Be me

>be me
>start hormones and start developing tits
>they are hairy as fuck
>ask endocrinologist if it will ever stop
>he says no and that i need laser
>it costs a fortune
Wat do Yea Forums?

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buy a gun to increase your odds

Use cognitive therapy to be at peace with the body I gave you.

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1. Don't laser and live with hairy tits
2. Save money and laser meanwhile you tits are hairy
3. Live with the genre you were born

your welcome.

nice copy pasta


Should've started sooner.

>pic not related


What genre were they born with? Hopefully it wasn't something shitty like lowercase or vaporwave.

Spend $450 on a home laser and laser your balls off.


I would an hero

Kill yourself eventually like most mentally ill sicko trannies do

>be white male me
>IT job interview at college
>denied and said I was overqualified during the interview
>hired a less capable Indian fatty one day later instead

What do.

>a fortune

its literally 150 bucks every 6 weeks for 5 appointments. its not exactly expensive just get a fucking job. you could literally work 10 hours a week at fucking mcdolands and be able to pay for it

t. got my balls, legs, and back done

Wax, also postem

Is that you OP? You're hot

get help! stop hormones and just be normal

Join the 40%, it's inevitable either way

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Move to India.
Eat Lays.
Sunbathe... a lot.

Can you get it on your butt and asshole?

>the inevitable
If I could, I'd abort you

Tailor your resume for the job you're applying for

anywhere you have skin my man

ya, you can get it anywhere

overqualified generally means you have great qualifications and certifications but lacking the ones we are currently looking for

Sounds fucked up.

Work out your problems here:


discord gg gqkg6t

tits or gtfo

post those hairy tits bitch

Buy fuckin nair you retard

save money and time by accepting that no matter what you or anyone does, nobody ever looks how they want, and what really matters is how you behave and handle inadequacy

It was at the time. This was around 2016
I didn't know you could be overqualified for an IT job.

It was college IT they hired someone way less qualified

Ah well.

I wouldn't even rape you.

Shave your chest and sell pics of you to fund the laser treatment

>Art of the Deal

Post hairy tits

>implying anyone would ever want to spend money on a picture of a mans tits

Sell your testicles for gender op surgery

Ha! That’s a real insult bc everyone knows that Raping Rodger will rape even the scraggiest of transients

>grow beard
>join circus
>display tits as Bearderd Woman


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Someone hasn’t gone to the circus since the 90s
They’re all acrobatic Asians now, it’s sad really

damn, you're super cute. I'd fuck the shit out of you even with hairy tiddies.
I hope you have a vagina for me to use.

kill yourself...seriously

Did they specify exactly what the salary was? If not then perhaps they expected you to demand more than they wanted to pay and so gave the job to fatty instead.

nigger tranny

You first, ya smug cunt.

You poor mentally ill cunt. The trans meme is taking no prisoners.

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Just be comfortable with who you are, and don't waste your time, money, and happiness on non-solutions that only affect vain outward appearance.

Show the tits.


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