Celeb thread - early morning edition
Celeb thread - early morning edition
its afternoon
Not in the states.
Is everybody ded?
in the states
Not drowning, waving
Yummy feet
o my dik
groce, pls no more
it was an accident, didn't mean to
that's not Barbara though
wave to me with that butt and tongue
16 straight hours of sleep edition
get a job
knew you could do it
id smack it and make it as red as your hair
o my GAD
>>id smack it and make it as red as your hair
you need to set an alarm when you do this. now you might have an even worse schedule
>wave to me with that butt and tongue
perfect place to bend u over the desk, twist your arm, grab your hair and fuck u til theres nothing left on the counter, other than your sweat
>perfect place to bend u over the desk, twist your arm, grab your hair and fuck u til theres nothing left on the counter, other than your sweat
Sounds like actual hell on Earth, no thanks. Honestly I just need a 9 to 5 so I can afford to maintain homeostasis and maybe eventually a Switch. I'm probably doing this tomorrow... it's total horseshit every job demands experience now. If there's an experience requirement under three years I'm probably just going to say I can do it.
Take the job you have now for example. Be gracious, and let them know you appreciate the work but you need more money to establish yourself as a young man. Tell them you understand they have a bottom line, but if they can't give you more money and responsibility you'll have to keep looking. Keep working and do an even better job while you find a different one. If and when you leave thank them again for the opportunity, even if you dont mean it. That's how to get and resign from jobs. Even if they are a cocksucker, you acknowledge that they did give you a way to get by. Sometimes those people know each other, and building a reputation as a good worker and a good man is a big deal. It will follow you further than you think
>non-profit org >basic reception job >women can easily do it That's why you're getting min you lazy fuck.
>high school education Go get a degree you pleibian faggot.
Did this teacher have it out for you or something? Jesus.
what do you think they pay in the US? lol
Who do you want to pick to go through your medic school? Some dummy or an intelligent man?
You are a moron. For the money you waste ubering to work and back you could finance a cheap car.
This is just so they have an easy out to turn away retards.
I've spent 4 years building up experience already
Clearly they're talking about productivity software you autismo.
They get tax benefits for hiring women and minorities. So i hear
Asvab scores around 85 would correlated to an iq of at least 110 and most likely at or above 115. That is about one standard deviation above the median. The army knows your worth while
>$11 an hour to answer the phone Too much, desu.
Do you have your certs? Go to where the money is. Pipeliners are cleaning up in this economy.
not 15$ per hour? just don't take the job, if nobody will take jobs under 15$ per hour they will have to raise the wages
>phone >internet Every lowly pajeet has these. How do you think they run their cold call and Craigslist scams? >running water Wow, Roman tech. Incredible. >electricity that never goes out Except when it does, when ConEd transformers routinely explode >home entertainment, vidya, computer Again pajeets have all this plastic crap, too. >air conditioning Yup >car Nope >food in the fridge Sub-Sahara is gonna have a billion people >uncorrupted police, low crime rates lol, what country do you live in? Because it's not the United States. kys Boomer fag
Afraid not. In Canada we have white people.
So... you're lazy? I mean... Mexicans do it. This is why America is falling. You'd rather "work with niggers" for less money than "work like a spic" for more. Sad stuff, white man. Don't ever cry about immigration. You're the reason for it.
Only fucking retards work at walmart. Even the fucks that lie to themselves that they'll never escape it or retail in general. You're the real loser here. No sympathy for any walmart wage cuck, no matter how """smart""" you are or how much you want me to pity you.
You speak the truth. Office work is for mamma boys and alcoholic losers who can't handle working with men.
A) It isn't. Fraud has a specific legal meaning, and this ain't it. It's misrepresentation, and it's not a felony or misdemeanor (though it is grounds for termination) B) So what? I always lie on my resume and sure, sometimes I get caught. One time, I got a job for a Database Manager position that used Access, and at that point, I had no fucking idea how to use it. So, after pretending to be getting acquainted with the system, I just left during lunch break. I burned br
based and nepotism pilled. also checked
learn to code
No wonder steaks cost you $30 up in Canuckistan
Call plumbers. Call your local supply houses, not Lowes or Home Depot but your local wholesalers, tell them you need a job and ask who is doing a lot of work right now. They are the ones selling shit to the plumber so they'll know and most of them will tell you.
say reading comprehension one more time
shit like this makes me happy to be a neet, tho that might end with my family pushing me to get a job
No the solution is to take a shit on the desk before you go
Hyper specialization is death. Be a coyote, not a cheetah. Our accountant/payroll guy helps out around the shop, even does field work when we're short handed. No one likes an office. Production is what makes the money, the support that is required is getting more limited. Grow your wealth by not giving it away to middle men. That huge need for engineers they were talking about 15 years ago? Wasnt needed. The old guys retired and got replaced by a guy with a 2 year tech degree and a laptop who is more of a jack of all trades.
He'll just buy a new one with his shekles
Do they check work history and reference for higher paying jobs, like ~$60k/yr jobs? I've been thinking about bs'ing my resume too because i have the knowledge and the can-do attitude but employers aren't giving me a chance with what I already have on my resume. In order to show them I can do this and that, I would need to provide certs, for which I do not have.
HOW THE FUCK am I supposed to find a job that pays the bills and allows me to attend college full-time? I'm in car sales right now and making good money, but I can't take another year of this shit. 50-60 hr work weeks, coming in on my days off, dealing with retards and rude faggots constantly...it's just not worth it. I want to go to college and study finance but I don't know how I'm supposed to do that full-time AND fin
>>They will take anyone with a pulse >the only institution that will do this is the army. Army has way higher standards than a vast majority of employers.
A) It isn't. Fraud has a specific legal meaning, and this ain't it. It's misrepresentation, and it's not a felony or misdemeanor (though it is grounds for termination) B) So what? I always lie on my resume and sure, sometimes I get caught. One time, I got a job for a Database Manager position that used Access, and at that point, I had no fucking idea how to use it. So, after pretending to be getting acquainted with the system, I just left during lunch break. I burned bridges with that hiring agency, but gods know there are thousands of others.
