Faces of Yea Forums thread
Faces of Yea Forums thread
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probably the best picture of me i've taken all year
Been a while since I posted in one of these
you look European bro! am i correct or
i remember you from last night!
awesome! dude i really hope that cute girl user comes again. she was really beautiful.
good looking guy
there was a few cute user's that's for sure, heck even most of the guys were lookers too, it sure was a blessed thread
it really was. glad OP revived it again
heck yeah aha
Damn missed it
it was at like 5am (GMT)
worry not im sure some more cuties will appear, then again, it's Yea Forums so who knows
eyy I remember you Yea Forumsros from last night
That's 6am where I'm from. No wonder I missed it
ayyy its the handsome Yea Forumsro
and yeah i feel aha, my sleeping pattern is non existent at the moment
I was there, there was a really cute femanon she was really sweet
Holy crap a qt woman on Yea Forums nice. Didn't think they exesist
Bruh look at dis dood
here ya go fags
How do y'all feel about my nigger aquantance in Yea Forums.
cute choker user
OP here, its all love and positivity
feelsgood to be the handsome user haha
Where's hairy Wallace?? The troll French Russian?
You permasummer newfag zoomers need to cut this shit out, I’ve watched lives get ruined because someone posted a picture of themself here
That's why you get vaccinated for autism
Except it's all zoomed and nobody will do shit.
O shit this IS Yea Forums
this aint 2012 anymore user, its rare that shit ever happens anymore, even back in the day it was rare that interesting shit happened, Yea Forums has always been this way, anybody who tries to remissness about the old "savage" version of Yea Forums is a newfag who believes everything they hear on MSM
Thanks :3
I dare you to try faggot I'll track you down myself and rape your head after I cut it off
its okay :)
>Pink hair.
>Face tattoos.
>Weeb top.
I already know that I'd hate you as a person before I meet you.
post a pic user :)
Ok fair enough I did slightly post a pic this morning and life is the same level of shitty soooooo
>faces of Yea Forums
>hides face
why dont u overdose on laced xanax you lil peep fan faggot
>pink hair
>gauges in ear
how does it feel to be a faggot?
Brooooo that's the first thing that popped in my head after seeing that
Based af
fan? nah family friend d00d
I love peep but you should go overdose on some fentanyl laced xanax
>implying it was fentanyl laced xanax and not a fake 60mg Roxie that was pressed with xanax and fent
do your wost Yea Forums
lookin like a less clapped skinny Lewis Capaldi, not even OG Mudbone could cover your forehead
dude my friends say I look like lewis capaldi all the time, maybe I should start to believe them lmao
your mom already did
/soc/ is what you're looking for fags
Just curious, how old do I look here?
What's up Yea Forums???
its 2019 get with the times gramps, Yea Forums is mainstream now
i remember you from last night!
Sup bitches
You look autism
Are you a man or woman?
Fake and gay.
Sure do
niggas i be out here tryin to catch a wave n sheit
Jesus Christ someone lynch this faggot.
this is Yea Forums, post tits or gtfo.
I imagine that this is what the Frankenstein's monster would look like it was to be retconned to this era.
This image smells like pitbull hair and piss.
Damm right on the money. Good job user
gonna post again cause I'm gay
I am pussie 4 u babee
You look like a fucking idiot. I wish I could tell you in public.
That's not really op
Please a mommy voice note
I don't do weird shit like that user
Soyboy Feminist reporting in.
Please or say something else
You live in LA or just an obvious vacation pic? (I live in the LA area)
Thanks lol