This confuses and angers the cutfag

>This confuses and angers the cutfag

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the dry glans happens in either situation whether the foreskin is clipped or not. Having foreskin does NOT give you a perfectly moisturized pink glans. Sorry virgin cut fags.

Nigga, you wrong.
>be uncut


dumb cut nigger pretending he knows about penises.

the people that frequent this website are so fucking retarded. the shit you morons will argue/talk about is such a waste of time

>Caring this much about other men's cocks
Niggas you gay

Lol bro from what world are you ?

Different fag here. What he said is 100% correct. I'm from a country where only muslims mutilate their childrens dick (and well, medical reasons.. but pretty rare). I've seen more dicks I can count and prob seen maybe five cut dicks in my life that werent niggers...

The real difference in the pictures is the amount of blood inside the glans.. aka the erection. Penis has that pattern because it has to be able to expand when you get erection without the skin tearing.. Look at your knees faggot. No, they are not going to get erect, hopefully. But if you are not a retard you'll understand

Anatomy 101 faggot

It does act like a second head though when the skin is not cut giving the girl extra stimulation on her g spot.
Also the guy who wanted to make everyone get cut wanted to cut off all the girls clits. Wtf right?

another thread where op and fag friends can't stop thinking about cock, what's new

Uhh, what are you talking about. One would think that cut penis actually increases the stimuli the girl is going to get because, compared to uncut, there is no skin that can "slide" and thus greatly reduce the friction. Fags and grills who have given head / handjob know what im talking about

I am by no means saying cut is better than uncut or that being cut or uncut would actually make a difference in the pleasure the girl is getting. Just saying that IF there was a difference, then..

What in the actual fuck are you talking about you raggedy ass fuck llama?

>My nut is definitely better than other people's nut
Just enjoy the nut

When i call out cutfags they react the same way a white boi reacts when i tell them im superior to them. You can literally smell the cope and desperation off their posts...

dude, they literally cut material off your cock.

with the same penis, the uncut guy is putting more material into the vagina.

it's pretty advanced stuff here.

>I've seen more dicks than I can count

Ha. Faggot.

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Nothing confusing or angering about having to have extra maintenance on you dick.

We were born with foreskins for a reason. Nuff said...

One problem, foreskin doesn't get erect. It's loose skin around the penish

forskin literally makes my entire dick thicker. theres no extra maintenice bro i dont know where people even got that from. being uncut has nothing but benefits

>extra maintenance

Spotted the nasty nigga who doesn't wash his dick.

no its not faggot. it expands around your dick real tight. theres no slipping or slideing

If only the amount of materia inside the pussy was all girls cared about then pump-up dildos would be darn popular. The amount of skin cut is prob less than 2% of the total volume of the penis. I am not mutilated myself but dont see how more skin helps with anything. It sure does help with the sexy times if the hole aint lubricated enough, tho!

Ever been to a locker / changing room?

You a damn lie

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Oh, so you're a peter gazer? I stand by what I said.

Wish I could live in one...

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Ever tried not looking at cocks? You know you can just not look at them, right?

Imagine having the eye sight of a working horse

if your 85-90% hard it doesnt slide around. the foreskin goes behind the head of your penis and the head expands to keep the forskin from going over it

That depends on genetics.. Some people have excess foreskin, some have it real tight. So you guys are both correct!

Imagine giving a fuck about what girls think about your penis.
Pro tip: they don't give a fuck unless she's stacy

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Imagine resisting your gay urges and not staring at cocks.

pics or it didn't happen

imagine having gay urges

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That is your penis. Mine, completely average in every way, still has enough foreskin to cover most of the glans unless more erect than natural (cock rings etc)

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Why do you care so much if I like looking at the cocks of others or not? Imagine being that insecure

>cock rings

How does that shit not hurt? If my cock is too erect, it's actually uncomfortable for me.

Dude I didn't know cut dicks looked like that, shits grossssss, how tf are people gonna say uncircumsized is gross??

exactly they are fucking retarded no women is going to want to fuck them unless they are from jewmerica or the middle east

Because we're the guys that you share the locker room with, faggot.

Most underrated post on this thread

Okay little Timmy, I know they probably don't know what sexual education is in your country but that is completely fine. I will keep it simple!

Penis, a sex organ that those born male have, has a neat little trick you will learn once you hit puberty! It can actually expand by stopping blood from exciting the penis and trapping inside something that we call erectile tissue. This causes the penis to grow both longer and thicker, and this is what we call an erection.

Now look at your arm. It has rather smooth skin right? Now, try to pick or pull it. Not much to grab right? Thats because there is no need for excess skin there!

Now, look at your elbow or knees. First, keep your arm / leg straight. See all those wrinkles and the pattern your skin makes? Now bend your arm/leg. See? The wrinkles are gone and the looks relatively smooth! Imagine if you didnt have all that excess skin. Bending your limbs would be close to impossible!

Now, look at your little boy penis Timmy. See, its not erect. See the glans has a pattern. No, it doesnt matter if its dry or moist, it will still have that pattern. Now, if you were to get an erection, your penis would expand and both its volume and surface area would increase. Yea I know Timmy, big words. Remember what happened with your elbows and knees? Good! So can you tell what would happen to your glans? Yes that is correct, Timmy! It would be smooth as all the skin (actually mucosa but that would be another big word for Timmy and he already learned enough!) would stretch and hide all those weird wrinkles!

That, Timmy, was what I was talking about.

Ahh, fresh pasta.

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That actually does happen. It will hurt if you keep it for too long or the ring doesn't allow enough blood flow. Feels kinda the same when you have masturbated too much the same day.. Shit gets tender.

That's what I figured. Worth it though?