Welding is the money trade
minimum wage, minimum effort
I'm in California and I made that much at my first job in McDonalds a month out of HS. This has to be in one of the states with a really low cost of living or just some dumb ass Boomer with way to high expectations thinking that he can get away with paying that shit of salary with those requirements. I'd demand atleast 16 an hour if I had 2 years as a receptionist since I could easily just get a job at the post office with that experience and they start at 16 an hour plus all of those nice, comfy federal benefits.
This is bullshit t. Newtrade faggot who started at 25/hr 3 months ago
You also live on the other side of the planet and this kinda shit seems to be be localized. Neither of our stories are going to reflect the status quo, which is why people shouldn't suggest trades as a one size fits all solution. Either way anyone trying to define their masculinity by how much they kill themselves working for Schlomo is a faggot and a literal cuckhold of life.
You're retarded if you're even bothering with this "job" bullshit. Most jobs only exist to fulfill their place in the jewish pyramid scheme known as the "economy". What you should do is save up just enough money for s
learn to code
t. poorfag
Wow, did they give you a trophy?
We at least are self-aware enough to know we are dipshits. You're a dipshit in denial.
OP is gonna get replaced by a pajeet.
...I didn't say you hop from job to job. I'm saying you need to lie to get your foot into the door. Yes, some companies will fire you for it, but the fact remains that if you're a good worker, they won't, because why would they? Some studies (look it up) say that only 38% of employers will use a discrepancy in a resume as a reason not to hire someone, and that more than 50% of people lie on their resume. Which, given the unemployment rate, means good odds.
Move on to f&i or sales manager. Car sales is one of those jobs where no educationnis needed to make good money but the hours suck, your gm will bitch why you suck at desking deals and your coworkers will back stab you. I was making 20% of what the average sales person made while working it but I only worked half the time they did and was way less stressed than them. It is a brutal business though. You can be the top sales person for 20 years and they will drop you for two bad months. Now they cut the rates car. Salesmen making and everything is going online while the sales managers just closing deals. Not even car sales will be a good job.
Becuase the incompetent whites are better than the subhuman iq nogs that apply by the hundreds.
I believe every one of these faggots that says how theyve applied for literally a thousand jobs and haven't even gotten a single interview are LARPing for attention
Are you also Sudanese? Just wondering, because the only shopping trolley pushers you see in AUS are Sudanese
>HVAC Fuck...ironically enough this was my goal after I saved up enough money to go to trade school to do. HVAC is supposed to be the trade that makes a fuck ton of money, but youre two years in making $11 an hour How discouraging
2 years required experience for $11/hr
As a g
learn to code
t. poorfag
Wow, did they give you a trophy?
We at least are self-aware enough to know we are dipshits. You're a dipshit in denial.
OP is gonna get replaced by a pajeet.
...I didn't say you hop from job to job. I'm saying you need to lie to get your foot into the door. Yes, some companies will fire you for it, but the fact remains that if you're a good worker, they won't, because why would they? Some studies (look it up) say that only 38% of employers will use a discrepancy in a resume as a reason not to hire someone, and that more than 50% of people lie on their resume. Which, given the unemployment rate, means good odds.
Move on to f&i or sales manager. Car sales is one of those jobs where no educationnis needed to make good money but the hours suck, your gm will bitch why you suck at desking deals and your coworkers will back stab you. I was making 20% of what the average sales person made while working it but I only worked half the time they did and was way less stressed than them. It is a brutal business though. You can be the top sales person for 20 years and they will drop you for two bad months. Now they cut the rates car. Salesmen making and everything is going online while the sales managers just closing deals. Not even car sales will be a good job.
Becuase the incompetent whites are better than the subhuman iq nogs that apply by the hundreds.
I believe every one of these faggots that says how theyve applied for literally a thousand jobs and haven't even gotten a single interview are LARPing for attention
Are you also Sudanese? Just wondering, because the only shopping trolley pushers you see in AUS are Sudanese
>HVAC Fuck...ironically enough this was my goal after I saved up enough money to go to trade school to do. HVAC is supposed to be the trade that makes a fuck ton of money, but youre two years in making $11 an hour How discouraging
2 years required experience for $11/hr
As a g
60 aus bucks mate
I have a friend who has made a nice career of lying about experience and degrees.
Get a real job faggot office jobs are for women
Boomers run the business. Its better if you actually go to the places and ask to speak with whoever does the hiring.
Pro tip Start a small biz. Even my inbred neighbor makes over 100k mowing fucking lawns. What will you provide as value? -Whats worth muh cash? Or you could go pay for a boomers yacht with your literal life. Small biz motherfuckers is the way.
say reading comprehension one more time
>but its super disheartening to not even get a call back from even entry level warehouse jobs First off, do you have experience operating a sit-down forklift, standing reach truck, a riding electric pallet jack or a cherry picker. If you don't have at least six months of any of those, they application will auto filter you out. Second off, even if you don't have experience, you have to call the warehouse that you are applying for because 9/10 they just posted the position to see what people are willing to work for not to hire anyone because they are just going to hire a temp anyway. Literally 80% of the time warehouses are extremely short handed because they have already hired all the available temps in the area, so if you call and ask for a job after applying they'll instantly call you in for an interview on the spot because they need warm bodies to fill the position even if you don't have experience (it literally takes 30 minutes to learn how to operate most forklift equipment).
Imagine being this retarded
...I didn't say you hop from job to job. I'm saying you need to lie to get your foot into the door. Yes, some companies will fire you for it, but the fact remains that if you're a good worker, they won't, because why would they? Some studies (look it up) say that only 38% of employers will use a discrepancy in a resume as a reason not to hire someone, and that more than 5
id suck on your tits til milks comes out. Ill mess up all that pretty hair and make up. But dont worry - u wont leave bare-faced
You pick up the phone and call plumbers till you find one that will give you a job. Jesus.
>the trades Yeah, I'm not sure if everybody is suited to the on the road lifestyle we were gone for months on end job sites hundreds if not thousands of miles away
Many such cases. Stingy small business owner on vacation while wagie breaks his back for pittance
You're getting fucked user. I was making more than that 15 years ago roughing in slabs.
