President Donald Trump is a fascist and Trumpism is a fascist movement

President Donald Trump is a fascist and Trumpism is a fascist movement.

In fact, the Nazis campaigned on the need to secure the eastern border from heavy immigration of Jews (yes, fleeing violence in Russia), which the German right feared was changing their country’s demographic character. The original Nazi manifesto declared “the state should make its primary duty to provide a livelihood for its citizens,” and demanded, “Any further immigration of non-Germans is to be prevented.” Benjamin Carter Hett’s history of Hitler’s rise, The Death of Democracy, notes that Germans frequently lamented their “bleeding border” on the East. “Certainly we want to build a wall, a protective wall,” wrote Joseph Goebbels.

This is not to say that any restrictionist immigration agenda leads inevitably to genocide, nor even that restrictionism is inherently fascistic. One can certainly draw principled distinctions between authoritarian nationalism and the kind that is restrained by liberal norms. But Trump has blurred those boundaries, if not erased them altogether. Conservatives are deluding themselves if they deny any thematic continuities between Trumpism and Nazism.

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uh huh uh huh fascinating and old news

make a post about what we can do to change anything and i'll be impressed yo

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Orange man bad

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Looks like someone ran out of Ben & Jerry's ice cream and is having a temper tantrum

Kill Trump.
Can't be that hard to kill a President (JFK cries in distance)

There's no real way to stop Fascism. It either crumbles before it rises up or it rises up and burns itself down. It's an incoherent and irrational governing style. They dilute the usable facts, gaslight and doubt everything credible or established unless it functions to serve the ultimate Leaders goal which doesn't align with what the people wants.

At this point protest is all that's can be done. Anything else would be arguing with the irrational, or dropping down to their level and fighting. There will be a fight, the only hope is that it's minimal.

I guess if I'm a fascist, I'd better start acting like one label us all a fascists anyway, so what the fuck.

Sieg heil motherfyckers!

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>jews were fleeing violence in Russia
Yeah, and why do you think there was violence against them? Why do Jews always get persecuted and kicked out of every place they take root in? What's the one common factor?

>The media will dilute the usable facts, gaslight and doubt everything credible or established unless it functions to serve the ultimate jewish goal which doesn't align with what the majority of people want.

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Lol, what a disingenuous load of tripe. I can easily imagine the soy filled numale who drew this trash.

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Pelosi's "hate America first" squad has a lot in common with the Yankees that ooze down here to the South fleeing the overtaxed crime and squalor ridden cesspools they've created in the north.

The cost of dental work being what it is the smarter ones have learned not to instruct us in how to emulate and recreate their failures.

The slower ones, well - we encourage them to go back from whence they came.

This. People need to not be so fucking insecure and just be like yeah Trump is doing some good things but he needs someone to filter his Twitter shit because he constantly makes himself look horrible. You don't have to fucking accept everything he does without questioning it, that's fucking NPC behavior if anything.

What the fuck are you even trying to say? It sounds like Trump and the Jews got you so mindfucked that you don't know how to speak American anymore, how ironic

I don't know, WHY DON'T YOU TELL ME?

NatSoc != Facism
There is nothing wrong with facism either. Parts of Trump could be facist but there's nothing wrong with it morally like communism either.

Who decides what the majority of people want? Herr Trump?

>I guess if I'm a fascist, I'd better start acting like one label us all a fascists anyway, so what the fuck.

>Who decides what the majority of people want?
The silent majority and at the rate shit is going --the militia

Who said shit about NatSoc there stormfag? I said Nazism.

You shit lords always love to define what isn't Fascism, but you won't even say that Third Reich was fascist, it was just more of a corporate-biased socialist caste based system with an appeal to workers?


The Republicans are the minority voters since the 80s. They're not silent, they just don't exist.

>Donald Trump is a fascist.

No. Donald Trump is a populist. He is wholy against giving the government any power over the private affairs of citizens. The only kind of nationalism he subscribes to is Civic Nationalism, which describes the belief in a common national mythos.

>Trump is a Nazi

Nazi is shorthand for "National Socialist." Hitler promoted socialist programs and ideals. His foreign policy was globalism, his domestic policy was nationalistic. This is what makes him fascist.

Trump as an individual has never uttered anything that could even be remotely called racist or sexist. He won awards from black community leaders for all the work he's done to help the most vulnerable people in our society. He employs more women in his companies than any other business man of his caliber, and his staff is incredibly diverse.

He has established companies in many foreign countries, bringing jobs often to those who are the most impoverished. There is nothing about him that aligns with a bigoted worldview.

He has developed our economy to levels previously unheard of, dismantled useless and harmful treaties and pieces of legislation that only serve to stifle our growth. He has established a domestic policy that functions for the working man, a feat that the Democrats couldn't accomplish if they had all the money in the world. He's fought back against the media and proven to them that they will not enslave us, and he has brought change to online platforms and shifted the way the internet functions at a fundamental level. He has established a policy of border security, something that the Democrats campaigned for not even 6 years ago, and is accomplishing his goals despite the fake resistance from the Left.

You are angry. You are angry at him and at everyone who supported him. You make false equivalencies between him and a long-dead and failed political ideology because you can't find any real fault in him and what he's done for us.

Open your eyes.

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>wash communism is immoral because they are gonna steal our hard earned money even though they are doing that already
People are so fucking retarded when it comes to communism. We literally pay shittons of taxes already yet if we have to pay more taxes instead of paying for health insurance, somehow that's fucked up and immoral?

*Wahhhhh communism is immoral

Same can be said for Hillary supporters. Thanks god she was not elected.

This is what a brainwashed trump shill looks like. Don't be this person.
>never uttered a racist or sexist thing
>economy has reached heights unheard of
Yeah ok buddy, trump will be impeached before next November, get over him while you still can

Jews in US are fine. Zionists can go die.

Hello FBI yes this post right here

>The Republicans are the minority voters since the 80s. They're not silent, they just don't exist.

Of course ...that explains Bush's 2 terms and how Trump got elected.

