President Donald Trump is a fascist and Trumpism is a fascist movement

President Donald Trump is a fascist and Trumpism is a fascist movement.

Trump has all of the “14 Characteristics of Fascism” detailed by Lawrence Britt in 2003: Corporate power protected, labor power suppressed, disdain for intellectuals and the arts, fraudulent elections, identification of scapegoats/enemies as a unifying cause, powerful and continuing nationalism, disdain for the recognition of human rights, rampant sexism, controlled mass media, obsession with national security, government/religion intertwined, obsession with crime and punishment, supremacy of the military, rampant cronyism and corruption.

But Trump has added to the list, with SUPPRESSION OF EDUCATION, overseen by swamp creature Betsy DeVos. On HBO’s “Real Time,” Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) said: “We’re very familiar with Betsy DeVos in Michigan. She’s used us as a petri dish for her experiment, and helped really devastate our public schools, and, um, just a war on teachers.”

That was part of a discussion on Trump and the GOP’s lack of EMPATHY.

That’s because these Koch-led Libertarians in D.C. want more money and more power and to end democracy/Americanism. But they will fail.

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wow fag, type much?

This post is 100% correct. Fuck Trump and Trump supporters.

two more years until four more years, faggot.

Honest question: does anybody here like Trump for reasons other than his racism or because he’s a living meme?

You guys recognise he’s a dangerous moron, yeah?

Ya, but the Democrats having the house ended his power, as short lived as it is. Now it's just going to be able to have a government that can even decide to send aid during the coming weather disasters that will only get worse.

The louder you cry the stronger his support gets. Try proposing solutions instead.
Yeah, fuck children at the border as long as DRUMPF doesn't get what he want.

Keep America Great 2020

I don't even like him, but I'm going to be voting for him in 2020 because of the constant whining the left has been doing for the last four years. "Waaaah, he's a racist! Waaaaah, something something Russia! Surely he's guilty and will get impeached any moment now! Waaaaah, a kid looked at a native American guy!"
Jesus fucking Christ. Every day, it's the same whiny bullshit, and because of it, I've decided that the left will never again get a single vote from me for the rest of my life, no matter how bad the right is fucking things up. And I'll be encouraging all of my friends and family who have any common sense to do the same.
Stay mad.

>Corporate power protected, labor power suppressed, disdain for intellectuals and the arts, fraudulent elections, identification of scapegoats/enemies as a unifying cause, powerful and continuing nationalism, disdain for the recognition of human rights, rampant sexism, controlled mass media, obsession with national security, government/religion intertwined, obsession with crime and punishment, supremacy of the military, rampant cronyism and corruption.
You were okay with all of this when Obama was in power.

OP has the 14 characteristics of faggotry

How's he racist?

yeah, we know that

Politics are a giant meme anyway left right up or above they only care about the people that donate to them
If one of their funders says give the poor more buying power we have a plan to increase profits then they might otherwise they dont care

Hope he wins again just to piss off half of america and all of the UK

Op has all the traits of short dick and homosexuality

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Donald Trump raped a 13 year old girl with Epstein. He is a racist and a liar. If you support him you are also a racist and a liar.


>On Yea Forums

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When everything is racist, nothing is.
Alt-right is yesterday liberals, libertarians to be precise. Modern left is literal communism.


>Democrats having the house ended his power
Not even close. He still has executive orders. He doesn't need the house to appoint crony judges. The Senate blocks all attempts at pro-active fixes. Election security is down the tubes due to the Senate, so expect lots of Russian appointments in the next electeon.
>government that can even decide
Only 2/3 of the gov't. The Dems have passed several measures for disaster aid. The Repubs have blocked them all, as they give aid to places like CA and Puerto Rico, rather then just the red states.

No. When everything is racist everything is racist. And the modern left in the US is normal policy in the rest of the world, not communism you propaganda sperg.
Dolan Trump is a racist pedo rapist and a liar. You are also a liar and a racist. Weird right?

trump and his supporters don't care about the law, only their hurt feelings.

Bumping this thread so more people can read this. MAGA

More like the dems grinded the entire government to the halt.
Also don't forget that Obama built all those detention centers. They're even trying to smear Trump with Obama-era photos lmao.

>14 Characteristics of Fascism
>Ya, but the Democrats having the house ended his power

All liberals know how to do is lie and scream.