At that level most companies will do some vetting. But it all depends on the company whether they will and what exactly they'll check, so that's not to say you couldn't get away with a few fabrications here and there. Your best option would be to just go for it. Control for as many variables as possible like getting friends to pretend to be your professional references (like ex supervisors), or just do it yourself with alternate numbers/emails, then submit your BS resume to as many companies as possible and see what happens. As long as you know you're comptetent enough to do the job without making a fool of yourself then yoy have nothing to lose.
The white guys at walmart are just as bad as anybody else working there
I'm becoming a trucker. First year and second pay maybe is shit but get some xp and make big bucks after a few years.
Proip: as long as it isnt a government related job that you are applying to the most they can do to you for lying on your resume is to fire you if they find out.
I pay about 1.9k a month for a shitty one bed room filled with se Asians near the first fire hq. In total I pay about 2.3k a month once everything is all said and done. After you take out health insurance and retirement I have about 60k to do what a wish. I paid off my wrx sti and pay about 150 I coverage for a month. I do a bit of traveling for fun and by the time you factory in stuff like eating out and travel I save about 40k a year. I am doing pretty good as this is my first real coding job an
Walmart pays $11 Just work at Walmart and doing next to nothing all day. any job that wants experience that isn't paying 20+ an hour to suck can suck a dick.
I work Sunday so I get an extra $32. Effectively $26.05 with the inflation raises you see.
T. Boomer
I am getting desperate. My boomer relatives are all telling me to just work at mcdonalds and not to think im "above that". Should I just make up shit at this point? How would you suggest I go about it?
...I didn't say you hop from job to job. I'm saying you need to lie to get your foot into the door. Yes, some companies will fire you for it, but the fact remains that if you're a good worker, they won't, because why would they? Some studies (look it up) say that only 38% of employers will use a discrepancy in a resume as a reason not to hire someone, and that more than 50% of people lie on their resume. Which, given the unemployment rate, means good odds.
>Its the middle of the summer, The Summer is the worst time to find an office job but the best time to find a factory or warehouse job (especially if they have to do with food) because of rush periods and the fact that people don't want to work in a non-climate controlled building. >and anywhere hiring thatll pay enough to pay my bills is like the OPs post My first manufacturing job only payed $12.50 an hour but I made $38,000 that year because of overtime. Also a lot of warehouses are now picking up incentive programs to hit deadlines so if a job says that they pay $12-14 an hour it usual comes out to $16-18 an hour after incentive for doing your job. Not to mention you have the opportunity for a literal fuck ton of overtime. >like the OPs post where their standards are way too high Standards are bullshit especially in warehouse work. It literally comes down to "can you operate equipment" and "are you available to overtime". Once you get hired at a warehouse and see all the other fucking retards, crack-heads
and where do i find a job as a plumber's helper?
Only fucking retards work at walmart. Even the fucks that lie to themselves that they'll never escape it or retail in general. You're the real loser here. No sympathy for any walmart wage cuck, no matter how """smart""" you are or how much you want me to pity you.
You also live on the other side of the planet and this kinda shit seems to be be localized. Neither of our stories are going to reflect the status quo, which is why people shouldn't suggest trades as a one size fits all solution. Either way anyone trying to define their masculinity by how much they kill themselves working for Schlomo is a faggot and a literal cuckhold of life.
This. Even during the recession I was able to get a part time job after a couple of weeks of applying. These people are either severely autistic or are lying.
The run by retards thing is a primary problem. I see a lot of small companies where some POS has a little money from the family, so they start a mechanic shop or HVAC or a restaurant orFurniture Moving and then hire some poor chumps to do all the work and starve while they take vacations and buy new cars and houses. It's really a lack of class and ethics. I worked at a small company once like that. I saw what was going down. I spent about a year learning every position in this small alcohol retail shop and becoming a critical member. I did the inventory, opened and closed the store, set up their barcode and Point of Sale system, etc. I basically ran the place. I asked for a $2 raise and when they said no, I laughed and handed them the keys and walked out. The store closed shortly afterward. The guy who owned it never wanted to talk to me again. What a loser
Lie on your resume, folks. You got nothing to lose and as long as youre aiming entry level to enhance your skill set, no one will bother checking just dont lose your spaghetti in the interview. Last year I was working a grocer
Where's the job located? That's not unreasonable for $13/hr in some states. Especially with only a high school diploma required.
Honestly the trades seem like the best bet for someone who doesn't want a job that requires: exceptional intelligence, high risk, or playing the game of moving through the office hierarchy You really don't think the employers share blacklists?
I never got to finish college. Office work usually pays somewhat better and you aren't running around all day.
Get someone you know with a small biz to lie for you. Or get a buddy to register a llc and give his number for refrence dude.
>needing experience to usemicrosoft office Is this a joke? A roofer is a bad example,it's a job a teenager can do with no prior experience Can't you get blacklisted if you get caught doing that shit
id love to prove it but nobody is giving me a chance
>$11 an hour to answer the phone Too much, desu.
What's a year of Microsoft mean?
I believe every one of these faggots that says how theyve applied for literally a thousand jobs and haven't even gotten a single interview are LARPing for attention
There's no need. I'm going to be dead in 4 years. God damn, that's quite a story. Unfortunately, I need $1,300 a month just to pay my bills. Hopping from job to job isn't possible
Got any certs? Got tools? Got client lists? I am speaking in generalities, but these things apply across all trades. Just being a warm body is good if you're content making base pay. Step it up. Get into building your customer base, or get some tools that improve productivity, or learn a new technique that elevates your value. Get good at using a press and fold custom manifolds, or something that makes you worth more. Just showing up every day isnt that impressive
>inflation ahh that explains it. good thing cost of living in the US is far fucking less then in cancuckia
>it's impossible to get a job at Walmart. >#1 employer in the US by 5x the next pic
What trade and how do I get started?
lol, this is retarded
Become a roofer, pussy
>mfw Costco is paying me $26.05/hr plus pension and private health insurance to push carts around a parking lot for 40hrs a week
>>all trades people are boomers because millennials were too pampered to handle that kind of work and stick their noses up at it >Faggot who has never actually worked with boomers.
