Why do you hate Donald J. Trump?
Give me genuine reasons why.
Maybe you can change my mind.
Why do you hate Donald J. Trump?
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He rascist!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!1!
idek where the libtards get that shit from.
he's only racist now because he ran against and ultimately beat Hillary.
do they believe this because CNN and MSNBC told them so?
How can one hate a narcissistic fool?
what makes him narcissistic?
his policies are working and you hate the fact America loves Trump.
How does that make him narcissistic?
That's not how things work around here.
I hate all fat people
any educated person hates him
he's too amazing
says the jealous little faggot
yet you are fat
he won the white educated vote actually
rednecks aren’t what i’d consider educated but okay
He's called racist because he campaigned heavily on stopping illegal immigration, deporting illegals and building a wall to keep them out, as per federal law. This angers the 1%/kikes/globalists, as they need the cheap labor and leftist voters to push their agenda. Not seeing that made leftists lose all credibility to me, it's an absolute joke to think these billionaires 'care' about the plight of economic migrants or that democrats care beyond the vote they will automatically pay out.
You're on the wrong board, Sparky.
I don't. he's probably the first actually elected president since JFK
This ain't /pol/ kid
i don't hate him, he's certainly a funny ass fucking fool sometimes and maybe that's why i don't care.
Not an argument.
he's a narcissistic douche-bag and a crooked businessman. I've hated that sleaze since weak "reality" show
>his policies are working
thanks Obama
>he won the white educated vote actually
Illegals have had an identity crisis lately, I would question it too.
We got a meme warrior in here folks... Might as well just pack it up.
need pics and big letters for trumptards to get it
One cannot defend himself against the Jew. He attacks with lightning speed from his position of safety and uses his abilities to crush any attempt at defense. Quickly he turns the attacker's charges back on him and the attacker becomes the liar, the troublemaker, the terrorist.
there's a reason why the MSM is constantly pushing misinformation.
let's not pretend like Clinton and Obama never paid for sex; only difference is Trump's whore were adults.
have you read the leaked emails? they spent millions of dollars on "hotdogs" for Obama
No, you just have nothing to say, no defensible positions and no salient plans.
>Trump's whore were adults.
sure kid
He's a subhuman driven only by keeping the world talking about him.
As a businessman, his brand is centered around people making his name synonymous with wealth and success, but his reputation is that of a grifter that ham fists a project as quickly and cheaply as possible while investing a great deal of his resources into a team of lawyers for his perennial legal troubles.
For example, he built Trump Tower in NYC ostensibly to be the premier condominium of the city. So did he use "only the best" people to ensure his vision was met? No.
He hired a 2nd rate contractor for the initial demolitions required. The laborers consisted of undocumented Poles who were forced to clear tons of asbestos ridden debris, often without heavy equipment or even helmets, for 4 dollars an hour. And Trump welched on their payment, leading to a decade long lawsuit that involved him testifying in court that he never even saw the work take place (bullshit). It was settled.
For a man that wants to be known around the world as a billionaire, he goes to cartoonish lengths to hide his finances, including abusing his powers as President.
What can be found in public record is a corporation that can only exist on massive loans, which he no longer can qualify for in the United States.
>According to Nav, The Trump Organization, Inc.’s business credit score is a 19 out of 100 as of Sept. 23, 2016, which puts it below the national average score by more than 30 points. The Nav report said the score indicates the Trump Organization “is very likely to default on its credit payments” and that “this will make it difficult to get financing.” It puts Trump’s Organization in a “medium-to-high risk” category.
>“Payment status is the most important factor when it comes to business credit scores, accounting for approximately 50% or more of the score,” Detweiler said. The Trump Organization’s payment history shows it pays an average of 26 days beyond terms (DBT), compared to the national average of 12 DBT.
the majority of white educated voters supported him
I’m frustrated with him because he types seemingly random and often contradictory things on his Twitter. He plays ridiculous amounts of golf while in officeand even got a golf machine installed in the White House to try and hide it. The golf thing unto itself is no problem, but my issue there is that the amount he’s played has been a decent chunk of his time as president. Finally, due to his murky past as well as in-general behavior towards other candidates regardless of race or sex, I struggle to view him as someone worth representing me.
