?
Your missing the point here. Maybe the plants and trees will love it, but it completely fucks our global weather patterns up - this has already started happening. I mean look at the worldwide increase in shit crazy extreme weather. That's what 'climate change' is getting at. It's not about the plants....
>I was too dumb to notice so you should educate me
You can easily find this information yourself lazy ass
What? There were none. And keep this in mind. Aslong we have ice its still cool. Antarctica is still there and cold as shit so whats the fuss at all. Why are you such a pussy? Sea level rise 3 feet? I live on a hill so what?
>What is clear, both from the temperature reconstructions and from independent evidence – such as the extent of the recent melting of mountain glaciers – is that the planet has been warmer in the past few decades than at any time during the medieval period. In fact, the world may not have been so warm for 6000 or even 125,000 years
>What really matters, though, is not how warm it is now, but how warm it is going to get in the future. Even the temperature reconstructions that show the greatest variations in the past 1000 years suggest up until the 1980s, average temperature changes remained within a narrow band spanning 1ºC at most. Now we are climbing out of that band, and the latest IPCC report predicts a further rise of 0.5ºC by 2030 and a whopping 6.4ºC by 2100 in the worst case scenario.
Source - newscientist.com
So as long as you're ok fuck everyone else. Yeah great argument man. Fucking solid! I bet you been waiting to use that one...
>You can easily find this information yourself lazy ass
That's a typical response of a troll, and you know it doesn't work like that. You make the claim, you need to provide the evidence to back it - otherwise Hitchen's Razor applies