>And the modern left in the US is normal policy in the rest of the world
So, communism. Countries that had communism in the past(like Poland) reject this garbage.

If you don't think America is great already, why don't you leave.

i support trump
i hate omar
she's a fucking america-hating cunt

america first
anyone who hates america can get the fuck out

anyone who loves america, regardless of race, religion, gender, sexuality, or pizza preference, you're on my side and i'll fight to the death for you

but america haters can get the fuck out or be thrown out from a plane, fuck you for hating this country

Not really. I can support him for other things. Does supporting Hillary automatically make you a Jewish woman?

you're getting the same answers i always get: crickets

The rest of the world is communist this is correct. America is the only democracy in the earth. Well. Only republic.

You are a racist though. So why don't you just say yeah I'm a racist and I support him lol.

Reminder Trump is a racist liar.

you fucking retarded monkey

america is fighting the bullshit that the rest of the world is accepting: rampant niggers and sandniggers overtaking their country illegally while welcoming legal immigrants and helping them assimilate into society; fighting the domineering influence of the IP-ignoring Chinese empire; fighting the nuclear aspirations of insane dictators in Iran and North Korea; fighting for more American companies to manufacture in the USA to keep more jobs in the USA; telling China to fuck off for its artificially low wages stealing jobs from every nation; the list goes on and on

the United States of America is the last nation on earth to not suck the dick of every socialist and communist country out there

yet here you sit whining about a man who is standing up for all Americans because "muh racist!"

fuck you. buy a plane ticket to venezuela and enjoy eating grass you goddamned excuse for a person

we answer you over and over but you can hear because you're retarded?

Because I'm not. I bet that angers your small mind.

i've never seen a more inaccurate statement in my entire life

b-b-but Obama was the greatest president ever???????????

Boy if anybody finds out that the people who still support trump are racist pieces of shit he might be in trouble! Keep pretending you like Jews boys.

Typical leftist. Gets butthurt and resorts to name calling.

cry more, lie more, leftard faggot

>And the modern left in the US is normal policy in the rest of the world
Not really.

And there is nothing wrong with racism. It's both true and proven fact.

Is Hilary Clinton Jewish? Or part of the Jew conspiracy, clearly not racist because he defines his own words guy? Are you going to release a dictionary soon so the rest of us understand what you think racism is?

>You guys recognise he’s a dangerous moron, yeah?
He's actually one of the better President we've had.

Did you think that the left has anything except to call people names? They have done literally nothing except whine and complain these last few years.

when your mother says she loves you

trump is super racist but go off guys

Answer now.

I guess you cannot read. I am saying that I am not racist. I don't mind supporting Trump even if he is. I don't mind working with racists if they have something to offer to better this country. That is what tolerance means, you idiot.

baaaawwww you won't play semantic games with me baaawwwwww

>Donald Trump raped a 13 year old girl with Epstein.
No so making up stories. Epstein is a democrat scandal.
> He is a racist and a liar.
I'm a proud racist
>If you support him you are also a racist and a liar.
Yeah and I'm proud of it.

That's ironic coming from a left tard

No one will mourn your passing.

Na we just need to lock it the shit skins like omar

He says nigger a lot.

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Unlike you I'm not an incel

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Also describes liberals

As well as pay more attention in English class.

If you're not racist you're not paying attention.

Everything the left accuses other of, they do it themselves. Especially that "racism" card, look up bigotry of low expectations. It's a proven fact democrats do this, even subconciously.

So you're voluntarily celebrate.

Na you cry like children.

or you're a good human being

I worked at mar a lago for three summers and the amount of n words flying around when trump was there wouldn't surprise you.

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>op pic
The funniest thing is Trump never actually said "send her back". His fans, maybe, but not him. Read his tweets ffs.

fake and gay.

Saying 'the racism card' outs you as a racist just for future reference when you start pretending you aren't again. Also Donal Turnip is a racist and a liar.

Surely you have a video.

Real and real and very very pedo.

This is bad b8 m8, anyone with half a Brain can tell that you are infact a complete and utter faggot, confirmed by dubs

Show 1(one) instance of him being racist.

