Why do liberals enjoy murdering their babies at the doctor so much?
Why do liberals enjoy murdering their babies at the doctor so much?
Free of Sharia Law.
no1s murdering babies
Statistics show that once abortions became legal, the rate actually went down. Sex education, and birth control usage, along with liberal ideals actually leads to leads abortion, not more.
Because they're too fucking lazy to look after another living creature
Isn’t it ironic?
It also leads to crazy tumblrite
feminazis doing crazy shit and being retarded like usual with messages like "abortion is healthcare" (by the same logic killing is also healthcare so thanks Hitler and Stalin for your exelent work)
But thats just a small price to pay.
So that there are fewer retards like you in the world
Its women empowerment DUH!!!!
Women need to murder babies in order to feel empowerment
no, cuz no1 kills babies at the doctor
> implies liberals are the only ones getting abortions
Repulicans are all outspoken against abortions until they need to get the side piece one.
PLUS check reality, who is going to look after all these unwanted babies?
You'd prefer that they murder them in cages?
no, being in usa leads to crazy tumblrite
Because it's so easy.
>referencing heavily biased study that assumed everyone and their brother had a secret abortion
lul no
Abortion has been the leading cause of death in the US for decades now.
There is a line of people waiting to adopt, right now. It's in the hundreds of thousands.
none of what u said is true
which part of it says "abortion", again?
why do you care?
T. Poopy head
Fried fetus is best when fresh, right?
liberals want people to have sole autonomy over their bodies. here's an analogy to illustrate the point -- it's a bit contrived but i have found this to be a good way to think about why the pro-choice argument makes sense...
imagine two adult siblings who are US citizens. one of them has a life-threatening illness that requires an urgent kidney transplant, and without a working kidney he will die. his brother is healthy and has two functioning kidneys.
should the government have the ability to force the healthy sibling to donate one of his kidneys to the sick brother?
by choosing to withhold his kidney, the healthy sibling would be denying his sick brother the right to live a full, healthy life. it is a moral issue, and you might want to convince the healthy brother that donating the kidney would be the right thing to do. but i wouldn't want to live in a country where the government has final say in this case. the govt should not be able to force the healthy man to give up his kidney, even if the procedure is deemed to be safe and if the healthy man will have a quick recovery. it's a matter of of the healthy man having full autonomy over his physical person and his medical decisions.
you can see how this translates to the abortion case. the government should not have the ability to influence or force a woman's decision about whether or not another person grows inside of her. she should have sole discretion over her own body, and it's her right to choose an abortion for whatever reason.
no pride in their constructions. you've constructed other human being inside your fucking pussy and you want it destroyed? insane. what if it grows up to become a billionaire and gives you a perfect life? it could happen. I'll have as many kids as possible for this reason alone. they cant make all of them as autistic and poor as me. ill have an army of minions doing my biding and calling me father. I will continue to train them into inteligent and strong beasts that will conquer the world. nothing can stop me and my children
>pic related
it's my kids their entire life
It's one thing to be pro choice, but celebrating abortions and harvesting fetus for sport is another. is another.
They don't consider them human. Which is ironic because that considering niggers as humans.
But they are
>Statistics show that once abortions became legal,
No they don't.
I'm pro abortion because 60% if then are done by niggers.
We need more
>government should not have the ability to influence or force a woman's decision about whether or not another person grows inside of her. she should have sole discretion over her own body, and it's her right to choose an abortion for whatever reason.
its called closing your legs, slut.
Cant kill what technically isnt alive
No abortion is more like the healthy sibling mutilated the sick one because they didnt choose to have the sibling and dont want to deal with them anyway. They just asked a highly paid state sponsored murderer to do it.
This analogy is bad because the healthy sibling isn't the one avoiding responsibility for their actions.
But you can eat it, yum yum
No such thing to liberals.
Thanks, that is a reasonable criticism of the analogy, though I don't think your counter analogy is quite right either.
I suppose this means that you are pro-choice in the case of pregnancies due to rape, since such pregnancy is not the result of a woman's actions?
I'm thinking about "avoiding responsibility for their actions". The action is having sex, and the responsibility is carrying a child to full term? Maybe it could be said that the responsibility is having and fully raising the child. Indeed, having the child and then putting it up for adoption means avoiding the responsibility of raising the child.