Job postings are no longer honest or to be taken seriously anymore. The idea of integrity with most businesses is an outdated ideology. They have gone back to the old way of "bargaining". Similar to how a guy selling something sets the price high and the guy buying sets the price low. This is a direct reflection of the business itself and should not be taken lightly. Dishonesty now from them could mean dishonesty from them later.
Look for nursing or skilled care homes that train in being a Nursing Aide Job kinda sucks but some places pay you to get trained and it's honest work that can lead to getting into a nursing school if you want
I've spent 4 years building up experience already
Becuase the incompetent whites are better than the subhuman iq nogs that apply by the hundreds.
honestly temp agencies are the best, i use them to make extra cash heaps, my main job i only work 6 months of the year (84 hours a week at sea) the other 6 months i holiday and if i want extra cash i just call up a temp agency tell them i have my forklift endorsement on my driver's license and they give me work the next day. people shit on temp agencies but they are genuinely the easiest way to get a job, don't need to apply to a dozen different companies and wait weeks or months to start work.
2 years experience and no higher education. Sounds fair
and where do i find a job as a plumber's helper?
>mfw i fell for the "trade" meme and 2 years in i'm only making 11$ an hour
that's like 2k $
Hyper specialization is death. Be a coyote, not a cheetah. Our accounta
Entirely possible, we'll see I guess lol
...Are you implying that tradies get trash wages? Are you retarded?
I recently interviewed people for a software developer position. Basic and we took entry level people in. Most people didn't do basic shit like wear suits. One guy brought a laptop in to type everything I said which was annoying and he had the little Reddit man mascot as a sticker on his laptop and immediately the interview ended for me there
At that level most companies will do some vetting. But it all depends on the company whether they will and what exactly they'll check, so that's not to say you couldn't get away with a few fabrications here and there. Your best option would be to just go for it. Control for as many variables as possible like getting friends to pretend to be your professional references (like ex supervisors), or just do it yourself with alternate numbers/emails, then submit your BS resume to as many companies as possible and see what happens. As long as you know you're comptetent enough to do the job without making a fool of yourself then yoy have nothing to lose.
Guess what they do in AUS? They hire visa applicants from Sudan and Philippines to work in aged care. I guess BOOMERS will suffer although the royal commission into shit aged care might stop them getting their just deserts for selling out our country
trades are a scam unless you run the company and you have a lot of connects or you know people who can get you work
Move on to f&i or sales manager. Car sales is one of those jobs where no educationnis needed to make good money but the hours suck, your gm will bitch why you suck at desking deals and your coworkers will back stab you. I was making 20% of what the average sales person made while working it but I only worked half the time they did and was way less stressed than them. It is a brutal business though. You can be the top sales person for 20 years and they will drop you for two bad months. Now they cut the ra
...Are you implying that tradies get trash wages? Are you retarded?
I recently interviewed people for a software developer position. Basic and we took entry level people in. Most people didn't do basic shit like wear suits. One guy brought a laptop in to type everything I said which was annoying and he had the little Reddit man mascot as a sticker on his laptop and immediately the interview ended for me there
At that level most companies will do some vetting. But it all depends on the company whether they will and what exactly they'll check, so that's not to say you couldn't get away with a few fabrications here and there. Your best option would be to just go for it. Control for as many variables as possible like getting friends to pretend to be your professional references (like ex supervisors), or just do it yourself with alternate numbers/emails, then submit your BS resume to as many companies as possible and see what happens. As long as you know you're comptetent enough to do the job without making a fool of yourself then yoy have nothing to lose.
Guess what they do in AUS? They hire visa applicants from Sudan and Philippines to work in aged care. I guess BOOMERS will suffer although the royal commission into shit aged care might stop them getting their just deserts for selling out our country
trades are a scam unless you run the company and you have a lot of connects or you know people who can get you work
Move on to f&i or sales manager. Car sales is one of those jobs where no educationnis needed to make good money but the hours suck, your gm will bitch why you suck at desking deals and your coworkers will back stab you. I was making 20% of what the average sales person made while working it but I only worked half the time they did and was way less stressed than them. It is a brutal business though. You can be the top sales person for 20 years and they will drop you for two bad months. Now they cut the ra
I posted some JLC last night and the spooky ghost still came and visited me last night. We played cards and drank coffee, turns out it was a nice ghost.
Underrated post. This is routinely done in pretty much every industry.
Pro tip Start a small biz. Even my inbred neighbor makes over 100k mowing fucking lawns. What will you provide as value? -Whats worth muh cash? Or you could go pay for a boomers yacht with your literal life. Small biz motherfuckers is the way.
In the US 2k per month is nothing considering you have to pay high rents, health insurance and ecc that's why usually the salaries are high. Not because they're generous.
Just lie. Like who the fuck can't figure out MS word/excel in 20 minutes? Lie about college degrees too. 9 times out of 10, they don't even ask to see the diploma. Read up on bullshit lingo and figure it out as you go.
Jesus, where do you live? Ffs, thats pathetic
We're in the same boat m8. All the companies I've applied to after graduating from an IT uni required 3 to 5 years experience and offered the minimum wage.
This is an H1B scam. The company knows no one with the experience they require will accept such a low pay. The company can then say "we couldn't find someone local for the job, so we're bringing in Pajeeta and over 9000 of his cousins" and they'll all live in one house.
Just lie, its not like you were going to get the job if youre honest. Cheat to win nigger
Many such cases. Stingy small business owner on vacation while wagie breaks his back for pittance
Car sales. They will take anyone with a pulse and it is the type of job that will force you to socialize
This. Even during the recession I was able to get a part time job after a couple of weeks of applying. These people are either severely autistic or are lying.
Who (other than zoomers who grew up on smartphones) doesn't have at least 1 year experience with Windows and MS Office? Also 2 years experience in what essentially is customer service is pret
Underrated post. This is routinely done in pretty much every industry.
Pro tip Start a small biz. Even my inbred neighbor makes over 100k mowing fucking lawns. What will you provide as value? -Whats worth muh cash? Or you could go pay for a boomers yacht with your literal life. Small biz motherfuckers is the way.
In the US 2k per month is nothing considering you have to pay high rents, health insurance and ecc that's why usually the salaries are high. Not because they're generous.
