Why did snailes evolve to have shelle when sluges are doing juste fine?

Why did snailes evolve to have shelle when sluges are doing juste fine?

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how old are you?

Why did any other lifeforms elvove when micro organisms are doing just fine?

Life evolves in different environments and ecosystems, that's why different species have different features in general.

As for why the ecosystems are different, that, in turn, is because life evolves differently in different environments and ecosystems. Which is because ecosystems are different. Since that leads to infinite regress, obviously the *root* cause of the differences in living things is differences in pure environment.

As for why environments are different, I'd have to assume that's because the earth is shaped irregularly and also rotates.

18 of course UwU
Yeah but there are both sluges and snailels in my gardene

do you pet le snails

It's because of God.

They didn't evolve in you're garden, they just showed up there

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I like le sluge bettere
Deport snailes, they have to go backe

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its probly bcause of the things i said but maybe those things are bcuz of god no 1 knows. no matter what science discovers a cause for, theres always a possibilty that the cause discovered is in turn caused by god until another cause is discovered for that cause.

right now the point we're at is we know why the big bang happened, it was a random event caused by time-energy uncertainty in a vacuum. but its still possible god literally IS randomness.

science still cant explain why quantum superpositions resolve the way they do. lets say theres an event thats truly random at the quantum level, and it could resolve to one of two discrete states within its superposition, A or B, and it turns up A. no one can explain why it turned up A and not B. so maybe thats the work of god

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Your fortune: Good Luck

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oh h*ck she's got parasitic worms


is it true that trannies kill themselves before they hit 30 or is it just a meme?

We'll find out soon

anything is possible with modern technology

guise is it true that tranies drink watere or is just mem

snails didn't evolve to have shells, slugs evolved to not have shells

some sluges have vestigial or internal shells

Why did slugs evolve to have not shells when snails are doing just fine?

Dropping the hard snail facts bombs boom in your face

no, trannies only drink hormones

Evolved traits have to be sustained through persistence of the circumstances that necessitated them, otherwise the traits become vestigial

slugs are doing better

>whore moans
uwu cummies

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

snails master race

you can't drink sounds fam

watch me

lol whatever you say ritsu

Hey, carpel tunnel.
I respect you posting my wife here every single day.

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snail original slug, but then slug find shell and then live in it for fashion and for total defense

Slug is homeless haha di not pay shell rent

be careful handle slug, touch slug with bare hands hurts them!!! so make sure you know how proper care for babey andibal sluge

ummmmmm do not cuck me plsssss

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what did you plant in your garden
not a euphemism

lotes of bushes like butterfly bushe, camellia bush and Japanese Laurel