What if we modify the analogy so that the two people aren't siblings, but rather a father and a son. It is the father's responsibility to raise a healthy son since he took the action of having sex (I think this follows your line of thinking).
If the son gets sick and requires the father's kidney to continue living, can the state force the father to donate a kidney? Again I would say no, even though the father is responsible for the life of his son.
But they do.
Look it up, niggerfaggot.
Lets stop acting as if Conservatives actually give a shit about a baby's life. They don't.
They care about punishing people for not adhering to how they want other people to live their lives.
They aren't trying to save babies, they are trying to punish people.
>You get to have sex? Too bad you have to ruin your life with a child now! Hahaha
If they really cared about people, they wouldn't be trying to gut social services at every corner, be against basic income and welfare, etc etc.
>If they really cared about people, they wouldn't be trying to gut social services at every corner, be against basic income and welfare, etc
please dont feed the animals, they will become dependant on you
>Lets stop acting as if Conservatives actually give a shit about a baby's life.
Well it's not like the Democrats do either.
Imagine being this fucking stupid AND being bold enough to spam falsities on your favorite fag porn site
The extreme Left: Naive, unrealistic babies about trying to make everyone equal and helping everyone.
The extreme Right: Naive, unrealistic babies about trying to make everyone less than them and punishing everyone.
>If they really cared about people, they wouldn't be trying to gut social services at every corner, be against basic income and welfare, etc etc.
There are charities for this that you could donate to if you really cared.
Says the republican
Idk how people’s brains can possibly be so full of shit
>I’m on the political right where we want to make successful adoption as difficult as possible
>abortion should be illegal bc adoption
>”there’s suuuuuch a big line of people willing to adopt”
>gives 0 fucks how many are up for adoption (homeless/in the system waiting)
Because it's fun
Liberals: I had a really hard time of it, and I'd hope that my sacrifices are used to make it easier on the future generations attempting at success as well.
Conservatives: I had a really hard time of it, and I'll be damned if some little shits are going to achieve success with ANY more help than I had.
If this is true can you imagine the hellish nightmare that would be America if abortion was illegal?
There would just be screaming orphans on every corner ready to stick you for your M&M’s
This is possibly the best argument for abortion I have ever seen
Painfully true
I honestly wish forced abortions were a thing.
Like, prove that you have the means to actually support a child or fuck you, better luck next time.
It baffles me that the same people who hate the poor feeding on the system are the same that are trying to force more poor to exist.
Like, how fucking stupid can you be?
>Why do liberals
The left can't meme
Op is right; Doctors are evil...
....Op should never go to a doctor. What ever ails Op will just get better.
Trust me.
Painfully false.
Cus as far I know no one has proof there's such a thing as a soul. Never had one but shit I will if I ever get pregnant. I like my cute body as is.
>The left can't meme
Or maybe the only who actually have morals think murdering babies is wron
lies and propaganda
Because muh progressiv feminisme
You don’t understand just how uneducated/senseless a lot of the conservatives really are
and I’m not talking about Yea Forums posters I would argue that user has above average intelligence
In the south you meet people who are un-ironically brainless
Like anything that sounds remotely like something their great great grandfathers might have considered to be a sin they will automatically shut it down without even looking into it or informing themselves whatsoever
Meanwhile they’ve had 6 husbands, are huge gluttons, use tobacco and alcohol, and actively show 0 respect for others
It is in china. You get pregnant with a second and they will literally send someone to your house to make you go get an abortion. They will do it even as the baby is being born so long as it dies in the women it's not considered murder. But now they have this whole problem with there not being enough women for their sons to marry.
Ah yes the old, "they don't want to murder them but when they are born they don't care about the poor mother" excuse. There has and always will be adoption.
I did and there was nothing that agreed with your lie.
It could be said that the more you limit our ability as humans to reproduce the more humanitarian you are being
Do you know how overburdened and corrupt that whole thing is?
Why do you faggots care what other people do to their body?