Can you provide arguments for why anything I said is factually incorrect?

And he will not be impeached. He has not confirmed any crimes worthy of impeachment.

A competent, respected leader heading a functioning government. The horror!

its the people he hate that actually destroy america lol

i'm not racist or facist, I voted for him because the other choice was pure evil, you stand on the wrong side of history not I.

you're so right.

wow, who would have thought a reposted thread on Yea Forums would change my entire outlook on life completely; I'll never vote Trump again.

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The Nazi's WERE Jews..
And I'm not even going to get into the other shit. You are fucking deluded if you think he never uttered a racist or sexist comment. As for the economy, it's been going up since Obama, and he just takes all the credit for it because he knows it isn't going to last. The rollercoaster market we have been seeing for months isn't a good thing.

Wrong side of history? You are saying old man Doublespeak Donnie is the right side of history? Only boomers could believe that...he isn't of this generation and apparently neither are you

>President Donald Trump is a fascist and Trumpism is a fascist movement.

Won't happen. Hes locked in for another 4.

They aren't conservatives.

People bring up Nazis yet no Bish family?


t. Lefty kike trying to influence public opinion.

Provide even a single statement that is clearly racist or sexist.

>Obama's Economy

Obama was 0/36 for economic growth QoQ, and it was his incompetence that led to the recession. He failed to capitalize on Bush's war boost and allowed the economy to slump.

>Rollercoaster market

The Dow Jones and the SNP have been at record highs since he was elected. I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about. The only economic rollercoaster has been crypto and that's because people actually believe /biz/.

>Doublespeak Donnie is the right side of history
Yes actually.
Like with everything we will be able to point at the left and say we told you so

I'm not sure what you are trying to say with this image but polygraph tests are shit and unreliable. A sociopath could pass with ease which is why I hope no one ever tries to hook Trump up to one.

Lol who still says that. All of Yea Forums is alt right and racist.

There is nothing wrong with fascism.

you're too easy to bait, I could have said anything good about trump and you would have shit your pants just like you did sperging out to tell me off, what fun you sad little clown, keep saying what the TV tells you to.

Except she's not?

this picture is correct. we all hate Hillary Clinton and would rather see America become a shitshow than going to war with the second-largest military power in the world without it being a direct threat to each other at all

You're an idiot and have no clue what you're talking about

>communism is immoral
It's down right evil.

she defended a child rapist, enjoyed it too.

She is none of those.

Trump is doing a good job

Are you Demented Donnie himself? Have you found Yea Forums finally, old man. /Pol/ is over that way--->. And yes you have said racist things. You can try to twist the words anyway you want but you told American citizens who were colored to go back to their own country and only the biggest NPC shill could see that as not racist. Also the Dow Jones drops like 600 points every other week. As president you should be keeping up with this and I know for a fact you do because everytime it happens you blame someone else.

cry more, lie more, leftard faggot

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Good thing I don't have cable and am on Yea Forums more than any other site. If I was such a brainwashed follower, shouldn't I be sucking Trump's dick constantly like you? I think you got it backwards buddy, keep being a trump shill on Yea Forums and pretending you aren't the one brainwashed to eat shit

How? Try to explain without mentioning how they steal our hard earned money which I already covered

Communism is a pipe dream

>I'm gonna cry about giving money to the government while I pay taxes and have no clue where the money is going.
Who's the idiot?

I love watching Americans turn on one another calling yourself United what a fucking joke.

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He is doing an awful job at his most important job, keeping the country united, and only a lying shit eating shill would deny that

Trump doesn't need shills, he's doing a good job.

the fact is that HATES America. so do trumpanzees. they want to rip it apart, and shit down America's throat.

He's doing a good job at telling us he is doing a good job, well not really, he is a bad liar that everyone but the biggest shills can see through, so I guess he really isn't doing a good job at anything.

Cuz Hillary would do better, right?

Hillary sure lives in your head rent fucking sad? It's just like Trump and his obsession with Obama

what about bernie, he'll say you get free shit, he wouldnt lie right?

until trump tries to become a dictator by asking the military to imprison the senate congress and supreme court he is by definition not a fascist

If he can imprison every senator and congressman with dual citizenships, I would be happy.

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Imagine your big Social Media Strategy being having Bangladeshis shill Boomer Facebook memes on Yea Forums

2020 is going to be hilarious

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>talking shit about lying politicians while endorsing Trump
You should just probably stop posting, you don't even know what you are trying to say anymore

Name one tangible thing he's done wrong.

thats besides the point you faggot
trump is not a fascist by definition because he has not shown any intention of becoming a dictator

>his most important job, keeping the country united,

lmao, so that's the most important job now

Probably didn't help to have one political party that owns the entire media shilling some insane conspiracy theory that the President was a Russian agent for 2+ years

Hurt leftist feelings, made the political establishment look like idiots, made every economist look like the hack frauds they are

>he thinks the kikes are on the left
Damn you are brainwashed as fuck, man

I had you stumped lol, you couldn't answer the bernie question, i bet you feel embarrassed at how easily I handled you.

>uses the word fascist for someone that is obviously not a fascist
>uses a word fascist as an insult

Sure, shill more bitch.

>trump is the best economist in history
Um just gonna leave this here...I'm sure you will say it's wrong though

did you ignore what that other person wrote and literally made up something else in your mind?

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What? Your argument is "Bernie is a lying politician" while defending trump. I was making fun of you for the fact that anyone you vote for is going to lie to you. I'd rather have some old man telling me lies about good things than an old man crying about foreign invaders and how amazing he is. You all worship an insecure fear mongerer, who should be embarrassed here?



In reality, though, even the Fed chair admitted the Phillips Curve, which has dominated monetary policy since the Volcker years, has been proven basically incorrect.

That, since I guarantee you have no idea what it is, has been the policy of the Fed to deliberately keep a certain percentage of the population unemployed to prevent inflation.

Turns out, we're way below the Phillips minimum and inflation is DECREASING. So for decades, millions of people were deliberately kept under- and unemployed, for no actual reason.

