Why do Trump supporters have no shame?

Why do Trump supporters have no shame?

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because its better to lack shame than to be a pedophile rapist like lib dems

>why can't (((we))) shame these people into submission

>Why do Trump supporters have no shame?

General lack of intelligence and education paired with a deficiency in human decency.

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>>General lack of intelligence and education paired with a deficiency in human decency.
Hit the nail right on the head.

A progressive socialist addicted to abortion and sexual perversion living the life of a perpetual student out of his parents basement asks this question?
One day you'll grow up child.Why don't you apply for Venesualian citizenship?

>addicted to abortion

Here we go...

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Man terminating a fetus is so hard I shake when I don't for too long

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The ones on Yea Forums would be 100% less annoying if they just admitted they were basic bitch conservatives all along instead of this blood and soil larp outside of my 20 "cool" illegal immigrants.

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So support your original statement. If non liberal progressive socialist have no shame, you are distinguishing yourself from them. Tell me what you are ashamed of as a member of the obama/ hilliary/ anyone but trump herd. Don't just hate your opposition, make your point on why you think - opps - FEEL you are better.

Whos the real bitch snowflake?You have to bow down to minorities and mentally ill trannies or suffer or suffer the wrath of your SJW party members all the while knowingly lying about your actual stances on SJW issues just to look good to a bunch of other pussy snowflakes like yourself.

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why do democrats project

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That picture was taken either in France or Belgium so I highly doubt that those people support Trump.

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But I honestly don't care about social justice issues outside of economic ones. You're the one who has to lie because your ideas are toxic to the vast majority of people who aren't boomers or wannabe "I'm 12 and I like Led Zep" tools.

imagine being so retarded you think corporate media is telling the truth about politics

i dont think its a coincidence that every one i know who actually does research became right wing
while the ones who get their political info from corporations are still liberal

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so you "researched" trump? good.

You should reply to OP directly. Replying to this comment with this makes no sense. Also you should reword this

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Face it snowflake you dont have a choice and your "I dont follow their beliefs but you are wrong for yours" is an easy cop out and a true sign you are the bitch. You dont even belong in any political argument because you basically stand for nothing and just want to dogpile the other side of the aisle.

its not that we like trump its that liberals have become insane in the last 5 years

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>We need to make America great again!
>But also if you don’t like this country, get out!
>But also immigrants should fix their own countries!
MAGAtard dipshits

Sadly, these morons actually think Trump will make their miserable lives better, when in fact, their lives will actually become worse. They'll continue to blame Obama/Hillary/libs though for their misfortunes.

2016 your first vote?

why do liberals think its tax payers responsibility to pay for people who want to sneak into the country
they already cost tax payers 120+billion a year because of all the free shit they get

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shame is for cucks

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>no shame
you mean like accusing Trump of a bunch of bullshit he never did?

>nsane in the last 5 years
Last 5 ? they've been ever since Bush won

Being part of the progressive collective, I'll accept your defense of his / her / it's original statement. You've chose to be part of the conversation, and since you are part of the problem please tell us what you as a liberal are ashamed of. Surely some portion of your increasingly bizarre Big Tent members disgust you.

Wasn't it the Conservative Jesus cucks that had a meltdown because Starbucks took "Merry Christmas" off their cups?

What a bunch of faggots.

Someone has to do the menial jobs that you’re not qualified to do.

no i voted for obama but thats because Mitt Romany was clearly a banker puppet

Obama turned out to be another banker puppet later on when he bailed out the banks and gave billions of taxpayer dollars to the same people that cause the rescission but o well

LITERALLY EVERY THING liberals do is a trick to raise taxes or take away rights in some round about way

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That was the response to Snowflake hivemind perpetually offended libtards getting a traditional holiday greeting censored. If progressive antifa's can commit acts of violence against those that offend them, it's a short walk to NRA members playing the same game using AR-15s..

Therefore, it is okay to keep children in cages. Got it!

It's okay if we do it. We are all rational actors unlike the other people who are all triggered libs.

You guys are using broad brush nonsense in order to justify terrible irrational shit. Shit like exactly what you said proves that. You want to believe everyone is triggered libs and that belief gives you the ability to justify and rationalize your petty bullshit. Any movement that has to give itself a foundation based on wholesale generalizations and insecurities will indeed fall. Most of us are just sitting back and waiting for it. Happened with Bush and its going to happen twice as hard with Trump. Next time you may want to elect someone who is rational and respectable. Which I fully agree can exist in the republican party and among conservatives. Doing it like this though is doing nothing good for our society. Good for some lulz but good for so much more divisiveness and shit flinging and ridiculous policies that have been proven time and time again to not work and beliefs proven time and time again to be objectively false or socially terrible.

Anyway good day.


>be me
>pro trump
>make Yea Forums post
>libs destroyed trough FACTS and LOGIC
>fuck i'm hungry
>let's ask mommy for tendies
>she says yes but i have to eat them with her
>fucking socialist scum
>tell her that
>socialist reckt
>she says that i'm stupid
>fucking libtard kys
>tell her that trumpism is fascism
>she tells me that if the world was fully globalised that humans could achieve more
>i tell her that i won't work together with niggers
>libtard reckt
>go back to room
>she kicks me out
>now homeless
>try to get a house and job
>realize that trump hates the poor
> i die because confused
>pic related was me

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Have you ever heard of this term called sarcasm? Do I need to add a /s to make sure your dumb lib brain understands that? Then again you think that there are good conservatives instead of just smart ones who just use idpol shit to divide the working class while having their daughters get abortions, their sons fuck teenagers and they do all sorts of crazy immoral bullshit because the only thing that the right really cares about is power, and the ability to use it on others. Any sort of morals that they say they have, they don't actually really give a shit about at all. And I'm including democrats as "the right" because there is virtually little difference between them outside of their views on the gays and abortion and how little breadcrumbs the people can tolerate while they get fat on bread they didn't earn.

There's no reason to have shame.

lol I love how you bring up something from like 6 years ago but ignore the daily lib meltdown.

Still crying about "kids in cages"?

Because they have relatively little to be ashamed about, compared to the dems

of course it isn't, but why was no one discussing it until just recently?

Listen kid. I don't read books, I watch Ben Shapiro , Jordan Peterson, and Joe Rogan. Cultural Marxism is a real threat to our country and joining the intellectual dark web society is the only way to get the truth to the minds of the peasants. Good luck with your libtardism while your wife is being raped by a black man and you sit in the corner thanking him.

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Awww come on..the average Trump supporter loves Israel and considers it gods will that we spend blood and treasure on Zionists to bring about the endtimes (for evangelicals) or just to subjugate muzzies

Stereotypical college kid Trump supporter hangs out on the_donald and is a complete cunt.