Those are my thoughts, take em or leave em.
if you’re calling rednecks educated then that’s a you problem
Unironically he is a kike puppet, just like Hillary.
>billionaire who hides his tax returns
so what?
>billionaire who hides his grades
and Obama was the affirmative action president
>business man who bankrupted a casino
if at first you don't succeed try try again. he also employs 20,000 people
>playboy who pays for sex
Stormy says he didn't pay for sex. He paid hush money so she wouldn't talk about it.
>Christian who doesn't go to Church
Obama went to watch a pastor who preached "God damn America"
>philanthropist who defrauds charity
at least he gives to charity unlike Bernie who gives jack shit. he donates his entire presidential salary and that's just a tiny portion of what he gives
>patriot who dodged the draft
liberals hated the Vietnam War and would burn their draft cards now you change your tone cause of Trump
>innocent man who refuses to testify
why should he have to? fifth amendment.
>so what?
So there's no proof he's actually a billionaire.
what are you not understanding? The majority of educated white voters supported Trump
what are you not understanding? that’s false.
>he's a subhuman
you're confusing him with you
Forbes says he's worth 3.4 billion
Sources: Shit media shills
Sources needed.
Nobody on Yea Forums is to be conviced of anything, also this thread is full of autism-cheering as if its funny. Unironically thinking the tone deaf retard of a president is anything other than a senile dumb cunt is either evidence that you dont have the ability to make informed choices or your so ingrained in the "us vs them" that you literally will eat shit and die to "own the libs".
So when Trump first came around I saw him as a meme but got excited when he said he was going to go after pharma, hedge funds, our insane tax system, and drain the swamp/not take lobbyists and he did none of that at all ever.
Don't hate him as much as I did at the start but I wish he kept a few promises that got swept away by people screaming about building a wall and keeping muslims out. I most likely will not vote for him but I'm not going to go stab people in MAGA hats if he wins. I do like a conservative president with a democratic congress. Shit barely happens anyway but conservative presidents are like pitbulls with a liberal congress tossing in some stuff I like into bills.
I don't have that much respect for him with his name calling and rallies he had after he won, he defenitely isn't Hitler but his ego is bigger than McCain's brain tumor was.
inb4: reddit spacing
Get some original insults you fucking summerfags
>saying forbes is credible
I dont particularly hate him but denying climate change is going to be the cause of our death. Then again he's kinda old and dumb so I'm not sure we can hold it against him... though he IS the most powerful person in the world right now, he has some obligation in that front.
>a trump supporter using CNN as a source
now we know you’re just trolling.
I guess you can stay up late during the summer. Really falling for obvious fucking bait?
And he's lied to forbes in the past. Forbes can only base on what numbers he's provided, which are typically inflated.
>Trump delights in the sort of elaborate shell games and impenetrably complex deals that frustrate the most conscientious efforts to assess a person's true worth. "It's always good to do things nice and complicated," he once told an interviewer, "so that nobody can figure it out."
>That difficulty is compounded by Trump's astonishing ability to prevaricate. . . .
>[W]hen Trump says he owns 10% of the Plaza Hotel, understand that what he actually means is that he has the right to 10% of the profit if it's ever sold. When he says he's building a "90-story building" next to the U.N., he means a 72-story building that has extra-high ceilings.
This is part of a lawsuit, which Trump started, where an author attempted to ascertain his actual wealth. This was Trump's testimony.
He also said vaccines cause autism, I think its still on his twitter.
Q Now, Mr. Trump, have you always been completely truthful in your public statements about your net worth of properties?
A I try.
Q Have you ever not been truthful?
A My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings, but I try.
Q Let me just understand that a little bit. Let's talk about net worth for a second. You said that the net worth goes up and down based upon your own feelings?
A Yes, even my own feelings, as to where the world is, where the world is going, and that can change rapidly from day to day. Then you have a September 11th, and you don't feel so good about yourself and you don't feel so good about the world and you don't feel so good about New York City. Then you have a year later, and the city is as hot as a pistol. Even months after that it was a different feeling.
So yeah, even my own feelings affect my value to myself.