Also tarriffs -- "the cost will just get passed onto the consumer!" turns out, no.

Wasn't he trying to say that Trump has better knowledge when it comes to the economy than anyone else?

While not him, I think he's pointing out that politicians say stuff that isn't true, and pretending to be outraged by lies from the guy on Team Green when everyone on Team Orange also lies is transparent hypocrisy.

yep, he hates anti-america law breaking criminals, can't blame him.

>Wasn't he trying to say that Trump has better knowledge when it comes to the economy than anyone else?

No, you retard. His economic policy was shit on both pre- and post-election by virtually every mainstream economist as the lunatic ravings of fringe economist wackos, and it turned out they were wrong and the wackos were right.

If you read more about the Phillips Curve, you will get angry at what was done to us, for decades, by those mainstream economists.

it's literally written out, what is wrong with you?
i'm asking this seriously, not trying to agitate you, but thats something I would talk to someone about, friend ,parent, whoever.

>nationalism is a good thing
Oh to be a shit eating shill, how blissful it must be in your ignorance

Kek. Trump will win 2020. You should move

>globalism is a good thing

Free global movement of capital and people has been an unmitigated disaster for everyone who isn't a Chinese peasant or a billionaire factory owner, what the fuck are you talking about?

It's allowed all the high-wage blue collar jobs, which used to be a thing, to be moved to China and Mexico, eviscerating the median wage, while simultaneously the labor market has been flooded with the desperate poor of the Third World, driving down wages even further.

The FBI is working against tump.
Just look at Comey and Mueller's liberal bs

When you got to break down the wording of an idea to explain what it means, you're not aware of what you're talking about. That's like baby's understanding of philosophy to first break down the idea.

Gave one hyper specific detail about the Original Nazi Manifesto and you're over here saying that globalism is what defines fascism.


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Two libtards on the same page eh?

According to who? How? What people? Trump hates everyone and everything that isn't a dictator like Putin or Kim Jong-Un

The Confederates WERE the slaves...

Imagine being this deluded


It's the having a female in power is the hard pill to swallow. She would be like Thatcher, do an amazing job that no one would ever stop vilifying no matter what they do. They either shriek too loudly, or the mutter to timidly. They either are too old of a hag to take seriously, or too young to be seen as intelligent.

I have the same problem, but when you listen to the ideas. It's not bad. The more the country goes to shit the more races will mix as we're all just poor broke workers trying to cut out a medium sized business AT BEST.

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Serious comments of the mature Trump supporter.

If you Trump asked for a reasonable fence like that you would not seen the backlash. Trumps wall is whatever you want it to be.

Ya, almost like 'a house divided against itself, cannot stand.' If only there was some sort of leadership to prevent this instead of attonize the living shit out of the idea like a Reality TV show primadonna.

>if you'd asked for something anyone can climb over or cut through in 30 seconds, cheap labor addicted corporations wouldn't have gotten mad

What about DEPORTING them?

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Nothing's going to stop it, just when everything is said and done we're just going to be like 'The day of the rope was 16 October 1946, and it wasn't in favor of the side you're on either'

>literal bond villain
Enjoy your edgy memes.

Indeed, and let us appreciate the efforts of the party that lost the election to bring America together, by having spent the last two-plus years describing the winner as a Russian traitor and a literal Hitler who must be impeached at all costs to save democracy, and whose supporters are tolerant of evil at best and Nazis more commonly.

>35 minutes later, suddenly two replies

I guess your supervisor finally messaged back about how to respond to this

lol good effort guys

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Globalism is happening whether you support it or not. You think that every major corporation and the conglomerates like Disney are anything but global entities?

You're just in favour of corporate globalism instead of government globalism. Because Nationalism was such a fucking bust, doing it on an even larger scale than a states YOU KNOW IT WILL FAIL ON A WIDER SCALE.


The only thing that's going to happen 2020 is the biggest turnout in history for the vote.

Imagine being this vague.

There was never anything but a pack of lies with Trumps unspecific promises. This is why it's going to take 2 terms to perform his first promise.

>ranting nonsense
>apparently can't read

My entire post was about how corporate globalism is bad, friend.

I actually think the left has put on better restraint on pointing out Trumps fascist tendencies for so long. It's not like he's doing anything odd now that he wasn't doing from his first campaign speech that Mexicans are rapist and drug dealers (and some of the rapist and drug dealers are good people???) but just an escalation.

Trump has called the Free Press the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.

Republicans opened the investigation into Russia interferences in the 2016 election. It's Trump and the other criminals arrested that got caught along side the arrests of over a dozen Russian operatives that never released the RNC emails like they did to the DNC for some reason.

Trump PUBLICLY asked the Russians to release Hillary's emails. This is not some conspiacy of intent like all the private conversations Trump had with his best friend Putin, who no one knows why he's best with because Trump didn't even want to have NATO because he didn't think it makes a profit.

But Putin one of the richest criminals in the world just happens to get a pass because private conversations with National Figures is just something that happens in House of Cards???

Last I checked, there's 110 miles of wall built, replacing 5' high scrap metal fence and vehicle blocks that you can literally walk around -- and that's with the opposition party doing every single thing they can to stop him.

Pharmaceutical prices are going down for basically the first time in history, we've gone from a net loss of manufacturing jobs under every President for 30 years to a gain of a million in two years, wage growth has shot up to pre-2008 levels after nearly a decade of "growth" that often didn't even keep pace with inflation, North Korea's not testing nukes, SK and NK are talking and have a peace treaty signed after 65 years of a technical state of war, and the peace process in Afghanistan is starting up after nearly 20 years. A few years ago, Baltimore was on fire. It's not now.

I mean, things are pretty ok these days

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is there anything trump can do for supporters to turn on him?

I understand that you think the left are paid the same way Trump pays the actors at his rallies.

God I wish any of this was true.

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nice godwin, faggot

Globalism is a good thing, not being involved in it is the only bad thing. It's like being Amish. It's not worse than things were, but it's not going to help anyone but the people in charge of the current system.

