What's the best political ideology?

what's the best political ideology?

Attached: anarcho-nazbol-gang-25928655.png (500x623, 493K)

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My one

there is no best one, just ideal for a time and place

Cultural marxism

Just like economic system, somewhere in the middle with policies from both sides. And as long as meritocracy is the governing idea behind most systems in a country most things should work just fine

anything but a centrist


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Moderate social welfare policy like USA mid-1950s, Capitalism with regulations from a socialist liberal democracy.


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being a moderate in any way makes you a disgusting subhuman

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Not saying being a moderate, but having social welfare policies like mid-1950s USA. Moderate policy, not moderate position.

Fucking brainlet.

Can you post the original image?

You want to see the half wrong part? It probably just says they want communism.

Lecturing the world on social media that there are more than 2 genders.

"Mind your own fucking business"




destroying liberals

Nazbol, obviously.

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political ideology, not your gay fantasy

kill all boys and pregnant women and
fuck little girls

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Is that a legit term these days?

well would you lookie there, it's ye old Maxwell stirnite!

it's Kulturbolschewismus (nazi conspiracy theory) remade for modern neo nazis

It always has been.

>conspiracy theory
But it's true.

Where do I sign up?

They destroy themselves.

Not to follow one and make up your own God damned mind for a change

no it isn't
you're either lying or have been lied to

Conquest is the only thing that makes any sense


Attached: Warhammer_Khorne_Brass_Throne.jpg (1136x811, 260K)

I wish I could live like a Viking.



only good answer here

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constitutionalism (of the United States)


end yourself violently, centrist scum

anarcho communism obviously. Alternatively Posadism, better to die in nuclear fire than having to lick boots for eternity

replaces one ruling class with another. You discredited the left for like a 100 years now. A system that relies on the people in power being good and honest people is not a good system.

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Posadism is the shit, user

Attached: posadism.png (3238x1156, 382K)



Anarcho-Nazbolism with Chinese characteristics

anything that doesn't involve following Trump.

>i want to die and nothing will work out, but at least we get to trade bionic arms and crispr jr. starter kits on the free market

National Socialism

Attached: Neonhitler.png (565x672, 70K)

why not be a transhuman communist, so we all get robot arms?

mix some breadpills in your redpills and we got a deal

Attached: nazbol.png (622x773, 953K)

Join the Constitution party.

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Communism, because it's all about equality and all political ideologies are equally retarded

Conservatism, everything else is just self loathing self hating faggotry

yeah lets hate gay people a little bit, that seems like a good compromise

none of them. next question.

let's just gas half the jews, while giving the other half half of palestine!

but nihilism is also political



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what part of none do you not comprehend?

you have no fucking idea what either means then

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Kids! Gather up!
This is the sole representation of being an oxymoron

More like living in the middle ages



xDD hail honkler my fellow kekerino
>tfw i hate libturds :D


It doesn't matter which side you pick because history repeats. There is no right or wrong when the same outcome is achieved over and over again. None of you have lived long enough to figure this out.

>implying post-feudal society is an improvement

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everything won't repeat over and over retard, this isn't dark souls

Fascism. The masses are too stupid and obsessed with pop culture to critically think about important things like politics and economics. Hell, most of them can’t balance their own finances let alone form a cogent opinion about a national economy.

Anything is better than feudalism

The only good thing the burgeouise did is kicking your asses

>everything won't repeat over and over retard, this isn't dark souls

But it is. user pick up a history book and then go take a look at the world around you. This isn't the first time this has happened. But you want a side, you want to hate and you like the image. It's all about tribalism and belonging, you just cannot see that because you haven't lived for long enough.

so we just get the most ruthless fucker around into absolote power and hope he is more competent?
daily reminder nazi germany collapsed after 12 years, and the fascists in South America collapsed shortly after the CIA stopped actively funding them

>what is dialectic materialism

>because you haven't lived for long enough
you haven't either, smartypants


as social anarchist I can sorta agree with you

some societies dont deserve democracy

debatable that feudalism ever truly ended.

Not the most ruthless, one charismatic enough to rise to the top, and don’t worry because he’ll have a cadre of intellectuals around to help guide policy.
And also Germany’s rise out of the Great Depression was far more dramatic then any other country.
Then that other stuff happened....


Post-WW2 it's over.

How can it be anachist my well educated man?

Anarchy is the abolition of all hirearchies

Monarchy is the definition of hirearchy

>None of you have lived long enough to figure this out
That horse you're on has to be the same hight as the fucking eiffel tower.

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Never read his works because I don't agree with his flavour of tribalism.

I have. Do you remember when Iran used to be the good guys? How many times have they being the baddies? Read a history book user and stop being so quick to bang the drum of your people. It means nothing in the end.

we will have a publicly determined anarcho-king whose sole purpose it will be to flatten out any hierarchies trying to develop

Your's is just as high as mine. Why are you mad that I refuse to pick a side, when I have seen what they both have offered and do offer and will offer?