>President Donald Trump is a fascist and Trumpism is a fascist movement.
>Trump has all of the “14 Characteristics of Fascism” detailed by Lawrence Britt in 2003: Corporate power protected, labor power suppressed, disdain for intellectuals and the arts, fraudulent elections, identification of scapegoats/enemies as a unifying cause, powerful and continuing nationalism, disdain for the recognition of human rights, rampant sexism, controlled mass media, obsession with national security, government/religion intertwined, obsession with crime and punishment, supremacy of the military, rampant cronyism and corruption.
>But Trump has added to the list, with SUPPRESSION OF EDUCATION, overseen by swamp creature Betsy DeVos. On HBO’s “Real Time,” Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) said: “We’re very familiar with Betsy DeVos in Michigan. She’s used us as a petri dish for her experiment, and helped really devastate our public schools, and, um, just a war on teachers.”
>That was part of a discussion on Trump and the GOP’s lack of EMPATHY.
>That’s because these Koch-led Libertarians in D.C. want more money and more power and to end democracy/Americanism. But they will fail.

Nobody wants to hear your shitskin talk.
Boy if I was a leader of that motherfucking US of A whould I show you big mouthed motherfuckers what real fascism is.
Id put all you shilling thots and shitskins in the death camps and ovens YOU WOULD LITERALLY WISH YOU WENT BACK TO YOUR SHITHOLE.

The right can’t meme

Yeah maybe trump is just a symptom of the real problem. A bunch of racist idiots in the US.

Then statistically you would be an illegal immigrant. That's who trump hires.

Ahem cry more and post in ALLLLL CAPPPPS cause you are calm.

The American left is filled with entity children why are mostly unemployed and lack any real wealth. Boring stats over and over again show us Democrats continue to get their support from minorities and poor unsuccessful people

He says nigger all the time.

or fight

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I wish he did

you'd know all about very very pedo, wouldn't you?
Still fake and gay though. This was also dated three years ago. Nice try, fucktard.

Ah, but there are always also members of the left criticising it,

Where as the right just lies that theyre hypocritical, while being as, if not more, as hypocritical as the left.

So which is worse, a hypocrite, or a lying hypocrite?

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and yet right states require the most federal welfare...

Fox news is 100% cucked, everybody news that.

We create all the memes you steal.

>posts two leftists flags
>The right can't fight

because that would somehow make him even better in your twisted little mind?

If you're not racist you're not paying attention. Nigger lover.

Yeah wow. You sure got me there Shlomo.
Is that the best argument against fascism?
Fucking piece of shit.

Republitards have been reduced to this.

Twitter Troll in Cheif

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>Also Donal Turnip is a racist

It's dated three years ago because it's sworn testimony. It's real. He's a kidfucker.

>Ah, but there are always also members of the left criticising it,
Uh, no. That was the entire point of the latest Trump's 4d chess - the left will defend any sort of vile garbage their extremes spew.


>We create
Group think retarded cuck

Trump seems content to suck their asshole.

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So Donald Trump isn't a racist but you wish he was because you're a racist? So I should like Trump. That's your argument.

Saying somebody is a racist makes you a communist and a racist.

Donald Trump is a racist pedophile. He is also a rapist.

>fails at history
>Can't get laid

The left are both.

>Trump's 4d chess
The problem is, a genius playing “4D Chess” and “a trolling retard who can’t spell” are functionally indistinguishable.

So, Trumps not a hypocrite?

If you're racist you're a scared coward.

Lol lefties very about everything. Your are the reason the word snowflake was created.

Fuck you and the kikes that taught you that bullshit.

Calling for the capital punishment of the central park five even though they were obviously innocent was pretty racist. The things he said about that whole situation were pretty racist too.

This is a right wing site.

Racists view themselves as victims.

It’s pretty pathetic really..

They’re actually jealous of welfare queens


>Thinks speaking aggressively is rape

No I'm actually an informed and have an understanding.

That's false actually but Donal Turnip is a racist and a whole bunch of posters itt wish he was MORE racist so uh yeah. Racism is bad.


Never forget that Trump is not a single person. He has many advisors and mmost likely his own intelligence agency, at least a web of informers.


>This is a right wing site.
Birth place of anonymous
Used to stage protests outside of church of Scientology.
Used to call right-wing radio hosts and derail the show.

You are the new faggot cancer ruining /b, retarded faggot.

Na we just looks down on you niggers as animals.