Things have been rising since Obama took office... This is not a new path.

>Trump's said some mean stuff
>so he's Hitler

Good God

>muh Russia!!

Still? You guys are like those insane Boomers who kept insisting that WMDs really WERE found in Iraq.

>But Putin one of the richest criminals in the world just happens to get a pass

A pass how? The Russians are now more heavily sanctioned than at any time in Obama's presidency, discontent by Russians with Putin's rule is brewing, and, unlike Obama who wouldn't even sell defense materials to the Ukrainians as the Russians occupied Crimea and Donetsk, Trump's now selling the Ukrainians weapons. Once those anti-tank missiles started getting into the hands of the Ukrainians, you'll notice that Eastern Ukraine got real quiet real quick.

If you mean that Trump won't stand next to a dictator that we have to deal with and publicly humiliate him, yeah, that's kind of how diplomacy works and always has. When has it not?

at least pretend you're not a JIDF shill

>you might want to look at wage growth before and after, say, January 2017. It's taken off like a rocket since Trump got in charge.

You can hate the guy all you like, but the economy has never been doing better, and you guys are just going to sound delusional if you're still saying this sort of stuff next year

>It's the Obama economy in 2020, gaiz!
>it just waited 8 years to start really going, coincidentally right after as a totally different set of policies were enacted!

Trump's attack on the "Squad (ugh) had nothing to do with race; it is purely political. He didn't say go home and never come back. He said go to your self proclaimed countries of origin, fix them, then come back. He said that because all of them attack America on a regular basis while never holding any other nation to the same standard. The only way it comes accross as racist is if you treat every criticism of a brown person as racism. The "Squad" only gets picked on because the media dick rides them so hard.

nope. we retard and love our overlord.

>Globalism is a good thing

Yeah, having all the good-paying jobs moved to China and Latin America sure has been great, it's saved the billionaires a bundle in wages.

Also, flooding our countries with the desperate poor of the Third World, so our students and poor get to compete for work with people who'll work for a literal starvation wage.

Actually, aside from Third World peasants who get to live somewhere with running water, and billionaires who get to offshore jobs to where labor is dirt cheap and there's no safety or environmental standards to eat up profit, I don't see how anyone benefits from globalism.

You could try running a candidate that doesn't openly endorse intersectional gender communism.

>You guys are like those insane Boomers who kept insisting that WMDs really WERE found in Iraq.
Those boomers were conservatives, so not really. Believe it or not but some people were opposed to the Iraqi invasion. YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHO WAS OPPOSED TO THE UNSANCTIONED WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST.
Putin's oligarchy isn't from sanctions. He's a criminal, or at least a long time politicians that is low key incredibly rich for some unexplained reason.
No I mean Trump works with Russian and Saudi investors and is a conflict of interest from the company he has ties with his family running that are actively a part of the White House as advisors.

No to mention the Swamp he calls a cabinet that has conflicts of interest in every department. But ya, diplomacy with dictators seems to go on easier with Trump than with ANY OF THE FUCKING NATO ALLIES (cept Poland)

so nothing then?

I am 100% a JIDF shill obviously. Do you want proof of my paystubs? Like that changes anything I am saying. Just because Trump has to pay actors to attend his rallies doesn't mean the only people that care about politics has to be paid to say 'YOU'RE GOING TO EXTERMINATE ALL LIFE ON EARTH'

>Also the Dow Jones drops like 600 points every other week.

lmao imagine living in Leftist Media World

With all those drops, the Dow must be down at 2009 levels again!

It certainly can't be (checks) about 200 points off its 20th record high since Trump took office

Given the state of the Democrats right now, pretty much. For me, Trump was supposed to be the brick through the window of the American left. I don't like him, but I will keep voting for him and people like him until you change. I won't endorse a party that openly hates me for my skin and penis.

Why do you believe the government will give you the quality or quantity of healthcare desired in a socialist/communist economy?

That always happens. Elections are seen as economically unstable times in all countries, and after elections investments rise again.

The fact you think this is a miracle like a blessing from the Gods as a omen of good tidings only shows how much of a brainlet you are.

And ya, it took 8 years to get going. The economic crisis was the first thing Obama had to deal with. It was even partially dealt with by Bush. By all observations there after tho Obama was feared to have ruined the entire economy by some people.

By all measurements Obama did the choices and it's been nothing but steady growth.

A good economy is a growth, it's not about getting top scores. A slow growth over a long time is better for stability than a fast sharp growth that could be unsustainable. BUT SURE, BLACK MAN BAD.

i am going to have so much fun watching the Trump landslide victory next year.

fuck you liberals, enjoy your salty tears

Unregulated corporate globalism is bad.

What do you think I mean by globalism that I havn't fully articulated, because at this point it must be my fault for being too vague for you.

>Those boomers were conservatives, so not really.

I know, and now it's your side's turn to be ranting lunatics believing insane bullshit cooked up by intelligence operatives!

Hilariously, the literal same guys who sold the Boomers Iraqi WMDs are also the ones who've fed you "Muh Russia" -- you should check out good old Angel Bob Mueller's presentation to the UN right before the invasion -- it's hilarious if you ignore the hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis and tens of thousands of our soldiers killed and maimed. Or ask Bill Kristol!

>Putin's oligarchy isn't from sanctions. He's a criminal, or at least a long time politicians that is low key incredibly rich for some unexplained reason.

Almost certainly, the guy's a thug and a sinister tyrant.

>No I mean Trump works with Russian and Saudi investors and is a conflict of interest from the company he has ties with his family running that are actively a part of the White House as advisors.
>muh emoluments!