Reminder that the very act of ownership implies violence. If the police didnt come to throw people out, saying that you own a house that you dont live in would be a meaningless statement. The very act of non-use ownership violates the NAP, thus making anarcho-capitalism an oxymoron. As anarchism is an ideology which strives to abolish violence and institutional power as much as possible, while capitalism inherently requires violence to function

you literally can not refute this i will not open this thread again, just stop being wrong

Cultural Marxism is a thing and Hitler did nothing wrong

>Do you remember when Iran used to be the good guys
remember the Islamic Golden Age of Science, when the Arabs preserved the ancient greek texts fascists like to masturbate to while europe was drowning in it's own dark age filth?

Stop trying to turn Yea Forums into miniature /pol/
Go bait on /pol/ instead

An anarcho-monarchist believes in having a monarch who is entirely equal to all of his subjects. He gets to wear a crown and his face is on the money but otherwise he’s just an average joe who has to go to work in a Staples like the rest of us.

how edgy of you, little timmy

But this thread is actually entertaining :/

>not "the degenerate porn i like"

Modern society has created all the ills that will soon collapse the human race (see racism, statism, environmental collapse etc)

This is retarded beyond ubderstanding

As a social anarchist I havwe never heard about that shit, never in my mind I could figure out such a movement.

Putting anarcho on the start doesnt make it better

"i am uneducated on this strain on anarchism" is a shit argument my dude

You are free to go out on the wilderness and die of flu

Ill pass

Anarcho-Fascism with chinese Characteristics

Attached: anfac.png (1080x720, 41K)

sure thing, technobrute

so literally just china?

what is so anarcho about current china my dude?

They’re not very anarcho but sure


Baathist-Nazbolicist Monarcho-Posadism

Attached: posadism.png (1024x683, 59K)

If you find me the ideology that can truly provide that, I’m in.

look at this utopian, dreaming, unrealistic motherfucker right there

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Queer Anarchism

Attached: fagnarchism.png (1280x1811, 178K)

Anarcho-Nazbol with Californian Characteristics

Attached: cali.png (1898x1199, 127K)

Anarchism is against unjust hierarchies

Since a king is legitimized by divine right, he is very much justified in his power by the father, son and holy spirit

>anarcho-nazbol without stirnerism

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what would these characteristics be except wasting water on golf courses and smoking lots of doobies

You are free to go out on the wilderness and die of flu

Ill pass

you said that already, retard

Your movement isnt real, as I said it cant be anarchist because monarchy is the definition of hirearchy

unironically this
capitalism and democracy are incompatible, so are nation states and democracy

I mean for real yes but we’re memeing here


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Yeah, went for a cup of coffee and saw the post, didnt think I posted it already


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your dependence on industrially produced coffee severely inhibitet your mental capacities

AnPrim 1 : Faggot 0

>t. centrist

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Fence sitter here but the more I hear about anprim the more intrigued I am. Tell me more? How primitive is the goal? Can I still wear glasses or am I just fucked?

Ill let you win just for making me laugh

at least your movement has some sort of point

not like anarcho capitalism or those faggots up there

glasses are a sign of both human augmentation via technology and intellectual elitism, you're going in the leopard pit

also no

I am a self-recognising technocrat and I will go willingly for the good of society. I hope others will join my cause.

Absolute monarchy if I can at least be a duke or something. Ancom if I don’t get to pick my character

so, are fallout tribals anprims?

Attached: anprim.jpg (480x360, 16K)


Read: US sells out it’s future so boomers can prosper, then taxes them so much they can’t leave shit for their progeny.

Like these idiots would know...

>in this episode, corporate cum dumpster will find a way to blame taxes. again

Letting a random number generator run the show

Who programs it and what do you ask it? How would it be neutral, assuming you want it to be?

Sorry man I can't answer till my random number generator tells me what to say


Anarcho Primitivism

Attached: Iron Front.png (1024x1024, 54K)

counterrevolutionary fucks that sold out genuine revolution in germany for a weak attempt at preserving the status quo, and failing even at that

RNGs usually use chaotic and unpredictable measurements, like atmospheric nosie or cosmic radiation

Classical Liberalism

Attached: smuggon of cuckad.png (623x456, 371K)

Libertarianism under a constitutional monarchy

>unironic Netherlandism

Here, take this

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ded thred

This minus slavery, ironically. Just do what the US claimed they would've and ship them all back, or face the consequences.
Maintain culture and self governance, no Civil Rights movement, no 19th Amendment, and for damn sure far less uncontrolled immigration.

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>blame the jewish marxism for succeeding
>blame western capitalism for failing
Goyim your logic is showing. Take that redpill and just repeate: IGNORANCE IS INTELLIGENCE

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Now you're just blaming capitalism.

History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes

U cray cray

underrated, you never hear this discussion because people call centrism but in reality its a mixing of left and right wing politics

social welfare + capitalism

so sweden is goofy?

>social welfare + capitalism
ya. There's many examples of why this works, but Republicans have broken down Americans intelligence to the point they even doubt the earth is flat, UNIRONICALLY.

love how everyone in my group calls us centrists

but love to shove people left and right to the point where they get aggressive because no one can fucking agree on anything.

it’s the cummies vs capis

yet both always agree with centrist ideas

which just makes you think they are just as delusional as religious fanatics that want to "save the earth" with their extreme ideas

it’s never an interesting discussion with what’s in the middle, it has somehow been pushed away for so long yet it works really well

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>implying democrats are left

Republicans refuse to agree on centrists ideas of the Democrats like them.

The beast was the best
