Shoop / morph requests? Bored and horny. Req any girl u got with a decent pic for editing easy

Shoop / morph requests? Bored and horny. Req any girl u got with a decent pic for editing easy
Bigger ass, tits better face

Attached: 201907146302921122985917049.jpg (1024x1023, 557K)

What can you do to this one?

Attached: BB288CA5-D98C-4B9A-95D6-C7204CE680AA.jpg (334x653, 73K)

Better tits?

Attached: 2C354EA5-9D2A-4489-ABCB-E50B2241C760.jpg (720x960, 381K)

Fix away

Attached: 951987A0-6A56-49C4-A7C5-0CCA29132B14.jpg (768x1024, 203K)

Some face and maybe tits?

Attached: 2019-07-21_01.48.34.jpg (1080x1828, 898K)

Bad ones to morph n edit too much clutter in teh way

Work in that ass maybe?

Attached: 1535447927760.jpg (816x1070, 52K)

Can you give her bigger tits?

Attached: 1C6BC072-083A-4D4F-AD30-BACB4FE4A64D.jpg (1125x2001, 518K)

Any better cleaner ones

Dats an old hag u got there

More ass on her?

Attached: 2019-06-20_20.08.29.jpg (1078x1256, 1.33M)

Some overall improvement?

Attached: 2018-12-08_08.21.42.jpg (1054x1228, 695K)

First decent pic to morphh

Attached: 201907222209762437504477178.jpg (879x1024, 766K)

Megabrap ed

Attached: 201907227008002462432068304.jpg (879x1024, 966K)

Another test

Attached: 20190722130837721429317561.jpg (879x1024, 997K)


Attached: MilkTruck 2.jpg (567x1303, 52K)

Bigger stomach to seem pregnant please

Attached: IMG_20190515_150859_01.jpg (672x1280, 153K)

Just her face

Attached: 201907225165606024054102835.jpg (879x1024, 337K)

Pregnancy belly, bigger boobs, darker nipples

Attached: FE279EA1-721F-4241-BA93-5D370A71F164.jpg (640x480, 89K)

More milk

Attached: 201907225334994010691224279.jpg (446x1024, 245K)

Can't do good

Oh well thanks for trying. Want a different one?

With it?

Attached: IMG_20190413_190238_01.jpg (768x1024, 80K)

Any chance you can x Ray / deepfake right? A little bit of nipple going on

Attached: 148832E7-BFD7-4BA2-BCD7-F8717AD4BEF9.jpg (702x746, 147K)

If u wanna

Can't deep

Are you able to shoop cum on face?

Attached: DBE7EC3E-D50E-44E2-AA4B-4CADEB55F9C7.jpg (543x547, 106K)

Bigger tits, better face? Thanks!

Attached: 3621ACFB-1F46-4D7D-97E7-E426DEC49CBC.jpg (471x1010, 177K)

can this be done?

Attached: 38967985_1879968665638797_6837849052063727616_n.jpg (720x1280, 55K)

More bimbo?

Attached: 2018-08-21_18.17.30.jpg (1080x1032, 501K)

Bigger tits please

Attached: 628431AA-C40C-4BC0-A0ED-490EE90124D6.png (932x649, 684K)

Mord curvy?

Attached: 2019-07-20_17.36.55.jpg (1080x814, 446K)

Can you shop her tits out OP?

Attached: EA7634A9-8A34-4107-9D65-6D8B49858251.jpg (720x960, 126K)

Bigger tits!

Attached: 763D24FA-720D-4714-85EE-108BE8B99404.jpg (1291x2624, 1.02M)

Oh ya that girls hot af. I remember you saying she’s tiny and not on bc

mm nice, any without the face changes?

Don’t get greedy

Do whatcha want user

Attached: nau~2.png (690x1234, 1.34M)


/thread. Op fell asleep

had some fun with it

Attached: 1563802495600.jpg (768x1024, 338K)

Thank you! Possible to modify it to look pregnant too?

play with her boss

Attached: IMG_7771.jpg (3098x2584, 873K)

Face tuning?

Attached: 2018-06-08_23.46.40.jpg (940x1278, 668K)

how do you like it?