Literally thrown out last week

>But ya, diplomacy with dictators seems to go on easier with Trump than with ANY OF THE FUCKING NATO ALLIES (cept Poland)

Thank God for that -- he went and told our treaty-breaking "allies" that they were all in violation of treaty, to their faces. 2.5 percent of GDP on defense is what we all agreed -- most of them aren't even spending half that. And you know what? Since Trump ripped on them, none of them are meeting their obligations under NATO, but they are increasing spending. That "being rude to our glorious allies who totally haven't been ripping us off for decades" got an extra $50 billion a year for NATO. I mean, Germany's whining about evil Russia while missing their treaty commitments to NATO by tens of billions of dollars a year, and ALSO signing multi-billion dollar gas deals with... Russia!


i have found a unicorn - a well reasoned, respectable post on Yea Forums

i must screenshot this moment

>The fact you think this is a miracle like a blessing from the Gods as a omen of good tidings only shows how much of a brainlet you are.

>ranting and wild imaginings

No, I just understand basic economics. You don't. Slashing red tape and cutting taxes = more economic growth.


Why is everything about race with you lunatics

Why does us 'crying' make us pointing out the shortcomings of the leader that had zero experience going into office so terrible? He lacked the popular vote from the start, this was always going to happen.

How are you so shocked and appalled?

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>coming up on 3 years of peace and prosperity

It's truly been a nightmare

We're talking about over 400 pages grand jury investigations that included the investigation of a Presidential campaign that even resulted in the firing of the FBI in one of the most historically controversial White Houses that has shown no sign of stability of it's cabinet and questionable conflict of interests in almost every member.

Trump was never qualified for this position, and most of his cabinet are just high paying supporters from the campaign and not in office to help any of the American citizens, except for John Kelly but then he pushed for child incarceration as retaliation to foreign citizens and then left to work with the business holding the children.

And he's the respectable one.

what will you do after trump? blindly follow the next republican rep no matter what?

I am not doubting you understand basic economics. You're just attributing dealing with a growing economy the same as global economic crash.

It has been for anyone working in the White House.

niggers are bad

of course it has - imagine the shock they feel when they learn they actually have to do their jobs? what the fuck kind of government agency actually makes you WORK??

hi five jamaal

baby sitting is not in the job description

You know those are the same thing... right?
Italy was Facist but I don't think NatSoc is. Make an argument if you think they are.
I don't think everyone should have health insurance. The poor, stupid and subhumans should die. If we lived in an all white nation... maybe I could get on board but that's like NatSoc

>We're talking about over 400 pages grand jury investigations that included the investigation of a Presidential campaign

And they got a guy for tax fraud, before the campaign even started, and a couple of guys for Martha Stewart'ing the FBI. And they're about to lose the one case against actual Russians that they're trying, Concord Management.

>the firing of the FBI

Thank God, Comey fucked up the election. In fact, everyone was screaming for him to be fired until Trump did it, and then it was suddenly a Russian plot

>Trump was never qualified for this position

And yet, peace and prosperity. Economy is booming, wage growth is more than doubling the Obama average, ISIS is eradicated, Syria is calm, Ukraine is quiet, 65 years of unrelenting conflict between the North and South Koreas is officially over -- maybe we need more chaotic amateurs in the White House?

>Who said shit about NatSoc there stormfag? I said Nazism.
>Who said shit about National Socialism? I said Nazism


Depends. Are the democrats going to stop kowtowing to identity politics bullshit?

>blindly follow the next republican rep no matter what?

Jesus Christ, no. The average GOP is even worse than the average Democrat. I might vote Bernie over Trump if he can stay Bernie. They agree on the important economic things, and some fucking health care would be nice.

Trump voters love Trump like a toddler loves mommy. Everything mommy does is good, everything that makes mommy upset is bad.

i don't know. but you are okay with race baiting? lets say all things are equal and republicans have an inanimate object as rep. you would still vote for it?

>orange man bad

No one was screaming for him to be fired. Trump said that they were, but no examples of this can be seen. Even The deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein, privately complained that he was ordered by president Donald Trump to write the notorious memo justifying the firing of the FBI director James Comey, according to Comey’s former deputy.

>i don't know. but you are okay with race baiting?

Uh, have you looked at literally every Democratic candidate

>attack America on a regular basis while never holding any other nation to the same standard.
It's their job to make country better, they were elected to do so. Criticism of the country is not anti American. Benjamin Franklin wrote, “It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.”. You and Trump are no more American than the 4 elected Congress people. You do not have more freedom to critise the government than them just because of your color or your place of origin.

>go home and never come back. He said go to your self proclaimed countries of origin, fix them
Fixing countries is not something achieved in a few years, it takes a life's work.

>every criticism of a brown person as racism
3 of them were born in USA. The only reason he said go back where you came from is because they are Brown.

one day trump won't be president

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can you please kys soyboy? thanks

NatSoc is about the philosophy, so you're right that NatSoc != Fascism. Nazism tho, does, as that's talking about the Nazi Party, not just National Socialism.

That depends entirely on what the Democrats run. If they run any of their current crop, then yes. I won't vote for a party hates me specifically. This isn't race baiting. This is self interest. Why would I support a party that is bigoted against me? I'm not even a white nationalist. Just someone who listens to what people say.

send her back

No. He attacked the squad because they're prominant media darlings. It was actually pretty brilliant. He has forced the democrats to embrace and endorse some of their least popular members. If the media still rode Bernies dick he'd get it too.

He's done some good shit and a lot of bad. Mostly what he's done has been completely ineffectual. That's an adult view of things, you can like something or dislike it while still seeing it's utility.

I am just thankful every day that he's an incompetent narcissist. If he held those views and could put together a coherent policy and act on it he would be incredibly dangerous. Fortunately he's mainly just fodder for comedians and to drive ads to sell IBS and erectile dysfunction drugs to Fox news viewers.

Pic related, it's the Republicucks sucking shit out of a RINOs ass.

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>but no examples of this can be seen.

Can you literally not remember even a couple years ago?

Gonna be a long 5 years for you buddy

Nazis were liberals actually

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>Orange man good


This is how you can tell someone knows nothing of history

>huh, Trump isn't doing all the Hitler things I fantasized about him doing
>could I be delusional? Maybe he's not Hitler
>no, he's just incompetent at being Hitler! That's it!