>rape is the only way you'll get some

Then why have none of them taught him how to spell basic words?

That's why you should feel bad for being a racist commie. You WISH he was actually racist, so you'd have actual material to blame him with.

Got a degree from do yah.

Go back to plebbit.

>flee your shithole country and accept the generous hospitality of another nation
>repay this kindness by constantly shitting on the inhabitants of that nation and trying to undermine its core principles because you're seething with resentment that someone called you a nigger in high school
>openly try and replace as many of the nations people with people like yourself and call this the highest moral good
>anyone who calls you out on this is absolutely reprehensible and less American than you

You're an informed and have an understanding? Is that what google said aleksey

Whom he ignores so he can fat finger a tweet on the can.

Are you having a stroke? Should I call 911 for you? I mean, I won't even if I should, but should I?

Group think sheeple retard

What else do “we” think?

I think people who say “we” think are simpletons without the ability to formulate their own opinions.

Can you like try to say something funny instead of this same boring shit over and over every day

>projecting this hard

You cross the street when you a black man walking towards you.

Times change. This isn't 2009 anymore people grew up.

This isn't reddit.

Because every time he does some dumb shit he does something else in the background. Did you hear how he ended asylum for people that passed some other country before entering America(i.e. all of them)? Oh right, you were too busy reading his tweets.

They're still working on teaching him to tie his own shoes.

But you are.

Lurk Moar faggot.
Who told you you were allowed to post?

>What else do “we” think?
It's everyone here.

Reminder that Donald Trump is a racist pedophile rapist. But his supporters are worse.

Most smart people do.
Niggers are animals.

Back to plebbit.

>busy reading tweets
I was banned from twitter for calling a Nazi a cunt.

Muh freedum of speech

See, you're a coward.

That's not supposed to be funny. Just stating fact.

Hey is trump a racist liar rapist piece of shit? Why do you guys gargle his cock so hard for real?

>Back to plebbit

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Yeah we get it. You hate niggers. Zzzzzzzzzzzz

I don't understand why people are opposed to Trump's anti immigration policies. If we didn't create some sort of opposition against immigration we would be flooded with southern american and mexican immigrants. If we weren't putting them in detention centers and talking about building a wall (creating some meaningless opposition) and instead the government said "ok we won't do that anymore" it would be a signal for every person south of the border to walk freely in to the country. We don't have infinite resources, land, welfare aid and other aid for immigrants, jobs and whatever else they expect. We certainly won't have resources for them in the near future at the rate they have children. Believe it or not Trump is protecting the interest of the country by doing something most people are too afraid to do.

Fear of niggers is justified.

Don't worry, Trump's working on it. Soon Twitter won't be able to ban people because that would deny people the right to interact with politicians.

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lets have a look if the eu fits
>Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
>Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
officially no, inofficially the eu doesn't giva a fuck
>Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
easy, russia
>Supremacy of the Military
not yet, but with EUschi as boss and the previous atempts to establish an EU army it's a matter of time
>Rampant Sexism
not even a characteristic of fashism, but a characteristic of politics of the era the analysed dictatiors lived in.
>Controlled Mass Media
>obsession with National Security
maybe, obsession with being relevant
obsession with surveillance tech
>Religion and Government are Intertwined
merkel and EUschi both come from a explicitly
>Corporate Power is Protected
big check
>Labor Power is Suppressed
the so called labour and social parties betrayed the labourers long ago
>Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
what the eu funds as arts is a joke, intellectuals are fine as long as they are in line eith the eu, same relationship as in nazi germany i guess
>Obsession with Crime and Punishment
small sheck
>Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
there are more lobbyists than MEPs in brussels
>Fraudulent Elections
the EU elections are a joke

all in all same score as hitler
these characteristics are not very practical

You're a singular minority here.

Imagine typing 'plebbit' in tyool 2019 and you have the mindset of a trump supporter. Cringy pathos in human form.

>Back to plebbit
Yes go back

>Don't worry, Trump's working on it

Right after locking up Hillary, and putting the last brick in the wall.

>Trump's working
Are we doing oxymorons now?

Did you know that Donald Trump is a rapist and loves to fuck children. That's why you guys like him right? Cause he isn't racist enough for you really.