You'll are probably the same faggots that look over stall to make sure everyone in the men's room has a penis
Fetuses are not babies
Not that charities help anyone with political matters but could you elaborate? Maybe name a couple? I doubt they’re worthwhile but i do donate to intelligent causes
Ah yes the old "Adoption exists, and I, knowing absolutely nothing about it can assume that the child we force to be born will be properly taken care of at anyone expense but my own" excuse.
Do you mean zygotes or fetuses? Or both?
The greatest lie in the US is that the right is the side of facts. Literally every position is based on emotion and mainly fear. Both the right and left are absolutely retarded, but one side actively wants to regress society into the 50s while the other wants to progress but also allows brainlet tumblr creatures to exist. Any rational person would pick the lesser evil but feels > reals for one side apparently.
Idk where you’re coming from personally but that last part was undeniable
If republicans really feel like they’re helping people they’re simply incapable of looking at the bigger picture
Fetuses with human dna aren't human, beating a pregnant woman into miscarrying is only assault and battery, not murder.
>limit our ability as humans to reproduce
Conservatives are not limiting that. Your Chinese boy yang might though, like they do things n his home country.
Didn't you hear tumbler killed itself by banning porn..The algorithm is so bad it flagged examples they put out as safe.
Your comprehension skills are as bad as my writing skills
It was an argument for liberals
That's false, many states will call it murder under the unborn victims act, however that act also states the unborn are victims when the mother would choose to give birth to them, as it means that they would have been humans at some point. They explicitly state the unborn are not humans when the mother decides to have an abortion
You got me though I am a yang supporter
We’re just practicing for the real thing when we abort you in the civil war you’ve been begging for for the last century.
Ah, you're right I did misread. Kill all humans.
>You don’t understand just how uneducated/senseless a lot of the conservatives really are
Oh but I do user. I unfortunately do.
who doesn't?
Murdering babies and getting away with it?
No brainer.
Honestly if it came to this they would probably win.
>Dumbfucks collect guns and ammo thinking they will need it.
>Dumbfucks create scenario themselves where the guns and ammo are needed
>Dumbfucks outgun moderates
Its the lefts fault for underestimating the stupidity of their opponents.
The Reps are a self-fulfilling prophecy of retardation.
Because nearly all the US’s abortions are had by impoverished black women.
No abortions = exponential growth of black population, entirely on welfare.
Dumb antiabortion motherfuckers, shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down.
I mean I love abortion because it kills babies, but I really hate giving women a choice.
Forced abortions are the way to go.
Preventing a babies from being born in the first place, so we don’t have to murder them later.
>No abortions = exponential growth of black population, entirely on welfare.
I love how they are all somehow ignorant to this fact.
Immeasurable stupidity.
>Because nearly all the US’s abortions are had by impoverished black women.
So the real problem is niggers. These women are just doing God's work.
You can’t expect the party of anti-factual superstitious morons who still haven’t come to grips with even the 1700s level of scientific literacy or the enlightenment to make rational decisions based on quantitative evidence.
They literally post pics of aborted fetuses to gross each other out, as their argument.
I agree with this as someone who is otherwise conservative. I'd rather my taxes go to an abortion than to some dumb criminal to rot in prison.
As I have said before, the actual problem we have boils down to the following:
How do we control a mass of people who are literally too stupid to vote for their own interests?
ITT: Jewish Scheming Simulator
>How do we control a mass of people who are literally too stupid to vote for their own interests?
Full on authoritarian communism. Because it's worked so well before.
Dumbfucks have a 1940s worldview and think they can overthrow anyone, even the US military wielding their obesity and small arms.
We have several centuries of science to attack them with. ...the hippies are getting pissed..
Are there any opinions in this thread that haven't been stated hundreds of times before? No
Will this same thread be posted again in a few days? Yes
Are humans fucking weird and irrational? Yes
See this is the one thing Trump is good at: Conning.
The left needs a front man who will tell the idiots what they want to hear, then just actually fix shit.
Just tell them literally anything they want to hear, its not like they fucking fact check anything.
The ironic part is that they need to be fooled in order to improve their own lives.
>We have several centuries of science to attack them with
Dems used persuade!
Reps are confused... Persuade failed to have any affect!
Reps hurt themselves in their confusion!