Just lie. Like who the fuck can't figure out MS word/excel in 20 minutes? Lie about college degrees too. 9 times out of 10, they don't even ask to see the diploma. Read up on bullshit lingo and figure it out as you go.
Jesus, where do you live? Ffs, thats pathetic
We're in the same boat m8. All the companies I've applied to after graduating from an IT uni required 3 to 5 years experience and offered the minimum wage.
This is an H1B scam. The company knows no one with the experience they require will accept such a low pay. The company can then say "we couldn't find someone local for the job, so we're bringing in Pajeeta and over 9000 of his cousins" and they'll all live in one house.
Just lie, its not like you were going to get the job if youre honest. Cheat to win nigger
Many such cases. Stingy small business owner on vacation while wagie breaks his back for pittance
Car sales. They will take anyone with a pulse and it is the type of job that will force you to socialize
This. Even during the recession I was able to get a part time job after a couple of weeks of applying. These people are either severely autistic or are lying.
Who (other than zoomers who grew up on smartphones) doesn't have at least 1 year experience with Windows and MS Office? Also 2 years experience in what essentially is customer service is pret
2 years experience and no higher education. Sounds fair
Who do you want to pick to go through your medic school? Some dummy or an intelligent man?
The white guys at walmart are just as bad as anybody else working there
If they only accept online applications and it's on a website that auto-filters anyone who doesn't have the requirements, they're not going to fill the position or end up with a liar.
Wow, did they give you a trophy?
Op is a racist. Soon people like him wont exist.
>Office work pays better >I need advice to get this $11/hr office job
You speak the truth. Office work is for mamma boys and alcoholic losers who can't handle working with men.
Deters the garbage from applying.
You're retarded if you're even bothering with this "job" bullshit. Most jobs only exist to fulfill their place in the jewish pyramid scheme known as the "economy". What you should do is save up just enough money for some cheap land and then grow your own food. You'll thank yourself later when the economy collapses and you'll have more than "customer service experience" to rely on for survival.
Jobs should only be used as a temporary means to cover your expenses. Your end goal should be living off your own business. That's the only way to escape the rat race.
higher education is a racket money (loans) is guaranteed for the scheme of universities and colleges also this
Imagine not making at least $15/hr in a trade
I recently interviewed people for a software developer position. Basic and we took entry level people in. Most people didn't do basic shit like wear suits. One guy brought a laptop in to type everything I said which was annoying and he had the little Reddit man mascot as a sticker on his laptop and immediately the interview ended for me there
I take Uber about maybe five times a month, not all the time like your dumb nigger brain thinks. I'm only going by the contractor to come and work on the building, which are from States
2 years experience and no higher education. Sounds fair
Who do you want to pick to go through your medic school? Some dummy or an intelligent man?
The white guys at walmart are just as bad as anybody else working there
If they only accept online applications and it's on a website that auto-filters anyone who doesn't have the requirements, they're not going to fill the position or end up with a liar.
Wow, did they give you a trophy?
Op is a racist. Soon people like him wont exist.
>Office work pays better >I need advice to get this $11/hr office job
You speak the truth. Office work is for mamma boys and alcoholic losers who can't handle working with men.
Deters the garbage from applying.
You're retarded if you're even bothering with this "job" bullshit. Most jobs only exist to fulfill their place in the jewish pyramid scheme known as the "economy". What you should do is save up just enough money for some cheap land and then grow your own food. You'll thank yourself later when the economy collapses and you'll have more than "customer service experience" to rely on for survival.
Jobs should only be used as a temporary means to cover your expenses. Your end goal should be living off your own business. That's the only way to escape the rat race.
higher education is a racket money (loans) is guaranteed for the scheme of universities and colleges also this
Imagine not making at least $15/hr in a trade
I recently interviewed people for a software developer position. Basic and we took entry level people in. Most people didn't do basic shit like wear suits. One guy brought a laptop in to type everything I said which was annoying and he had the little Reddit man mascot as a sticker on his laptop and immediately the interview ended for me there
I take Uber about maybe five times a month, not all the time like your dumb nigger brain thinks. I'm only going by the contractor to come and work on the building, which are from States
Time to abandon, see y'all in a few hours.
>I posted some JLC last night and the spooky ghost still came and visited me last night. We played cards and drank coffee, turns out it was a nice ghost.
Welding is the money trade
Receptionist means girl job. The overwhelming majority of clerical positions are filled by women nowadays, life is difficult for young men. Seek only jobs which require US citizenship to filter pajeet bait jobs. In the end I've found it's fewer than 5 replies from 100 applications.
What's a year of Microsoft mean?
Boomers run the business. Its better if you actually go to the places and ask to speak with whoever does the hiring.
Becuase the incompetent whites are better than the subhuman iq nogs that apply by the hundreds.
The ASVAB scoring is weird though, I scored very high on it despite getting and overwhelming majority of the questions about cars and electricity wrong
It's not a smart job but it's a hard one. Yes a highschool kid can do it, but how many you know that will?
>Did I say I was talking about you mr. warehouse worker? You literally replied to me you dumb nigger. > >I worked there for 3 years and coincidentally they were the worst 3 years of my life. I can tell by your reading comprehension.
Any job with receptionist/secretarial duties, or office-based customer service would hire you, just emphasize the customer service aspects of retail in your resume/interview.
Afraid not. In Canada we have white people.
>dont work local Thanks man Ill take that advice I hope work gets easier for you man, the summer months are fucking rough crawling around in attics fixing peoples 20 year old ac units
It's not fraud if you do it right. >2 years word = highschool english >2 years excel = highschool math >college experience = even if you dropped out, don't write that. Just write the college you went to. There you go, college experience. >degree = don't mention it, just mention the college experience you got. Embellish the 1 or half year of college as the full curriculum. >"lie" but don't.
I have to get a job by the end of august or im gonna get kicked out and be homeless
Car sales. Are you a
They get tax benefits for hiring women and minorities. So i hear
Just go work for a fucking warehouse, nigger. $12 an hour just to stack boxes and rap pallets or push a broom. $13-15 an hour to operate a forklift. $16-18 an hour + incentive (I was making $22-24 an hour after incentive) to operate an electric pallet jack for order selecting. No experience (if there is, it's only a year and 9/10 a temp service will certify you in less than a day if you have none), no background check, no drug test required 50% of the time.