>The only reason he said go back where you came from is because they are Brown.
>Brooklyn is "Brown"


This would make sense if the reason was the 2016 election, and not Trump asking for Comey to pass on the Flynn investigation (even tho he was guilty) and because of the investigation into the Russian 2016 election tampering (which over a dozen agents were arrested for including hacking e-mails in both DNC and RNC even tho they only released the DNC emails ???)

But the reason for termination was clear in Trumps many explanations. Lot of ideas of why it happened. No clear reason given, but the least of which was the election!

Confederates were slaves actually

I never thought he was going to be Hitlerthe guy can't manage to run his business without going bankrupt I wasn't worried about him running the country into the is an embarrassment that our choices we're between him and the hildabeast. Out of 350 million people those two turds were the best we had.
White 49.3%

I--big govt-------------------------------small govt--I
Dems, reps, socialists, communists(socialists), fascists are all on the same end of the spectrum.
The sooner you drop the partisan rhetoric and find the common thread behind all these faux "isms" the sooner you'll be able to fight them.
Currency is the common thread. Fractional reserve banking is the disease. All this other nonsense are symptoms.

You may think Trump is playing 3 dimensional chess, but all of his pieces are white knights. The attacks against the congress members were racist and described why, here

>No clear reason given, but the least of which was the election!

>Although the President has the power to remove an FBI director, the decision should not be taken lightly. I agree with the nearly unanimous opinions of former Department officials. The way the Director handled the conclusion of the email investigation was wrong. As a result, the FBI is unlikely to regain public and congressional trust until it has a Director who understands the gravity of the mistakes and pledges never to repeat them. Having refused to admit his errors, the Director cannot be expected to implement the necessary corrective actions.

There was literally a whole letter about it.

>not Trump asking for Comey to pass on the Flynn investigation
>says he hopes Comey can let the Flynn thing go in January 2017
>fires him 4 months later
>absolutely nothing happened in those 4 months

C'mon now

No fortunately we still have rule of law. But it is pretty apparent that he would love to be a tin plated despotsif it weren't for that pesky Constitution getting in the way.

She hasn't left, she was elected to serve the constituents of Brooklyn and that is what she is doing.

>3 years of peace and prosperity

I'll take more of this incompetence over the professional politicians we had for the last 30 years

He unironically is

>he could be a lawless despot if he decided to break the law!

um, this could be said about literally any President.

Is this left wing "humor"?
No wonder they can't meme.

>peace and prosperity bad

Peace and prosperity huh. We're still in Afghanistan. We still have over 800 bases in foreign countries. We still are raining anonymous death on brown people all over the globe. That being said it's a real bitching time to be a rich dude.

>There's no real way to stop Fascism
Why would we want to?

That is implying that most presidents want to break the law

The thing is, we'll never know if she would have fucked up, while Trumps constantly does. How can the illusion of what could have happened however unlikely still be more relevant than what you got?

You're not going to change anybodys mind about trump on here with your horrible hourly memes.

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open your eyes instead of your asshole faggot.

So.. business as usual? The same shit under Obama and Clinton? The sky is fucking falling.

>It's their job to make country better, they were elected to do so.
And they are failing.

>We're still in Afghanistan.

Not for much longer bro

ISIS has been eradicated, Syria is calm, Ukraine got real quiet after Trump sold the Ukrainians a bunch of tank-kiling missiles, North and South Korea officially ended the Korean War after 65 damn years, and the pullout from Afghanistan is coming. That's not bad.

>We still have over 800 bases in foreign countries

Welcome to every year post-1945

>You and Trump are no more American than the 4 elected Congress people
America is a white nation. These niggers are a fifth column.

Not whites are not American.

Love it when lefties project.

Democrats are the race baiters.

Well, no, you're imagining Trump really wants to break the law, but is being prevented from doing so by... the law.

Maybe he's actually not the cartoon Hitler that his political opposition makes him out to be? I mean, they all love Dubya Bush now, the guy who instituted nationwide surveillance, torture as official policy, blew up Afghanistan, and (according to him) invaded Iraq based on a big whoopsie and totally not a bunch of lies, killing a million Iraqis and thousands of Americans.

>Trump was never qualified for this position,
If course he is.

Right? Thanks for proving my point. Those stupid retards that can't grasp the fact that National Socialists were liberals always amazes me too.

Gotta be bait. Not positive so 5/10.
>can anyone actually be this dumb? I hope not.

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If more than 50% of America is racist, we got a good America... no reason to keep paying money to feed family’s that won’t work or support themselves, all they wanna is have babies and abandon them. Trump 2028

>child incarceration
You mean to put illegals in detention centers? Oh the humanity of following the law.

But he is not good at making some speechwriter's words sound all inspiring and stuff, while shipping jobs overseas and invading poor countries

Isn't that the real test of a leader? How well he can be on TV, acting like someone else's words are his and that he really believes them? Thank you and God bless America

>We're talking about over 400 pages grand jury investigations
You mean the one that yielded nothing other than a few liars? The one that was started based on fake and now debunked opposition research?

Lol where'd you get a whacky idea like that from? But they were democrats.

I mean this meme is right.

We both hate Stupid Democrats who lie and try to use the federal government as a "free gift party" for votes.

So sure.

it doesn't require him hating people, or even hating them yourself. it's all about which side demonstrates that they're more of a stupid piece of shit.

there are plenty of right wing people that are total fucking garbage. that doesn't matter. even if most left wing people are total fucking garbage, and more demanding and whiny, that doesn't matter.

i hate both sides, if they're the type that stick to their side because they need them for support or acceptance. i don't need any support or acceptance besides what basic society generally dictates. i'm fine with the regular way i'm treated by lame clerks, when i'm playing along properly and show respect.

i can't go with the side that wishes there was some phony love revolution and we're all in love with each other. i can't go with a side that tries to use whiny emotional complaints like martyrs. white trash that loves their down home traditional confederate/southern style can go fuck themselves. liberals are disappointing in every way.

republican is the way to go regardless of the candidate. it's an ideology. most of both sides couldn't calmly and articulately argue anything so fuck them. i know which way it should go and it's not liberal.