>how to control all these cattle
You don’t. You just let them continue as long as they’re making us money, letting us do what we need to, and as long as they stay largely obedient and the fuck out of trouble. When they get unruly as they are now, or eat themselves out of house and home as they are now, then you knock the population back down again, most effectively via a biological agent, reducing the mass of them from 8 billion to something more manageable. In the past, 20-30% reductions in population created sufficient wanings that the following waxings yielded satisfactory performance boosts for progress, but post-baby boom, with a pop of 8bn, it’s more beneficial to achieve those population densities, rather than the same percent reduction, so probably 85-95% reduction of the human population would put us more in line with traditional, conservative human population sizes, enabling the typical fits and starts and lurches of overall forward progression
Lot of jewery going on ITT
>90% reduction in the human population
That’s still about 800 million people alive... which isn’t too far off from the typical human population of the planet up until it went crazy about a century ago and wiped out every other life form in its path to do it.
>tfw humanity could lose 90% of its population overnight and still be it’s normal size that developed the world as we know it
>what the fuck are those 90% doing
Can confirm, am technically half Jew.
Would trade you all to white slavers at Disney for a goat to make cheese.
We don't. But given that conservatives are doing everything in their power to make abortions more necessary (poverty, ignorance, and making safe access difficult), it seems odd that they'd then claim they don't like them.
Stupid Dem logic: making abortions less safe makes abortions more necessary.
>We have several centuries of science to attack them with
cant even figure out how many kinds of genitals there are
There are 2 kinds of genitals user, stfu.
Yes there are stupid shits on the left, but they are busy arguing about pronouns and other fuckery.
The stupid shits on your end are the ones arming themselves in order to defend the rich for some fucking reason.
i promise you the rich are not safe, they're the ones who sold this country to communism
Look up partial birth abortion. Was legalised under Clinton, tho rarely practiced, is legal.
If you can't even spell Vietnam, don't make memes about it
eugenics is a form of healthcare
how many abortions are needed before you level up into a tumblrina?
>partial birth abortion
You know this is a joke right?
As in, it's not real at all?
Man y'all are some gullible people.
Or Hispanic American neighbourhood watch fags killing nigger kids with Skittles and a soda.
>Idk how people’s brains can possibly be so full of shit
I'm not sure either, but it's impressive how much shit you managed to pack into one post
because it’s preferable to murdering them out back in the tool shed discreetly as the cuckservatives do
Uneducated faggot. I said look it up. It exists, I said it's rare but it's real.
I would argue that there’s at least something like 8 kinds
Margaret Sanger and her Planned Parenthood would approve
You're a moron
The one child policy has been in effect since like 1990. It might have been removed but I'm not sure
It’s not a real medical procedure. It was made up by an alt right pro-birth group.
Not the guys fault for blasting in a bitch tho.
China's one child policy has been gone for more than 3 years, but it left a demographic time bomb. All those old fucks and not enough kids to support them.
Alt-right is a new term.
They talked about partial birth abortions during the Clinton administration.
You're not very bright are you?
it's his fault too, and he needs to provide or be sterilized
I did, I found Republican propaganda.
Because I actually fact check, gotcha
If a woman has the choice of getting rid of it but the man doesn't, then it's the woman's choice and therefore her sole responsibility.
No, you clearly haven't fact checked anything.
This is the actual answer.
i dont think the woman should have a choice to get rid of it, both he and she CHOSE to have unprotected sex and should face reality instead of looking for a real life restart button,except maybe in rape scenarios but then the rapist should be offed as well.
Except I have, and you are full of shit.
Yes, lets just give birth to the baby and then just dumb it to a trash somewhere in city at night.
No, you haven't. It exists, and your denial of reality isn't even supported by the most liberal fact checking sites.
Yep they can't. It's why you steal memes that made you angry.
they are alive.
Yes, I have.
Why don't you post these numerous sources then user?
wrong again soy boy.
You're the one who made the outrageous claim, and said you had "fact checked it", without providing any supporting evidence. The burden is one you to provide a source.
because god forbid you stop slutting around creating mouths and spreading VD
Lmao you can't be this fucking retarded.
Yes user, the burden of proof is on the person asserting the supposed fact.
You asserted that half born abortion nonsense, I called bullshit, and here we are, still no sources.
Fucking Republican faggotry at its finest.
Any response that isn't a reputable source is now admission to being wrong.
