I’ve been hearing rumors that he peddled her out to Epstein before selling her to Kusher. Can anyone confirm?

I’ve been hearing rumors that he peddled her out to Epstein before selling her to Kusher. Can anyone confirm?

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Art of the deal

I think she looks better older.

I am Epstein, and I can confirm...

Pussy wasn't that great actually pretty loose, probably due to his "Huge" cock.

Whose, Cosby’s?

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trump's pretty selfish. I would think he would keep her pussy all to himself

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Look everyone, a Jew spreading fake news!

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no only your news is fake.

nope. but the jihad squad all fucked epstein for cash

You're an idiot, but I'm sure you're already aware of it.

lie harder, leftard

Yeah, trumpy is a pedo rapist.

You are fake news twerp

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Both of you are ill informed idiots

I think theres a difference between a lie and a rumor. That being said wouldn't surprise me.

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Hey man just remember


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Who is that?

Also trips

oh yea well inform me then genius

Who cares? If she had a problem with it she can speak up for herself like all these other people 10+ years after the fact.

truly amazing what plastic surgery will do

>I think she looks better older.

That's not the result of aging.

Attached: Ivanka-Trump-plastic-surgery-side-view-810568.jpg (590x350, 45K)

ok she looks better after surgeoning

Trump wants to take health care away from ordinary Americans. What has he offered America but the Republican health care plan
> be rich or die

That's K-Wullums. He keeps trying to force himself as a meme so he can yadda yadda red rocks something. He's basically cancer

Was she a JEW all along?????

Egg trips

Trump wouldn't cure cancer because he doesn't know science but dems wouldn't protest unless the cure was death and the person who posted that is most likely not Jewish. You both want to fight online and that's chill but try not to spew dumb rhetoric all day. Might aswell l2actuallytrool

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Also 9,00000000000000000000

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Use some logic you dumb fuck, why pimp your own daughter if your rich enough to buy any woman for such purposes

I think you are just trying to be silly.
opinion discarded.

Because of the bankruptcies you fucking moron.

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Oh look, the sexually mentally ill left projecting their own perversion onto normal people... No way.

you use some logic, he's obviously a Yea Forumstard incarnate so there no reason to not sell out your daughter

Republicans refuse to turn on their own despite how shitty they are, so it doesn't matter.

>be american
>better kill my self

“Sexually mentally ill” people

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that's not real. I think someone put a picture on that picture

Where did you hear that? Was it CNN?

Liberals everyone.
Mentally ill

>Trump wants to take health care away from ordinary Americans.
Based on what?

Pre Obamacare was better.

Why would they when the all the things they are accused of is made up?

The irony

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Are you working for the Chicoms?

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>all the things they are accused of is made up
Yes user, this is the cognitive dissonance I spoke of.

You've been hearing made up shit. What's not made up is that Epstein is a long-time democratic donor, who gave millions to the Clintons, who in turn both visited his Island nearly 30 times, often without Secret Service. Also a reminder... once Trump found out about Epstein's proclivities, he severed ties and booted him the fuck out of Mar A Lago. But just keep making shit up, lying liberal trash, you're getting fucked right up the ass in November of 2020, with no lube and not a single goddamn thing you can do about. So ha-fucking-ha.

How much are the Chicoms paying you?

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The Dems have nothing of value or substance to offer so they must resort to fabricated stories and cheap shots. They can't make themselves look better, so they'll have to settle on making the opposition look worse. This ruse is so transparent and it never really works, but if the ship is sinking, hey, try anything.

>The Dems have nothing of value or substance to offer so they must resort to fabricated stories and cheap shots
This will be the most ironic thing I have read all month user, honestly congrats.

He’s a genius but you can’t see his transcripts because he threatened the schools with lawsuits to prevent their release. He’s a billionaire but you can’t see his taxes because he’s manipulating the IRS to prevent their legal release. He’s totally exonerated but you can’t see the report that supposedly exonerates him because he’s manipulating his AG to try to bury the report.

I’m sensing a pattern here.... it floors me how MAGAs can somehow swallow every lie like it’s ice cream and beg for more. It really is a cult

He's a pedo OP.

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Time will prove otherwise.

>implying it hasn't already proven the opposite

Can confirm.
For her sweet 16 I creampied her multiple times over the course of the entire day. It was glorious.

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Judging by the Democratic debates, I believe it's fair to say you have nothing.

Donald Trump could fuck your dog to death in front of you and you would deny that it ever happened. There is no standard of proof sufficient to satisfy your insane denial.

Nigga she looks so uggo older that she needed plastic surgery to look average.

Unrelated user, I'd just like to ask where your proof is. Then he can be condemned as much as possible. If we are supposed to take your "orange man bad" thing on faith alone you are just as bad as the bible thumpers at westboro.

So you are just trying the copycat method?

You say chicoms they say sores. Both sides need to pull their heads out of the collective ass they are stuffed in.

>hey I've got this stupid sexual fantasy, will anyone on Yea Forums jerk with me

it's funny because the OP is probably closer to the truth than what you just made up

Did you channel you fantasy onto Trump?

she just got a nosejob and braces

she had a bad overbite, rest of her face is cute

cover her mouth and you'll see

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Did you channel you retard onto me?

Uh no. She had her whole shit rearranged and it's really obvious. Also a nosejob is already a sign of serious insecurities.

Ooh, what a clever comeback. Most amusing...

>implyign epstein wasnt raping a bunch of european and african stolen girls from the clinton foundation with bill clinton after flying on the lolita express private plane to the private island without secret service
Fucking democucks

The Trump bashers are very ill minded.. you're speaking facts! Love it! Trump 2020 mother fuckers!!

How much are the transgender illegals paying you soy boy?

How else would daddy pay his debt?

> implying Trump pays his debts

Are you trying to forget Epstein and the Clintons were best friends and went on loads of vacations with him whereas Trump doesnt really even know the guy? You should be more worried about Chelsea libcuck.

I reckon nothing of this is true.

no no no - Trump also know Epstein well. Both clintons and trump knew them! Trump's even said "great" things about Epstein! Check your facts nigger.

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cue largest eyeroll ever. This isn't some Clinton vs Trump bullshit. The Clintons are politically non-interesting so it does no good to pit them against Trump. If either or both of them fucked kids with Epstein then they should all go to jail. Trump is going to end up rotting in jail on his deathbed whispering to himself, "Did you see my EC victory over Hillary?" while the nation has moved on.

Haha got me good bud. Really good stuff is that your fantasy? XD

I see it's hard for you but try to make sense.

I’ve been hearing rumors that he peddled her out to Epstein before selling her to Kusher. Can anyone confirm?
>I’ve been making up rumors that he peddled her out to Epstein before selling her to Kusher. Is anyone that dumb to believe this shit ?