Q When you publicly state what you're worth, what do you base that number on?
A I would say it's my general attitude at the time that the question may be asked. And as I say, it varies.
Further, as defendants note in their brief, other sources recognized the difficulty of estimating Trump's net worth and the wide spread of plausible values. Defendants quote a September 9, 2004 article in The Washington Post, which stated:
Actually, it's hard to know exactly what percent of Trump's net worth is tied to the casino business, because most of Trump's portfolio is in privately held companies that don't report earnings. He's described himself as "a billionaire many times over," but who knows? There are skeptics out there who believe Trump has $300 million, tops. And the guy has a reputation for, let's say, shading the news in a light that reflects his enthusiasms.
fake news, here’s the actual facts
These are legit criticisms and somewhat removed from politics. He just failed to the same people he's supposed to be protecting by saying those things.
But of course he also fails them in many other ways. Who the fuck thought having dick-swinging fights with China and Mexico was a good idea?
I mean do we really care though? Trumpers think he is the godking of America and any evidence he is broke will be taken as fake news. If evidence came out that he wasn't liberals would call it propaganda. Its obvious he is a fucking slimeball when it comes to his business side but every person is business is a slimeball.
Based on 3014 votes? Hardly a representative.
pew research is one of the most credible sources out there unlike CNN
He engages in the same game of smoke as mirrors as President. Typically fucks up everything, does some questionable if not outright illegal shit to save face, then takes credit for mediocrities.
Also this.
I don’t. I hate the people who won’t shut the fuck up about him. It’s virtually impossible to go a single day without hearing someone lauding or criticizing him at some point. Four years now, every day, trump this trump that.
>if a rich person does something charitable, he's obviously a good person
I've been investing since 2014 and I'm switching my major over to become a broker so basically I just care about shit that will affect the economy. I have only 6k invested right now (I sold a lot when I drove around cross country for 3 months to pay for shit) but I'd like to double it next year after we see if the bubble will finally pop.
I'm only 20 so still on Daddy's insurance and since I'm not really thrown into the fray of complicated taxes or worrying about insurance I think my opinion holds less weight. I just feel like garbage that my mom can barely pay for Trumpcare. Her and I both were in psych wards a few times and it costs over 2k a day to stay in one. She has a lot of psych meds now that she needs a psychiatrist to perscribe so she is fucked if she loses insurance. Thats the biggest reason I will not vote for him next election.
Eh I wouldn't say every president. I mean soooo many people suck Reagan's dick hard but he basically commited high treason. He easily should have been impeached and thrown in jail but there was so much gross and shady coverup.
I hate Reagan by the way, he is 100% to blame for the fuck ton of debt we have right now. I'd say he is easily in the top 5 of worst presidents.
You can just slash out all that Jewish shit. Jews are the most racist clan of people in the entire world. Yea Forums mostly memes on race but like I live in New York, I've been around these people, and fuck do they look down on everyone else.
Israel is a whole nother can of worms, they do the most questionable shit but we keep pumping in money because we created it as a satellite state and fuck if we are going to lose our access into the middle east.
nobody educated likes reagan
>Eh I wouldn't say every president.
you misread, I was only talking about Trump.
It’s nit hard to figure out he’s a billionare. Just take the top 5 most valuable properties he’s invested in, and the percentage of each property is over a billion. That’s just 5 buildings and not even full ownership of them. He owns 70% of 1290 ave use of the americas, and that alone is over 1 bil
Sorry, I haven't slept in 18 hours. To become president you have to suck everyone's dick and claw your way to become the nominee. Trump resisted at the beginning but in the end every lobbyist blew a big juicy load on his face. Every modern president is shady as hell.
You'd be surprised. My friend is a huge Reagen lover and he got his bachelors in poly sci in 2 years at a pretty solid NY university. Not a hard major but still impressive.
You forgot about debt buddy ol pal.
And I mean you can spend a billion dollars on Goku action figures but if something is hard to liquidate does it really count?
That doesn't mean anything if he required loans to acquire those properties, combined with them or other enterprises not turning a profit or even sinking money.
