Why did millions of people support Hitler?

Why did millions of people support Hitler?

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cause the Jews are evil scum

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Cuz humans are stupid...

Because they were all racist.

yeah but WHY were they racist?

If you actually listen to some of the speeches it's unbelievable because you really get very swept up in it and truly believe. It helps a lot to speak German though

Because he was a lovable dork; a weebo before weebos were a thing.

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Because they needed a convenient scapegoat for all of their problems.

yeah but who caused all those problems?


It made sense at the time. The Jews WERE rich while the Germans were mostly completely fucked
The Allies with Versailles

Because he put Germany on the road to recovery. Too bad he craved world domination - he had some great ideas and the skill to make them happen.

Cuz Jews are the true cancer

Shut up racist.

because he was doing something right by getting rid of jews & making true germans the super power of the world.

Should be niggers in ww3 no ones gonna stop that.

Shut it kike

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Where is there anything racist in my reply? The fuck is wrong with you?

Too illiterate to come up with anything else...

>he had some great ideas
He had some RACIST ideas.

>Why did millions of people support Hitler?
google "weimar-republic"

answer will be self-evident in less than 30 mins of reading.

not sure if illiterate plebian or elaborate troll.

>The Allies with treaty of Versailles

this user knows whats up.

Because whites are inherently racist. All of them.

Whites are scum.

Because he was right.

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Obviously, but people followed him initially because he got Germany working again. We all know he was racist but that's not what the thread is about.

If I'm not mistaken, Hitler actually had the most diverse army of all time

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dont be fooled by video effect tactics.


hypnotic propaganda brainwashed millions

Oh, no reason.

There was no alternativ

From what I understand, at the time Germany had a very literate population. Perhaps they read Mein Kampf and were moved to support Hitler.

The masses are easily manipulated by avarice, greed and prejudice. The only realize they are hurting themselves as much later.

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>very literate population
>read Mein Kampf

Oh shit nigger, what are you doing?

You sound jewish.

but aren't Jews mosty white?

>but aren't Jews mosty white?

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Aren't Asians mostly African?

to be fair they did all come from Europe and at the end of ww2 basically cucked the native Palestinians out of their land by citing a book older than Jesus himself saying they were the actual Israelites.

Okay, that's a new use of the word 'cucked'

Race-Mixing is indeed good for everybody. However, in a highly racially-conscious urban setting with mixed races, it is more important that there be equal treatment for all members of a group, including race mixing. And, it is far more important than simply not creating a segregated culture, to avoid creating a racial problem that is inherently harmful to others. Race-mixing doesn't even have to be done on purpose; it can come from unplanned actions (racially mixed youth groups), lack of support (disproportionately low numbers of Asian in the police force) or even outright bigotry. For example, when police in Milwaukee, Wisconsin decided to stop a busload of black kids from riding on the bus and began to make jokes about how black children were not allowed to ride the bus, police decided to create a "racial mix", allowing at least some of the black kids to ride. On another example, when a group of Latino teenagers decided to ride the bus without being asked, and while they were on the bus, "white guys" got on. I'm pretty sure that was a deliberate act to create a mixed racial group with non-Latino kids – it's just an example of when the law is poorly enforced. It's an extremely racist and insensitive way of trying to create a mix based on who is walking into one side or the other, and the fact that they thought that they were doing these things with the intent of creating a mixed race group with mostly non-Latino people as a way of getting away with it and to scare non-Latino people.

Please stay on topic.

Because the European order was seriously threatened and it came to a critical point in which the German people acted. The aryan spirit all channeled through one man who happened to be an excellent leader who was able to elect genius economist to turn the country into a military and economic beast which required all of the worlds super-powers united to stop.


i read that when he was elected, germany was 1/4 male/female ratio because all the men had either died or ran after WWI. the same sort of male flight is occurring with the latin nations, with 80% of the "refugees" being able-bodied young men. when a nation loses all its able-bodied men, it becomes extremely desperate.

think about it.

There existed a nation within the German nation. A separate and disloyal entity within the fast-dissolving borders of Europe - unwilling to act altruistic and instead acted parasitically in a region where they did not belong.

Hitler went to Heaven.

I'm suggesting the OP reads Mein Kampf for an answer to his/her question.

Because tons of commie bastards were roaming the streets of Germany and attacking decent folk. Hitler vowed to sort that shit out (and he did) that's just one reason.

A lot of the far left antifags are starting the same shit in other countries and the result will be the same, Communism and anarchy are not what the vast majority of citizens want, so they will vote for whoever will restore order, that's how fascism always takes hold; the desire for order. Usually the far left are responsible forthe didorder that brings this response about