>Comparin USA to uruguay Great argument smoothbrain
Receptionist means girl job. The overwhelming majority of clerical positions are filled by women nowadays, life is difficult for young men. Seek only jobs which require US citizenship to filter pajeet bait jobs. In the end I've found it's fewer than 5 replies from 100 applications.
>They will take anyone with a pulse the only institution that will do this is the army. no private employer takes just anyone
>Did I say I was talking about you mr. warehouse worker? You literally replied to me you dumb nigger. > >I worked there for 3 years and coincidentally they were the worst 3 years of my life. I can tell by your reading comprehension.
ignore that 90% of the jobs created since 2008 are contracting or temp work, economy's booming, maga!
woodworking, specifically finishing cabinets with a HVLP spray system. A decent setup will run you around 2 grand. It doesn't take much training beyond practice with the gun and some time figuring out basic mixing equations for hardner to varnish. An experienced finisher will run around 35-40 an hour
Clearly they're talking about productivity software you autismo.
dude bro, dude,dude dude dude Let me make assumptions and call people faggots. I need to let everybody on an anime messageboard know how masculine i am
You're getting fucked user. I was making more than that 15 years ago roughing in slabs.
Please be wit
Do they check work history and reference for higher paying jobs, like ~$60k/yr jobs? I've been thinking about bs'ing my resume too because i have the knowledge and the can-do attitude but employers aren't giving me a chance with what I already have on my resume. In order to show them I can do this and that, I would need to provide certs, for which I do not have.
That's fraud.
If you were the hiring manager would you want to hire someone with no experience? Also why the fuck do you want to be a receptionist?
>You really don't think the employers share blacklists? Why would you help your competition, for free?
What's that I hear? Someone asshurt all his basedboy friends pricing him out on rent? Maybe take a second job at Sonic
Any job with receptionist/secretarial duties, or office-based customer service would hire you, just emphasize the customer service aspects of retail in your resume/interview.
Yes. You absolutely can. The less "important" the job the less likely they are to check anything. If you're applying for anything under a supervisor or executive position you're pretty much guaranteed to get away with it. Hell even some supervisor positions don't get vetted properly. Obviously this isn't true at every single company but if you throw out 20 applications you're bound to get multiple job offers.
Walmart pays $11 Just work at Walmart and doing next to nothing all day. any job that wants experience that isn't paying 20+ an hour to suck can suck a dick.
it's impossible to get a job at walmart.
Welding is the money trade
How old are you and what is your work experience?
Honestly the trades seem like the best bet for someone who doesn't want a job that requires: exceptional intelligence, high risk, or playing the game of moving through the office hierarchy You really don't think the employers share blacklists?
They only want to hire women for office jobs because they make nice office furniture.
Wow, did they give
id love to prove it but nobody is giving me a chance
I make 125 an hour because my dad owns the company. Why dont you start your own company
That would be almost 2k euros a month, above average salary. You're lucky you didn't fall for the surveyor meme instead, you would've had to work FOR FREE for two years if you didn't get fired in the middle (then you would need to start from zero again at another studio) and then you'd need to create your own architecture studio from scratch, unless you wanted to work for some already existing studio that would hire you for the minimum wage, if you're lucky.
booming economy baby
Welding is the money trade
*Laughs in laborer* You lazy cucks will always be the McDonald's workers of the world. Get over it. I'll never have much more than a car, home, and maybe one kid. But you poor fuckers who bought the idea you wouldn't have to really work are in for it. WEW!19 an hour and I work with felons at the plant.. Cake job too. How's it feel to know a violent criminal is going to live better than u ?
If the process for Walmart is so selective than why are all of their employees incompetent white trash? Do they only pick people who they know won't be able to find another job?
A) It isn't. Fraud has a specific legal meaning, and this ain't it. It's misrepresentation, and it's not a felony or misdemeanor (though it is grounds for termination) B) So what? I always lie on my resume and sure, sometimes I get caught. One time, I got a job for a Database Manager position that used Access, and at that point, I had no fucking idea how to use it. So, after pretending to be getting acquainted with the system, I just left during lunch break. I burned bridges with that hiring agency, but gods know there are thousands of others.
No the solution is to take a shit on the desk before you go
>mfw i fell for the "trade" meme and 2 years in i'm only making 11$ an hour
Guess what they do in AUS? They hire vi
Join, then, faggot. Take the Red, White, and Blue pill and serve your country. I did and my life is fucking great. Don't fall for the "muh ZOG" bullshit on here. Most of these faggots couldn't join if they wanted, anyways. Also, make sure you get a job that translates to civilian life.
Great story and checked. You should've tried opening one up yourself since you learned the ins and the outs. Still not too late, but I'm sure the experience alone has help you in your skill set in order to find another job. If my current plans don't pan out how I've ideally planned, I'm going to try getting my foot in the door for working with asphalt. Any anons have suggestions for how to get my foot in the door for that field? I would like to be a preferred vendor for insurance companies who cover commercial entities, NNN leases, things of that nature, but I'm not too certain on what's the best way to do that. I know it can be lucrative though,
Nah, women in HR prefer to hire women. Then after 80% of the office has tits and a cunt, management will step in and hire men in order to actually get shit done. It's how I got my job without any experience whatsoever.
What trade and how do I get started?
It's not a real requirement, they just don't want to waste time o pussies.
A few years ago I was going to buy a fake degree and try to BS my way into a job. Anyone on here ever done something like that before?
They just want foreigners to work for peanuts: expect pic related to say in a newspaper: but we tried to get people in, just no one wanted the job. Its always like that
and where do i find a job as a plumber's helper?
ignore that 90% of the jobs created since 2008 are contracting or temp work, economy's booming, maga!
People pushing the trade meme are usually either: 1. tradies who've been doing it for 30 years and think the modern job market is the same now as it is when they started 2. People who don't do trades, have no intenti
>Not in the states.
>Is everybody ded?