>rapist should be offed as well.
According to the Bible, the victim should be offed for being an adulteress whore.
So you admit you're wrong, and you can't provide a single source you used to "fact check" your nonsensical claim. Good job, kid. You lost the argument.
I can see why. Even a simple Google search shows you're an idiot, with page after page refuting your absurd claim. Even ridiculously biased progressive sites like Snopes and NPR admit the procedure being described exists, they just don't like the term because it was coined by the right.
And I'm not a Republican, never have been. I just have a low tolerance for stupid, like you.
hey guys i just found out about this cool website on the internet called google
you may be on to something, we should probably play it safe and kill all involved just in case.
Thank you for admitting you are wrong.
Well, lets start with fact that i am not human.
Then continue with fact that protection doesn't work 100% of the time.
And let's finish it with fact, that having unprotected sex doesn't make person a slut.
Nice try, virgin. Guess you are getting this mad because you are failed abortion attempt?
Ok i am just as retarded as you are.
I am not a woman*
Don't feed the troll. He knows he's wrong, and that partial birth abortion exists, he's just trying to win an argument by making unreasonable demands for evidence.
You know, I even listed a few sources in that post you just linked. You're not even trying to disguise your stupidity.
>fact that protection doesn't work 100% of the time.
But swallowing does, which is what your mother should have done.
>having unprotected sex doesn't make person a slut.
Please show me the magic trick where you swallow during vaginal sex, virgin.
>low tolerance for stupid,
Dude what the fuck are you doing on Yea Forums then?
As far as i know, guy would be called a "stud". So that is your first mistake. But based on your inteligence, you are just waste of potentionally good sperm.
I bet you swallowed a lot of sperm when you were in your mother's womb, and she was slutting around
you are a human
abstinence works 100% of the time
unprotected sex does make you a slut if you're not married
not a virgin and my parents aren't cowards
Oh, insulting parents now. You are one smart cookie. No wonder you are alone.
Not really logical.
Woman have the choice to get rid of it because it grows in her body. If however she chooses to keep it it's the responsibility of both parents to care for it.
TLDR- no one forced you to stick your dick in that woman. If you can't do the time, don't commit the crime.
pulling out is a magic trick?
>having unprotected sex doesn't make person a slut.
it kinda does
>abstinence works 100% of the time
Not according to Christians
>unprotected sex does make you a slut if you're not married
According to the Christians, but I mean, they also thing god can impregnate you without sex so who really listens to them
Yes, i corrected myself. It was supposed to be "woman".
Yes, also if you will never meet another person you can't catch cold from them.
And now you proved you are also retarded. How is marriage changing if you are slut or not? You can fuck the same person for 20 years, without ever fucking anyone else. And not being married. Newsflash.
because most of the babies that get murdered are niggers and us liberals are sick and tired of niggers taking our food stamp money, that was meant for us whiteys
Since when does this work 100% of the time?
>trollbait thread
>120+ replies
You faggots forgot Internet Rule No#1
Now you have a troll as president .
Well done retards.
No it does not.
he'd be called a meat spoiling punk, and future child support slave.
Also, this has nothing to do with being coward. To properly raise child you need enviroment, place to stay, stable income and much more things.
50% of the time it works 100% of the time
So sleeping with multiple women means you are going to impregrate them.
>To properly raise child you need enviroment, place to stay, stable income and much more things.
They don't care about that, that's your problem.
Their problem is that they don't want you getting away with sex without the punishment.
Fuck babies, unless it'll ruin a Liberals life.
your illustration is pure sophistry, so try this one on instead
imagine conjoined twins. though they could survive by being separated, they have not been separated. by definition, they share one body.
should the left hand twin have the right to murder the right hand twin? their bodies are one - there is a single body, even though there are two heartbeats, two sets of brainwaves - exactly like a pregnant mother and the baby inside her.
It's as much the left-hand twin's body as it is the right's. Why cannot the left hand twin murder the right hand twin? Is location outside the womb of their mother the sole reason the left twin may not murder the right?
That's largely false, you know. Guys who sleep around have traditionally been considered, immature, immoral, and degenerate. They've been envied by other guys leading to lockerroom-style banter and praise, but that was always behind the scenes. In polite society, it wasn't praiseworthy.
