I have a 4 page essay due in 4 hours and i havent started yet

i have a 4 page essay due in 4 hours and i havent started yet

Attached: babby.jpg (385x383, 19K)

Do your homework, then come back later

what's the topic?

I'm so happy that I have a degree and a real job now so when I go home I don't have any pointless bullshit essays to worry about.

give up motherfucker

Y'know, I just might do that.
Thanks user.

John Locke's idea of the state of nature VS the state of man & govt.

If you can write/shitpost what's on your mind for 4 pages of empty content you can write an essay that's better than CNN news

i like this idea

That really isn't saying much but your encouragement is appreciated nonetheless

> obscure shit that's only on your textbook and notes from class of whatever bullshit propaganda theteacher was paid to spue

You should have gotten the gist of the agenda they're pushing. Pretend to be on their side and fuck your essay and your class.

Just do it. Just write and take the grade the bitch gives you. You don't have to get it perfect with quality content or 100% accuracy of what the liberal thinks is right or what she taught.

Guaranteed there's a faggot favorite or group of queers in your class that tries less and gets better grades than you.

John locke is English ralph Waldo emerson poetry shit. What I'm saying is it really doesn't matter.

I look back to a test i had in calculus and listening to my father going to san Antonio. All that matters is your highschool diploma this shit is worthless.

Go do drugs or something your friends will set you up with a job.

Can you look it up on wikipedia? Or Google and just write empty filler and regurgitate trash?

If the answer is no you're better than that and this is the case.

what agenda

Attached: syllabus.png (1376x736, 1.68M)

yea you're fucked

Studying there's always memes that they keep bringing up.

Look in your notes for that. Mention all of the memes and your understanding of them with your best left and filler bullshit. Guaranteed 90.

If you could write faggots blah blah blah and niggers gud those are the only 2 right answers.

School is a joke. Nobody gives a fuck about Johnny to make you go further than the wikipedia page


Wow. In what kind of inception do these niggers expect you to write a scholarship winning essay. Don't work for these niggers say fuck you.

You're literally appealing to a mentally ill person.

Bro it's trash. Fuck them.

4 pages is not that much give them 2 and make a 20

Let us write it, I mean who knows better than us?

>not pushing a left-wing agenda
>single out and misrepresent right-wing media IN THE FUCKING SYLLABUS

Transparent as glass.

Shit that woulda been a good idea
Will remember for my next essay due next week

Sounds like a cocksucker too that will be an even bigger bitch taking it out on the children like a catholic priest and how much they project on them.
He had me at academics.
Appealing to a mentally ill faggot OP. Fuck these people. In the bible they're wicked. In a videogame zombies ate my neighbors they're worth 10 points.

Literally witches or the people that get it in horror movies.

You just gave us the topic. Just start by writing a run on sentence and paragraph and edit it if you must make it presentable from 8 pages to 4 with the best words.

You know the professor, kiss ass with your filler and empty words. See how much of a cocksucker he is in his little comments.

Close this tab in your browser, find something on the web, plagiarize. Stop wasting your time on Yea Forums looking for support and comfort. GTFO get the work done

Have you started your essay yet?

We're making progress.

Attached: essay.png (1703x1011, 151K)

>I will suck you off bigtime for an A

just go with a lot of random bullshit like "social constructs have their value since state of nature would dictate rape all day erry'day"


Aww. Was supposed to be ASCII spurdo

Add ascii spurdo. good for half a page

my erection is hard is mighty when thrusting 8nto my favourite anime pillow.

Edit: when two people come into a social contract a blank occurs.

One a is a blank and one c is a different circumstancial occurrence. Why is this so?

One more paragraph of a bullshit explanation plus filler and big words. Verbose mode for Mr. Cocksucker

As professor cockmongler mentioned blablah

Professor cockmongler says blah blah blah

Try to link a man shitting on a tree lockes natural man who shits eats and fucks. To Immanuel kant's communism.

Literally communism and /pol/ without the racism or giving it away.

> college philosophy 33311

Fuck you nigger.

Write that.

Hey, thanks a ton you guys.

I was really beginning to worry about my grade in this class. But, I think with Yea Forums's help, there just might be hope for me yet.

Attached: essay.png (1730x1608, 556K)

If this doesn't get an A+, universities are fucked.

The greatest story ever told!

Make sure you reference that shit properly dude, you don’t want to lose marks cos your Harvard formatting on the bibliography was off.