Nobody. And I mean nobody, gives a single solitary flying fuck what you think Josh.
I didn’t even read the whole post

Of he's so ineffective how come you libtards are melting down in rage?

>Did you know that Donald Trump is a rapist and loves to fuck children.
He's not a democrat.

If he can't do it himself he can trick other people into doing it. Mexico's president had to sell his plane to fund anti-immigration policies. Same with censorship - he made people so mad that he blocked them on twitter that there's actually already a judge ruling that politicians can't block people on twitter - guess who blocks people on twitter the most(hint - it's the left).

hahaha holy shit he's a nonce

>President Donald Trump is a fascist and Trumpism is a fascist movement.

No. He's just uneducated to the point it's absurd.

Also there is no such thing like Trumpism. It's called redneck America.

How come there are only two lefties in here jerking each other off starting the same threads over and over again? Do you guys hide out here on Yea Forums because it's easier?

pls reply uWu sempai

People who voted Trump were proven to be more financially successful than your average democrat leech.

Nobody cares

Finally a president to fight against big business. Turmp is increasing my taxes this year and I'm happy to pay for a wall.

He's effective at alienating our allies and emboldening our enemies. However, that's not purposeful work, it's sheer incompetence.

you just validated my last point that wether or not a government fits into these 14 characteristics is objective rather than subjective and therefore they are irrelevant

This guy did
You don't care that the president fucks kids? Do you fuck them too?

>guess who blocks people on twitter the most(hint - it's the left).
Back up your claim.

Or you’re just another retarded fuckwit who confuses their own opinion with fact

trump is a pedo I thought that's why we liked him

1. He lowered your taxes.
2. EVERY 2020 democrat candidat is for increasing your taxes to provide free healthcare to illegals.

Found the libtard.

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Hey guys I thought up this true thing: is to be a better American to be white one! It's funny cause it's true!

Must be because Hillary (the most hated candidate in history) still go 3 million more votes than him.


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1. He did not.
2. Taxes pay for vital services.

He raised my taxes actually. I'm not sure who you're talking to? I had to pay more this year than last year.

Trump is the single biggest recipient of government welfare for the State of New York of all time.

Welfare queens indeed.

Math is a democratic ploy to discredit jesus.


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Who gives a shit about taxes the guy pits kids in concentration camps and can't put a sentence together. He thinks there were airports during the war of 1812. He's a literal retard. His iq was measured at 73.

So you'd rather let people die than spend 10$/month.
It seems almost like you americans don't even really consider how much something costs when it's paid for as a group, compared to an individual paying for something.

Welfare for example, you all whine about it, but the reality is, on average you're paying 50$ a year for everybody in the country to have a chance to enjoy life no matter their circumstances.

And you just admitted you were talking out of your ass.

wooo double digits!

I'd rather not be here at all. If they enter legally they get their healhtcare. Not my problem they break the law.

Imagine being so salty that you have to come here on Yea Forums to argue about President Trump.

I have health insurance, everyone I know does. I've never met or heard of anyone that doesn't.

They talk about their freedom too but they aren't particularly free by any metric and they aren't the most free in even one.

How could he raise your taxes if you have no job? Check you tax returns.

>room temp iq

>the guy pits kids in concentration camps
Lol still pushing that talking point

porn thread?

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I have a job. Is that that ad hominem thing you reddits are always accusing the left of?

Why would he have tax returns if he has no job?


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No that's because of the wetbacks I'm California.

Popular vote is irrelevant.

Not an argument

confirmation bias

Libtards don't understand either it seems

kids in cages are a talking point to you
do us all a favor and never reproduce

>Taxes pay for vital services
Only to a certain point

never said it was

Donald Trump is a racist. He is overseeing the internment of immigrants and they're ready to be slaughtered. He is a pedophile with strong connections to Jeffery Epstein. He is friends with the Clintons. He is a liar. And you suck the fuck out of his weird dick.

Then you're doing it wrong


>Taxes pay for vital services.
For the citizens.


No reality.
They're us no healthcare crisis. It's a manufactured issue

Oh you mean locking people up without due process should be illegal? Silly liberal. (I don't know what that word means)

You're going to shit when you find out about foreign aid.

Donald Trump raised taxes on small businesses. He's fully corporate and in bed with Epstein. He is a pedo.

Foreign aid is a total scam and should be abolished. NATO too, fuck those freeloaders.