Attached: 1563802800448-1.jpg (471x1010, 281K)


Not me kek

Attached: 201907226141382411412416216.jpg (573x1024, 399K)

It's not you who have modify my pic?

will try

Got her IG?

no, I think I cant do that

No but I can thicken her

Attached: 201907224598137063245636024.jpg (720x960, 305K)

Bigger boobs

Attached: 7C935804-91D0-43FF-B52B-8EC2FCBD598D.jpg (750x747, 180K)

have mercy user. Just create a duplicate layer of the original photo, cut the bitch out using the lasso tool, invert selection delete then to the stretching. This would stop the obvious warping of the background.

Attached: 41438880_1454742888003260_5030746037627650048_n.jpg (540x398, 30K)

Because you don't want or je cause the pic is not Good?

Attached: 201907225743859584346943015.jpg (402x865, 147K)

On phone tho kek

because I dont know how to

Attached: 1563802972676-1.jpg (1080x814, 596K)


on it.

Ok, thanks

Attached: 1563804948539-1.jpg (940x1278, 314K)

Looks awesome dude thanks!

Can you thicken her please?

Attached: 205BABE0-4334-4425-BC63-1A831A8BD0FE.jpg (1241x1286, 297K)

Attached: 1563807879395.jpg (1241x1286, 215K)

Can you give her thicker legs and ass?

Attached: 1563804573248.jpg (3098x2527, 561K)

can you pretty up her face?

Attached: 1531849197447.jpg (1280x1475, 351K)

will try

Attached: 1531849197447_1.jpg (1280x1439, 423K)

Can she get some bigger tits please OP?

Attached: F31248E3-A490-4898-8201-460C538299B7.jpg (1242x910, 286K)

Bumping for the same with her too

Attached: B54CAB86-AE27-4D6F-8414-45BEDFD1C6CD.jpg (865x1115, 200K)

Can you make the girl on the left have much bigger tits Op

Attached: 95CFB30A-D72D-4077-9601-93CD687E58F4.jpg (720x960, 122K)

Do your best

Attached: 2260ACF9-E6AB-4AA9-A8E4-5E3D9E2523F7.jpg (1241x1514, 381K)

Attached: 344tg.jpg (584x778, 144K)

Attached: elp2.jpg (640x480, 278K)

Attached: 9344_10200881776674025_1217342665_n.jpg (800x600, 58K)

Attached: 42355.jpg (600x800, 154K)

Attached: 1563812058365.jpg (1242x910, 762K)

Attached: 5zl9xb2t7ezq_t.jpg (420x560, 68K)

give her a bigger butt

Attached: IMG_7394.jpg (2174x2449, 675K)

on it...



Attached: 1563812589533.jpg (1239x952, 175K)

can you make these tits bigger?

Attached: 20180613_065202.jpg (1960x4032, 1022K)

Will she work for bigger tits?

Attached: 85225BD3-38F5-4FFB-9FB0-88D330B37A88.jpg (1229x1244, 321K)

Same for her too

Attached: 70C4BECD-FE1D-4DEA-AF3D-93064A5FF943.jpg (1236x2012, 402K)

Attached: 1563812920764.jpg (420x560, 60K)

pls slimmer waist and bigger tits

Attached: foto_no_exif.jpg (2245x2667, 665K)

Any way you can make her chest look bigger?

Attached: 37515E7E-8364-4368-B849-3DCC1BF01C13.jpg (732x933, 201K)

had way too much fun with that one :)

Attached: 1563812680163_1.jpg (584x778, 63K)

got a sharper one?

Can black top get crazy big tits OP

Attached: D743663A-CDE8-40BF-B0FB-75064C450032.jpg (1080x1080, 216K)

Attached: 32874.jpg (545x727, 142K)

What can you do with this user?

Attached: 1BC5C561-8B89-4D72-B8A8-D2CF5B5271EF.jpg (750x1334, 99K)

Bigger tits for her OP?

Attached: 9198DD45-A54C-467C-93CD-E36C06BAD36C.jpg (730x1199, 203K)

Can she get bigger tits and also be thicker?