>Celeb thread
who the fuck are those people?
stfu faggot
mfw bd has to restart his stupid fucking bot
had to put more gasoline in the tank, give me a minute
>*pulls cord"
im gonna restart your cunt juice flow
>Nothing since men will always want approval from women Cope
Even if lets say 30% of men drop out of the dating game then its going to effect society heavily as well as the ego of women. No beta orbiters = no attention seeking from thots.
Im calling you a stormfag because you emulate a regime that basically destroyed any chance the white race had at recovering from the catastrophe of 1914 because he "killed joooooos man". I hate the kikes too but this shit played into their hand and ultimately assisted them greatly in their desire to control the world. Probably pushed their timetables forward by a few hundred years. Also I'm not your countryman. I just live here because my parents happened to fuck and pop me out here. Fuck the usa.
I'm really hoping that you know who Chris is
Monster girl robots, if you are gonna go fantasy waifu, go all the way up would unironically drop 10k if such a thing existed
Not enough.
>wanting a wife >wanting more than one wife Wew
Deny them human rights
>i don't see why external validation is somehow less valid a pleasure to seek from the world than direct nerve stimulation because it's made up in your mind direct nerve stimulation isn't >check whether your philosophical premises would have us all sitting in a room on an eternal morphine drip refer to the post that instigated this chain of responses for the other "motivations of sex", which a sexbot would provide
Nothing wrong with that. Robin Williams was the same to the point that I still think the Jews killed him just because he was so pure and they resented his success in their world.
>Thats not coping. You have to come to terms with the fact that the US, much like Great Britain, is not the hero, but the villain in this play. Wisdom will come in time, though. More cope. It's hilarious how low you unfucked virgins go with your inane delusions. Truly, the worst genetics humanity can offer.
they cant just ban them, ai robot women
you suggest women are mere sex objects Its a start I guess
Really? Interesting. I imagine a strong market in old men demographic. We live in interesting times boys.
Why was I smiling when reading these news?
>What will women do to compete with female sexbots? "Who cares about sexbots"? The new rubber dolls, buying one means social suicide, so only incels will do it. And nobody cares about them. Enjoy removing yourself from the gene pool, you superior gentlemen.
What about artificial wombs
Holy shit user...
>100% incel cope Maybe. But hey incel make up sometimes up to 40% of a male generation (look at Japan). I think they won't have trouble settling for a bot.
Even Chad is going to buy himself a sexbot over wasting thousands of dollars in restaurant checks, gas money, and event tickets over the course of his dating life. And if Chad is doing it, you can be sure all other men will too. Women will either be replaced or forced to develop better personalities.
AI will surpass human intelligence in the next 15 years, past that no one can even guess how fast progress will go an enitity able to design themselves to be smarter will dwarf us in few years, we are creating a god
if it takes decades, i'd be willing to drop like 60k on a passing for the real thing kind of bot
because the rest of your post is irrelevant to the point I wanted to make but because you asked, I will respond to one more thing you said >AI can hold a conversation with you and can fake interest in you, you still know that is't not real you can't mindread your woman; as we all know, women can lie to you about many things, including how they feel ergo, whatever relationship you imagine you two to be having, that might not be "real" either sure, if you're an average IQ human who never questions the world or seeks to penetrate it, you'll gladly take the reality of the situation for granted---but nobody is going to care when you willingly enslave yours
>Duplicate sexbot is purchased and her identity is restored from a backup
Yet, that's precisely it. In general, the amount of men experiencing good relationships drops by the year. The amount of incels has hit a critical mass, these incels are not all men living in their basements. They are men with money and men with means. This money and means will be funneled into the creation of artificial companions. Women have underestimated the consequences of incelization.
>can design a robot girl to look like anything >make them look like tranny goblins with huge jaws Make ANIME GIRL ROBOTS.
You underestimate Spiderman.
I'm 18 and want to disregard women completely, but I am a cumbrain porn addict. Will doing noporn/nofap for a long enough time stop the sexual urges?
Women are more than just tools for sex, they offer other things you will never get from a sex doll. Until the day a sex doll can cuddle with you, make eye contact with you, and then deeply kiss you, they will never replace real women.
Double down on their behaviour
>early adopters get their choice of appearance from thot and roastie Based lesbian
Nothing. The only men who will buy these things are already undesirable incels with toxic personalities who women avoid like ebola. Incels can stay home and fuck their glorified masturbation devices. If it will get them to stfu and stop bitching about lack of sex I've got no problem with it.
could be, seeing neuralink development, we might skip sex robot and other androids completely but AI is the big thing, everything else follows closely behind then again if we actually achieve perfect simulation then we might as well be living in one already
He's just a beautiful soul, exceptional.
criminally underrated
>Only ugly beta women will be affected by this society will be affected by this if men have the option of buying a sexbot that is essentially better than human women in every way. Might be several decades away tho
I wonder how they can now that we fuck robot ?
The US cope about being good goys is always hilarious.
criminally underrated
>the motivation for sex is human connection, social status, validation, reproduction, etc >human connection can be simulated with ai there are chatbots with which you can have half decent conversations online right now; they're only going to improve going forward >social status only gained when the partner has high sexual market value, which is not the case in the majority of instances of intercourse on the globe self-satisfaction and pride can be won through securing a sexbot tailored to one's own personal taste; and failing that, they can simply buy a bot that is popular with everyone else, and treat it the same as any other commodity like a sports car, designer clothing, or even desktop configuration---people will be falling over themselves to praise your patrician taste in sexbots, and thus, the social status is curried >validation in one sense, see the first point; in the other sense, those who would be most in need of validation would be the ones least likely to be able to acquire sex---so the introduction of a sexbot in their life neither solves nor exacerbates their predicament >reproduction that will be a mod soon enough
Also, I love how being "unrecognisable form humans" actually means "massive uncanny valley".
When they have human rights.
People like you are disgusting and deserve nothing
i posted this yesterday and got a warning here
>they have no constitutional basis whatsoever for doing so Well, in countries other than burgerland (like my gynocentric shithole), they don't need one. They'll just have rugby players in advertisements talking down to us, telling us that if we are willing to degrade women by buying a sex doll, then we belong in prison and that's where we'll end up. In burgerland, it might be a bit trickier. But when the far left really take over, I don't think
I wonder how they can now that we fuck robot ?