I'd say Trump's unique in his corruption in that it's so brazen to the point of not even making sense. He hires literally anyone that kisses his ass, and has spent over 100 million dollars in taxpayer money traveling to HIS own golf courses.
well "native americans" are essentially flat nosed mexicans. the spanish fucked their species into the ground so they arent really that off.
Educated people are some of the stupidest people when it comes to politics and real life matters. Reagan was a great President.
is this your evidence against? a occupy democrats meme? honestly?
Like, I'm not even a fan of trump. I voted for Johnson because I figured I'd rather throw my vote away than vote for a dummy or Clinton. But this isn't even a good point. He's pretty much outing Epstein as a pedo, but also protecting himself for a lawsuit for calling someone a pedo. I mean, there must be just as much evidence of trump's visiting Epstein's island as there is old Billy boy going right? Certainly is trump was a pedo too, fucking underaged girls on the Lolita express or his private island, then there would flight logs and what not; like there is to prove bill Clinton went there numerous times.
why is it that leftists are never able to present anything of value? you're just as retarded as the trumptards.
out of curiosity, do you honestly think Hillary Clinton would've made a better president? you also didn't answer user's questions about the leaked emails. why would they spend so much money on hotdogs? why were there children brought for entertainment?
by your logic you must be the most educated person in the world
In truth a cabinet does operate in whatever way the president wants. Thats why I think the UK has a bit better of a setup in their executive branch with Parliament. And I mean yes but so many government workers do the same shit and so do businesses that write it off as a business expense. Everyone does it, not worth getting worked up about it. It will never change, its human nature to take as much as possible.
Shut up faggot, its bait.
How? He commited high treason with the Iran-Contra scandal (where he gave a fuck ton of weapons to the people who flew planes into the twin towers) and tanked our economy by increasing government spending to an insane degree while slashing taxes. He also started the basis for war on drugs. That shit is skimmed over by Reagan lovers completely.
>who flew planes into the twin towers
I think you're confusing Saudi Arabia with the US Embassy hostage taking.
Hes pretty sexy
Iran gave a fuck ton of supplies and support to Al-Qaeda
Because he's a whore.
dont hate him. but his policy is made for short term gains and will lead the rest of the world away from the usa into the arms of russia and china.
oooh they were only pretending to be retarded to trick us.
makes sense. he's the only president in history to be "pro-marriage-equality" prior to taking office.
can you elaborate?
very similar to when comey said that Clinton wouldn't be charged for her private server and destroying evidence, but if anyone else were to do it they would have been. that's not word for word mind you, but he did in fact say if it were anyone else they'd be arrested
This. His transition from power is bound to be an ugly unwinding, once the really rich grifters who found him a most useful idiot, toss him aside like they do with absolutely everyone else who's past their usefulness to them.
there is more to the economy than just new jobs.
He is not our friend we don't know him maybe melania does but we don't so fuck him and the rest too. As always personal army request denied I m not taking part in any meme army fuck this shit
And Al Qaeda were our heroes at the time.
You're ignoring the context, but really every nation in the middle east funds what we define as terrorism. It's not a good argument.
Congress banned supporting Contra because they were trafficking drugs and other shady shit. My point was more on the blatant treason where Reagan continued to sell weapons to another country illegally.
Same guy who just responded but ya hindsight is a bitch but focus more on the illegal sale of weapons not as much as to who
It was a scheme that involved appeasing a nation that kept over 100 americans hostage. Using commies in the cocaine trade was one piece of a stupid puzzle.
Cause I personally hold bitcoin and this fucko is playing jew tricks with the shit
Muricans are stupid, they have the false image of him to be a really successful businessman (thinking he can make "America great again") but all his success comes from his father, trying to run his casinos he went bankrupt lots of times... And guess what? Daddy to the rescue, even he allied with russian mafia to get up from the bankrupt (and to fuck up Hilary with the mail stuff), also his frustrated dream was to be an actor, he likes to be in the spotlight of every media, that's why he is a narcissistic faggot who talks shit and is racist as fuck and as a president is fucking up global economy, but sure you don't care because muricans are self centered trying to build an useless wall instead of tackling real issues like controlling guns (which will make drug cartels job harder without those guns).