>He lacked the popular vote from the start
That's irrelevant

He actually was

I was thinking about this, his dumb twitter antics really gets the base fired up though, no one is excited for any democratic candidate.

Trump will win again.

Trump's only merit is that I hate him less than you racist, sexist, identity politics playing democrats

"Trump will be impeached any day now!" - Increasingly nervous man for the 8th time.

You've been proven wrong at every turn.

not a burger, no dog in this fight, but i hope you're not dumb enough to believe the horseshit you wrote. president has negligible effect on the economy. trumps tweets about this company or that company coming to the us because of his efforts are shifty at best. tariffs and onshoring raise prices in the us with minimal long term employment gains (think capital intensive manufacturing, faggot) and debacles like the foxconn plant in wisconsin are a fucking expensive mess. us economy is still growing due to pent up demand from years of low growth caused by deleveraging. a procyclical (tax cuts and additional federal spending, you dumb faggot) fiscal policy, like the trump wh has followed, is exactly wrong in its timing. you want to spend when the economy is slowing, not try to juice it when it's healthy or nearing the end of it's expansionary cycle

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The Nazis also brought the Autobahn and the Volkswagen Beetle.

What's your point?

And we've spent the last week now exclusively talking about AOC and Omar and the Squad, who are literally the least popular politicians in America. Omar's polling at 8%

Did you know that Biden's running for President? Cuz it's not on the news

Remember when you and your left buddies hated Bush and called him the worst president ever? Literally Hitler? Super Racist?

Then he gave Michelle Obama some candy and now hes this great dorky ex president?

No one cares that you label people racist anymore, its been overused in so many wrong instances that they just ignore it.

>Still? You guys are like those insane Boomers who kept insisting that WMDs really WERE found in Iraq.
There were, even the nytimes admited it. Either way that was only partial justification for the war. A way that was end the end a success and necessity.

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>fascist tendencies
If only he truly was.

Orangenman schlecht

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7/10, someone will bite

Typical leftist, only hears what he wants.

"Perhaps you should go back and fix your shithole countries before talking shit about America" - Trump


Curious what your take is in Ilhan Omar not condemning Al Qaeda though, you know the people behind the biggest terrorist attack in the US.

"I love this country, but i wont condemn those who attack it." lol

This is what made me laugh the hardest.

George W. "Woopsie Who Could've Seen 9/11 Coming" "Warrantless global surveillance" "Torture is now official policy which we will go on CNN and defend" "Bomb more Afghani Weddings" "Oopsie I Invaded Iraq By Mistake, Honest" "1 Million Dead Iraqis" "Thousands of Dead American Soldiers" "Katrina" "Economic Crash" Bush is now a Principled Leader whose Gentle Charm and Kindly Face remind us of better times, before Bad Orange Man, who tweets mean stuff

>This always happens its not Trump!
>First 4 years of Obama saw a decline in wage growth year over year.

Obama got close to where he started in wage growth. He started close to 3, ended closer to 2. Overall his 8 years of presidency was bad for wage earners.

Shockingly, forcing comapnies to pay more in taxes to help cover the ACA had a negative impact on wages. who would have thought?

They are trying to fix their shithole countries, 3 are from Burgerland.

Yeah Trump really adheres to the concept of "No such thing is bad press."

If the media is talking about him its a good thing.

NYC, Detroit and Cincinnati.

Oh the Bronx in NYC.

Perhaps they should fix their shithole districts. Before chiming in how other places should be better, they live in some of the worst places to live in the US.

Russia investigation wasn't just about Flynn taking money from Ukraine. But no collusion.

And they're talking about The Squad instead of the poor bastards who are actually running for President

>Flynn taking money from Ukraine.

from Turkey bro, which is a NATO ally anyway

We like having conversations, not just giggle at cartoons of fanfic. We just have to quote Trump and the facts.

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It burned half of the civilized world before and only works against your best interests, unless it's be killed for a leader that doesn't care a shit about you.

I mean, that's a simplified way to put it, but yeah. He is.

Who says that's the goal?!?!?

Never asked anyone to change. I would love it if people clearly identified their side so when the next day of the rope happens we have a solid list.

Don't fascists stay in power? Isn't that kinda like, um, their thing?

Guess Trump isn't one.

>Donald Trump is a fascist.
It really doesn't matter whether or he believes in what he's doing, he's helping to build fascism. That's sufficient.

>Pursuit of happiness is only for Christians

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Well ya. That's the point, it's inhumane conditions there because the children were not meant to be there longer than 72 max.

>We like having conversations

lmao, as long as everyone's saying exactly the same thing

i'm not 18 and 2016 wasn't my first vote

You know they arrested over a dozen Russian agents and half a dozen Trump campaign?


Right? What sort of inhuman monster could put children in cages?


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never called him that

No, the KKK was composed of Confederates not Democrats.

>Before chiming in how other places

It's their country, and they were elected to help make it better. Their job is to be critical of our government and to improve it.
You and Trump are no more American than the 4 elected Congress people. You do not have more freedom to critise the government than them just because of your color or your place of origin.

No, Zionism did that.
Fascism built the modern world and the ancient one.
You do know that Rome was proto-fascist right?

>politics is no place for demanding change
If that's true we should all be Amish.

Yeah that's part of the problem. Don't worry you can expect another sixty years of the exact same slow petrifying death of American hegemony and culture. If you like Trump you're going to be real pumped about what's coming because you're going to get more and more like him on both sides until the shit hits the fan and falls apart.

So you don't think people should cooperate. But why? That's literally what civilization is based upon from the very inception of the idea of it.

I know it's irrelevant, Trump already called his previous victory a landslide. Remember: Hillary paid for 60 million illegal votes AND EXECUTED THEM ALL.

>of Confederates not Democrats.