Trumptards just ain’t around shot posting on Yea Forums all day.

They don’t actually do anything productive.

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>Donald Trump is a racist.
>He is overseeing the internment of immigrants and they're ready to be slaughtered.
If only
> He is a pedophile with strong connections to Jeffery Epstein.
Not really

Whoa not .02% of the budget! Oh fuck fuck fuck

Confirmation bias, wealth privilege and a fucking moron. You have the complete package. Are you a Trump?

Who cares President Trump is way better that all those satanic dems that make money off of trafficking, fucking killing and eating infants


He's a pedophile. He fucked a little girl with Epstein. It's in sworn testimony in court documents available through PACE.

And you'd rather deny healthcare to everybody than 2.5% of the people in the country benefit from it. Most of that 2.5% are people who had nowhere else to go, living under terrible conditions in a different country.
Obviously they should have entered legally, but by trying to force them out of the country, you're forcing them to stay off the radar, meaning working for cash under the table, and turning to crime.
Originally maybe 5% of the immigrants might have been there intentionally as criminals, but while there they can't find a job, and risk being sent back to their home country for trying, which means they need to find some other method of getting money, and that doesn't involve contributing to taxes.

The only people you should really care about being in the country are the ones intentionally bringing in more crime. Drug cartels, other smuggling, etc...

The "Taking our jobs" excuse is bullshit. They are working jobs most of you don't want. Helping farmers, working below minimum wage. Any jobs of value are going to require them to be on a payroll and be documented. Sure there could be outliers taking a high end job, but it's your own fault that they aren't paying their taxes for it and contributing to your country, because they actually just can't.

On top of all that, 10% of your tax dollars goes to border security. Which of course some border security is a necessity, but when you're spending money just trying to keep people out who are fighting for their lives, you're being a cancer on the earth.

You people really suck at history.

Trump invented the new York rental market without him the city would be a town.

How come theses threads are always there same? It's three libtards spamming their pic folder and responding to every poster that's calls them out (the majority) with snark and unhinged rage.

Trump fucked and abused a child with Jeffrey Epstein but you don't care because you want to gargle his dick.

He's actually more informed than you.

Shut the fuck up. Nobody fucking cares about your fantasies.

The right doesn’t like to party

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Uhhhhhh you can't read or your blind/retarded

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Is it a government run health insurance, or is it private?

If everybody in the country was forced to go under a government health insurance plan, and others were outlawed, you'd be paying next to nothing for it and the whole country would be covered.

Illegals are criminals and they have no right for them be here. They harm our culture and our identity.

I would gladly pay more to keep even more out.

“He likes the girls, especially the younger ones, maybe even more than me!”
- Trump

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They aren't "fighting for their lives", they had enough money to pay for a plane ticket, pay drug cartels for transport and 30% even had enough money to buy a kid(accordding to dna tests). They are not poor at all, they just want gibs instead of working.

But keep spouting your conspiracy theories.

You want to have sex with Donald Trump and you will think about it every time you cum for the rest of your life. You don't care that he's a pedo racist because you are also a pedo racist. Having sex with children is gross and Donald Trump likes to do it.

Oh you’re paying.
Don’t you worry

They are illegal Invaders and it doesn't matter how you justify it they are 100% criminals.

Thank God for the "concentration camps".

>the only things that are true are things that benefit me personally

He's a pedo racist rape factory and you wish he was more of a pedo. More of a racist. And more of a rapist.

Holy fuck culture and identity. Leave the country then, the natives don't want you there. You ruin their culture and identity and you stole the country from them. You're a criminal.

You're a Nazi. Stop pretending you aren't. Wear your swastika irl you pussy.

Lol where did you copy this nonsense from?

He 100% spot on.

Are you going to post any evidence against it, or just cry about it because it contradicts your beliefs?

>you'd be paying next to nothing for it and the whole country would be covered.
Wrong. If being being the 3.3 trillion dollar bill.

You have no clue.

Is him? Is him you? Why pretend not he? Why not just say me?

He’s a larping fucktard 14 yo with a morning dew mustache.

I think you're conflating the left with your own "other". As in... you are naming the left as the root of everything you despise (i.e. whining) despite the fact that you (apparently anti left) are whining in your post.