Attached: ECB5B39B-C238-4A89-8466-25559151A12E.jpg (1242x1242, 419K)

Attached: foto_no_exif.jpg (700x831, 122K)

Make her into an extremely curvy goddess.

Attached: CYMERA_20190717_195841.jpg (768x1024, 357K)

Increase proportions if you can

Attached: 59840968_313334142903330_1969373106483756825_n.jpg (1080x987, 44K)

Attached: 1563812841698.jpg (600x800, 69K)

Attached: 1563816131912.jpg (1080x987, 110K)

she already is...great shot that?

Attached: 1563815736161.jpg (1242x1242, 270K)

Perfect, thank you!

Attached: D_3somLWwAgxe24.jpg (1536x2048, 329K)

there you go

Attached: 1563815676658.jpg (730x1199, 140K)

she looks awesome, do you have more of her?

i don't have any pics sharper than that. Pls!

Attached: D_sqSJhWwAIn8jG.jpg (848x1131, 135K)


Attached: Bootboot.jpg (1100x1100, 104K)


What is this thread. There are no morphs in here.

better face please user?

Attached: 20190223_095439.jpg (800x788, 349K)

Attached: 3333333.jpg (1080x810, 101K)

always wish she had bigger boobs

Attached: 1111.jpg (1080x1350, 1.22M)

do you have any with a bit more body showing?

on it...

Attached: 559260_10151127851189049_781887051_n.jpg (960x562, 133K)

Can you make this ass even bigger?

Attached: 5D8E430F-F16D-4C0E-883D-3A8BC1139B3E.jpg (543x763, 128K)

Not much to work with as far as showing skin

Attached: 33477625_198512797448033_5116446230209101824_n.jpg (596x745, 95K)

do you like it?

Attached: 1563818448120_1.jpg (1100x1100, 114K)

Attached: 12383493_241416379530997_1841401638_n.jpg (856x1023, 103K)

Can you do anything to her?

Attached: tumblr_mp41xx3GQB1s20pcpo1_500.jpg (500x667, 71K)

Attached: 1563818684504.jpg (569x788, 62K)

not bad, not bad. how did you know i was into blondes?
here's more of her for your troubles

Attached: 20190329_153930.jpg (800x997, 387K)

blonde just seemed to fit her type ;)

Very nice!
Thanks alot

Attached: 1563819259493.jpg (543x763, 99K)

like that?

Attached: 1563819600718_1.jpg (856x1023, 95K)

do you have another good shot of her?


Can you make her thicc?

Attached: IMG_20190722_200254.jpg (356x718, 92K)

Attached: 1563819670113.jpg (425x571, 161K)

didnt turn out so good because of the low resolution, but there you go

Attached: 1563822213817.jpg (356x718, 53K)

can you give her bigger tits and anything else to make it better?

Attached: 62435252_148254573005240_3100796809518252032_n.jpg (765x960, 124K)

Can you do bigger tits and wider hips? Thanks in advance.

Attached: IMG_20190722_201945.jpg (590x1350, 142K)

Can you give her just gigantic, over-the-top tits pleae?

Attached: tKoLlzQ.jpg (695x463, 45K)

Add to that, can you make her feet bigger?

Attached: 0lIbuC2.jpg (1280x853, 194K)

someone can try to shop her to seeems like pregnant

Bigger tits and a wider ass?

Attached: 376F9435-24CF-459D-A3F8-D2C2F06E94A3.jpg (819x1024, 94K)

Could you give her some bigger tits?

Attached: CD38B4E6-2E4E-4DDB-993D-4E58AC5A6206.jpg (935x1817, 265K)

didnt know what to do...

Attached: 1563823084449_1.jpg (750x761, 301K)

Attached: 1563823274182.jpg (590x1350, 410K)

Very nice, cheers user

didnt turn out so good

Attached: 1563824454172_1.jpg (819x1024, 126K)

Attached: 1563824500047_1.jpg (935x1817, 190K)

Make her tits bigger maybe?

Attached: 531FE1EF-EC6C-4836-8E55-2F85F1EE7F44.jpg (1536x2048, 496K)