... the Southern Democrat thing happened almost exactly a century after the Confederacy ceased to exist

>the sky is falling
on cue

We've been proven wrong if you only listen to Trump. Trump's never cited any evidence, ever. He pushed for Birtherism for 5 years, then admitted it was false, never admitted he was wrong or apologize even after being called racist for it but blamed Hillary for it who never once was associated with the claim even in 2008 when Trump claimed she started it, BASED ON ZERO PROOF STILL.

The man is pathological liar and that's why he's always vague about everything. You dumbies love it because you can transpose whatever idea you want on what he says.

Which part?

>Trump already called his previous victory a landslide.

It kinda was, the way our elections work. Thanks to demographics, both parties start out with a number of "safe" states, which basically will never ever ever vote for the other party, and the election is fought over who can get the most 50-50, or swing states. The Democrat actually starts with a healthy advantage in EVs, largely thanks to dark-blue California and New York

Trump swept every single battleground state, and even flipped a few blue states that never ever ever should've gone for a Republican. Ones like Michigan and Wisconsin which were so safe Clinton didn't even bother to campaign in them for the last month.

In terms of modern elections, it was a landslide, and just because it wasn't 1984 Reagan crushing Mondale, doesn't mean it wasn't a huge victory

Sure thing, next you'll be picking on the average annual income averaged per quarter adjusted for inflation based on the Priceman formula is lower than it was during the election year than it was after Trump election boom.

All of it is a steady growth from the end of Bush's term to Trump's term. This will never be a good thing to any Republican, even tho that same growth is God's own personal atonement of Lord Trump's sins.

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Nigga, who gives a fuck about birther shit? There was shit coming from both ways, but in the end he was still sitting president. It was a sideshow, and if you base your political opinion on that, then you're a goddamn mental midget.

"cooperate" is all i expect. i did write that all i want is basic social courtesy and respect. i've done customer service and tech support, which require lots of lame acceptance and support, where you always echo their concern/need and tell them how you'll help them. when you call a walmart worker over and they see you're ringing up liquor, i don't expect them to say "hello sir, i see you need assistance with self-checkout and after i verify your age, i can approve it and remove the security tag". i simply expect the retard to get it done and then leave. they even seem to feel weird when i thank them. i guess the reality of basic society is cooler and simpler than that; no ass kissing.

basic cooperation in society is fine.

look, that bitch squad wants to abolish DHS and ICE. tonight it made me think of "the big short" and how he comes to the banks with massive, 500 page reports printed at kinko's or something for each bank. he slides this giant book of proof of his idea to them.

those bitches think a few buzz clips and tweets will change the whole government structure. they couldn't come up with the necessary 500,000 words to prove it to save their ass. they work based on gay ass feelings and no strong intelligence.

if "cooperation" just means "be nice and let everyone play, give anyone a chance, let everyone have it all, NO QUESTIONS and i don't have to prove myself because i feel right about it", fuck that.

Never Again

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And Turkey, which was also undisclosed, but it's the Ukraine link that ties to Russia beyond just Manafort or the Trump Tower Meeting or the Trump Moscow dealings or the admitted Russian Investors.

But who knows Trump's ties, we'll find out when those tax returns come back 100% clean and not doctored.

Any day now.

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Ironically he was the peace candidate, something you unhinges lefties don’t understand because you care more about abstract social justice than real politics and life

No, why is that how Trump Supporters are? They seem a little hostile to the 'cucks' and 'libtards' but I am sure they are open to an even discourse of the topics like the Yea Forums user that tells the future, Q.

It's the conditions that's inhuman, not the location.

imagine being so retarded you think corporations tell the truth about politics

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Zionism started the cold war?

Ya, but the KKK the tried to overthrow the Republicans died off and they don't vote for Democrats now.

liberals are so retarded they actually think corporations tell the truth about politics

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>Oct 18

I wonder how it's looking now -- weird, the Obama Economy really took off after a totally different administration started slashing red tape and taxes!

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Ya, but the majority of voters were Democrats.

It was Trumps only experience with politics before the election.

They aren't elected to run the federal government, they are elected to represent the best interests of their Districts.

But ultimately the only campaign they have is "ORANGE MAN BAD".

Can you name anything good a single one of them have done to better their districts?

lmao, you seriously think this? 10 seconds on google disproves that.

>It's the conditions that's inhuman, not the location.

Lol, remember 4 months ago when DHS were warning that they had an impending humanitarian crisis at the border and needed massive funding to deal with it, and we got a solid month of "Manufactured Crisis! Not Real! Everything's Fine!" from the talking heads and opposition party.

And now that the money's run out and these detention centers are crammed with people, it's "Inhumane conditions! Brutality!"

I mean, they saw this coming and asked for the funding to deal with it, and got called a bunch of liars by the same people who are calling them Nazis for the consequences they were begging for the funding to avoid

No one is saying you have to be in mandatory gay marriage if you support the left. To not aggravate people for being different is about the furthest it's intruding. Affordable housing and renewable energy won't ever happen with Republicans in office at all.

why do liberals think its taxpayers job to pay for people who want to sneak into the country
the only reason they come here is because of all the free shit they get

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>Ya, but the majority of voters were Democrats.

So? It's like someone getting checkmated and then claiming they really won because they have more pieces left on the board.

Right. Hillary wanted nothing but blood for the blood god. Trump was the healthcare choice too, also pro-guns, pro-god, and the only one that believed in the laws or patriotism.

Everyone else was a secret muslim marxist. I've heard.

>They aren't elected to run the federal government, they are elected to represent the best interests of their Districts.

The House is charged with the passage of federal legislation, known as bills, which, after concurrence by the Senate, are sent to the president for consideration.


Because, with the exception of Bernie, they've been so conditioned to reflexively hate anything that's "racist" that they've been suckered into cheering the corporate strategy of flooding the labor market with the cheapest possible workers, to keep wages down.

He should have had monumental growth. He had no where to go but up after a recession, but after 8 years of Obama policies we saw minimal growth from a collapse.

>passing law = administering the government

Not him, but he's right. Running the federal government is the responsibility of the executive branch -- the legislative branch makes the laws for the government to operate under, but it is the executive that actually runs everything.