The US cope about being good goys is always hilarious.
criminally underrated
>the motivation for sex is human connection, social status, validation, reproduction, etc >human connection can be simulated with ai there are chatbots with which you can have half decent conversations online right now; they're only going to improve going forward >social status only gained when the partner has high sexual market value, which is not the case in the majority of instances of intercourse on the globe self-satisfaction and pride can be won through securing a sexbot tailored to one's own personal taste; and failing that, they can simply buy a bot that is popular with everyone else, and treat it the same as any other commodity like a sports car, designer clothing, or even desktop configuration---people will be falling over themselves to praise your patrician taste in sexbots, and thus, the social status is curried >validation in one sense, see the first point; in the other sense, those who would be most in need of validation would be the ones least likely to be able to acquire sex---so the introduction of a sexbot in their life neither solves nor exacerbates their predicament >reproduction that will be a mod soon enough
Also, I love how being "unrecognisable form humans" actually means "massive uncanny valley".
When they have human rights.
People like you are disgusting and deserve nothing
i posted this yesterday and got a warning here
>they have no constitutional basis whatsoever for doing so Well, in countries other than burgerland (like my gynocentric shithole), they don't need one. They'll just have rugby players in advertisements talking down to us, telling us that if we are willing to degrade women by buying a sex doll, then we belong in prison and that's where we'll end up. In burgerland, it might be a bit trickier. But when the far left really take over, I don't think
that onsie makes u look so nubile. Ill fuck u nice and hard, like the little girl u r, stuffing your holes with my dick, bulging out your tummy
>that onsie makes u look so nubile. Ill fuck u nice and hard, like the little girl u r, stuffing your holes with my dick, bulging out your tummy
mouth made for cock
>mouth made for cock
i said im gonna stuff u with dick til your tummy has its shape
>i said im gonna stuff u with dick til your tummy has its shape
same thing every day, sad fucking normie faggot
>that's not Barbara though
Image search is your friend though
u like being choked, ginger slut?
wonder how much cum did she have to wring out of her clothes after this scene
Best scene.
Hell is earth and as bastions of light we must sustain own flame. That is God's commandment.
Who's the boss now, bitch?
It hit me like a pound of tuna
Can you live withyourself? Yet you judge everybody around you.
Oh, yeah temperance is key as well ;)
She is so weird
A little bit of this (yin)
A little bit of that (yang)
Until you dig and understand why things are the way they are.
She is alone and an archangel is her savior.
Majestic kitty
I wish I would live in australia and karen user would suck me off in lingerie
why do you keep talking about religion and karma?
See y'all in Val Halla
It's so lonely around here..not a soul for miles in every direction
That's where my mind's eye is magnified at this day and age.
Because he kept getting b& for dick spam.
I like a bit of rollin' in the hay but I like things of substance too.
That's what really fuels the furnace
Oh no :(
You are such a fine little sub qt, it‘s a shame that your potential gets wasted.
That's the foundation of everything and not just wandering aimlessly in the Tower of BABEL
midget is a mad man
is it because you hate excistenc and find peace in a weird cult. because you can not accept that life is unfair and a bitch
because everywhere everyone is in a stupor of babbling
Due to a lack of interest in deeper meaning
that's why we are in an age of Babalon where language is lost
It's the Tower of Babel people are full of Bullshit (Taurus) and a load of Horseshit (Sagittarius)
But y'know that's just for the elites to understand ;)
i prefer your pussy
You can't accept you've accepted consensus reality. I won't force you otherwise. That's up to you to do. Let others do what they wilt
I accept reality and best thing is that my reality is awesome. because I made it awesome
I was actually just an agostic before I ever knew what to call it, but I'm more open-minded after the fabric of my foundation; my reality was swept out beneath me.
Losing the very important people in your life can take you to some uncomfortable places but they can be amazing in the end once you open up new pathways in your mind.
They take you to 3 people who take you to 6 people who open up 27 pathways of knowledge and perspective, then you do your own deductive reasoning and acknowledge personal bias...
did not read. need to do better stuff
Then you understand reality differently than you did at the age of 23, then 25...
Dead daddy, food for worms lol
Screenshot and read when you have cognitive ability, maaaaaaaatey
>3 sentences
geez you must be drunk as fuck
As long as it's positive and beneficial for you and not exploiting others, then you have nothing to worry about.
I think it unlocks a curiosity or it's the Gemini's curiosity, idk. And that is just a pathway that you utilize or abandon.
Because you all know Loki is Hermes right? The trickster, but also so curious. A mover and a shaker.
Loki, the dude from Avengers / Thor. Yeah.
But directors are just "idiots" amiright lmao
Oh boy don't even get me started on Indian Jones and the actual meaning hahaha
And Star Trek and Captain Kirk
You guys don't see the pathways
Because you don't take the first step. It's just that easy.
It's a domino effect after that.
dubs logged, throat clogged
gud 1, bd. still mad we're still here?
oh, you *don't* want to make a new thread? that's cool, I have consoles and vids ongoing so carry on wayward, son
All the CCTV and surveilance camera footage of the whole trip of the BUK system being transported back to russia, missing one missile
src: Dutch safety board
that's why I sit on my phone and do this, it's still easy for me and I can do other shit in case of impromptu blah-de-blah, blah
ok, man but wtf is happening between Iran and UK are they cutting ties for good?
srry wrong thread
also they fine
Gaping my boicunt for qt celebs
yeah he def mad
but first we gonna 404 this thread then wait 15-30 mins and create a new thread and pretend like NONE of this shit ever happened a'huk!
What is gay about fucking my asshole?
That's the best part; the waiting then Men In Blank - mind blank sweep
stfu midget
Kinda like machines doing a system restore. Sad!
Dubs logged, throat clogged.
singles chect, cock erect
dubs logged, throat clogged.
three seen, throbbing ween
My midget brings all the autists to the yard
And they're like, he's dumber than yours
Damn right, he's shorter than yours
You can slap him, but I have to charge
My m-m-m-mistress Victoria is a-a v-v-very b-b-b-beautiful w-woman...
You are hereby formally banned from the pumpkin patch until further notice.