In other words, if you are being genuine about you beliefs, you should reevaluate them. What are you really mad about? If its whining then you need to take a good hard look in the mirror.

Its primarily in his language rather than his policy.
>"Mexicans are rapists"
>"we are experiencing an invasion"
>"its a fence to keep out the worst people"
>"we should kill terrorists families"
Etc. Etc. Etc.

I think if you are getting crickets, it's because everyone assumes at this point that it's obvious and shouldn't need anyone to waste their time going over the points we've been going over since before day 1.

>literal communism
Examples please?

*cough* 3.3 trillion dollar SAVINGS *cough* over ten years *cough*

Wrong, illegals cost more money than they contribute. They play almost no taxes and even if they were legal and paid more they still would cost more than contribute. Not to mention they cause a majority of non nigger crimes.

>The "Taking our jobs" excuse is bullshit. They are working jobs most of you don't want.
They leave, job still needs to be done, the pay rises, natives now want to do it. Economy 101. See Britain for an ongoing example.

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Morning dew mustache XD MY SIDES


Ok how does that prove what you said?


Wrong. They pay plenty of gas and sales taxes. Cigarette taxes. Use taxes. Gambling taxes. And on and on. They pay rent. It plays the landowners property taxes. You're nuts.

Natives were Savages we have them civilization.

Illegals are criminals full stop.

>"Mexicans are rapists"
Is Mexico a race?
>"we are experiencing an invasion"
True. Acknowledged by everyone at this point. Still not about race btw.
>"its a fence to keep out the worst people"
True, best people come legally. And it's still not about the race.
>"we should kill terrorists families"
Is terrorist a race?

The "retard" has ushered in an economic boom that libs thought would never happen, which is why they're so pissed. How can they criticize success? They can't, so they go for supposed horror stories like kids in concentration camps and people drinking out of toilets to try to further their cause with sensationalism. They're grasping at straws as they watch their election chances swirling down the drain. They've got nothing and they know it.

Keep it in one post pedo lover.

Keep crying wetback.

What was posted was opinion and nonsense

Burden of proof is on you.

Donald Trump is a retarded racist. He is also a rapist and liar. He doesn't care about you. You love him though and can't imagine life without him.

>Corporate power protected, labor power suppressed, disdain for intellectuals and the arts, fraudulent elections, identification of scapegoats/enemies as a unifying cause, powerful and continuing nationalism, disdain for the recognition of human rights

congrats, you described capitalism

Attached: liberalism_nazism.png (1480x666, 567K)

No. 33 trillion in cost in 10 years all on the tax payer and for worse quality.

Give it up it's not gonna happen.

Back to derp reddit. This is Yea Forums. We troll each other.

Which is a 3.3 trillion dollar savings over the status quo big giant galaxy sized super brain genius

Keep crying, ice isn't gonna stop.

Is Trump a racist pedophile? Is that why you guys like him so much?

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I'm not crying. You are a fascist. You should represent yourself that way instead of hiding online like a coward.

Even the people who like pineapple pizza?

>>"Mexicans are rapists"
They are
>>"we are experiencing an invasion"
20k illegals are an invasion.
>>"its a fence to keep out the worst people"
He's right
>>"we should kill terrorists families"
He's right we should.
Nothing you passed was related to race, try again.

Here Trumptards I'll summarize your ideology.
"People other than me exist. I cannot abide that."

That would be pushing it...

The leave, job still needs to be done, the pay rises, natives do it, cost of food rises, pay is too low, natives stop doing it, pay rises, natives return, cost of food rises, natives stop. That's called inflation.

In an economy where you have immigrants doing it for less than minimum wage, it can be sold at lower prices.

Yeah and wages will go up. What a concept.

So that's a you're too stupid to actually come up with an argument against it. Got it.

Minor taxes. Not income taxes.
Stop defending these criminals.

Why would i need to prove anything to you? I don't care about your country. Most of you are too stupid to make any changes.

It's cool how you all come to this thread every day and act like you know fuck about shit when really you're a bunch of retarded incel neets who like to play anime tit games on steam

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Keep moving the goalposts you'll get one in eventually.

It was emotional based nonsense to make illegals out as victims.

Because you made the argument retard.

Hahahahaha fucking false flagging now?
13digitfilename.gif it doesn't work like that

When you go full retard

The changes are being made. The wetbacks are being sent home

It's ironic because Trump has actually made this country better.

