Bleached thread
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can't you guys your shit in trash along with the blacked posters?
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what hilarious cope, whites pretending their waifus love them while their wives get fucked by black men
but bleached isn't real :I
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PHEW it STINKS in this thread!
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damn that's cringe
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do you like snek?
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honest question why do you suck so bad?
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do you like my cat?
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how do you feel about frogs?
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EWW is this a blacked thread?
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do you smoke de marijunas?
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What is the name of the tattoo
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queen of quackers
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queef of shitty knock-off porn
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queen of NIGGERS
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Hi this is OP ignore the spammer, the name of the tattoo is NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER
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LaQuisha nigger jones
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laQuer nigger
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you have angered the lord
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this cat thinks you're a fag
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bunni hat
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Blacks are so ugly that not even black guys like black girls mate. What the fuck are you talking about?
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faggot lol
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well spoken friendo
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that's so cringey LOLOLOOL
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gj guys, 6 ips 156 posts amazing thread. Let's look back on all the amazing posts we made!
oh god... OH GOD IT'S HORRI- OH GOD!!!