ITT: things only oldfags will remember
ITT: things only oldfags will remember
Kenny Glenn sucks big black cocks. Bless Dusty!
i could never watch the entire thing
Oh i sure remember that. That guy got what he deserved.
Awesome cougars bro
The Sheriffs deputies gave that cat back.
He never got anything, newfag. Except the cat back.
I'm the cyber police and wut is this?
Some edglelord teenager tormenting a cat and posting pics and I think a vid, Yea Forums doxed him and animal control took the cat away, the parents complained and the police gave it right back.
Don't worry, ma'am. I'm from the internet.
Yea Forums's humor wasn't as edgy as it is now. Most stuff was cheeky goofiness.
Fuck you.
Not for insinuating that the humor is retarded now but for using the word edgy like a faggot.
Eat a sack of wet dicks and go cry about it, edgy faggot.
thug aim
say it
How about you go back to leshitddit and eat a bigger bag of dicks you flaming faggot nigger.
Brushie brushie
What a burn, niggers sure have come a long way.
It was edgy for it's time.
As we all got older, the edge grew sharper and sharper until the day it finally cut too deep.
We now lie in a pool of blood and shit and look to the past with our aged eyes wondering where it all went wrong.
Arrived during the great boxxy queen wars.
Oldfags called me newfag.
Very true. No one would laugh at most of the old memes today, just not edgy enough.
To be fair, the nature of Yea Forums was to repeatedly sharpen until we are where we are, slashing our collective wrists.
Candy ass roody poo
It went wrong when that guy posted pics of his arm where he had largely and clearing cut into his skin, across his entire forearm "Daddy fucked me and I loved it"
holy shit I remember that thread "other ants" was me, I have never in my life seen a screen cap of this.
Now that's a decent thread but OP is still a faggot.
>big black cocks
you are a faggot confirmed
I wasn't involved in that, but I was there cheering those of you who were on. It was nice work.
>big black cocks
you're the one who got stuck on that. got stiffy, junior?