It's true that women have traditionally been more strongly denigrated for sexual promiscuousness and that wasn't particular fair, but they've also been more highly protected in other ways.
That's why celebrating sexual promiscuity isn't a case of evening the playing field. It's a case of promoting something that's never been considered good for either sex.
And your mom was a slut. Fair?
according to christians that happened one time. there are billions of people RIGHT NOW. you're odds are good and i would be very interested to know if abstinance fails you
>Not according to Christians
They don’t consider birth defects in their retarded emotional pleading . That would require knowledge of the subject
>insulting parents now
No, just pointing out that your mother is a whore. She's probably even a professional.
fucking the same person for 20 years and no one else is marriage and colds aren't VD
>promoting abstinence based on Christian theology
So, America’s basically like Taliban Afghanistan , but with more kid fucking, right?
>no more niggers in america
Ok so like, can I get an abortion then
>No, have the baby so we can complain about its existence.
then keep your legs closed until you have those things
Yes, the US and the Taliban are exactly the same, except the US is a bit worse.
>keep your legs closed
1600’s called, they think your opinions are outdated.
As in, even in that time, there existed prophylactics, prostitution, and abortions.
did you know you dont have to be religious to not slut around?
They’re both poorly educated countries reliant on dogmatic religion as a ‘moral teaching’
Promoting outdated, outmoded concepts of society non congruent with reality.
Only America assumes it’s “the good guy”
but the people who did those things were burnt alive and society advanced.
>don’t slut around
Yeah , you know that thing that we evolved to do?
You know our primary purpose for existing, to pass on our genome?
You know that base instinct that is considered pathology if absent?
Well, don’t do that thing.
Herp to the Derp.
>changing positions is a magic trick
Yeah, you should have been swallowed.
>brainlet view of history
They were nobles and kings you retarded shit for brains
They're not equivalent. They're not even vaguely equivalent.
And who considers the Christian right to be the good guys anymore? They've been more and more marginalized for decades. Hell, they got more attention in 2016 than they had in 20 years, and they ended up supporting a candidate who is clearly irreligious. The idea that they're on the verge of taking over is ridiculous.
do you run around the woods naked eating shit off the ground?
and they got their heads cut off
Oh, am not claiming it to be positive :) And i do agree with you. I was just correcting term.
>You know our primary purpose for existing, to pass on our genome?
That might indeed be your only purpose in life
At least she raised me. You, obviously, have received no manners from your elders.
No it is not :) Marriage is official status accepted by law that changes few things in eyes of laws.
I never said colds are VD.
don't knock it 'til you've tried it faggot
First, i don't need to spread legs to use my dick. Second, i have no reason to listen to your muslimic claims because i am free person :)
It's not regency england anymore, you precious little snowflake
Claiming it is morally wrong to have abortions while insulting someone parents for sole reason of not agreeing with their point of view and being little bitch about manners being outdated. You are one special cookie.
Have sex
We are not living in muslim countries. Not Americastan. We can fuck when we want to. Dumb American sand niggers.
how do you untuck it then? and at least the muslims keep their women in place
We're also not living in hindu countries. Not Americanidia. We can't use the kama sutra, it's cultural appropriation. Dumb American pakis.
Weird how Ameritards claim communism won’t work because “you can’t change human nature” (to not be assholes constantly to each other)
But think you can stop people from having sex - the most fundamental aspect of ‘human nature’
Why are Ameritards so retarded and hypocritical?
Is it obesity deposting layers of fat around their brain?
why are all y'all focused on left vs right, focus on the government and how they fuckin u over.
Oh so you keep your legs so close together you can't move anytime you are not having sex. I see. Nice tactic.
Yeah, you supporting those apes gives sense to everything you claim. You are just retard and this discussion has no point, because you are hurt little virgin. Once you find a woman, you will understand.
No, I just insulted your mom. I didn't insult your dad. Learn the difference, slutchild.
Wait so having sex is cultural appropriation of hindus. Cool.
It's common knowledge that liberals hate themselves so the idea of their genetics continuing to exist is too much to bear so they murder their babies.