>stock market value has grown from 6.9 million to 30.6 million under trump
yes i will be voting for him again, because i care about issues that matter, issues that effect real people. not so much when it comes to something he said about women's genitals in an old interview or because he says FACTS about mexico and some of its "visitors" to our country

Nope not moving anything. They cost more than they pay.

Mr. Shapiro. This is Yea Forums not a formal debate. Unbunch your underwear and realize nobody owes you shit

Is that a challenge? Ok. We should pay for the entire world's healthcare and military protection.


Immigrants pay taxes hth. But Donald Trump's a racist pedo who fucks children with Epstein. His best friends are the Clintons.

They're not suppressing education. They're just a different party than you. And yes, to fix education we're going to need to raise the standards for teachers, so fuck underperforming teachers. They feel entitled to not losing their job due to their power within the teachers unions and democratic party, and that's what's really killing education in america.

Fun fact Obama's common core was largely to identify under performing teachers, which is one of the few issues on which democrats and teachers will criticize him due to their insane loyalty to bad teachers.

That argument is stupid. When you take a private insurance company all you're doing is shifting the numbers from hundreds of millions of people and trillions of dollars, to millions of people and billions of dollars. It doesn't change the fact that the insurance provider still has to pay the same fees that any other one would. If a better deal can be negotiated by a certain company, then that same deal should be given to a government entity. You're literally just lining the pockets of some guy doing literally nothing by buying private insurance, as opposed to contributing to your country as a whole by paying it through taxes.

Alright see you all in the next thread

Keep making excuses for illegals. The camps aren't being closed

That's no different than it has ever been.
Aww poor wittle American. Feelings insecure so you need to call someone a retard instead of post a counterargument?


I am, and you're getting deported

You want to bet lol?

>Confederate flag, the Democratic Party fighting against the Republican Lincoln
>Flag of the National Socialist Party of Nazi Germany
>Me taking the bait

You seem stupid to me...

Supports censorship when it doesn't apply to him? Sounds like a fascist hypocrite!

Stupid enough to doublequote a post? Lol

I really wish we would start shooting people who cross the border illegally. Put mines on the border.

The DNC is a terrorist organization. We need to kill every liberal and their family.

You wish who would? You can do that right now if you weren't such a poor pussy.

Omar sound have never been allowed in. If Trump's travel ban had been in placed that stupid nigger would still be Somalia.

AOC you never addressed that lol

Donald Trump is your racist daddy and you drink his cum.

Na it's illegal. Like crossing the border.


Who's Omar sound, phoneposter?

You use racist like it's a bad thing.

I regularly cross the border. It's perfectly legal. I think you're thinking of like a prison or something where you aren't allowed in or out?

>That's no different than it has ever been
We after putting them in detention centers rather than letting them in and hope they show up for their "asylum" hearing. We also changed the requirements for so called asylum.

Donald Trump is a racist. You suck his dick, tickle his ass, and phone post about how much you love drinking his cum.

How else would I draw attention to it? You're proof of that.

>Thinking Labor costs are the one thing that need to be kept artificially low or we'll have an inflation problem

Someone's really bought into the propaganda

>Aww poor wittle American
Lol you do suffer from white envy, knew it.

Do you understand how he's making that happen?
GDP is 10$ for example from a single factory producing goods
total money on hand is 50$
factory costs 300$ to build
take out a loan for 3k, so you're now at -2950$ on hand

but your GDP is now 100$

Over the next 30 years, you're hoping that all of those factories pay off, but a certain percentage will fail.

Through that huge debt increase, you can say you gained debt through a static number, 2950$. While you can say your GDP went up 10000%.It looks good on paper, but it devalues your dollar, and turns your 95$ GDP into a value of 80$ over time. It also means that individuals will have to pay more to import anything, and the price of any goods not developed entirely in the country, which is the majority of them, will skyrocket and require minimum wage adjustments. That will mean that the price of goods developed entirely in the US will also go up, and it will mean that those factories are paying more for production.

Yeah, they are building more.

The oligarchs care not for the plebeians as they build their apocalypse survival compounds in New Zealand for the coming climate disaster.

At least you got to spend your final finite time on this earth calling your fellow country men faggots/retards

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