What does the vagina feel like when you insert your dick inside one? Asking because I'm a 27 year old virgin.
What does the vagina feel like when you insert your dick inside one? Asking because I'm a 27 year old virgin
Best feeling ever, after blowjobs.
Bro, get an escort. Fucking hot grils isn't hard in 2019.
buy a fleshlight, then imagine a body around it
if you think sticking your dick in a girl is the best feeling there is you havent spend your life right.
>if you think sticking your dick in a girl is the best feeling there is you havent spend your life right.
I said grils sucking your dick is the best feeling ever.
yeah i misread that but still there are things who are better
It’s like sticking your dick in a tube of sandpaper that’s gradually getting lubed. That’s what foreplay is for don’t be a lazy fuck like me just raw dogging my gf no fucks given just bite the pillow goin in dry Bitch.
Like bags of sand
You must be gay. Cool.
It's 2019, no shame to be gay.
lame compared to a mans anus
Feels alright bit its over rated blowjobs are where its at
Chicks' anus is usually tighter and outclasses vagina 10/1
Sadly, very few cumdumpsters actually give good head - most suck in every other way but the one you want them to.
>Gimme trannies any day - they want it, and they like: mouth or asshole
Tight, warm, wet sock
Man, it feels really good. Everyone is different. I have to think she's hot to really enjoy it. I also can't think that I might regret it for whatever reason, because that will distract me to not enjoying it. But it feels fucking good. Just go fuck someone and see what you think. Get an escort and get into it. As others have said, it's pretty easy to find hot girls for good prices nowadays. When you're with whoever, just get into it
eh not that great 2bh.
like peanut butter
>What does the vagina feel like
You will never know, OP
Buy watermelon, cut in half and bake in oven till warm, cut hole slightly smaller than dick.
I never done this but people say it feels the same.
It's awesome, the first time I did it I was 24 and I came after 3 pumps
like warm apple pie
doesn't feel like much really
It feels stupid.
Literally, your intelligence just crawls away into the shadows while your body rails a goddamn baby into a total goddamn stranger and you don't even realize what's happening until it's too fucking late and the pleasure is just a memory but you're fucked. FUCKED.
Being a bastard factory isn't worth it.