Unless you pay a licensing fee, then it's okay.
not being a vector for disease doesn;t mean no sex at all. you're stupid
>Why are Ameritards so retarded and hypocritical?
>Is it obesity deposting layers of fat around their brain?
who is this for? are you talking to your imaginary audiance?
Abortion is just as wrong as promoting promiscuity so one can have said abortions at taxpayer expense.
I think you think that you think you’re being smart.
The cold hard reality of the fact is, nothing , literally NOTHING you do in your lifetime, will make any difference OTHER than passing on your genome.
And it’s not even your primary purpose.
Keep on incelling retard.
>because you are hurt little virgin. Once you find a woman, you will understand.
Also why they go gay, assuming they don't chop their shit off altogether.
Different user, but that's a very reductive view. Why do you care about slices of your genome surviving in future populations? Evolution cares, but why do you? It will make no difference in your life.
And you can't understand a simple sentence. Well, best wishes to your life. You will need a lot of luck with your inteligence :)
>The cold hard reality of the fact is, nothing , literally NOTHING you do in your lifetime, will make any difference OTHER than passing on your genome.
That is definitely true for you.
You can pay for your own abortion. See, not using taxpayers money.
>someone made fun of me because I said something with multiple interpretations
>but i'm too dumb to realize that
>so i call the other user dumb
That's rape.
Freedom fried fetus is a delicousy
I would, but the min wage liberal socialists who want to force everyone on public healthcare can't afford it.
>post full of bait
>swallows entire bait
>who dis for? It tastes like bait?!
Who indeed?
>That is definitely true for you.
And you faggot.
For example - with out googling it, name 10 famous people from 1500’s?
Are you retarded enough to assume you’ll be remembered for your shit posting retardation into future generations?
You probably are
just let me have fun
Why do Russian trolls enjoy posting on Yea Forums so much?
because we have too many people living on the Earth and what's the point of raising a baby if you for sure cannot afford to take care of it and raise it properly
>coping with being a useless faggot whore
Maintain your purity, Delilah
niggers can breed all they want as long as they dont step one foot off the reservation
Enjoy your aids, nigger loving faggot. I'm sure your genetics will go far.
Excuse me what the fuck
That is a fair point. Thankfully, not in Europe
fuck off boomer
Not paying for something I want is the new definition of rape
>forced birth
>implying shitskin mudslimes don't do any of that of what you just included
>sex = aids
Incel confirmed
Take a breath, compose yourself and try again.
eat organic mercury
True for gay sex, faggot
> they could survive by being separated
How is this like a mother and a fetus? Until a certain point the fetus will not survive out of the womb. The mother will survive without the fetus. The fetus relies on the mother. Your scenario doesn't capture the dependency.
Don't use logic with retards and whores. Use the iron rod of justice!
I mean , it’s not true for that either ,
But you’re retarded, so, go on.
>religious arguments for abstinence
You don’t get to use the word “logic”
You keep a respectable distance
You're the one thinking your genes will ever go anywhere and I'm the retard? LOL
where are all the lefty memes oh yeah their only allowed to make memes of the right and its hard to classify people by that besides white people which most of them are and hate. Anti white memes wouldn't be so popular.
one child policy was rescinded years ago
At any point, feel free to start making sense .
Feel free to suck BBC, faggot
It’s also no where near what the 1 child policy was.
Of course you can have multiple children.
What about twins ?
The ‘one child policy’ just meant that the Chinese state would only pay for the schooling and welfare of your first child, any more and you paid for them yourself.
Sounds like the kind of policy these Ameritards are advocating , only without the “help the first child” policy.
>yfw China is a better place to live than the US
You keep mentioning homosexuality and degenerate sexual acts.
Are they on your mind?
On your mind a lot?
Like you can’t stop thinking about them?
Ah yes, where the hot dogs are made with real dogs.
As opposed to America , where all farm animals are genetically modified so as not to resemble the original animal
What are American hot dogs made from?
Only when you eat fast food garbage.
>implying real dog meat hot dogs are somehow inferior to eating pigs/turkeys/cows assholes
In a bun
>fast food garbage
Ah yes...otherwise known as “American cuisine”
aborted fetus
Looks like somebody’s got the munchies for a California Cheeseburger!
Why do both parties enjoy killing kids in the middle east?