Do you like tall girls?

do you like tall girls?

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no, smol

I prefer them short.

tall girls are a fetish of mine. make me weak in the knees

cocks make you weak in the knees

depends on the cock. I am bi. would love to have a tall girl peg the fuck out of me

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I have recently, but they have to be taller then me 6ft3 and up . I fucked this girl who was 6ft5 and it was amazing, super long legs


Pocket Pet > Giantess

5'6 - 5'8 (I'm 6') is perfect. Short girls in my experience seem to be a bit more slutty and a bit more dramatic - short people always seem to have a massive chip on their shoulder/something to prove.
Really tall girls sometimes feel a bit masculine, simply because they're never petite.

Tiffany mason

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Yes , but only if they're cute and skinny

>Really tall girls sometimes feel a bit masculine, simply because they're never petite.
Are they more fun to hang out with?

yes. they're fun af to drink with.


Im 6'5". So, yes

I either like them short (under 5')
Very tall. Knew a girl who was over 7' once. Even though she was lanky with odd proportions I thought she was hot as fuck. She wouldn't have anything to do with shorter guys though.

>Knew a girl who was over 7' once. Even though she was lanky with odd proportions I thought she was hot as fuck. She wouldn't have anything to do with shorter guys though.
I'm about 5'2, so would tall chicks always cuck midgets like me?

most of the time, yes.
but some of them have a fetish for tiny men.
just like how some tall guys have a fetish for tiny girls.


Tallest girl i had was 5'10 and it was fun.
Skinny and slender, but she was the opposite of dead fish

I had a friend in high school who was on the basketball team. Gorgeous face, godlike ass, tits that could make you weep for joy, and no dates. She was 6 foot 3. One night she called me in tears, some guy she asked out called her big and ugly. It was a four alarm ice cream alert. I stoppwd at the store and got Death by chocolate and headed over. The whole night was her stripping and begging me to tell her the truth of whether she was beautiful or not. Lots of icecream and snuggling later she was liking what i was doing with her naughty bits and letting me do anal. Yeah, i made her feel beautiful. She found the guy the next day and told him just how fucking horny thinking about getting fucked in the ass made her, then decked him as he stood there slack jawed. BTW, got to fuck her again that night.

I fucked this really tall chick back in uni.

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i hope that's true

I prefer all normal sizes if women. But I do like the thought of dating a taller woman, it kind of sounds empowering.

I 100% sure her legs are 2 smaller girls. WTF

kuck detected

Yeah but I'm 5'8 and every girl who's like 5'9-6'0 wants someone 6'0+

How so?

Yeah she was pretty thick but the best lay I've ever had honestly

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>it kind of sounds empowering

This is from the show Lunatics you fucking dweeb.

The fuck are you talking about crazy person

I see how that sounds cucky, but don't you feel great taking down something bigger than you?

Tall women birth tall sons.

Sometimes. My mum's 5'11, my dad's 6'0, I'm 5'8, below average in the UK. Was kind of malnourished as a kid though.

when you put it that way, I guess

That is how I was putting it


My last gf was 5'11 and I'm a 5'7 manlet so the height difference was noticeable as hell. Didn't bother us though.